judiciary.house.gov |Today, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Administrative
State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust, led by Chairman Thomas Massie
(R-KY), released an interim staff report titled, "Politics, Private Interests, and the Biden Administration's Deviation from Agency Regulations in the COVID-19 Pandemic" The
report details how the Biden Administration pressured the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) to go beyond its regulatory authority to change
its procedures, cut corners, and lower agency standards to approve the
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and authorize boosters. This approval enabled
the Biden Administration to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine, despite
concerns that the same vaccine was causing injury among
otherwise healthy young Americans.
"In August 2021, when the Pfizer shots received FDA licensure, and just
before the booster received EUA, the top two FDA vaccine reviewers with
decades of experience announced they were leaving the agency," said Chairman Thomas Massie (R-KY).
"During the pandemic, politics overruled science at the government
institutions entrusted with protecting public health. The FDA abandoned
its congressional directive to protect citizens from false claims and
undisclosed side effects, and instead ignored its own rules to pursue a
policy of promoting the vaccine while downplaying potential harms.
Exposing and acknowledging mistakes that were made is a necessary step
toward restoring integrity and trust in our regulatory agencies."
Subcommittee's investigation also revealed that the administrative
state mishandled reports of vaccine injury, despite requirements to
actively obtain, synthesize, and report feedback on the safety and
efficacy of the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) vaccine. Two former
FDA scientists, Dr. Marion Gruber and Dr. Philip Krause, testified to
the Subcommittee that they felt pressure to cut corners on the vaccine
review, which was due to outside pressure to provide immediate approval
so that the government could mandate vaccines. Despite evidence of harms
from the EUA vaccine, the Biden Administration sought to fully approve
the Pfizer vaccine through the Biologics Licensing Application (BLA)
Under the leadership of then-Acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock,
a long-time FDA staffer who the Biden Administration promoted to Acting
Commissioner, and Dr. Peter Marks, head of the FDA's Center for
Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), the agency cut corners in its
usually rigorous BLA process to brand the Pfizer EUA vaccine as the only
fully licensed "safe and effective" COVID-19 vaccine on the market at
the time. Today, former Acting FDA Commissioner Woodcock says that, as
it relates to vaccine-related injury, she is "disappointed in
[her]self" and that the FDA did not do enough to address
vaccine-related injury.
The FDA succumbed to the Biden Administration's pressure to act beyond
its authority, which may have long-term impacts on the agency's ability
to confidently serve the American public. This poor policy by the Biden
Administration reveals many significant problems related to
accountability and good decision making in the administrative state that
warrant legislative reform.
Read the full interim staff report and appendix here.
lewrockwell | In early April 2023, microbiologist Kevin McKernan — a former researcher and team leader for the MIT Human Genome project1 — posted a preprint paper2 detailing massive DNA contamination in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s bivalent COVID booster shots.3,4,5,6 As explained in the abstract:7
“Several methods were deployed to
assess the nucleic acid composition of four expired vials of the Moderna
and Pfizer bivalent mRNA vaccines. Two vials from each vendor were
evaluated …
Multiple assays support DNA
contamination that exceeds the European Medicines Agency (EMA) 330ng/mg
requirement and the FDAs 10ng/dose requirements …”
The highest level of DNA contamination found was 30%, meaning nearly
one-third of the content of certain vials was plasmid DNA, the presence
of which dramatically increases the likelihood of genomic integration
and cancer.
What this means, in plain English, is that the shots could
potentially alter your DNA, which is something vaccine makers, health
authorities and fact checkers have vehemently denied and written off as
“impossible.” Yet here we are, with inconvenient facts staring us in the
face yet again.
Regulatory Agencies Were Aware of the Problem
In a May 20, 2023, Substack article,8 McKernan
pointed out that regulatory agencies were clearly aware of this problem
early on, as Pfizer submitted documents to the European Medicines
Agency (EMA) showing sampled lots had a broad range of double-stranded
DNA (dsDNA) in them.
The EMA’s limit for dsDNA is 330 nanograms per milligram (ng/mg), and
Pfizer’s data show sampled lots had anywhere from 1 ng/mg to 815 ng/mg
of DNA. And, according to McKernan,9 the
EMA’s limit may be too high to begin with, as “lower limits should be
applied if the DNA is packaged in transfection ready lipid
nanoparticles,” as they are in the shots.
In a sane regulatory environment, this kind of contamination would
have resulted in a massive recall, considering the known and suspected
dangers of dsDNA contaminants. Yet nothing was done about it.
Since McKernan’s paper was posted, others have confirmed the presence
of dsDNA contaminants in the COVID shots. To be clear, DNA should not
be present in a commercial product that has been made under good
manufacturing practices.
Obviously, Pfizer and Moderna have not perfected their commercial
process, or have taken shortcuts they shouldn’t have. As a result,
countless millions have been injected with unnecessarily risky COVID
University of South Carolina professor Phillip Buckhaults has since
confirmed the presence of dsDNA in the COVID shots. September 13, 2023,
he testified10 to
this before the South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee
on the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC).
