Showing posts with label Geometric Unity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Geometric Unity. Show all posts

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Cracks Me Up With "Physics Not My Day Job - I Worked Too Hard Putting Beans On The Table"  |  The proposed Dynamic Theory adopts generalizations of the three classical thermodynamic laws and is shown to produce a unique unifying effect by displaying that the fundamental principles of Newtonian and relativistic mechanics, Einsteins General Theory, Maxwells electromagnetism, thermodynamics, and quantum effects occur as special cases. This not only reduces the number of fundamental assumptions but presents a new view of the interrelationship of the different branches of physics. The basic overview is that he claims mass density is a fifth dimension and that he uses the laws of thermodynamics to derive the equations of different branches of physics such as relativity and quantum mechanics.

Williams is discussing why he believes his approach of deriving the equations of the branches of physics from the same set of assumptions makes more sense than trying to stitch together the equations from different branches as almost everyone else attempts to do. In my opinion, he is absolutely correct. Of course it’s always possible he may simply have found a clever mathematical trick. This is why it’s important to look into new predictions made by this theory and to test them. This theory does in fact make some new predictions that are testable.

Some of the predictions and implications from this theory may be controversial, but I implore you to take it very seriously. Williams was an applauded physicist by his peers and of high credentials. Some of his peers were proponents of his theory as well. He was literally in charge of nuclear safety for the United States stockpile of nuclear weapons. He was considered knowledgable enough to be entrusted with overseeing the safety of our nuclear weapons, so I hope you would consider his theory worthy of review. There’s hardly a more serious and difficult responsibility I can think of having. Williams was allowed to spend half of his time working on his theory at LANL, so when he wasn’t overseeing the nuclear weapons and studying explosive shock physics he was working on his 5 dimensional theory.



When the spin axes of two deuterium nuclei are aligned we may calculate the fusion barrier by solving the six-body problem that involves the four protons and two electrons of the two deuterium nuclei. The non-singular, repulsive forces between the protons are reduced significantly when the seperation of the protons approach nuclear seperations. Also the repulsive force between the two electrons is reduced when their separations reach the sub-nuclear separations achieved within the helium nucleus. This reduction in the repulsive forces between protons and between the electrons allows the very strong remaining attractive force the protons have for the electrons to reduce the fusion barrier tremendously when compared with the standard nuclear model. The standard nuclear model requires the energy required for fusion to overcome the repulsive force of the Coulombic force between the protons and, therefore, the fusion barrier is expected to be much, much higher than the non-singular forces require.
Further, it is the trick of aligning the spin axes of the two deuterium nuclei that establishes this greatly reduced fusion barrier. If the two deuterium nuclei approach each other with their spin axes in any other orientation with respect to each other the fusion barrier increases to the fusion barrier of the standard model or greater. It is this alignment of the spin axes of the deuterium together with the non-singular forces which cause the significant reduction in the fusion barrier that is new.

Link to source:

I felt is was important to use Williams’ own words for the nuclear section of his theory because he is a nuclear physicist with the proverbial keys to the kingdom. To be very clear he is predicting that hydrogen to helium fusion can take place at far lower energies than the standard model predicts if you align the spin axes of the nuclei. I covered earlier how he spoke of this prediction during his interview with APEC as well as on The Space Show and even claimed his theory was being tested by an unnamed group at that time. I also shared that Williams patented a device for this reaction, but unfortunately passed away not long after.

Link to source:

There is a common theme in all "alternative physics" inspired by electromagenetism and thermodynamics: extra dimensions. 

Had Heaviside not neutered Maxwell's equations and campaigned against the quaterionic formulation so he could sell telegraph wire, we might be living in a radically different time.

The Dynamic Theory is a very interesting idea for those with some knowledge of modern thermodynamics. I appreciate the differential forms-style approach and find it very interesting to draw parallels between the dynamic theory and Leonard Susskind's current work on complexity. In his book, he essentially sets up a framework where our Universe is a 5d hypersurface in a 6d space. He uses general mathematical devices to generalize the (differential) equations of thermodynamics and an argument of Weyl called the "scale factor" to apply the generalization in different regimes.

It's cool stuff, but if you don't have a working knowledge of general relativity and familiarity with the mechanisms of differential geometry, it's just another pile of words that happened when someone got inspired by the foundations of physics. However, as I said, there is a common thread that runs through many alternative theories and it can be traced back to Heaviside eliminating portions of Maxwell's equations so that he could sell telegraph wire. All these extra dimensions that we seem to be surprised by now have their surprising root there.

