Saturday, July 18, 2020
Rationalizing The Great Reset: Is There More At Work Than Absolute Capitalism?
By CNu at July 18, 2020 0 comments
Labels: Breakaway Civilization , conspicuous consumption , consumerism , Controlaspecies , ecosystems , Left Behind , Livestock Management , political economy
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Knowledge Engineering: Human "Intelligence" Mirrors That of Eusocial Insects
realization of a broad range of knowledge processes. These include processes that are thetraditional focus of the discipline of knowledge engineering, for example, knowledge acquisition, knowledge modeling and the development of knowledge-based systems.
In the present paper, I have sought to provide an initial overview of the knowledge machine concept, and I have highlighted some of the ways in which the knowledge machine concept can be applied to existing areas of research. In particular, the present paper has identified a number of examples of knowledge machines (see Section 3), discussed some of the mechanisms that underlie their operation (see Section 5), and highlighted the role of Web technologies in supporting the emergence of ever-larger knowledge processing organizations (see Section 8). The paper has also highlighted a number of opportunities for collaboration between a range of disciplines. These include the disciplines of knowledge engineering, WAIS, sociology, philosophy, cognitive science, data science, and machine learning.
Given that our success as a species is, at least to some extent, predicated on our ability to manufacture, represent, communicate and exploit knowledge (see Gaines 2013), there can be little doubt about the importance and relevance of knowledge machines as a focus area for future scientific and philosophical enquiry. In addition to their ability to harness the cognitive and epistemic capabilities of the human social environment, knowledge machines provide us with a potentially important opportunity to scaffold the development of new forms of machine intelligence. Just as much of our own human intelligence may be rooted in the fact that we are born into a superbly structured and deliberately engineered environment (see Sterelny 2003), so too the next generation of synthetic intelligent systems may benefit from a rich and structured informational environment that houses the sum total of human knowledge. In this sense, knowledge machines are important not just with respect to the potential transformation of our own (human) epistemic capabilities, they are also important with respect to the attempt to create the sort of environments that enable future forms of intelligent system to press maximal benefit from the knowledge that our species has managed to create and codify.
By CNu at November 28, 2017 0 comments
Labels: AI , Childhood's End , cull-tech , de-evolution , ecosystems , egregores , gain of function , Genetic Omni Determinism GOD , implicate order , individual vs. collective
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
The Magical Technosignatures of Truly Intelligent Species
By CNu at April 25, 2017 0 comments
Labels: co-evolution , ecosystems , intelligence , macrobiology , visitors?
Friday, January 13, 2017
Skull and Bones Phukkery Fakery FAIL
By CNu at January 13, 2017 0 comments
Labels: agenda , ecosystems , establishment , FAIL
Friday, December 23, 2016
The Darwinian Interlude - Metagenomics
By CNu at December 23, 2016 0 comments
Labels: ecosystems , evolution , Genetic Omni Determinism GOD , Metagenomics , transbiological , What IT DO Shawty...
Does Culture Prevent or Drive Human Evolution?
By CNu at December 23, 2016 0 comments
Labels: ecosystems , evolution , Genetic Omni Determinism GOD , What IT DO Shawty...
Tuesday, November 08, 2016
Privatizing Nature, Outsourcing Governance: The Economics of Extinction
To blame? Agriculture, fisheries, mining and other human activities. The report's authors predict that this figure will reach 67% by the end of the decade.
How on earth has this happened? The answer that's often put forward is that wildlife protection laws in the 'lawless' regions of the world (meaning large swathes of Africa and Asia) are woefully inadequate.
But the true root of the problem is that nature is being monetized in order to generate profits for investors and corporations in a process that's facilitated by changes in the structure of global governance - and it's about to get much worse.
Unless we get to grips with the real issues at stake, the destruction of nature is all-but guaranteed, except in those few parts of the world that are set aside as reserves for the enjoyment of wealthy visitors.
This money streams through mechanisms for cross-border accounting, tax evasion and the repatriation of profits that are designed and maintained by wealthy countries; facilitated by the institutional secrecy that is built into the global financial system; and controlled by corporate elites.
In a shadow economy that flows alongside the economy we see, commercial tax dodgers and criminals shift vast amounts of money across international borders quickly, easily and largely undetected. Hundreds of billions of dollars pour into western coffers each year, from both streams, leaving little behind for those whose lands and wildlife have been plundered.
By CNu at November 08, 2016 0 comments
Labels: ecosystems , externalities , Farmer Brown , Irreplaceable Natural Material Resources , macrobiology
Tuesday, November 01, 2016
Have You Deuterostems Blasphemed and Cast Down Deep Time...?