Buckhaults is a molecular biologist and cancer geneticist with
extensive experience in DNA sequencing, and initially set out to debunk
McKernan’s claims. To his shock, he replicated McKernan’s findings
In his testimony, he explained how these DNA contaminants can
integrate into your genome and disrupt the function of other genes,
either long term or permanently, and may be passed on to offspring for
He told the senators he was “alarmed about this DNA being in the
vaccine,” as “there is a very real hazard” of the dsDNA integrating into
a person’s genome and becoming a “permanent fixture of the cell” that
can result in autoimmune problems and cancers.11
Buckhaults suspects high levels of DNA contaminants may also be
causing some of the more serious side effects of the jabs, such as
lethal cardiac arrest.12 Of
the two lots he analyzed, he found between 5 nanograms and 20 ng of
plasmid DNA — ranging from one to 200 base pairs long — per 300
microliter dose, and he points out that having a multitude of tiny
fragments is far riskier than having one big piece of DNA.13
The risk of genome integration by dsDNA has been known for decades,14 so
the individuals who decided to allow this contamination to remain
cannot claim they didn’t know public health would be put at risk.
vigilantnews | Soon, mRNA technology will be coming to flu vaccines.
Supporters tout that the adaptability of mRNA technology allows for
quicker response times in developing vaccines that can more accurately
target circulating influenza strains, potentially making yearly flu
shots more effective.
Furthermore, work is being done to apply
mRNA technology to “treat” various other diseases. It is being explored
as a potential treatment for sickle-cell disease and the autoimmune disorder, multiple sclerosis. Additionally, its application in cancer treatment is under investigation, with the aim of harnessing the immune system to combat malignancies.
The fight against HIV, a long-standing global health challenge, is also on mRNA’s radar. Currently, three experimental HIV vaccines, built on an mRNA design akin to the COVID-19 vaccines, are in the early stages of human clinical trials.
The award to Karikó and Weissman is not without controversy.
Dr. Robert Malone, a renowned scientist, medical doctor, and pioneer in mRNA vaccine technology, made some fiery comments on “X.”
He stated, “Kariko and Weissman get the Nobel, not for inventing mRNA vaccines (because I did that) but for adding the pseudouridine that allowed unlimited spike toxins to be manufactured in what could have been a safe and effective vaccine platform, if safely developed.”
further criticized the integrity of the award process, suggesting undue
influence from pharmaceutical giants. “Pfizer has been campaigning for
this since 2020 - at first, they even claimed (as did Kariko) that she
invented the mRNA vaccine platform technology. Pfizer donates heavily to the Karolinska Institute, which awards the Nobel. Science has been hijacked again by big pharma.”
decision to honor Karikó and Weissman while omitting key contributors
like Dr. Robert Malone raises questions about the narrative that’s being
pushed surrounding mRNA technology. One thing is sure: COVID is just
the beginning. And what will likely ensue will be subsequent campaigns
to get more mRNA injected into every man, woman, and child.
attorneycox | The
“they” is our government (federal and state). The “we” is you and me,
and the other 300+ million Americans across our country.
here we are, entering the final quarter of 2023, and we have the United
States government, and many state governments (including New York’s
former Governor Andrew Cuomo, current left-wing Governor Kathy Hochul, and the super-majority Dem legislature) proclaiming for all to hear that they did not force anyone to do anything detrimental these past 3.5 years. UNBELIEVABLE!
Did you hear this? They are actually saying with straight faces that
they didn’t force you to wear a mask, or lockdown and shutter your
businesses, or choose between taking an experimental drug or losing your
job… Nope! They did none of that. And you - well, you are flat out crazy if you think they did. You are lying. You are exaggerating and totally overreacting.
for Big Brother, ooops, I mean unfortunately for our 100% reliable,
never-lies-to-us government, we have actual documents (including lawsuits),
news stories, social media posts, and videos of the government at all
levels mandating and forcing us to do all of those things, and more.
Here’s just one example of Biden himself, the “Big Guy,” mandating the
C19 shot:
Biden is not alone. No, no. His entire administration is
right there with him. His head of OSHA, Douglas Parker, is also now
lying through his teeth about the OSHA mandate that REQUIRED
(not suggested) that all employers in the entire nation with 100 or
more employees force their employees to get the C19 shot, otherwise they
had to wear a mask and test constantly for C19. (That OSHA mandate was
struck down by SCOTUS
last year because it was unconstitutional, by the way). Then there’s
the head of HHS, Xavier Becerra, saying there was never a mask mandate.
What?! Another blatant lie.
Please take the 2 minutes to watch this Congressman Kevin Kiley clip.
You truly won’t believe your ears with the bullsh#* these Biden agency
heads are spewing! As Congressman Kiley says in the video, the
government is trying to tell us that “2 + 2 doesn’t equal 4.” You don’t
get much more Orwellian than that!
Why are they backtracking now?
answers: 1) they didn’t have the authority to do any of it (all of it
was unconstitutional) so they can’t justify and defend it now, and 2) if
they can convince you they didn’t do it before, then you won’t mind as
much when they do it again.
This should make your blood
boil. It’s particularly infuriating to those of us who were speaking
out from basically day one trying to tell people that the lockdowns, the
masking, the shots, the limited number of people at your wedding or at
your Thanksgiving table were all violations of the Constitution and our
basic human rights!
There isn’t a single working mRNA vaccine right now...,
How can you give a Nobel Prize for it?
Reduce transmission? – you seriously must be kidding at this point. I could never even dream to make that claim with a straight face at this point. Seriously, this is the kind of thing that is causing the damage to the reputation of medicine to be hyper-driven.
