Showing posts with label Amnesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amnesia. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2021

The Earth's Magnetic Field And Global Climate Crisis

npr  |   An ancient, well-preserved tree that was alive the last time the Earth's magnetic poles flipped has helped scientists pin down more precise timing of that event, which occurred about 42,000 years ago.

This new information has led them to link the flipping of the poles to key moments in the prehistoric record, like the sudden appearance of cave art and the mysterious extinction of large mammals and the Neanderthals. They argue that the weakening of the Earth's magnetic field would have briefly transformed the world by altering its climate and allowing far more ultraviolet light to pour in.


Their provocative analysis, in the journal Science, is sure to get researchers talking. Until now, scientists have mostly assumed that magnetic field reversals didn't matter much for life on Earth — although some geologists have noted that die-offs of large mammals seemed to occur in periods when the Earth's magnetic field was weak.

The Earth is a giant magnet because its core is solid iron, and swirling around it is an ocean of molten metal. This churning creates a huge magnetic field, one that wraps around the planet and protects it from charged cosmic rays coming in from outer space.

 Sometimes, for reasons scientists do not fully understand, the magnetic field becomes unstable and its north and south poles can flip. The last major reversal, though it was short-lived, happened around 42,000 years ago.

This reversal is called the Laschamp excursion, after lava flows in France that contain bits of iron that are basically pointed the wrong way. Volcanic activity back then, during the flip, produced this distinctive iron signature as the molten lava cooled and locked the iron into place. Iron molecules embedded in sediments around the world also captured a record of this magnetic wobble, which unfolded over about a thousand years.

"Even though it was short, the North Pole did wander across North America, right out towards New York, actually, and then back again across to Oregon," says Alan Cooper, an evolutionary biologist with Blue Sky Genetics and the South Australian Museum. He explains that it "then zoomed down through the Pacific really fast to Antarctica and hung out there for about 400 years and then shot back up through the Indian Ocean to the North Pole again."

The Collapse Of A Previous Civilization Which Became Extinct Before Noah's Flood?

dailymail |  'The Adam and Eve story', a 1966 work by former US Air Force employee Chan Thomas, was only partially published until recently when censored sections of the book were released for the first time in more than 50 years. 

In the remarkable text, Thomas claims Jesus lived with the Naga tribe in Northern India for almost 18 years in the period of his life which isn't mentioned in the Bible.

'Curiously enough there was a tribe in the extreme north of India called the Naga tribe,' Thomas wrote.

'They told the British of Jesus' having been there as a late-teenager-young-adult who attended the Nacaal Temple as a student and graduate of the temple.' 

According to Thomas, Jesus was considered a 'genius' by the Naga people and spent ten to 15 years learning to speak and write the local language.  

Thomas says Jesus's last words were actually spoken in the Naga language and he translates them as 'I am fainting, I am fainting, darkness is overcoming me'. 

In another section of the book Thomas also claims that Jesus was abducted by aliens on Easter Sunday and says two 'angels came to earth in their space vehicle to take care of the aftermath of Jesus' crucifixion'.

It then goes on to say that the Genesis story is actually a parable about the collapse of a previous civilization, in an extinction event before Noah's Flood.

Thomas begins the book with dedications to several US generals who are famous among conspiracy theorists for their covert work during the Cold War.

According to the Daily Star, the name 'The Adam and Eve Story' comes from Thomas's view that the book of Genesis is really a parable about the collapse of a previous civilisation which became extinct before Noah's flood.  




This Peculiar Adam And Eve Story Was In The News Before Subrealism Came Off Hiatus...,

reddit |  Just as we have seen with KGB declassifying huge amounts of formerly-classified "Tartaria" documents, apparantly the CIA had some special interest in "The Adam & Eve Story". It is basically a "research paper" explaining various earth-cycle catastrophes. It is pertinent to "missing time" and "history falsification" theories, and presumes many technologically-advanced ancient civilizations existed before us.

NOTE: The actual CIA dossier on the "Adam & Eve Story" also includes lots of peripheral documents up front, so skip to around pages 19-24 if you want a quick glance at the pertinent section.

Here is what u/redacted sent me:

There is insurmountable evidence that we are the 6th advanced civilization to exist upon this earth, each time getting wiped out by a calamity. I've wondered why America has long had the Smithsonian cover up many ancient artifacts that don't fit their narrative, such as the hieroglyphs in the grand canyon, or the bones of giants all over America, but then I realized the truth rather recently... control. The CIA just declassified a document called [The Adam and Eve Story] ( which is about exactly this. Nobody is quite sure who wrote it, however it appears to be written by a scientist working for the government deciphering ancient texts then stumbling upon a terrible fact, that every 5-6-thousand years, the strength of the poles wane and begin to change positions and when this occurs, the mantle keeping our landmass in it's current position turns to jelly, causing the landmasses to be pulled 90-degrees, while the water on the earth stays put, like dropping an object into a glass of water then spinning the glass in a circle... water stay's put while the world around it moves. So, the world as we know it is obliterated in days, submerged under the ocean for 40-days (ala Tale of Gilgamesh, or Noah and the ark) until the poles finish their shift at which point the North pole becomes the South and vice versa. I believe that the rest of the story which was redacted tells of the survivors having to live in caves and resort to cannibalism to survive. I believe it's why the Aztec and N.American Indians both tell of a white man visiting them and giving them seeds to grow and teaching them how to harvest. I also believe those in power know this, and want to keep is a secret knowing full well that if they don't, they might have massive riots and won't be able to keep their "livestock" docile. What better way to fool the masses than to make them think they are being saved (such as the boats in the movie 2012), when in reality they are being taken to a facility where they will be used to feed the elite? How long will it take to regrow enough vegetation on Earth to not resort to cannibalism? Do some research on [our poles currently moving rapidly now!] ( Then read up on all the elite politicians and leaders visiting Antarctica now! I couldn't find any credible links, which is odd due to how many have been going up there, from the Pope, to John Kerry, to major leaders.

Have You Ever Heard Of An Innocent Person Getting A Pre-emptive Pardon?

December, 2020. Joy Reid: Have you ever heard of somebody getting a preemptive pardon who is an innocent person? Adam Schiff: No. Today Adam...