Anyone reading this that wants a starting place for understanding Williams' book, look here:


Pharis Williams: Alternative Grand Unified Theory Physicist

observing the anomaly  | For many years now, the ultimate quest in physics has been the unification of Einstein’s general relativity with quantum mechanics. Dr. Williams discovered that both these theories can, in fact, be derived from the laws of thermodynamics. The resulting theory eliminates the singularity problems of the conventional theories and makes a variety of intriguing predictions.

In his 5-dimension manifold theory, Williams’ finds the equations of thermodynamics have (as special cases) the otherwise distinct equations of physics including: Newton’s Mechanics, Classical Thermodynamics, Einstein’s Special Relativity, Einstein’s General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Electrodynamics, The Nuclear Strong Force and Weak Force, Gravitational Force and a deeper view of Cosmic Red Shift.

Because his work fills gaps in the Standard Model of Physics from the unexpected starting point of the Laws of Thermodynamics, he has been blocked from publication in the premier science journals of our day. He has 2 books published on his work.

I found one of his books online for free.

Williams states, “In summary, the book presents detailed derivations of numerous applications of the classical thermodynamic laws with the result that phenomena currently covered by Newtonian, relativistic and quantum mechanics are predicted by these three laws. This is a significant reduction of the number of required fundamental assumptions in the description of these phenomena. Additionally, many new phenomena are predicted that lead to new views of the universe.”

Memorial and Thoughts of a Man with Great Ideas — Pharis Williams

The first thing I found in my research was a DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) document published in 2015 by James O. Shannon (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Warren R. Maines (Sandia National Laboratories), David Mathes (CEO and Founder of Spacelines),and Paul Murad (Morningstar Applied Physics, LLC) titled “Memorial and Thoughts of a Man with Great Ideas — Pharis Williams”

Before I dig into the document I want to point out who the authors are. One is Oke Shannon who worked with Pharis Williams at Los Alamos Labs. Another is from Sandia Labs. Paul Murad of Morningstar states in his linkedin profile “has over 25 years of public service as a senior technology analyst for the Department of Defense looking at foreign advanced and game-changing technology as well as defining future U.S. satellite systems for the next twenty years.” David Mathes of Spacelines has a SPI profile that states “ongoing optical research involves Dirac, Majorna and Weyl models of the electron internals, zitterbewegung, Bohmian quantum mechanics, and transactional hypothesis.”

So what does the document about Williams by these authors say? Here is a quote from the abstract.

“By applying simplifying or restrictive assumptions to the main body of the theory, Pharis shows that the major fields of physics are contained within the extensions of this theory. In these extensions, new field quantities appear to become important for systems and technical disciplines. Thus, the Dynamic Theory that he created would unify the various branches of physics into one theoretical structure. Only the future can tell what will be the impact of Pharis’ dynamic theory contributions and how engineers and scientists can gain and find new insights.”

It then goes on to explain his theory and work in more detail. It mentions a “popcorn program” or a “popcorn project” that was apparently an embarrassment to the Navy where Williams reportedly proved that a bunch of nuclear weapons were not being stored properly and a catastrophic event could potentially take place. Apparently, it was the result of him calculating the fusion yields from the tests didn’t match the theory and this is what led to him eventually developing his unified theory. The paper also implies that this embarrassment may have hurt Williams in getting others to look at his work and that the reader should look into the subject further. It says that, “You may read about this program in the archives of the London Daily Mail” however I can’t seem to find anything. I did find a story about UK weapons that could potentially explode if impacted and cause a “popcorning event” which looks related.

The paper states in the conclusion:

“This unique maverick easily walked in both science and engineering disciplines and in doing so, found practical and important applications in shock physics and environmentally clean, compact reactors. From extending The Dynamic Theory to develop what Pharis described as the experimentally proven phat photon to the practicalities of the phat photon laser, such was the breadth of his skill sets where Pharis would then go the extra mile and propose applications in the fields of communications, energy and transportation. The future of The Dynamic Theory is up to the scientists and engineers of tomorrow who not only think outside the box, but can think and work in five dimensions and beyond.”

Monday, June 19, 2023

The Struggle To Train The Visual Cortex To Accomodate Higher Dimensional Intuitions


Did The Nazis Believe Torsion-Induced Anti-Gravity More Important Than An Atom Bomb?

greyfalcon  |  During the course of researching his best-selling book "The Hunt for Zero Point", Nick Cook stumbled upon World War II era evidence for a secret Nazi Weapon that came to be known as the “Nazi Bell” device.  This device was constructed by a scientific team reporting to SS General Hans Kammler under a veil of secrecy deeper than even that of the Nazi nuclear research.