Morbidity – Given the number of instant severe problems that many patients had with the vaccine – even in the early days. Blood clots, pulmonary emboli, autoimmune and neurological issues…. And now that it is becoming obvious that it is the multiply boosted and vaxxed that seem to be having many more problems with getting infected over and over again – multiple studies are now showing this.
Again – if someone can please answer the question – If it seems that the multiply boosted are getting infected more often – and it seems that multiple infections increase the incidence of all kinds of problems – how are the vaccines helping?
Extreme morbidity and mortality – hospitalizations, etc. —– in the first year of the pandemic, this may have been so. However, as with any mitigation scheme, one must keep track over the entire event – and one also must keep track of those being harmed by the mitigation procedure.
The overwhelming majority of patients who are being admitted right now are vaxxed/boosted. I think the claim of improvement in morbidity early on was justified. I am not seeing this now. When taken in its entirety – I am not certain that we can make the claim that this vaccine program has been a success. It is going to take the entirety of the raw data over the entire country/world to really ascertain this. But yet, the authorities are completely unwilling to do so. Can you explain to me why that is? What about releasing all raw data is so problematic? Especially for “The Scientists”?
With regard to Nobel prizes. We all must remember that the Medicine Prize went to the gentleman who pioneered frontal lobotomies. The Peace Prize went to Obama who spent the next 8 years bombing weddings with drones. Sometimes Nobel prizes go pear-shaped.
It should truly be an award for those whose work has stood the test of time. I wonder what will be thought of this one awarded yesterday a generation from now.
It is significant that the Nobel recipients were not involved with the development of the mRNA spike protein vaccines. Their work was in developing a mechanism for repressing the immune system response to allow cells to absorb mRNA. This mechanism was then utilized by Moderna and BioNTech/Pfizer in their vaccines.
I think this was simply a way to award “The Nobel Prize” to the vaccines without actually giving it directly to Big Pharma. – i.e. it is a propaganda move. Heaven forbid we get into the DAPRA project with Moderna concerning the Pathogen Protection Platform, which was to use mRNA to spur antibodies to send soldiers into an environment where the pathogen of interest was used as weapon. That was 2013, and DARPA stopped.
amgreatness | The head of Russia’s Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC)
Protection forces released a statement this week suggesting that
nefarious officials in the United States developed and deployed COVID-19
for “offensive purposes” and may be plotting a new pandemic.
The United States government officially claims that its scientists
study pathogens in biolabs around the world to develop preventative
measures to potential viruses, but Moscow does not buy that.
Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov said that the United States may have
played a role in inflicting the COVID-19 pathogen on the world and may
be working to create another biological crisis.
“We do not rule out the United States may use so-called defensive
technologies for offensive purposes, as well as for global governance by
creating crisis situations of biological nature,” Kirillov warned.
According to the Russian State media outlet RT,
Moscow believes there was collusion between Big Pharma and USAID
through the EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S.-based non-government organization
run by Peter Daszak, to develop new strains of coronavirus.
“The intermediary organization EcoHealth Alliance has played a key
role in implementing projects to study this pathogen. Since 2015, the
organization’s researchers have been involved in studying a diverse
population of bats, searching for new coronavirus strains and mechanisms
for animal-to-human transmission. Over 2,500 bats have been studied,”
Kirillov stated.
The general brought up the troubling fact that the World Health
Organization, Gates Foundation, and Johns Hopkins University conducted
the Event 201
drills in New York on October 18, 2019, just two months before the
first COVID-19 cases were officially reported in China. The ostensive
purpose of the exercise was to practice the steps that would be taken
during a coronavirus outbreak, but many people believe it was a
“practice run” for the pandemic.
“The fact that the pandemic unfolded exactly according to this
scenario, as well as the implementation of EcoHealth Alliance’s
projects, gives rise to questions as to whether COVID-19 was in fact an
intentionally man-made disease and whether the US may have had a hand in
this incident,” Kirillov said.
Kirillov also expressed deep concern that the Biden regime’s new
Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy is up to no good.
“The United States’ next step, aimed at pushing ahead with its
strategic plans for establishing global control over the biological
situation, was the creation of the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and
Response Policy. This new agency is expected to be responsible for
charting a course and coordinating actions to combat known and unknown
biological challenges, including pathogens that might trigger another
global emergency,” Kirillov said.
tomrenz | This article is pretty science heavy so at this point I also want to
acknowledge two additional points. First, I am not a Peter
McCullough/Harvey Risch type scientist. I am a lawyer with some science
background. That means that I am not the guy that will be creating
science, but to do my job as an attorney litigating in this area I have
to be able to read and understand the science. I do those things quite
well. Second, the information in this article is based simply on reading
and understanding the science. There is nothing here I’ve created - I
just know how to read.
Disclaimers aside, I want to open this
article with a confession. This article was titled using the acronym
mRNA but that was intentionally misleading. For purposes of this article
- mRNA actually stands for modRNA which is different from mRNA. mRNA is
messenger RNA and is found all over in life. modRNA is laboratory
modified RNA that has been synthetically created for a purpose. It can
be more durable, and have substantially greater impact than a true mRNA
and can do many other things.
Why does this matter? Well let’s start with the COVID “vaccines”.
Because mRNA is a weak particle and breaks down easily with a relatively
lower risk of messing with your genetics than other gene therapy
products (like modRNA) that is what is always talked about in the jabs.
