medium | Valerie Jarrett will never be stopped or profiled, she will never be
seen as a Black woman and I’m sure she’s traded on that most of her
life, if not all of it. However, her blending in and out of colorism
when it suits her is not her real crime but the exploitation and robbing
of poor Black people in Chicago is. It was insulting when Jarrett was
chosen as the face of all things Black by Obama, between she and Al
Sharpton, that should have signaled to all Black people his lack of
seriousness in dealing with Black issues. So before you all start
marching in support of Valerie Jarrett, you may want to at least ask the
people of Chicago, since clearly doing any form of research about her
corrupt history, evades you.
Parc and several other prominent failures were developed and managed by
Obama’s close friends and political supporters. Those people profited
from the subsidies even as many of Obama’s constituents suffered.
Tenants lost their homes; surrounding neighborhoods were blighted.
of the residents of Grove Parc say they are angry that Obama did not
notice their plight. The development straddles the boundary of Obama’s
state Senate district. Many of the tenants have been his constituents
for more than a decade. “No
one should have to live like this, and no one did anything about it,”
said Cynthia Ashley, who has lived at Grove Parc since 1994.
Jarrett, a senior adviser to Obama’s presidential campaign and a member
of his finance committee. Jarrett is the chief executive of Habitat
Co., which managed Grove Parc Plaza from 2001 until this winter and
co-managed an even larger subsidized complex in Chicago that was seized
by the federal government in 2006, after city inspectors found
widespread problems.
involvement in Chicago real estate development between 1992 and 2009
was marred with controversy, much of which centered on Habitat’s role as
the sole developer for “family public housing,” a status granted under a
district court ruling in 1987.
Jarrett’s leadership, Habitat oversaw the development of a number of
public housing projects, one of which, in the Cabrini Green
neighborhood, was dubbed a “national symbol of urban despair.” Others became so run-down the city had to ask the federal government to intervene.
A 2003 Harvard Law Review article
cited the decline of the Cabrini Green development as an embodiment of
the negative consequence associated with the “privatization of public
Valerie Jarrett and her construction company have overseen the complete decimation and gentrification all over Chicago (many labeling her Slum Queen),
no Black person should be shedding a tear for her. As for Roseanne
Barr, ABC and everyone else knew who she was before they chose to reboot
her show. One of the issues ABC was having, is that a show that caters
to poor Whites and the alt-right, had somehow surpassed all of the
ratings of shows like those of Shonda Rhimes and others they were
lauding to be the face of liberal television viewership. The other issue
is that, the Obama’s were not going to allow their friend Jarrett to be
insulted, no different than when Obama, broke his neck to defend Henry
Louis Gates, his old elitist Harvard professor and friend. Black people
were quick to praise and laud Channing Dungey, the Black woman and CEO
of ABC’s parent company, Disney. However, Channing was the same woman
who refused to air a show on Blackish that protested police
violence/murders and discussed why Colin Kaepernick kneeled. However, we
should already know by Obama’s fecklessness and inaction in going
against the police that Neolibs have no desire of ever changing a system
that works so well for them…until of course, someone like Roseanne
reminds them that they’re still seen as a n*gga, or in this case an ape,
or like Henry Louis Gates was profiled at his own home.
NationalReview | If I might be permitted to address the would-be benefactors of the
white underclass from the southerly side of the class line: Ain’t nobody
asked you to speak for us.
One of the intellectual failings of conservative social critics is
our tendency to take external forces, economic and otherwsie, into
greater account in the case of struggling rural and small-town whites
than in the case of struggling urban blacks.
Of course there are external forces, economic and otherwise, that act
on poor people and poor communities, and one of the intellectual
failings of conservative social critics is our tendency to take those
into considerably greater account in the case of struggling rural and
small-town whites than in the case of struggling urban blacks. “Get off
welfare and get a job!” has been replaced by solicitous talk about
“globalization.” Likewise, the reaction to the crack-cocaine plague of
the 1980s and 1990s was very different from the reaction to the opioid
epidemic of the moment, in part because of who is involved — or
perceived to be involved. And this isn’t the first time we’ve seen a
rash of deaths from opioid overdoses. As Dr. Peter DeBlieux of
University Medical Center in New Orleans put it, heroin addiction was,
for a long time, treated in the same way AIDS was in its early days: as a
problem for deviants. Nobody cared about AIDS when it was a problem for
prostitutes, drug addicts, and those with excessively adventurous sex
lives. The previous big epidemic of heroin overdoses involved largely
non-white drug users. The current fentanyl-driven heroin episode and the
growth of prescription-killer abuse involve more white users and more
middle-class users.
But there are internal forces as well. People really do make
decisions, and, whether they intend it or not, they contribute to the
sometimes difficult conditions in which those decisions have to be made.
Consider the case of how I became homeless.
I wasn’t homeless in the sense of sleeping in the park — most of the
people we’re talking about when we’re talking about homelessness aren’t.
