Sunday, August 12, 2018
Forget Silly Protests - Hon.Bro Dupree Esq., Taking Dirty KCK Cops to War
By CNu at August 12, 2018 0 comments
Labels: accountability , crate excavation , culture of competence , Deepening Contradictions , Dystopian Now , The Hardline
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Bone-in-the-Nose Medicine "Discovers" System That Taoist Chi-Kung Develops...,
- Describes the unique Iron Shirt air-packing techniques that protect vital organs from injuries
- Explains the rooting practice exercises necessary to stabilize and center oneself
- Includes guidelines for building an Iron Shirt Chi Kung daily practice
By CNu at March 28, 2018 0 comments
Labels: ancient , awareness , crate excavation , gain of function , hegemony , high strangeness , History's Mysteries , scientific mystery , subliminal , subrealist oeuvre... , work
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Philadelphia International Records: It Took A Lot To Create Great Art
By CNu at December 19, 2017 0 comments
Labels: American Original , crate excavation , Living Memory
Monday, December 18, 2017
Merry Christmas Fetishists: Was Teddy the Jay-Z to Harold's Dame Dash?
By CNu at December 18, 2017 0 comments
Labels: A Kneegrow Said It , crate excavation , cultural darwinism , doesn't end well , objective strength , The Hardline
Saturday, September 09, 2017
What Destroyed Advanced Ancient Human Civilization? Open Thread IQ Test Continued...,
Patterson had also been fascinated with Gurdjieff’s travels to Egypt and had done extensive investigations of his work. Patterson is convinced that Gurdjieff had seen an image of the Sphinx on the map of “pre-sand Egypt” and went to Egypt to investigate for himself. Of course, I contend that if the map was indeed of a “pre-sand Egypt”, it would have contained the pyramids as well as the Sphinx at ancient Giza before the current desert conditions. According to Patterson, Gurdjieff had stated that his teachings had come from a complete system of “Esoteric Christianity” that originated in ancient Egypt many thousands of years before the time of Jesus. I met Patterson at a talk he gave in Denver, Colorado in July of 1999. Both Patterson and I agreed that Gurdjieff might have come in contact with the indigenous tradition over 100 years ago, especially in his extended stay in Ethiopia. Gurdjieff adamantly maintained that the source of all modern esoteric systems had their origins in predynastic Egypt, essentially supporting our paradigms of ancient Khemit.
However, Patterson also mentioned other statements of Gurdjieff that stimulated further investigations on my part. Gurdjieff had stated in his writings and discussions that he had found inscriptions on the walls of the Temple of Horus in Edfu, which is in the south of Egypt, that mentioned the myth of Atlantis. In his articles Patterson mentioned a book by British Egyptologist E. A. Reymond, The Origins of the Egyptian Temple, in which translations of the texts of Edfu were given. Reymond called these inscriptions “The Building Texts” and claimed they were the myths of the origins of ancient temple buildings.
I found Reymond’s translations of the Edfu texts to be incoherent and poorly done and decided to discuss these texts with Abd’El Hakim in Egypt. On our tour in October of 1999, we went to the Temple of Horus at Edfu and found the inscriptions on the walls ourselves. It became apparent to us that the texts at Edfu were copies of much older texts, the temple having been built in the Ptolemaic period ca. 200 BC, and were discussing events that had taken place in ancient Khemit many thousands of years before the temple was built. Gurdjieff had stated that the texts spoke of an advanced people, whom Reymond referred to by the standard Orthodox translation of the term Neter, as “Gods” who had come from an island that had been destroyed by a flood and had brought their wisdom to the ancient Khemitians. However, Hakim’s interpretation was vastly different. I believe the texts are referring to the time of the ancient Ur Nil over 30,000 years ago when the vastness of the river had turned all of Northern Africa into a series of large islands.
There may have been an advanced island civilization in the Atlantic (or Antarctica, as has been claimed) that perished as a result of the great cataclysm proposed around 11,500 years ago. But it may also be that there were large islands in Northern Africa as a result of the ancient Ur Nil around this same time that were populated by an advanced civilization of ancient Khemitians. The Myth of Atlantis may have referred to the entire Global Maritime Culture that existed in many parts of the world prior to 10,000 years ago, much of which was almost completely destroyed by cataclysmic events. I believe ancient Khemit should be included in that mythology.