The problem is that it is a lie. Here is the FDA label for the Pfizer
You can find the entire label here: https://labeling.pfizer.com/ShowLabeling.aspx?id=14471.
Note that different vials are different (denoted by the cap color) but
also, under number 3, that one of the ingredients is modRNA. No one is
talking about this but it is crucial.
Life as we know it is specified by the genomes of the myriad organisms with which we share the planet. Every organism possesses a genome that contains the biological information
needed to construct and maintain a living example of that organism.
Most genomes, including the human genome and those of all other cellular
life forms, are made of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) but a few viruses have RNA (ribonucleic acid) genomes. DNA and RNA are polymeric molecules made up of chains of monomeric subunits called nucleotides.
To give you an idea of how complicated the genes that make up our body are this description from the same webpage follows:
The human genome, which is typical of the genomes of all multicellular animals, consists of two distinct parts (Figure 1.1):
*The nuclear genome comprises approximately 3 200 000 000 nucleotides of DNA, divided into 24 linear molecules, the shortest 50 000 000 nucleotides in length and the longest 260 000 000
nucleotides, each contained in a different chromosome. These 24
chromosomes consist of 22 autosomes and the two sex chromosomes, X and Y.
*The mitochondrial genome is a circular DNA molecule of 16 569 nucleotides, multiple copies of which are located in the energy-generating organelles called mitochondria.
*Each of the approximately 1013
cells in the adult human body has its own copy or copies of the genome,
the only exceptions being those few cell types, such as red blood
cells, that lack a nucleus in their fully differentiated state. The vast
majority of cells are diploid
and so have two copies of each autosome, plus two sex chromosomes, XX
for females or XY for males - 46 chromosomes in all. These are called somatic cells, in contrast to sex cells or gametes, which are haploid
and have just 23 chromosomes, comprising one of each autosome and one
sex chromosome. Both types of cell have about 8000 copies of the
mitochondrial genome, 10 or so in each mitochondrion.
think about how complex that makes us. The nuclear genome contains 3.2
billion nucleotides & the mitochondrial genome contains 16.5k. Each
of these were designed by God and have evolved over the millennia to
work as a singular machine. Now imagine a watch. The watch tells perfect
time because a bunch of tiny gears all work perfectly together to move
the hands the appropriate amount to point to the proper minutes and
seconds. If one of these gears becomes damaged or the wrong size gear is
put into place the entire watch would go haywire and fail to work. A
watch may have hundreds of parts - our bodies have billions.
that in mind let’s talk about modRNA (or worse - saRNA). Rather than
taking my word for what this is let me share this explanation from
Pfizer you can find at https://www.pfizer.com/science/innovation/mrna-technology until they change it (which will likely happen shortly after I publish this):
So Pfizer’s modRNA and saRNA vaccines modify the nucleosides that make up the genes that make up our body.
BostonGlobe | On a recent warm and humid summer night, a group of public health colleagues and I were approaching a restaurant for dinner. “Inside or out?” I asked. Not long ago, COVID-19 would have decided — outside. But not that night. We ate inside, where it was cooler.
Like so many others, we are living with COVID. The virus isn’t going anywhere, but how safely we live with it has changed dramatically. Most Americans have resumed the full range of their pre-pandemic activities — concerts, parties, summer camps, and family events. But with the virus still circulating, many who have gone back to pre-pandemic life still worry if they are safe.
It makes sense to be wary. We have lived with these risk assessments and daily decisions for almost four years. And yet we are in a much different, much better place. We can protect ourselves with vaccines,
which remain free and widely available. Treatments like Paxlovid are
more accessible than ever. Innovative research continues, with an updated vaccine expected in the fall that will better target the circulating variant.
Tests are available for those who still want to use testing, and
surveillance, through wastewater and genomic sequencing, is much better
than it used to be. Add in large investments in improving indoor air
quality and the infrastructure to respond more effectively to future
outbreaks and things are much better.
truth is that we can now prevent nearly every COVID death. People who
are up to date on their vaccines and get treated when infected rarely
get seriously ill. Even for the vulnerable like my parents, who are in
their 80s, vaccines coupled with treatments provide a very high degree
of protection against serious illness. This is also true for most
immuno-compromised individuals. The fact is, now a few basic steps mean
you can ignore COVID safely — and get back to doing things that matter,
even with COVID still around. Think of these safety measures like the
routine check-ups that keep your car safe to drive.
are these measures? The most important is making sure immunity is up to
date. For most of us, this means one COVID booster shot annually. For
high-risk people whose immune systems are less robust (like my parents
and others over 65), two shots per year will help shore up waning
immunity and avoid unnecessary vulnerability. The Biden administration
has made a large investment in building vaccines that will stop
infections and whose benefits will potentially last years. Until those
vaccines arrive, an updated shot annually for most of us and two shots a
year for the most vulnerable will keep most people safe from serious
get it — no one likes to get shots. But vaccines are the single
greatest weapon we have to put the pandemic behind us. Getting a shot
against the flu is already a regular part of the lives of many
Americans, including those of us who work in health care. Vulnerable
Americans will be safer if we all get both flu and COVID shots every
if you do contract COVID, make use of the highly effective treatments.