While Cook’s research yielded little information about the specific design or application of the Nazi Bell device, his sources indicated that it apparently was able create a variety of startling effects on nearby objects.  It has been speculated that the Bell device was designed to use high-speed, counter-rotating components filled with specialized materials and energized by electromagnetic energy to induce “torsion” effects and thus control gravity and other significant effects.

John Dering -- a physicist specializing advanced directed energy, nonlinear electrodynamics, and new energy sources -- has further reported on a “Rhine Valley” facility and device.  He believes this to have been an actual wartime prototype deployment of a successor to the Nazi Bell experiments, which were carried out in the Wenceslas Mine research lab in occupied Poland.  While the Bell experiment was focused on developing a radical new propulsion technology, the little-known Rhine Valley experiment may have been a last-ditch attempt to weaponize the Bell’s dangerous side effect for use against Allied forces.

Dering speculates that the German WWII research was intended to create a powerful propulsion effect by engineering application of Einstein’s Unified Field Theory (UFT) equations.  Within the 1929 version of the Einstein UFT equations, a linkage is found between the “Vector Magnetic Potential” and Torsion.  Put simply, in the Unified Field Theory, the effects of curved space-time (resulting from a massive body, like the Earth) can locally offset by creating Torsion.  Thus electromagnetic interactions are harnessed to induce torsion, which in turn can then null out gravitation.  This astounding possibility for gravity control is not predicted in either the Special or General Relativity theories and appears only in the Unified Field equations.  Thus, a sort of counteraction to gravity or “anti-gravity” field would be the result.  The heavy-duty concrete construction of the test-rig at the Wenceslas Mine -- complete with heavy steel mounting-rings -- bears witness to the massive scale of the forces that the research produced.

While the full purpose and results of neither experiment is completely known, it is obvious that Nazi Bell possessed a great deal of value in terms of secret-weapons.  With a range of choices at his disposal at the end of World War II, Hans Kammler considered only the Nazi Bell experiment as being valuable enough to save Germany from the encroaching Allied & Russian forces.

The Bell project [whatever its full purpose] was the only research program in Nazi Germany to carry the designation “War Decisive”.  Not even the German atomic bomb or rocket programs were considered of such importance!

Historically speaking, the German’s motive for developing the Nazi Bell device seems apparent.  Hitler’s Third Reich had an almost borderline obsession with secret “Wunder” and “Über-weapons” that they felt would give them an advantage against the Allies.  The wild success of the V-2 rocket program had emboldened them to undertake the development of even more esoteric weapons projects such as the world’s first jet fighter (the Me-262) and a series of jet-powered Coanda-Effect UFO prototypes (radical disk-shaped VTOL aircraft designs that proved ultimately unsuccessful).  The most notable of these was a design by Andreas Epp, which became an inspiration for the later AvroCar experiments of the 1950s.

Neither the Me-262 nor the Coanda-Effect disk devices were ready in time for use against the Allies but nonetheless received the backing of the Third Reich, which supplied them with trained scientists, materials, research funding, and a nearly endless supply of slave-labor with which to build the projects.

It’s not known where the true inspiration for the Nazi Bell device and prior Rhine-Valley experiments originated.  But it's possible to speculate that they were trying to leap to a completely electromagnetic propulsion system after realizing the limited potential in controllability and speed from their experimentation with the Coanda-Effect saucer technology. Perhaps some of the more forward-thinking physicists had the ear of Hans Kammler and suggested to him that the time was right to evolve to a technology so far ahead of aerodynamic propulsion of the day that it would give Germany absolute supremacy in the air.  Darker possibilities exist, given that the Bell Device researchers appeared very interested in the dangerous and lethal side effects created by exposure to the Bell force field.

Assuming that the Nazi’s had decided on a nearly fictional approach to directly interacting with gravity through electromagnetism, the next logical step that they would have taken is to find a scientific basis to work from.  As scientists, Kammler’s team would have quickly realized that this scientific support wouldn’t have come from either Relativity Theory or Quantum Mechanics.  But they wouldn’t have had to search very far as the Germans had already reviewed just such a theory to unify Electromagnetism and Gravitational Forces.

On 14 June 1928, a paper was published in German that would have certainly attracted the attention of anyone looking for a quick and easy way to convert from electricity to gravitational force.  The English translation of the title is “New possibility for a Unified Field Theory of Gravitation and Electricity”.  It contains the beginnings of what later became known as Torsion Theory.  Despite the Nazi dislike for Jewish science and culture, this paper was written by a physicist too renowned to be ignored.  Quite possibly the World’s greatest physicist -- Albert Einstein!

