Saturday, March 31, 2018
Feeling and Imagination Is No Match For Thinking and Working
March 31, 2018
Labels: addiction , as above-so below , celebrity , dopamine , hegemony , identity politics , not a good look , po thang... , status-seeking , Toxic Culture?
Black Panther: Keeping Negroes Broke But Feeling Fabulous
March 31, 2018
Labels: addiction , as above-so below , celebrity , dopamine , hegemony , identity politics , not a good look , po thang... , status-seeking , Toxic Culture?
Friday, March 30, 2018
When Feeling Fabulous Seems More Important Than Your Fixed Position...,
March 30, 2018
Labels: addiction , as above-so below , celebrity , dopamine , hegemony , identity politics , not a good look , po thang... , status-seeking , Toxic Culture?
Negroes in Drag...,
March 30, 2018
Labels: addiction , as above-so below , celebrity , dopamine , hegemony , identity politics , not a good look , po thang... , status-seeking , Toxic Culture?
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Mercer/Thiel vs Kochtopus? Finance/Geopolitics/Data Science/Livestock Management
"They know the last time you downloaded porn and
whether you ordered Chinese food before you voted."
March 29, 2018
Labels: .45 , American Original , computationalism , hustle-hard , hypnosis , information anarchy , Kochtopus , Livestock Management , political theatre
Koch Bros. Old School Voter Control Schemes
March 29, 2018
Labels: .45 , American Original , information anarchy , Kochtopus , Livestock Management
Robert Mercer Money Launderer for Vladimir Putin?
Money laundering involves a transaction where illicit money is spent by one party, producing a seemingly legitimate profit for another party. Ostensibly the two parties are unrelated, but in reality, both parties are closely connected.
• SOURCE Secure illegally sourced funds.
• TRANSACT Illegal money is used in a transaction, resulting in profits for another party.
• COVER UP The true nature of the transaction is visible only to insiders.
• SOURCE Criminal organization invests in a hedge fund (Fund A) operating in a market with a high degree of corruption (for example Russia).
• TRANSACT On behalf of Fund A, an international bank purchases a security in the corrupted market. The bank then sells(i.e. shorts) the same security in a second developed market (for example the UK), and forwards the proceeds to Fund B. Both funds are owned by the same criminal organization.
• COVER UP The nature of the transactions are obfuscated with advanced financial techniques and the inner workings of the fund are kept secret.
• SOURCE Key people are connected to criminal organizations via one or more intermediaries.
• TRANSACT An abnormally high rate of return that allows significant amounts of money to be laundered in a short amount of time. Evidence of buying and selling the same securities in different markets.
• COVER UP History of using financial engineering to hide the nature of transactions and a reputation for extreme secrecy.
March 29, 2018
Labels: .45 , civil war , Deep State , global system of 1% supremacy , information anarchy , narrative , not a good look
US strategy to ‘dethrone’ Putin for oil pipelines?
March 29, 2018
Labels: Irreplaceable Natural Material Resources , Peak Capitalism , The Great Game , WW-III
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Bone-in-the-Nose Medicine "Discovers" System That Taoist Chi-Kung Develops...,
- Describes the unique Iron Shirt air-packing techniques that protect vital organs from injuries
- Explains the rooting practice exercises necessary to stabilize and center oneself
- Includes guidelines for building an Iron Shirt Chi Kung daily practice
March 28, 2018
Labels: ancient , awareness , crate excavation , gain of function , hegemony , high strangeness , History's Mysteries , scientific mystery , subliminal , subrealist oeuvre... , work
Have 99.999% Missed The Real Revolutionary Possibilities of Crypto?
March 28, 2018
Labels: banksterism , Breakaway Civilization , computationalism , count zero , culture of competence , disintermediation , gain of function , not gonna happen... , TIA
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Governance Threat Is Not Russians, Cambridge Analytica, Etc, But Surveillance Capitalism Itself...,
So, everything’s OK then?