There are several available now and more coming soon. These treatments,
like Paxlovid, are remarkable at preventing serious illness,
with some preliminary evidence that they might also help reduce the
risk of long COVID. While treatments are particularly important for
those of us over 50, all adults should immediately explore treatments if
they contract COVID.
NEJM | The development of safe and
effective Covid-19 vaccines and treatments within a year after
SARS-CoV-2 was first identified represents one of the great successes of
modern science.1
Thanks to the ingenuity of scientists, along with cooperation between
the U.S. government and the private sector, these medical
countermeasures changed the trajectory of the pandemic, saving millions
of lives in the United States and tens of millions globally. Today,
nearly 70% of Americans have received their primary vaccination series,
including nearly 95% of those over 65 years of age.2
the numbers of deaths and hospitalizations due to Covid-19 have dropped
by more than 90% since President Joe Biden took office, our fight
against SARS-CoV-2 is not over. The virus continues to evolve rapidly3
and still causes substantial numbers of infections, hospitalizations,
and deaths each day. The emergence of new variants is hard to predict
and continues to threaten the ability of countermeasures such as
monoclonal antibodies to protect vulnerable patients. Immunity from both
vaccines and infection wanes over time. The only way to stay ahead of
the virus is to continue to update the composition of our vaccines and
administer them in a regular cadence. Although this strategy is
critical, with our current generation of vaccines, it also requires
immense resources for mounting frequent vaccination campaigns — at a
time when antivaccination sentiment continues to grow and the public’s
appetite for regular vaccinations has waned.
vaccines and treatments are needed if we are to break the cycle of
responding to new variants as they appear: we need tools that can
improve our bodies’ ability to stop infections, reduce transmission,
build longer-lasting immunity, and target parts of the virus that are
less likely to evolve.4
Ideally, such vaccines and treatments would provide better protection,
enabling us to avoid disruptions of our lives and continue to enjoy the
activities we value.
Since it’s safe to assume that
SARS-CoV-2 will continue to evolve, the goal for the next generation of
vaccines and treatments is to be effective irrespective of that
evolution — to protect against infection, transmission, and severe
illness. This new approach is important for everyone, but particularly
for the most vulnerable people — older adults and people who are
immunocompromised, for whom infections can have more severe
The Biden administration has
therefore announced Project NextGen, which will coordinate a
whole-of-government effort to advance innovations from labs through
clinical trials and safely deliver them to the public. It aims to bring
new vaccines and treatments to market by investing in research and
development, expanding manufacturing capability and innovation, and
providing updated and streamlined regulatory guidance. This $5 billion
investment will focus on three main areas: vaccines that provide broader
immunity both against new SARS-CoV-2 variants and across the family of
epidemic-prone sarbecoviruses, vaccines that generate effective mucosal
immunity to block infection and transmission, and monoclonal antibodies
that can weather viral evolution and serve as a basis for our arsenal
against new threats from beta-coronaviruses.
Why is
government investment needed at this time and for this effort? Although
there is consensus that these tools are critical for our fight moving
forward, current market forces have made development slow. Reduced
interest in traditional vaccines has limited investments in this area.
In addition, the science underpinning these efforts is difficult and
requires work that is not guaranteed to pay off on the timelines that
many private investors seek. There are also important scientific and
regulatory challenges, such as determining how to best measure a new
vaccine’s efficacy. Although companies may eventually bring the needed
products to market, the current anticipated timelines could leave the
public vulnerable, without additional tools, for many years. This
prospect reflects a classic market failure: the costs of development
have been left to private market forces that may not place adequate
value on products’ broad benefits for the people of the United States
and the rest of the world.
The U.S. government has
committed to accelerating the science by streamlining development
processes, using such strategies as standardizing assays, standardizing
protocols, and providing timely regulatory guidance. This approach will
build on years of success of the Biomedical Advanced Research and
Development Authority (an agency within the Department of Health and
Human Services), and it is designed to help ensure that new tools reach
the American people in the shortest time possible.
amidwesterndoctor |Reducing global population has been a consistent goal of the ruling class for centuries. While many support the abstract idea of population control, no one wants to volunteer to be the ones who are culled. The business of population control has hence been a very messy subject.
the COVID vaccine program began, I—and likely many others—suspected the
COVID vaccines would have an “unexpected” side effect of reducing
fertility. Early in their development, Mike Yeadon (and others) at
great personal risk publicly warned regulators of a clear fertility
danger inherent to the vaccine (found in section IX of their petition).
regulatory document leaks from the European FDA revealed Pfizer
exempted themselves from testing the key areas of concern (infertility,
autoimmunity and cancer) in animals. This highly unusual moved further
suggested serious problems existed in these three areas (as you can’t
find something if you don’t officially test for it).
repeated denials, signs of each of these key complications from the
vaccine have now emerged. While I do not have every piece of the
puzzle—there are likely many “population control initiatives” I’ve never
heard of—I know enough to paint a clear picture of this dirty
The first half of this two-part article
will lay out the historical precedent of using any means necessary to
reduce the population, while the second part will examine how this has
been attempted with vaccinations.
Cruel Philosophies
best as I can tell, there are three overlapping schools of thought that
have created the zealous belief in a need for population control.
