Wednesday, April 16, 2014

michael c. ruppert - RIP

fromthewilderness |  "This is the man who cost CIA Director Deutch his guaranteed appointment as Secretary of Defense after confronting him at Locke High School with hard facts about CIA dealing drugs." - Dick Gregory
" the course of investigations in the mid 70's he came across information that the CIA was trading drugs in order to fund covert operations in the Middle East...Perot called him back to offer encouragement...Ruppert says that his main objective is to see that the country gets a leader worthy of its people. Even for Ross Perot those will be tough shoes to fill." - PEOPLE MAGAZINE 6/22/92

The Record is Here
Learn More: OPENING REMARKS OF MICHAEL C. RUPPERT for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (WRITTEN STATEMENT WITH EXHIBITS)
Full Disclosure Part I – Michael Ruppert's LAPD records
Full Disclosure Part II – The Legal Record Around His 1978 LAPD Resignation
The 1981 Herald Examiner Stories – Two consecutive front page stories got it mostly right but confirmed that Ruppert had stumbled on illegal covert operations:
Part One
Part Two
"Mike Ruppert is a one man crusade trying to expose America's bogus war on drugs. From the time we met on the campaign trail in 1992 while filming THE LAST PARTY, through his challenge to John Deutch, Mike Ruppert has been on the front line trying to get the story out." - Marc Levin, - Emmy award winning Director of PBS's The Secret Government, THE LAST PARTY and Producer of Bill Moyers' 1998 series on Addiction.

Michael Ruppert is the author of Crossing The Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil. Published in September 2004 and is one of the three best-selling books globally and in the US about the attacks of 9/11. Rubicon is the only book to show that Vice President Richard Cheney, the US government and Wall Street had a well-developed awareness of Peak Oil before the 9/11 attacks and that US policy since then has been consistent with Peak Oil imperatives. In May, 2006 Crossing the Rubicon was added to the Harvard School of Business library and released in a French version with distribution throughout all major book stores in France.

Mike is also the publisher/editor of From The Wilderness, a newsletter read in more than 50 countries around the world. Its subscribers include 60-plus members of the US congress, professors at more than 40 universities around the world, and major business and economic leaders. Since 9/11 Mike has been in demand as a university lecturer and has spoken on Peak Oil and 9/11 in nine countries. Recently, at the request of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, he served as an official questioner during a Congressional briefing looking into unanswered questions and the unaddressed flaws of the Keane Commission report. Having concluded that the US government and markets will be useless in preparing American citizens for the coming crisis, Mike's current focus is on individual and community preparedness for the coming challenges and the development of a reliable news service to quickly identify and track breaking developments around the world.

Mike is a former LAPD narcotics investigator, whistleblower and a 1973 Honors Graduate of UCLA in Political Science. After attempting to expose this he was forced out of LAPD in 1978 while earning the highest rating reports possible and having no pending disciplinary actions. In 1996, after 18 years of struggle, he finally achieved one of his deepest wishes in a face to face public encounter with then CIA Director John Deutch on national television. Washington sources later told Mike that Deutch's mishandling of the encounter cost him a guaranteed appointment as Secretary of Defense.


Vic78 said...

Slightly related, where does Washington Post get these half wit writers? It's like they're experts at discussing topics they don't know shit about.

Makheru Bradley said...

Another hit from the “change you can believe in” parade.Capitalizing the New Jim Crow.

While President Obama and Attorney General Holder are crying foul about the way they are being treated by some elements of the White Supremacy Dynamic, in a critical area they are doing precisely what the power-holding elements of the White Supremacy Dynamic expects from their representatives--capitalizing the New Jim Crow. Michelle Alexander is proven to be correct time and time again.

[Annual funding for the Byrne grants fluctuates. The program received about $500 million per year when George W. Bush took office, but funding was down to $170.4 million in 2008. The Byrne grants were included in the economic stimulus bill, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The act includes $2 billion for the grants, with the stipulation that they be awarded by Sept. 30, 2010. Another $225 million was sent to the related Byrne Competitive Grant program. Job creation will be one of the factors considered in awarding the grants.]--

Obama created jobs alright--in the Prison Industrial Complex.

CNu said...

Ummm..., what are your specific beefs with what she's written?

CNu said...

These are competitive grants awarded on the basis of proposals. Seems to me an opportunity presented itself to partner with local law enforcement in the construction of a grant proposal which met the stipulations of the granting entity while simultaneously yielded a more positive outcome for the community which that law enforcement entity is sworn to protect and serve.

Dale Asberry said...

Everything else is merely conversation... ;-)

Makheru Bradley said...