March 27, 2018
Labels: AI , complications , computationalism , Deep State , FRANK , governance , hegemony , human experimentation , narrative , political theatre , unintended consequences
Facebook "Privacy"...,
What to see what Facebook has on you (at a minimum)?— Julian Assange ⌛ (@JulianAssange) March 24, 2018
1. Goto
2. Click "Download a copy of your Facebook data"
3. Wait for automatic email from Facebook
4. Download the ZIP file link in the email
5. Extract it and open 'html/index.htm'
What info is available? | What is it? | Where can I find it? |
About Me | Information you added to the About section of your Timeline like relationships, work, education, where you live and more. It includes any updates or changes you made in the past and what is currently in the About section of your Timeline. | Activity Log Downloaded Info |
Account Status History | The dates when your account was reactivated, deactivated, disabled or deleted. | Downloaded Info |
Active Sessions | All stored active sessions, including date, time, device, IP address, machine cookie and browser information. | Downloaded Info |
Ads Clicked | Dates, times and titles of ads clicked (limited retention period). | Downloaded Info |
Address | Your current address or any past addresses you had on your account. | Downloaded Info |
Ad Topics | A list of topics that you may be targeted against based on your stated likes, interests and other data you put in your Timeline. | Downloaded Info |
Alternate Name | Any alternate names you have on your account (ex: a maiden name or a nickname). | Downloaded Info |
Apps | All of the apps you have added. | Downloaded Info |
Birthday Visibility | How your birthday appears on your Timeline. | Downloaded Info |
Chat | A history of the conversations you’ve had on Facebook Chat (a complete history is available directly from your messages inbox). | Downloaded Info |
Check-ins | The places you’ve checked into. | Activity Log Downloaded Info |
Connections | The people who have liked your Page or Place, RSVPed to your event, installed your app or checked in to your advertised place within 24 hours of viewing or clicking on an ad or Sponsored Story. | Activity Log |
Credit Cards | If you make purchases on Facebook (ex: in apps) and have given Facebook your credit card number. | Account Settings |
Currency | Your preferred currency on Facebook. If you use Facebook Payments, this will be used to display prices and charge your credit cards. | Downloaded Info |
Current City | The city you added to the About section of your Timeline. | Downloaded Info |
Date of Birth | The date you added to Birthday in the About section of your Timeline. | Downloaded Info |
Deleted Friends | People you’ve removed as friends. | Downloaded Info |
Education | Any information you added to Education field in the About section of your Timeline. | Downloaded Info |
Emails | Email addresses added to your account (even those you may have removed). | Downloaded Info |
Events | Events you’ve joined or been invited to. | Activity Log Downloaded Info |
Facial Recognition Data | A unique number based on a comparison of the photos you're tagged in. We use this data to help others tag you in photos. | Downloaded Info |
Family | Friends you’ve indicated are family members. | Downloaded Info |
Favorite Quotes | Information you’ve added to the Favorite Quotes section of the About section of your Timeline. | Downloaded Info |
Followers | A list of people who follow you. | Downloaded Info |
Following | A list of people you follow. | Activity Log |
Friend Requests | Pending sent and received friend requests. | Downloaded Info |
Friends | A list of your friends. | Downloaded Info |
Gender | The gender you added to the About section of your Timeline. | Downloaded Info |
Groups | A list of groups you belong to on Facebook. | Downloaded Info |
Hidden from News Feed | Any friends, apps or pages you’ve hidden from your News Feed. | Downloaded Info |
Hometown | The place you added to hometown in the About section of your Timeline. | Downloaded Info |
IP Addresses | A list of IP addresses where you’ve logged into your Facebook account (won’t include all historical IP addresses as they are deleted according to a retention schedule). | Downloaded Info |
Last Location | The last location associated with an update. | Activity Log |
Likes on Others' Posts | Posts, photos or other content you’ve liked. | Activity Log |
Likes on Your Posts from others | Likes on your own posts, photos or other content. | Activity Log |
Likes on Other Sites | Likes you’ve made on sites off of Facebook. | Activity Log |