1. Many governments, especially those in the East, have adopted the
viewpoint that periodic wars are necessary for the stability of the
society. This viewpoint primarily arises from social instability caused
by too many young adult males in the state coupled with the issues that
occur when there is insufficient food available to the population. In
turn, many wars have been fought specifically for this reason. (I am
most familiar with this being a common theme in China, as they have
observed over the centuries the one thing that will cause rebellions are
Following World War 2, the Western ruling elite came to
a consensus that the war approach was no longer tenable due to the
extreme collateral infrastructure and environmental damage modern
weaponry (ie. nukes) created. I only know of two exceptions to this
Wars in third-world nations lacking advaced weaponry
where the collateral damage those wars caused was inconsequential to
first-world nations.
Talks that occurred within the Chinese
military leadership, but have so far not materialized, over starting a
war with India so both countries could mutually alleviate their
challenging population burden. For context, China has attempted
population control with their “one-child” policy, but it has been met
with mixed success and widespread social resistance.
alternative to war is a multi-pronged attack that seeks every possible
avenue to reduce fertility and accelerate aging, which many argue is the
more humane option of the two. One of the curious facts I have
observed over the decades is how frequently an odd policy or
environmental agent always seems to converge on the common pathway of
reducing population. Once or twice, you can write it up as a
coincidence, but at a certain point, you have to wonder if it is all
When I studied the early history of infectious diseases (discussed in my previous articles
on smallpox), one of the most striking things to me was the absolute
squalor the serfs were forced into as the feudal lords kicked them off
the land to live in the early cities. It was much worse than most
people of this modern era can even conceive of.
When I
first learned of this, I guessed the suffering that move caused for the
lower class must have been viewed as a necessary trade off by the
European rulership to facilitate the Industrial Revolution, something
vital for national development. After I learned about the Malthusian
philosophy, I realized those abhorrent living situations was likely the
goal in of itself.
In 1798, Rev. Thomas R Malthus published the influential work An Essay on the Principle of Population,which
argued that human populations tend to increase at a geometrical
(exponential) rate, but the means of subsistence (food) grows at only an
arithmetic (linear) rate. "The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man,"
according to Malthus, who therefore believed the standard of living of
the masses could not be improved without the checks of war, famine, or
disease. In their absence, population would increase by a geometric rate
and lead to a catastrophic “Malthusian” food supply collapse.
there are numerous errors in his theory, Malthus was appointed to
multiple important positions, and his ideas appear to have gradually
become a prevailing conviction among members of the ruling classes in
the 19th century. These ideas also influenced other key figures, such as
Charles Darwin while he created his theory of evolution and natural
Numerous groups were founded over the
decades, which emphasized birth control and increasing mortality of the
poor. These groups included Dr. George Drysdale's Elements of Social
Science in 1854, the Malthusian League in
1877, and Margret Sanger’s National Birth Control League in 1915, which
became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942. Initially
these groups were domestic, but gradually they became global, at which
point, they tied international aid and development to population control
The Malthusian and Darwinian ideals gradually
gave birth to Social Darwinism and Eugenics, which were both widely
adopted by the ruling elite. Social Darwinism argued that class
divisions were the will of nature and that this form of natural
selection, rather than being evil, was necessary. The most extreme
version of this ideology, eugenics, appears to have arisen from two key
1. The tribal nature of human beings and the tendency
to view all other tribes as inferior (the ruling class felt this way
towards the poor).
2. The advances of society were
making it possible for many of the weaker members of society, who
previously would have died off, to survive long enough to reproduce and,
over time, significantly weaken the gene pool.
in turn advocated preventing those who were less “fit” from breeding.
This has been responsible for horror upon horror since its inception,
and it provided the theoretical foundation for why, among other things,
the Nazis forcibly sterilized the mentally-ill. When the Nazis
eventually were tried at Nuremberg for their crimes against humanity,
few know that that many cited the fact similar actions were first
conducted by the “Great United States” as part of their defense.
stevekirsch |Science used to be about data and what the data shows. Sadly, today, science is about what the CDC says, even if there is no data in support of the recommendation whatsoever.
The most stunning example of this is the “six foot rule.” Did you know that it was entirely fabricated out of thin air? From Presidential Takedown page 49:
is even more stunning is that the CDC has never admitted this publicly.
This is evidence that they are a corrupt organization and the
corruption goes to the very top of the organization.
We have over two years of data. Why not make it public?
now have over two years worth of death and vaccination data for people
who died after getting a COVID shot, yet nobody wants to see the record
level data tied to the vaccination dates?!?!
Let me be perfectly clear:
This is an abject failure of the entire medical community for not demanding to see this data.
People paid for us to see this data with their lives. Why is it being hidden from us?
In the US, hundreds of millions of people participated in a massive clinical trial and have data to share with people. At
least 500,000 of the participants paid the ultimate price: they
sacrificed their lives to send a message to America about the vaccines.
It is extremely disrespectful to these people to ignore their death
data and not share it with the public. Why are we not allowing these
people to share their data?
Do you think if we could ask
those people right before they died, “Do you want to let others know
what killed you?” Do you think they would all say, “No! Don’t let anyone
know. Please keep it a secret!”?
institution in the world that is recommending or requiring COVID
vaccination should be DEMANDING to see this data made public
John Beaudoin and I have been calling for the death data to be set free and made public. We have been ignored.
Why aren’t any of these organizations calling for data transparency here so we can learn the truth?