Ancient Khemitian priests may have entertained Greek travelers with stories of cataclysms destroying island civilization as an oral history of the Global Maritime Culture that once existed, knowing full well that ancient Khemit was part of that past glory, but not revealing the complete story to the “barbarian” Greeks.
By CNu at September 09, 2017 0 comments
Labels: ancient , Apokolips , crate excavation , Dystopian Now , History's Mysteries , Open Thread , scientific mystery , subrealist oeuvre... , waaay back machine , work
Sunday, March 05, 2017
Artificial Intelligence and Creative Work
By CNu at March 05, 2017 0 comments
Labels: AI , computationalism , crate excavation , evolution , What Now?
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Where They At Then?
By CNu at December 21, 2016 0 comments
Labels: crate excavation , information anarchy , wikileaks wednesday
Friday, November 11, 2016
Roy Marcus Cohn
By CNu at November 11, 2016 0 comments
Labels: American Original , Cosa Nostra , crate excavation , Living Memory , Pimphand Strong
Tuesday, March 08, 2016
national security study memorandum 200 - The Kissinger Report
Named countries[edit]
By CNu at March 08, 2016 0 comments
Labels: crate excavation , cull-tech , governance , reality casualties , What Now?
Friday, May 15, 2015
offloading cognition onto cognitive technology
By CNu at May 15, 2015 0 comments
Labels: co-evolution , crate excavation , gain of function , tactical evolution , What IT DO Shawty...
Thursday, September 11, 2014
100-year old ricin found in NIH lab...,
By CNu at September 11, 2014 0 comments
Labels: Ass Clownery , crate excavation , the medical-industrial complex
Saturday, August 09, 2014
gurdjieff and hypnosis: a hermeneutic study
The most significant conclusion to draw from the cosmic picture painted by Gurdjieff in the First Series commonly titled Beelzebub’s Tales his Grandson is that the dualism of “good” and “evil” does not exist as an objective fact in his universe. This is a shock Gurdjieff imparts to his reader’s mind from the very outset. Evil does not objectively exist, and what evil may exist, it is a human construct. This dualism (as in the case of heaven and hell, as we shall see later) is simply a product of human mind and behavior, made up once by a certain learned human being whom, for the purpose of historical tangibility, Gurdjieff imaginatively calls “a certain Makary Kronbernkzoin” (B:1127). Although Kronbernkzoin’s “evil” human act of making up this dualism is later discovered and condemned in the planet Purgatory where his higher-being-body resides, his invention has already infected humans across generations as a belief system:
“… after long and complicated researches, it became clear to them that the fundamental cause of the whole abnormality of the psyche of the threebrained beings arising on this planet was that a very definite notion arose and began to exist, that outside the essence of beings, as it were, there are two diametrically opposite factors—the sources of ‘Good’ and the sources of ‘Evil’—which are just the instigators for all their good and bad manifestations.
“It was then established by them that this universally disseminated maleficent idea, the data for which gradually became crystallized in each of them during their formation into preparatory age, already dominates their common psyche at their responsible existence and becomes on the one hand a tranquillizer and justifier of all their manifestations and on the other hand the fundamental impeding factor for the possibility which arises in certain of them for the self-perfecting of their higher being-parts.” (B:1125–26)
At the same time why should He, being as He is, send away from Himself one of His nearest, by Him animated, beloved sons, only for the “way of pride” proper to any young and still incomplete individual, and bestow upon him a force equal but opposite to His own? … I refer to the “Devil.” (L:24:italics in the original)
1. According to J. Walter Driscoll, “Gurdjieff claimed that his ideas are rooted in tradition now lost or largely unavailable in modern societies. The figure of a pardoned Beelzebub provides a striking example of an authentic but little known mythopoetic tradition that Gurdjieff exploits. His Beelzebub is alien to conventional Judeo-Christian traditions where ‘fallen angels’ are condemned for eternity—never pardoned, let alone elevated to a quasi-redemptive status. A unique scriptual and mythological tradition that was familiar to Gurdjieff and which contains a clear echo of the pardoned fallen angel, can be found among the Yezidi (pronounced Ya-she-dees and sometimes spelled Yazidis), a unique Kurdish tribe” (2004a:6–8). As cited by Driscoll from The Encyclopedia of the Orient, “The Yezidi creed has elements from Zoroastrianism, Manicheism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam” (Ibid.:7; also found at Driscoll also draws on the work of Giuseppe Furlani (1940) to substantiate his observation that for Yezidis indeed Malek Ta’us, or Angel Peacock, corresponding to the Devil in Christianity and Islam, “is supreme among the angels, who, after his fall and repentance, has been re-installed by God in his original and pre-eminent position” (Driscoll, 2004a:6–8). Of significance for Gurdjieff was the strange ritual he observed among Yezidis when he was a child (M:65–66), when he saw a Yezidi child could not get out of a circle drawn around him. Echoing this theme, Driscoll cites the following from Philip Kreyenbroek (1995) in Yezidism: Its Background: “… oaths are administered by drawing a circle on the ground. The inside of the circle is declared to be ‘the property of Melek Tawus,’ an observance which is paralleled in Zoroastrianism” (161). For another authoritative study of the Yezidis see John S. Guest’s Survival Among the Kurds: A History of the Yezidis (1993).