Starting in the early 1920s, Einstein and others began to speculate that General Relativity (which describes gravitation and space-time) could be modified to include the laws of Maxwell that describe electromagnetism.  In essence, Einstein sought to show that the laws of electricity and magnetism could be “unified” with the laws of gravitation.  In other words, such a theory would imply that all electrical and magnetic effects and all gravity effects are manifestations of an underlying “Unified Field”.  By the late 1920s, Einstein’s papers on Unified Field theory began to be read by physicists interested in exploring experimental verification of his theories.

John Dering has suggested that in addition to a general familiarity with Einstein’s Unified Field Theory from written publications, the Nazi’s may have in fact had “inside information” on the subject.  Supposedly, Gerlach had discussed the foundations of this new Unified Field Theory at length with Einstein while the theory was being formulated, and had also collaborated with Einstein during the 1920s on a search for experimental verification.  As History tells us, Gerlach was later appointed to the position of “plenipotentiary” for Nazi Fission Research in 1944 by the Reich Research Council giving him top-level scientific connections throughout Germany’s cutting-edge research programs.  Nick Cook has also highlighted Gerlach’s connection to the Nazi-Bell project through the testimony of defense journalist Igor Witkowski, who claims to have been shown documents identifying Gerlach’s involvement in the project.

Thus, with the driving goal of building an electromagnetically-powered UFO to replace the less-than-spectacular performance of the Coanda-Effect flying disks, Kammler’s scientific team would have already been familiar with Einstein’s work in gravity and would have had a real basis from the published UFT tensor equations to begin rapid experimentation with a new technology for 1940's era anti-gravity!

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Mesostratum, Twistor Space And Aether...,

Interview Transcript. (helpful for following along)

researchgate |  We present a critique of mathematics as the sole means for discovery and validation of physical  truths and offer a conceptual alternative to the now virtually abandoned notion of a luminiferous  aether. We propose a ‘new physics’ embracing the central idea that spacetime itself is to  regarded as a secondary reality, constructed from something more primitive: twistor space, a  transcendent substratum or mesostratum.

In his latest book [1], Roger Penrose contemplates the fashion, faith, and fantasy which have  entrapped most theoreticians in their pursuit of truths about ultimate physical and transcendent  realities. Penrose reexamines the uncanny enfolding of mathematical truths with the minutest and  largest properties and phenomena of the physical world and the remarkable effectiveness of  mathematics in describing and predicting those properties and phenomena. However, Penrose  implicitly cautions that discovering mathematical truths is not the same as discovering physical  truths: “. . . as regards what is really going on in the physical world, there is something profoundly  missing. To get a proper solution [for example] to the measurement paradox, we need a change in  the physics, not just some clever mathematics, brought in to cover the ontological cracks!” 

Theoreticians have built ingenious mathematical structures and objects - virtually without  empirical content - which are applied to help improve understanding of almost every aspect of the  physical world. They have uncovered mathematical truths that echo and illuminate empirical  observations and discoveries - certainly contributing to knowledge of the physical world. Based on  strict adherence to fashion, faith, and fantasy, as elucidated by Penrose, they have tyrannically  insisted that mathematics is the exclusive instrument for the discovery and validation of such  knowledge. 

Large, powerful, expensive high energy facilities are often demanded by theoreticians who have  adopted iron-clad premises based essentially on combinations of fashion, faith, and fantasy.  Extreme high energy apparatuses - like CERN's Large Hadron Collider - are designed to duplicate  conditions assumed to have prevailed at the onset of a super-hot Big Bang. Alternative hypotheses  based on abundant evidence that the Cosmos emerged quiescently from a Bose-Einstein Condensate substratum are ignored or dismissed [2].

Theoreticians have imbued space with metric attributes and properties. Synthetical spaces  ostensibly produce quantum particles, quantum waves, and force fields that interact energetically.  Current concepts of spacetime are not restricted to just four dimensions. In an attempt to explain  quantum particles and waves, string theory posits ten-dimensional spacetime. M-theory, an  elaboration of string theory, posits compactified dimensions which reside unnoticed in Minkowski  spacetime. Synthetical sub-spacetime manifolds are considered able to manifest as physical  objects. Various vibrational modes of the manifolds are taken as being the origins and constituents  of quantum particles, fields and forces that pervade the cosmos.

Penrose bemoans the multitude of compact extra sub-space dimensions of string and M-theory  although they may well lead to an ultimate destination and next level of understanding. In his view,  that destination resides in twistor space which he studiously sets apart from the domain of  Minkowski spacetime. Twistor space is envisioned as a separate domain which coexists with and  complements Minkowski spacetime. Twistor space transcends Euclidian space and time wherefrom  Minkowski objects - such as light rays and light cones - are mapped onto corresponding twistor  objects - such as twistor points and Riemann spheres, receptively. 

