Monday, April 14, 2014

when elderly IQ-75 L00ZERS go wrong..., (I'm guessing that solves the random highway shootings too)

WaPo | The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a respected activist organization that tracks hate crimes and racist activities, said the man arrested and identified by police as Frazier Glenn Cross is actually Frazier Glenn Miller. Miller, the SPLC said, founded and ran the Carolina Klan before he was sued by the SPLC “for operating an illegal paramilitary organization and using intimidation tactics against African Americans.”

He later founded another Klan outfit, the White Patriot Party, which put him in violation of the terms that settled the suit brought by the SPLC. He was found in criminal contempt in 1986 and served six months in prison. He moved underground while out on bond and was caught in Missouri with other Klansmen with a reserve of weapons, the SPLC stated.

The next year, he pleaded guilty to a weapons charge. He was indicted for plotting to obtain stolen military weapons, and for planning robberies and the assassination of the SPLC founder Morris Dees. As part of a plea deal, he testified against other Klan leaders and received a five-year sentence. He served only three years, the SPLC stated.

In 2010, Miller ran for the U.S. Senate, and in 2006, he ran for the U.S. House, inciting fear among voters when his ads urged whites to “take the country back” from Jews and “mud people,” according to news reports.

Frazier Glenn Cross was booked into the Johnson County jail after 8:30 p.m. Sunday on suspicion of premeditated first-degree murder, according to the booking report.

A public records search shows he has used both names. And in a statement released Sunday night, the SPLC said it was able to identify Cross as Miller after a telephone conversation with his wife, Marge. She told the SPLC Miller had gone to a local casino Saturday afternoon. He called Sunday to tell her his winnings were up.

Police went to her home Sunday night to tell her Miller was arrested for the shootings.

Miller is a longtime anti-Semite. His Web site, with the headline, “Hey Whitey, Why Don’t You And Your Friends Build Your Own White Club? It’s Not Against The Law To Be White, Yet,” features photos of “white power” marches and radio interviews.

During a segment on an African American radio talk show, he told the host: “I just started [Carolina Knights] with three men … and by the time they threw me in prison six years later, I had built the largest white activist organization in the United States with over 5,000 strong.”

According to the SPLC, Miller claimed he read his first racist newspaper, called The Thunderbolt, in the 1970s. According to Miller, within two minutes, he knew he “had found a home within the American White Movement. I was ecstatic,” the SPLC reported.


BigDonOne said...

That must be why a group that is 13% of the population is 50% of the jail-prison inmates...??

CNu said...

And were 100% of the slave population not that many generations ago..., if cops policed the white majority with the same level of intensity that they have policed the inner city for the retail drug trade, then the U.S. prison population would be three times its current size and overwhelmingly white. Was Cletus shooting up innocent boys and grandfathers in KC kin to you?

Vic78 said...

I have a question. It's related to the post where Dyson and West are arguing. Why is no one on MSNBC talking about Murray's leftward pivot? Who gives a shit what Jon Chait thinks about race? He's a moron. At this point more than enough people know conservatives ain't shit. All we can do about them at this point is limit the damage they've caused. There's nothing to talk about at this point.

Will the racism patrol ever stop crying and take advantage of the improved landscape? They went all in on Chait knowing he's full of shit. I noticed the title's called last gasp. So, when do they go out to pasture?

Makheru Bradley said...

If Crime Has Gone Down, Why Has the U.S. Prison Population Skyrocketed?

Constructive_Feedback said...

Brother CNu:

But WHAT MEASURE do you state that the "Southern Poverty Law Center" is RESPECTED?

Respected BY WHOM?

Does it bother you that they do not include one single "Street Pirate Gang" in their list? (Crips, Bloods,Vice Lords, Black P-Stones, Latin Kings)

They do have "The Nation Of Islam" listed as a "hate group" but to my knowledge the NOI has never killed anyone.