Linked Accounts | A list of the accounts you've linked to your Facebook account | Account Settings |
Locale | The language you've selected to use Facebook in. | Downloaded Info |
Logins | IP address, date and time associated with logins to your Facebook account. | Downloaded Info |
Logouts | IP address, date and time associated with logouts from your Facebook account. | Downloaded Info |
Messages | Messages you’ve sent and received on Facebook. Note, if you've deleted a message it won't be included in your download as it has been deleted from your account. | Downloaded Info |
Name | The name on your Facebook account. | Downloaded Info |
Name Changes | Any changes you’ve made to the original name you used when you signed up for Facebook. | Downloaded Info |
Networks | Networks (affiliations with schools or workplaces) that you belong to on Facebook. | Downloaded Info |
Notes | Any notes you’ve written and published to your account. | Activity Log |
Notification Settings | A list of all your notification preferences and whether you have email and text enabled or disabled for each. | Downloaded Info |
Pages You Admin | A list of pages you admin. | Downloaded Info |
Pending Friend Requests | Pending sent and received friend requests. | Downloaded Info |
Phone Numbers | Mobile phone numbers you’ve added to your account, including verified mobile numbers you've added for security purposes. | Downloaded Info |
Photos | Photos you’ve uploaded to your account. | Downloaded Info |
Photos Metadata | Any metadata that is transmitted with your uploaded photos. | Downloaded Info |
Physical Tokens | Badges you’ve added to your account. | Downloaded Info |
Pokes | A list of who’s poked you and who you’ve poked. Poke content from our mobile poke app is not included because it's only available for a brief period of time. After the recipient has viewed the content it's permanently deleted from our systems. | Downloaded Info |
Political Views | Any information you added to Political Views in the About section of Timeline. | Downloaded Info |
Posts by You | Anything you posted to your own Timeline, like photos, videos and status updates. | Activity Log |
Posts by Others | Anything posted to your Timeline by someone else, like wall posts or links shared on your Timeline by friends. | Activity Log Downloaded Info |
Posts to Others | Anything you posted to someone else’s Timeline, like photos, videos and status updates. | Activity Log |
Privacy Settings | Your privacy settings. | Privacy SettingsDownloaded Info |
Recent Activities | Actions you’ve taken and interactions you’ve recently had. | Activity Log Downloaded Info |
Registration Date | The date you joined Facebook. | Activity Log Downloaded Info |
Religious Views | The current information you added to Religious Views in the About section of your Timeline. | Downloaded Info |
Removed Friends | People you’ve removed as friends. | Activity Log Downloaded Info |
Screen Names | The screen names you’ve added to your account, and the service they’re associated with. You can also see if they’re hidden or visible on your account. | Downloaded Info |
Searches | Searches you’ve made on Facebook. | Activity Log |
Shares | Content (ex: a news article) you've shared with others on Facebook using the Share button or link. | Activity Log |
Spoken Languages | The languages you added to Spoken Languages in the Aboutsection of your Timeline. | Downloaded Info |
Status Updates | Any status updates you’ve posted. | Activity Log Downloaded Info |
Work | Any current information you’ve added to Work in the About section of your Timeline. | Downloaded Info |
Vanity URL | Your Facebook URL (ex: username or vanity for your account). | Visible in your Timeline URL |
Videos | Videos you’ve posted to your Timeline. | Activity Log Downloaded Info |
March 27, 2018
Labels: facebook IS evil , governance , Livestock Management , neofeudalism , shameless , TIA , Toxic Culture? , transbiological , tricknology
Musk To Rehire Marko Elez
WaPo | Elon Musk, the head of the U.S. DOGE Service, announced Friday that he would rehire a staffer who resigned after he was tied to...

theatlantic | The Ku Klux Klan, Ronald Reagan, and, for most of its history, the NRA all worked to control guns. The Founding Fathers...
Video - John Marco Allegro in an interview with Van Kooten & De Bie. TSMATC | Describing the growth of the mushroom ( boletos), P...
dailybeast | Of all the problems in America today, none is both as obvious and as overlooked as the colossal human catastrophe that is our...