By CNu at November 01, 2016 0 comments
Labels: Apokolips , change , consumerism , Dystopian Now , ecosystems , Great Filters , human experimentation , What IT DO Shawty... , What Now?
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
tards are the only ___________ still arguing about the cause of climate change...,
- Introduction
- Data on warming, rain bombs, storms and water vapour feedbacks
By CNu at July 27, 2016 0 comments
Labels: Dystopian Now , ecosystems , weather report
Friday, January 08, 2016
malheur county targetted for gold and uranium mines
By CNu at January 08, 2016 0 comments
Labels: ecosystems , hustle-hard , resource war
Monday, August 03, 2015
how's that climate change working out for alaska...
2015/07/30 at 12:56:17 PM |
[follow the link to see the up-to-date map]
By Dale Asberry at August 03, 2015 0 comments
Labels: doesn't end well , ecosystems
Monday, April 20, 2015
compulsory community labour? non-negotiable doesn't end well
Before "Greening" |
After "Greening" |
"This is how the Axumite kings got stuff done 2,000 years ago," says my guide Zablon Beyene. "With the same tools, too."
By Dale Asberry at April 20, 2015 3 comments
Labels: cooperation , ecosystems , Irreplaceable Natural Material Resources , People Centric Leadership , What IT DO Shawty...
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Technological progress in a market economy is therefore self-terminating, and ends in collapse
By Dale Asberry at February 26, 2015 6 comments
Labels: agenda , consumerism , contraction , corporatism , de-evolution , ecosystems , externalities , industrial ecosystems , institutional deconstruction , Irreplaceable Natural Material Resources , Peak Capitalism
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
california drought as seen by kids from the edge of space
The Sierra mountain range as seen from the edge of space in January of 2014. The dry basin at the bottom of the photo is Owens Lake. (Earth to Sky Calculus /January 17, 2014) |
By CNu at January 22, 2014 9 comments
Labels: ecosystems , not a good look
Monday, December 02, 2013
from dust-to-dust...,
By CNu at December 02, 2013 0 comments
Labels: ecosystems , Farmer Brown , food supply , microcosmos
Friday, July 19, 2013
the doe has a "joint genome institute" exploring uncharted reaches of the microcosmos...,
By CNu at July 19, 2013 0 comments
Labels: ecosystems , microcosmos , Possibilities , tactical evolution
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Friday, August 19, 2011
the root of the problem
These far-reaching changes have spurred scores of researchers to examine the impacts of human activities on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, and to devise management strategies that might lessen the damage. Scientists have scoured ecosystems from the ocean’s depths to the highest mountain peaks searching for signals of global change. But only recently has this attention extended under the Earth’s surface to the soil, and the linkages between plants and belowground microbial and animal communities. This realm of research is of paramount importance because the impact of human-induced disturbances on the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems is often indirect: they tend to operate via changes aboveground that cascade belowground to the hugely complex and diverse, soil-bound biological community, driving biogeochemical processes and feeding back to the whole Earth-system.
And these studies may be overturning a commonly held view of how plants help mitigate the impacts of global warming. Indeed, it is widely thought that vegetation, especially trees, will respond to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations by growing more vigorously, and thus help to moderate climate change by locking up more carbon in their leaves, branches, and trunks. But research into the intricate dynamics occurring just below the soil surface, where carbon, nitrogen, and other elements flow through plant roots into the soil and react with the microbial and animal communities living there—including bacteria, fungi and a host of fauna—is complicating this simplistic view. In fact, some work suggests that as plant growth increases because of elevated CO2, more carbon not only flows into the plants themselves, but also exits their roots to impact the growth and activity of soil microbes. This causes a net increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gases escaping from the soil and entering the atmosphere, thus adding to anthropogenic levels.
These insights indicate that a combined plant-microbial-soil approach can lead to a more holistic understanding of the consequences of global change—including climate change—for the health and functioning of both terrestrial ecosystems and the whole Earth-system. Most importantly, the role that plant-microbial-soil interactions, and specifically carbon transfer from roots to soil, play in governing climate change and its impact on ecosystem carbon cycling is coming to light.
By CNu at August 19, 2011 0 comments
Labels: co-evolution , ecosystems , roots
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Seen as a symbolic entity, the global financial system, for example, is the revelation of wetiko disease displayed graphically and schematically in its architecture, operations and overall design, so that anyone with a trained eye can discern the telltale signs and spore prints of this maleficent psycho-pathology getting down to business. The global economy (which can appropriately be referred to as the ‘wetikonomy'), displays the fear-based, linear logic of wetiko disease as it reduces everything to the bottom line of dollars and cents. We are living inside of a horrifying, abstract economic structure that itself is a living symbol and re-presentation of the out-of-control insanity of the wetiko virus. The global financial system is one of the most rapid vectors and pathways through which the virus of wetiko is going pandemic in our world.