Twistor space attributes may be best understood and explained with reference to the Penrose  impossible tribar. The tribar, an imagined three dimensional object. cannot exist in ordinary  Euclidean space, yet, its individual parts can. Penrose notes that locally there is nothing impossible  about the tribar concept. The impossibility is non-local, and disappears if one considers a small  enough region of the tribar. Penrose devised a cohomological context in which the local parts may  be joined, as illustrated by arrows in the figure.


Penrose resolves the impossibility issue with twistor theory in which the basic idea is to regard  conventional Minkowski spacetime as being subsidiary to twistor space: “Being a fully complex  space, [twistor space] provides the potential to exploit complex-number magic in ways that do not  readily present themselves in the standard spacetime framework. Accordingly, rather than using  descriptions in terms of real spacetime coordinates, one uses the complex twistor variables. . . .  twistor functions are not really to be viewed as 'functions' in the ordinary sense, but as what are  called elements of holomorphic sheaf cohomology.”

Penrose explains that although the notion of sheaf cohomology is sophisticated mathematically, it is
inherently simple. He suggests that the easiest way to picture this notion is to think of the way in  which a conceptual manifold can be constructed with a number of coordinate regions or patches.  Each ‘patch’ may be defined such that there is a transition function or ‘overlap’ between pairs of  patches. The transition function provides the glue that unites the patches to construct the manifold  and analogously provides the means to join the three ‘local’ parts of the Penrose tribar. 

Twistor space provides the cohomological foundation for realization and study of strings and other  types mathematical ‘continuum’ objects that are impossible to realize solely in particulate  space-time reality. Consider the emission of a quantum ‘particle’ from a physical device, the  detection of the ‘identical’ particle by another device and the curious and seemingly inexplicable  mode of transit from source to detector. The process alternates between two completely different  states: transit (involving state evolution U which is continuous and deterministic) followed by  detection and measurement (involving an abrupt state reduction R which is discontinuous and  probabilistic) as depicted by Penrose:


Since the state function ψ, describing state evolution U is continuous, it is a valid descriptor only of  the in-transit process conceptually occurring in twistor space (the mesostratum) [3]. The instant the  electron or photon is detected and measured, the wave function is said to have ‘collapsed’. This  simply means that ψ does not anticipate reduction R as a particle ‘jumps’ from twistor space to  Minkowski spacetime. 

Einstein stressed that special relativity took away the last mechanical property of the aether:  immobility. However, he asserted that special relativity does not necessarily rule out the aether,  because the latter can be used to give physical reality to notions of acceleration and rotation. This  concept was fully elaborated within general relativity, in which physical properties (which are  partially determined by matter) are attributed to space, but where no substance or state of motion  can be attributed to Einstein’s aether. 

Penrose’s twistor space which corresponds to the transcendent mesostratum substratum [3]  conceptually overcomes the problem of attributing substance to aether. Twistor space is not a  substance but a venue or domain where ‘continuum things’ such as light waves, electromagnetic  waves and fields transpirate and evolve as U before reduction R, i.e., detection/measurement in the  physical world.  

After an incisive critique of current theoretical physics [1], Roger Penrose offers a ‘new physics’  embracing the central idea “. . . that space-time itself is to regarded as a secondary notion,  constructed from something more primitive, with quantum aspects to it, referred to a twistor  space.” Penrose has in effect revived the notion of ‘luminiferous aether’ which in the late 19th  century, was the postulated medium for the propagation of light. The negative outcome of the  Michelson-Morley experiment suggested that the aether as a substance was non-existent. Instead  of characterizing it as a substance, Penrose’s twistor space aether is a substratum, which  corresponds the transcendent mesostratum [3] a hyperspace domain, wherein state evolution U  prevails exclusively, for example as Schrödinger wave functions and other wave propagation  modalities.

Received October 3, 2016; October 22, 2016
1. Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe, Penrose, R., Princeton University Press,  2016.
2. Cryogenic Origin & Nature of the Cosmos, Vary, A., Prespacetime Journal, Volume 7, Issue 5, 2016. 3. Exploration of Mesostratum Physics, Vary, A., Prespacetime Journal, Volume 7, Issue 11, 2016..

Have You Ever Heard Of An Innocent Person Getting A Pre-emptive Pardon?

December, 2020. Joy Reid: Have you ever heard of somebody getting a preemptive pardon who is an innocent person? Adam Schiff: No. Today Adam...