"while simultaneously yielded a more positive outcome for the community." You mean positive outcomes like this: In Durham, civil rights attorneys say the city’s big award of stimulus-era Byrne JAG money has corresponded to a major rise in the city’s taste for targeting minorities for low-level drug offenses. The police department recently confirmed that, although whites account for a slightly larger share of the city’s population, blacks compose the “vast majority” of its dramatically ramped-up marijuana arrests. In the years since the large JAG award in 2009, the city saw steady increases in the share of black or Latino motorists subject to vehicle searches in which the police have no probable cause for action.

Or like this: in Tulia, Texas, a Byrne JAG-funded program enabled an undercover officer to fabricate testimony in a series of racially targeted drug stings that led to the arrest and imprisonment of roughly 20 percent of the town’s adult black population.

Yep, that's real positive and most beneficial to the affected community.

Makheru Bradley said...

"You can even stipulate yourself into the grant as a paid evaluator of its effectiveness." Relying on your enemies to fund your programs--utterly brilliant.

CNu said...


If you author the grant proposal, i.e., stipulate the desired program outcomes and methods to be employed to achieve the same, then you have effectively harnessed and yoked your "enemy" to do what it is that you want him to do consistent with his policies, procedures, applicable law, and the federal oversight involved with execution of the grant which you evaluate and locally administer.

common sense would've indicated that "he who has the gold, rules".

I understand that it's always easier to just ignorantly bellyache about imagined enemies in the comments section of a blog than it is to actually roll up your sleeves, meet and deal, and then acquire the public resources to influence the outcomes you purport to desire.....,

Vic78 said...

She argues that the movie isn't subversive because Black Widow tells Congress to fuck off at the end. She seems to think that Hydra and Shield are on the same page. There are differences between Hydra and the protagonists. They agree to take the organization down and release every secret to the public. Hydra posits that people can't be trusted with their freedoms. Cap puts his faith in the good people of SHIELD and the American citizens to help fight Hydra.

The writer annoys me with that pansy shit. She seems to have problems with spies and soldiers killing people. She entertains some delusion that we shouldn't kill roaches. I notice how she had a problem with Fury killing his former boss. And she took issue with all the Hydra agents being killed. The film's protagonists are spies and soldiers. Killing isn't really much of an issue when you're dealing with the kind of things they're dealing with in the film. Ethics professors will accept arguments stating Cap and Fury did the right thing by killing the Hydra agents. Fury was going underground and didn't want someone as connected as his former boss knowing Fury's alive. He's doing it to take Hydra down.

Vic78 said...

The writer doesn't seem to understand that skepticism about the security state isn't subversive. It's a healthy way to look at government action. Captain America is with SHIELD for the most part. Cap just thought that putting those things in the air was a step in the wrong direction. Fury still believed in having the DNA tracking satellites; he just wanted better oversight. Hydra was all about maintaining their authority. The writer overlooked all this going on in the movie as if the characters were supposed to be in these boxes. X does A, therefore X is as bad as Y. Life is rarely that simplistic.

She also didn't seem to see the set ups for future movies and tv shows. It looks like a Dr Strange movie is on its way. We might be seeing Quick Silver and Scarlet Witch in a future film. Thanos has yet to show up. Disney has quite a bit up their sleeve with Marvel characters.

CNu said...

Bet not be no Thanos without Adam Warlock. I had three complete sets of that series in mint condition before I left home. Original Starlin art and errthang. Thought those jokers would ultimately defray a LOT more expenses than they ever turned out to do, oh well.

The Quick Silver/Scarlet Witch easter egg was rather a surprise to me. Too bad it's going the Avenger rather than Inhuman route though...., and the Thanos/Inhuman fork is too esoteric for mass consumption (as probably the Warlock)

Makheru Bradley said...


CNu said...

I don't know if I have the time to start and complete a useful socratic walk with you through this topic Bro. Makheru, but I can assure you that if you haven't yet availed yourself of the public resources available to you in this area, well..., seriously - then you're not making best efforts.

My former confederates reached out to me this week, "planning for the fall, wish you'd come back and work with us". My response, you have the same board of directors, and the same paid staff? Then I really don't know you anymore.


Because new money into old wineskins - and tired as hell old ideas - is over and done.

Further conversation with old wineskins - with no new ideas of their own - is over and done.

Obtaining resources for and volunteering my valuable time to the old wineskins is over and done.

Working with folks who refuse to measure the results that their work purportedly achieves - is over and done.

Makheru Bradley said...

Bro. Nulan, over the years the various organizations that I have been involved with have used four streams of financing: public; private; personal; miscellaneous. I even took two courses at CPCC to learn the grant-writing field for myself. I was part of the first wave of students/workers in the independent Black education movement in the 1970s: The Center for Black Education; Institute for Positive Education; Malcolm X Liberation University; Chad School; Pan African Work Center, to name a few. Those schools were independent in the sense that they developed their own curriculum based on Pan-Afrikanist/Nationalist ideologies. Some of them however were dependent on foundations/institutions for financial support. A few former members of SNCC and other activists had positioned themselves inside various foundations which supported "liberal/radical" causes--the Cummings Engine Foundation; National Council of Churches; Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization, etc. Reliance on these sources can be like welfare. It does not have to, but it can contribute to a sense of dependency, which in the case of the organizations I'm referencing was a contradiction. It was always said, "we're just using their money for the cause." In reality, it was we have not cultivated the community to support us. When those funds got cut off, e.g., under pressure from COINTELPRO, the organizations could not sustain themselves. The group I'm supporting right now has said that we're going to succeed independently. You're obviously doing things your way, and more power to you.