CNu said...

lol, several of them are here everyday like clockwork Vic. one or two are here more than I am. they're now well aware of the extremely low regard in which they're held by some of the smartest kids in the classroom. It's one thing to be disdained by the simple-minded and sold-out kneegrow conservative. It's a whole other thing to be publicly called to task by folks with impeccable black-partisan credentials who are demonstrably much much smarter than you are.

CNu said...

Leaving aside Malcolm X - and not counting any casualties that may have accrued from eating a bean pie kept out in the sweltering midday sun too long...., but I quibble. The Washington Post called the SPLC respected, so I'm a go with the editorial board of the WaPo, Jeff Bezos, and the establishment elites for whom that paper is intended.

CNu said...

You've gotta be kidding. On the basis of body count alone, the gangs eclipse anything cletus and cooter ever thought about doing. Not only that, cletus and cooter don't run anything on a high-level from the prison system. I bet they track the Aryan Brotherhood, and that's nothing but a racialized criminal gang.

Makheru Bradley said...

U.S. Press Once Again Declines to Call White Terrorism in Kansas, Nevada, White Terrorism

ken said...

Boehner facing opponent who isn't afraid to let the blood flow this election.

CNu said...

Good one!

CNu said...

Vic, "street" gangs have been vying for control of the Mexican state now for the past decade. Potshots at paper hats is strictly for the "caught-up" and the amateur. Displacing the deep state/elite rule of a sovereign nation is a whole other level of the game. Take two tablets of American Me and call me in the morning.

anti cracker said...

and who are "smartest kids in the classroom"?

"black-partisan", and who represents them on here?

all i see is a bouquet of fat integrationist.

CNu said...

I just love throwing a sharp hard rock at a pack of monkeys flinging feces. It never fails that the one who gets hit yelps in startled agony....,

Well hello anti-coon. Been a minute since we last smelt you sniffing about our hindquarters.

How're things down in the bowels of the monkey house?

Tom said...

" the Obama years have been defined by a bitter disagreement over the size of government, which quickly reduces to an argument over whether the recipients of big-government largesse deserve it."

Fair enough, conservatives favor an ever-mushrooming big government and distribution of big-government largesse to the military, while liberal candidates tend to keep government about the same size. But when has there been any serious discussion -- let alone bitter disagreement -- about military budgets during this adminstration? I must have missed the whole thing.

Makheru Bradley said...

Veterans and White Supremacy:

The Fort Bragg Connection

[The Army discharged Glenn Miller, a sergeant with the 82nd Airborne Division, for distributing racist literature in 1979. While stationed at Ft. Bragg, in 1992, Green Beret Sgt. Steven Barry forms Special Forces Underground, a white supremacist organization for active duty and veteran Special Forces soldiers. By 1995 Neo-Nazis lived and recruited openly in Ft. Bragg, distributing materials and hanging swastika flags over their bunks. That December three of those Nazis were arrested in the random murder of a black couple in Fayetteville, NC, carried out to earn their spider web tattoos, a racist badge of honor for killing non-whites. Randy Meadows testified against James Burmeister and Malcolm Wright, who were sentenced to life in prison. Another 19 Fort Bragg paratroopers are discharged for participating in Neo-Nazi activities. One of Burmeister's recruits, Wade Michael Page, murdered six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin on August 5, 2012.]

These guys are like bomblets from cluster munitions, spread out all over the country, ready to explode.

ken said...

Why aren't you considering the sequester as a tool that is cutting military spending?

Tom said...

I'm open to the idea. Can you show me a link to some bitter complaints against high military spending coming from the people behind the sequester?

Reaganomics means simply run big budget deficits and spend the money on the military. In the 1980s everybody knew that. It was Reagan's platform. Thirty-four years later, we're going bankrupt buying tanks and planes. But now we have a solution -- pretend it's not happening.

Vic78 said...

There's a pattern for the people they usually put on...

Musk To Rehire Marko Elez

WaPo  |   Elon Musk, the head of the U.S. DOGE Service, announced Friday that he would rehire a staffer who resigned after he was tied to...