The mainstream medical community
Heads of state throughout the world
The White House
The mainstream media
Public health authorities
Any doctor or nurse who recommends the jab to patients
Universities who mandate the vaccines for students, staff, or faculty
Any organization that supports COVID vaccines for their members, employees, or visitors
The data exists in VSD as well. But the CDC won’t allow anyone to see it.
data exists in every state health department. But you can’t FOIA it
because it requires a join to avoid PII problems and FOIA requests are
not allowed if they generate effort like that. So FOIA requests won’t
It’s time for everyone to demand that our health authorities “Show us the data!”
We should all refuse to comply until they produce it.
brianoshea | Project Veritas recently released a video featuring "Jordon Trishton Walker," Pfizer executive who revealed shocking new info. But finding anything about him is tough. Here is what I've found so far.
thedailybeast |The Daily Mail took down a digital article last week that promoted Project Veritas’ latest sting operation
alleging that a Pfizer executive admitted the pharmaceutical giant was
making a “more potent” version of COVID in order to create new vaccines
for sale.
Following days of anti-vaxxers and right-wing media outlets
complaining about the article’s quiet deletion, and hours after The
Daily Beast reached out to the tabloid, the piece was back online—and
was completely changed.
Senior reporter Andrea Cavallier, the
article’s original author, was originally removed from the byline but
has since reappeared. The updated article,
which came back online Monday afternoon, now largely focuses on
Pfizer’s response to Project Veritas’ video and the far-right activist
group’s suggestion that the company is practicing “gain-of-function”
research. In addition to Cavallier, the byline now features health
editor Connor Boyd and health reporter Caitlin Tilley.
original story did not carry a response from Pfizer. We temporarily took
the story down while we vigorously pursued answers,” a Daily Mail
spokesperson told Confider. “Now Pfizer has responded, we are able to
report that they have confirmed they manipulated the covid
virus—although they insist there was no gain of function. This updated
story is now fully live again.”
In a video that went viral
in right-wing social media circles, a person Project Veritas claims is
Pfizer’s director of research and development tells an undercover
journalist that the company is “exploring” the possibility of “mutating”
viruses in monkeys so as to “preemptively develop new vaccines.”
not supposed to do gain-of-function research with viruses,” the man,
whom Project Veritas claims is named Jordon Trishton Walker, added.
“Regularly not. We can do these selected structure mutations to make
them more potent. There is research ongoing about that. I don't know how
that is going to work. There better not be any more outbreaks because
Jesus Christ.”
The video blew up among conservatives, especially vaccine skeptics. Fox News’ Tucker Carlson fumed
about the “near-total media blackout of this story” about how Pfizer
was conducting “Frankenstein science.” GOP lawmakers soon began sending letters
to the company’s CEO asking him to confirm whether Pfizer was taking
part in gain-of-function research, citing Project Veritas’
“investigative report.” (Conservatives have latched onto
the theory that Dr. Anthony Fauci funded gain-of-function research in
Wuhan, largely blaming the “lab leak theory” for possibly creating
The Mail’s initial piece on the video
essentially gives a play-by-play of Project Veritas’ video while noting
the outlet reached out to Pfizer for comment. Shortly after it went up
on Thursday, however, the article was nowhere to be found on the
website. And its disappearance soon drew notice.
“Hi, @MailOnline
can you clarify why you have appeared to remove this story from your
website?” British parliament member Andrew Bridgen tweeted on Thursday. Bridgen was recently suspended by his own Conservative Party for peddling conspiracy theories about vaccines and comparing the side effects of COVID shots to the Holocaust.
After the Mail
piece was pulled offline, Pfizer released an online statement
responding to the allegations made about the company following the
publication of Project Veritas’ video.
“In the ongoing development
of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, Pfizer has not conducted gain
of function or directed evolution research,” the statement, released Friday night,
said. “Working with collaborators, we have conducted research where the
original SARS-CoV-2 virus has been used to express the spike protein
from new variants of concern.”
The statement also added that “in a
limited number of cases when a full virus does not contain any known
gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the
assessment of antiviral activity in cells.” The Mail’supdated article, which went back up on Monday afternoon, now largely focuses on Pfizer’s response to the undercover video.
Brownstone | Contrary to popular belief that pharmaceutical companies drove the
COVID vaccine development programs, the US FDA’s website (FDA, 2020)
reveals that the United States Department of Defence (DoD) has been in
full control of the Covid Vaccine development program since its
beginning. The DoD has been responsible for development, manufacturing,
clinical trials, quality assurance, distribution and administration,
since that time (FDA, 2020; Rees and Latypova, 2022; KEI, 2022; Medical
Defense Consortium, 2022; Rees, 2022). The major pharmaceutical
companies have been involved as “Project Coordination Teams” effectively
performing as subcontractors to the DoD. The Chief Operating Officer
for the Warp Speed vaccine program is the US Department of Defence, and
the Chief Science Advisor is the US Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS).
The Nature of Gene-based Vaccines
The true nature of the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ has been largely
misrepresented by mainstream media, big pharmaceutical companies and
governments and is poorly understood by the population at large.
Referring to these products as “vaccines” led most people to consider
them as relatively safe and well-researched and readily accept their
widespread use. However, they are not really vaccines – they are serious
gene-based interventions which have never been deployed widely in any
population, especially never to healthy individuals including children,
infants and pregnant women. In this sense they should be considered
COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ fall into a special class of therapeutic agents
under the US FDA Office of Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapies’ defined
as “gene therapy products,” which involve “introducing a new or modified
gene into the body to help treat a disease” (FDA, 2018). Heretofore,
use of gene therapy products has been limited to the treatment of
usually rare, serious and debilitating disease or genetic conditions.
