Sunday, April 27, 2014

babylon bubbling...,

cnn |  The racism controversy embroiling Don Sterling, the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, has reached half way around the world to Malaysia, where President Obama is on a diplomatic mission to Asia Pacific nations.

At a press conference with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak Sunday, Obama was asked about racist comments Sterling allegedly made about African Americans.

"When ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don't really have to do anything, you just let them talk. That's what happened here," the President said.

Obama also said Sterling's alleged comments are an example of how "the United States continues to wrestle with the legacy of race and slavery and segregation."

"That's still there, the vestiges of discrimination. We've made enormous strides, but you're going to continue to see this percolate up every so often," Obama said in Malaysia.

Sterling, who has owned the basketball franchise for nearly three decades, is now under investigation by the NBA over the alleged comments.

According to the website TMZ, Sterling made the discriminatory remarks during a 10-minute argument he had with girlfriend V. Stiviano on April 9. TMZ posted a recording of the argument online Friday.

If authentic, the remarks seem to reflect Sterling's embarrassment and frustration with Stiviano over her associating with African-Americans at Clippers games and for posting such pictures on her Instagram account.


CNu said...

lol, Bro. Makheru - the irony is fast-paced hereabouts. Let me slow it down for you. The only adjective applied to Msr. Bullock which was of any consequence was gun-toting.

The rest was mockery of the useless young inheritors of your silly-assed gas.

BigDonOne said...

OTOH, the Emperor has no clothes...

Ed Dunn said...

In California, hoes "trickin" a married man has civil liabilities a wife can pursue against the mistress. What interesting was her Deliah ability to get this old school anti-minority Jewish racist to speak and capture on tape what was supposed to be a coded secret between these bigots and their non-Jewish whore of color - dont associate with her kind if she wants access to him. The magic johnson angle is shallow - I couldnt pay a black whore to do what she did for free to get this on tape...

CNu said...

lol, is that Gloria Allred I hear coming in fast?

Vic78 said...

I don't think she did it for free. She could be looking at a very generous settlement. I doubt Sterling wants to be a part of a high profile civil suit. He can pay for all the pain and suffering he's caused.

CNu said...

"pain and suffering" ta loco..., the only pain and suffering this filthy old reptile hasn't already paid handsomely for is the billions of dollars of paim and suffering he'll cause if he starts naming the namea of the other filthy old lizards who blow up his phone and break his balls for not being able to better manage his plantation...,

Vic78 said...

You think he'll start snitching? Reminds me of a song"...and it was all good just a week ago."

CNu said...

tee,hee,hee..., acute, induced, cardiac arrhythmia....,

Ed Dunn said...

I'm hoping he going to pull a Brietbart move and start taking up jogging..

Ed Dunn said...

Vic78....Sterling do not have the money to pay for the damage he caused. We talking licensing deals or future licensing deals, ad spots already bought with a promise audience, vendors, tickets, etc..China expansion and the ability for the Clippers to get a good contract because now their stock is low....and we haven't even begun to talk about opening the can of worms of this typical 1970s funky anti-Black Jewish plantation behavior that once again reared it's ugly head in the 21st century...won't rent to Blacks in Koreatown? Love making money from Black people but don't want to be personally associated with Black people?

Vic78 said...

I was talking about the things the young lady would say in a potential civil suit. He must've repeatedly told her how to act in public. All she has to do is bring up everything he did or said wrong and say he had her under duress. I see a big settlement to avoid further embarrassment.

I don't see him owning a team too much longer due to the issues you brought up. NBA has too much to lose to let some old pervert fuck everything up.

CNu said...

he likes them TSL's just fine thank you!

Ed Dunn said...

I have to agree. This Black guy is not Blackness - I roll with cats like him and he is a gun man, a cowboy and a SOF. He ain't interested in Black/White, he about gun play.

CNu said...

Do me a few favors Makheru.
1.) Stop wasting your life trying to prosecute me on my own porch.
2.) Give up on trying to convince me that the movement offers anything worth my further consideration.
3.) Read and try to comprehend what's going on here.

Conflating Art's back in the day position with my contemporary position is just retarded and dishonest. including the link to what you reference would've made that conspicuously obvious to the casual observer.

CNu said...

When I was young and reckless and kicking it with my homey, that was exactly what you would have described me as, all-day, every-day - about gun play.

Nowadays, I'm about tennis play. I kick it with a very diverse and odd assortment of individuals I don't see eye-to-eye with on much of anything - except out shared enthusiasm for tennis play which is uniform, rules-based, results-oriented, and very objective.

Makheru Bradley said...

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I understand that our views are diametrical opposites. If you consider opposing your views prosecution that's on you.