In most instances with government funding there is oversight, with strings attached. That's what happened in Durham: "Not only was a federal grant subsidizing what they regarded as the most perniciously targeted drug enforcement operations of the department, but the grant — with a key 'performance measure' emphasizing police report their sheer volume of arrests — also appeared to be incentivizing the department to raise its overall number of drug arrests, which overwhelmingly affect the city’s black community." I'm surprised that you would attempt to rationalize that activity: "Seems to me an opportunity presented itself to partner with local law enforcement in the construction of a grant proposal which met the stipulations of the granting entity while simultaneously yielded a more positive outcome for the community which that law enforcement entity is sworn to protect and serve." I would have expected that from Snitch Sharpton, not CNu.

Vic78 said...

The Administration could have made better progress on law enforcement but if you look into some of the members, you shouldn't be surprised.

CNu said...

Is that like "the Administration could have made better progress on public education if?"

So here's the rub Vic, the people who administer public education at the highest levels have institutional blinders on because:

1. They've come up through this system - and it's all they know. (same for the popo)

2. They have professional constituencies that they can't afford to alienate from a self-interested careerist perspective. (same for the popo)

3. They don't view students as their primary constituents, i.e., they're alienated from those they're supposed to serve. (same for the popo)

The administration absolutely could not have made better progress working with the orthodox human resources (highly credentialed suits) at their disposal, and, the administration doesn't have the operational savvy or testicular fortitude to organize a Manhattan Project like search for the truly best and brightest folk on the periphery of this space, because it's not an existential problem for them. Suburban public school systems still kind of sort of work - and for those who matter in the political sphere, private and parochial schools have become firmly established as the goto solution for isolating their children from the riff raff. Gated communities=private schools - same endgame.

Vic78 said...

I notice the President lost North Carolina in 2012. So, you think some of his supporters were demoralized by excessive ass kickings and stayed home?

CNu said...

He would have lost whether asses were getting kicked, or not the demographics tell the tale of that tape

But I was insufficiently clear in my analogy and you missed my point. Everything the Pres could reasonably do in law enforcement, he has done. In consequence of that fact, we have two states that have legalized and there is minimal federal interference.

If Bro. Makheru is sincere about wanting to change the status quo ante on local law enforcement, instead of just bellyaching about the disparate ass-kickings by the "enemy" then he has to constructively engage with law enforcement from a position of influence. As the author of an innovative grant proposal/award with substantial federal funding attached to it, he would have that influence.

If the popo are left to their own devices, doing what they do and knowing what they know, they will propose and be awarded federal funds based on their status quo operations which involve hitting their arrest quotas by working the easiest and lowest risk communities.

The popo are self-interested, self-serving, and lazy. They don't enforce strenuously in communities with significant legal and political resources (influence) because they'll get handed their asses in court, and, it will cost the cabbage headed baboons their jobs. Does anybody really believe that any communities "finest" wind up working in law enforcement?

Makheru Bradley said...

Bro. Nulan, since you are going to great lengths to justify your specious argument in support of Obama’s facilitation of the New Jim Crow, I will set the record straight. Over the years various organizations I’ve worked with have used public, private, personal, and miscellaneous streams of financial support. My experience shows that reliance on the public sector, as you suggest, is tantamount to welfare. It can create a culture of dependency, and when those streams dry up, or they are not renewed for various reasons (political pressure, e.g.) those organizations suffer.

In 1972, as students, we began to provide material support for Samora Machel and FRELIMO who were engaged in armed struggle to liberate Mozambique from Portuguese colonialism. We would pack a container with supplies, and truck those supplies to Norfolk to be loaded on a ship for Dar es Salaam. That May we organized an African Liberation Day demonstration to raise awareness of the armed struggles in Southern Afrika.

Malcolm X Liberation University, which spearheaded this effort received funding from various foundations and religious entities, suddenly saw a sharp decline and eventually total elimination of that financial support. Our contacts on the inside reported that the State Department applied pressure to these groups because the US government was supporting Portugal and the white supremacist governments in Southern Afrika. Based my experience in the struggle, I would have to be a fool to believe that the government would fund me and like-minded people.

The group I’m currently supporting has decided that they will succeed on the basis of financial independence.

Musk To Rehire Marko Elez

WaPo  |   Elon Musk, the head of the U.S. DOGE Service, announced Friday that he would rehire a staffer who resigned after he was tied to...