By CNu at August 09, 2014 4 comments
Labels: crate excavation
Sunday, October 13, 2013
atwill and his thesis dissected...,
By CNu at October 13, 2013 0 comments
Labels: crate excavation , History's Mysteries , not a good look
Sunday, October 06, 2013
civilization is created by the "others"
By CNu at October 06, 2013 0 comments
Labels: crate excavation , cultural darwinism , ethology , hegemony
Sunday, September 29, 2013
quoth the godmoor...,
By CNu at September 29, 2013 1 comments
Labels: crate excavation , subrealist oeuvre...
Sunday, June 10, 2012
By CNu at June 10, 2012 11 comments
Labels: crate excavation , gifts , The Straight and Narrow
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
useful, reliable, and non-obvious predictions from the social science of physics education research...,
After comparing the reliability of social-science research unfavorably with that of physical-science research, Getting wrote [my CAPS): "IS THERE ANY WORK ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TEACHING THAT IS SOLIDLY ENOUGH ESTABLISHED TO SUPPORT MAJOR POLICY DECISIONS?" THE CASE FOR A NEGATIVE ANSWER lies in the [superior] predictive power of the core natural sciences compared with even the most highly developed social sciences."
Most education experts would probably agree with Getting's negative answer. Even economist Eric Hanushek, as reported by Lowery <>, states: "Very few people suggest that you should use value-added scores alone to make personnel decisions."
But then Getting goes on to write (slightly edited): "While the physical sciences produce many detailed and precise predictions, the social sciences do not. The reason is that such predictions almost always require randomized controlled trials (RCT's) which are seldom possible when people are involved. . . . . . Jim Manzi. . . .[[according to Wikipedia <>, a senior fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute <>]]. . . . in his recent book "Uncontrolled" <> offers a careful and informed survey of the problems of research in the social sciences and concludes that non-RCT social science is not capable of making useful, reliable, and nonobvious predictions for the effects of most proposed policy interventions." BUT:
(1) Randomized controlled trails may be the "gold standard" for medical research, but they are not such for the social science of educational research - see e.g., "Seventeen Statements by Gold-Standard Skeptics #2" (Hake, 2010) at <>.
(2) Unknown to most of academia, and probably to Getting and Manzi, ever since the pioneering work of Halloun & Hestenes (1985a) at <>, physicists have been engaged in the social science of Physics Education Research that IS "capable of making useful, reliable, and nonobvious predictions," e.g., that "interactive engagement" courses can achieve average normalized pre-to-posttest gains which are about two-standard deviations above *comparison* courses subjected to "traditional" passive-student lecture courses. This work employs pre/post testing with Concept Inventories <> - see e.g., (a) "The Impact of Concept Inventories on Physics Education and It's Relevance For Engineering Education" (Hake, 2011) at <>, and (b) "Why Not Try a Scientific Approach to Science Education?" (Wieman, 2007) at <>.
By CNu at May 22, 2012 0 comments
Labels: crate excavation , old-gnurd , People Centric Leadership
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