The economy as an entity is a projection of the collective human psyche, but particularly of the "Big Wetikos," who hold a disproportionate power in crafting its operating system and in running its day-to-day operations in the world. In the wetikonomy, money has become indispensable for our biological survival, as well as our psychological well being and need for social prestige. This results in the drive for acquiring money becoming hardwired into the most primal centers of our lower, animal nature. This can generate a dependency that can easily lead to a treadmill that spirals downwards towards degeneracy, a true ‘rat race' in which we become addicted to chasing after ‘the buck,' as we increasingly worship Mammon (the God of the love of money; Interestingly, the esteemed economist John Maynard Keynes considered the love of money a form of mental illness). Our need for money becomes the ‘hook' through which the Big Wetikos, who control the supply and value of money, can ‘yank our leash' and manipulate humanity. To say it differently, the economy is engineered by a few, the "Big Wetikos," who then utilize their creation to manipulate the collective human psyche and in so doing influence and warp it in a wetiko-like way.
Using the global financial and monetary system as our case study, we can see and understand how the wetiko virus operates in the psyche and in the world, which are both interactive and co-creative reflections of each other. The invention of money was a breakthrough in human affairs, an innovation in which real wealth is allowed to be symbolically re-presented by something else. Money is a construct, something made up, which adds convenience in the trading of goods and services that have value. The wetiko-created fiat money system, however, is the doorway through which a deviant distortion in this co-operative process of exchanging value amongst ourselves emerges. The wetikonomy's fiat-currency is not backed by real value, but rather, is a system in which, as if by magic, money is created out of thin air. Having fallen through the rabbit hole, we now live in a world where money materializes simply by decree (fiat) of an elite cabal of Big Wetikos, who can exchange the tokens of value they have conjured up for the time and natural resources of everyone else. The wetiko-economy is basically a legitimized counterfeiting operation. The Big Wetikos use their military and police state ‘enforcement' resources to ensure that others cannot accumulate and circulate capital outside of their system. As if that isn't bad enough, in a further diabolic sleight of hand, this virtual fiat currency, backed by nothing real and having no intrinsic value in and of itself, is then equated with debt, thus making it worse than nothing. This total inversion of our concept of value itself is a glaring symbol in our midst primal screaming that there is something terribly amiss with our financial system. There is indeed something wrong with a virtual, bubble economy that is decoupled from the real economy and is dictated and manipulated by the few at the expense of the many.
By CNu at March 01, 2011 2 comments
Labels: deceiver , dopamine , ecosystems , elite
Saturday, November 06, 2010
sapolsky on toxoplasmosis
It's been a minute since I touched on the issue of behavior and parasitism, in this case, human behavior and parasitism. But I saw something on the programmer's stone list last night that gave me occasion to take a quick excursion back down this rabbit hole.
Edge | TOXO [ROBERT SAPOLSKY:] In the endless sort of struggle that neurobiologists have — in terms of free will, determinism — my feeling has always been that there's not a whole lot of free will out there, and if there is, it's in the least interesting places and getting more sparse all the time. But there's a whole new realm of neuroscience which I've been thinking about, which I'm starting to do research on, that throws in another element of things going on below the surface affecting our behavior. And it's got to do with this utterly bizarre world of parasites manipulating our behavior. It turns out that this is not all that surprising. There are all sorts of parasites out there that get into some organism, and what they need to do is parasitize the organism and increase the likelihood that they, the parasite, will be fruitful and multiply, and in some cases they can manipulate the behavior of the host.
Some of these are pretty astounding. There's this barnacle that rides on the back of some crab and is able to inject estrogenic hormones into the crab if the crab is male, and at that point, the male's behavior becomes feminized. The male crab digs a hole in the sand for his eggs, except he has no eggs, but the barnacle sure does, and has just gotten this guy to build a nest for him. There are other ones where wasps parasitize caterpillars and get them to defend the wasp's nests for them. These are extraordinary examples.
The parasite my lab is beginning to focus on is one in the world of mammals, where parasites are changing mammalian behavior. It's got to do with this parasite, this protozoan called Toxoplasma. If you're ever pregnant, if you're ever around anyone who's pregnant, you know you immediately get skittish about cat feces, cat bedding, cat everything, because it could carry Toxo. And you do not want to get Toxoplasma into a fetal nervous system. It's a disaster.
By CNu at November 06, 2010 0 comments
Labels: dopamine , ecosystems , parasitic
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dailybeast | Of all the problems in America today, none is both as obvious and as overlooked as the colossal human catastrophe that is our...