They have potential to cause permanent intergenerational genetic damage,
cancer and interfere with reproductive capacity.
The FDA and other drug regulatory agencies have specific rules and
guidelines to direct manufacturers in development and testing of such
products, for both preclinical (FDA, 2013) and clinical (FDA, 2015)
research. However, the FDA did not evaluate these COVID-19 “vaccines”
according to these gene therapy guidelines.
Instead, there was a concerted effort to avoid referring to them as
gene therapy products, based, in part, on the argument that the genetic
material in the COVID-19 vaccines was not intended to be incorporated
into an individual’s DNA, nor to modify gene expression. There was no
prior short-term safety information and no long-term data on which to
predict future effects. No similar therapeutic products have been
previously approved anywhere in the world. Their widespread
administration globally with no historical safety experience was an
unprecedented risk in human health.
Accelerating Development
Messenger RNA platform technology has been researched by DARPA
(Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency) since at least 2012
(McCullough, 2022). In early 2020, in the panic to develop the COVID-19
vaccines, certain critical research and development procedures were
omitted, bypassed, curtailed, or not done in a logical sequential
manner, or to established laboratory or manufacturing standards.
Although the spike protein is the active drug and is directly
responsible for the immune response, its pharmacology and toxicology
have not been studied in animals or in humans as would normally have
been required.
Other notable deficiencies include lack of critical research on
carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, genotoxicity and reproductive toxicology
in appropriate animal species. In particular, the potential for reverse
transcription of mRNA genetic material into an individual’s DNA was not
investigated. Furthermore, scale-up manufacturing was premature and
lacked adequate quality control to ensure that product made in large
batches is the same as made in smaller batches.
Without such research, the potency, mRNA integrity, presence of
contaminants and stability of the “vaccines” cannot be guaranteed. Such
oversights are directly responsible for the failure to predict the
serious adverse drug reactions and mortality which have now been
reported in association with these vaccines.
To mitigate risk, the plan in vaccine development was to use multiple
technologies, multiple facilities and redundancy. Leverage of existing
facilities would also take place. In the interest of expediency, the
plan was to avoid using traditional pathways from early development to
large-scale production. Avoidance of quality standards and guidelines
such as Good Manufacturing Practice and Good Laboratory Practice
guidelines was necessary to speed development, and conventional New Drug
Application (NDA) and Biologics License Application (BLA) approvals
were bypassed.
Instead, the process moved rapidly using compressed timelines and
overlapping stages of development towards Emergency Use Authorization
(EUA). Scale-up and large volume manufacturing was planned in parallel
with, instead of before, clinical trials which, again, may have
contravened accepted codes of Good Manufacturing Practices. These
approaches were probably a recipe for potential disaster. (Latypova,
2022; Watt and Latypova, 2022).
dailymail | Joe Biden has been re-infected with COVID
after taking an anti-viral drug that leaves patients running a 40 per
cent risk of flare-up of the virus shortly afterwards.
Paxlovid leaves COVID sufferers in danger of testing positive for the
virus again very quickly after clearing their initial infection.
When Paxlovid came to market in December 2021, studies from Pfizer indicated
that only 1-2 percent of patients who took the drug tested positive for
Covid again shortly after finishing their dosage.
other experts say the rapid reinfection rate is closer to 40 per cent,
and that Paxlovid can cause this issue by suppressing patients' immune
systems too early, meaning their own bodies are unable to get a handle
Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a
prominent cardiologist and professor of medicine and surgery at George
Washington University Hospital tweeted: 'I think this was predictable.'
continued: 'The prior data suggesting 'rebound' Paxlovid positivity in
the low single digits is outdates and with BA.5 is likely 20-40% or even
In a memo released by the
White House, Dr. Kevin O'Connor said that the president will continue to
isolate, just like he did when he first tested positive on July 21.
O'Connor also said that the president would not be prescribed Paxlovid
again. The president's doctor earlier noted that it was likely that the
president was infected with the BA.5 variant.
In June, a Mayo Clinic study showed that
five percent of adults who had taken the drug tested positive again for
Covid within 30 days, according to the New York Times.
The majority of those who experienced rebound symptoms occur within two to eight days.
Some experts have said that the current
treatment cycle of taking three pills twice a day for five days is too
short a time period to clear Covid from the patient's body.
The conclusion of the Mayo Clinic study was that extending the time period of the course of Paxlovid was unnecessary.
The authors of the study conceded in their findings that immunocompromised people were unrepresented in the study.
in June, the president's chief medical advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci,
experienced rebound Covid-19. In his case, he did take a second round of
Dr. Ashish K. Jha, the
White House’s Covid-19 response coordinator, has denied that the
Paxlovid rebound numbers are nearly 50 percent.
The doctor maintained that the actual percentage of reinfections is 'in the single digits.'
Dr. Jha said: 'When people have rebound, they don’t end up in the hospital. They don’t end up particularly sick.'
added: 'Paxlovid is working really well at preventing serious illness,
rebound or no rebound, and that’s why he was offered it. And that’s why
the president took it.
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