The people who are sleeping on the streets are mainly addicts and
people with other severe mental-health issues. I was homeless in the way
the Department of Health and Human Services means:
in “an unstable or non-permanent situation . . . forced to stay with a
series of friends and/or extended family members.” (As a matter of
policy, these two kinds of homelessness should not be conflated, which
they intentionally are by those who wish for political reasons to
pretend that our mental-health crisis is an economic problem.) Like many
underclass families, mine lived very much paycheck-to-paycheck, and was
always one setback away from economic catastrophe. That came when my
mother, who for various reasons had a weakened immune system, got
scratched by her poodle, Pepe, and nearly lost her right arm to the
subsequent infection. A long hospitalization combined with fairly
radical surgery and a series of skin grafts left her right arm and hand
partially paralyzed, a serious problem for a woman who typed for a
living. (She’d later learn to type well over 100 words per minute with
only partial use of her right hand; she was a Rachmaninoff of the IBM
Selectric.) I am sure that there were severe financial stresses
associated with her illness, but I ended up being shuffled around
between various neighbors — strangers to me — for mainly non-economic
reasons. My parents had two houses between them, but at that time had
just gone through a very ugly divorce. My mother was living with a
mentally disturbed alcoholic who’d had a hard time in Vietnam (and well
before that, I am certain; his grandfather had once shot him in the ass
with a load of rock-salt for making unauthorized use of a watermelon
from the family farm) and it was decided that it would be unsafe to
leave children alone in his care, which it certainly would have been. He
was very precise, in funny ways, and would stack his Coors Lite cans in
perfect silver pyramids until he ran out of beer, at which point he
would start drinking shots of Mexican vanilla, which is about 70 proof.
Lubbock was a dry city then, and buying more booze would have meant a
trip past the city limits, hence the resort to baking ingredients and,
occasionally, to mouthwash. I am afraid the old realtors’ trick of
filling the house with the aroma of baked cookies has the opposite of
the desired effect on me.
Our mortgage then was $285 a month, which was a little less than my
father paid in child support, so housing was, in effect, paid for. And
thus I found myself in the strange position of being temporarily without
a home while rotating between neighbors within sight, about 60 feet
away, of the paid-up house to which I could not safely return. I was in
kindergarten at the time.
Capitalism didn’t do that, and neither did illegal immigrants or
Chinese competition to the Texas Instruments factory on the other side
of town. Culture didn’t do it, either, and neither did poverty: We had
enough money to secure comfortable housing in a nice neighborhood with
good schools. In the last years of her life, my mother asked me to help
her sort out some financial issues, and I was shocked to learn how much
money she and her fourth and final husband were earning: They’d both
ended their careers as government employees, and had pretty decent
pensions and excellent health benefits. They were, in fact, making about
as much in retirement in Lubbock as I was making editing newspapers in
Philadelphia. Of course they were almost dead broke — their bingo and
cigarette outlays alone were crushing, and they’d bought a Cadillac and
paid for it with a credit card.
KAKE | A 14-year-old boy says he was arrested at the Warren Theatre in east Wichita because his pants were sagging.
Alonzo Taylor Jr says he went to the East Warren 20 with a group of friends when the manager approached him about his pants.
"A couple
of seconds after leaving the concessions counter, the manager walked up
and said to pull up your pants or you'll be escorted," Taylor said.
He says he couldn't find a belt to wear and his pants began sagging while he was carrying a drink and popcorn.
"I was by the counter and he said that, 'You're going to have to leave. I don't care what you did. You're trespassing.'"
Taylor says
he followed all of the manager's commands but was still
arrested. He believes the manager targeted him because he is black.
mother, Ruth Dennis, says her son is a good kid who never gets into
trouble. She's not mad at police for handcuffing her son. She's mad at
the theater.
"I just don't want my son's record to be messed up over sagging and to be labeled as a trespasser," she said.
Taylor is still shocked by what happened and now doesn't feel welcome at the East Warren 20.
twitter | After more than 6 months of watching people get scammed by the #QAnon
phenomena, I'm going to make the below thread to explain to you exactly
why it is an intelligence agency-backed psyop, what techniques are
being used, and why you need to stop people falling for it.
slate | One of the nice things about Occupy Wall Street was that it
provided a tidy shorthand to describe the problem of income inequality
at a moment when the world didn’t really have one. Today, it’s a cliche:
the 99 percent vs. the 1 percent. But at the time, that brief
phrase awakened many people to the idea that America’s riches were
distributed more unevenly than they thought, and that an increasingly
outrageous share was being concentrated at the very top. The winners in
this story were corporate executives, business owners, and highly paid
professionals—especially bankers. The losers were just about everybody
else. Like all shorthand, this tale was a bit oversimplified. But in the
wake of a financial crisis brought on by the greed and recklessness of
those 1 percenters, it felt apt.
Back then, the people who took issue with framing America’s
economy as a tug of war between the ultrarich and the rest of us
generally fell into two camps. They were either inequality skeptics,
who insisted unconvincingly that research showing the rise of the 1
percent was flawed, or inequality apologists, who argued that letting
some people get exorbitantly wealthy was good for the economy, since it
rewarded hustle and entrepreneurship (basically, Paul Ryan during his
peak makers-vs.-takers period).
Lately, though, a few writers have tried to play down the idea
of the 1 percent for a different reason: They say it’s making us miss
the real story of class and inequality in America. Last year, a
Brookings Institution scholar named Richard Reeves published a book
titled Dream Hoarders,
in which he argues that America’s upper-middle class is rigging the
economy in its own favor. Our national focus on the very rich, he
suggests, is blinding us to the reality of how well-off soccer moms and
dads in places like Arlington, Virginia, are killing the American dream
for everyone but their own kids. “Too often, the rhetoric of inequality
points to a ‘top 1 percent’ problem, as if the ‘bottom’ 99 percent is in
a similarly dire situation,” he writes. “This obsession with the upper
class allows the upper middle class to convince ourselves we are in the
same boat as the rest of America; but it is not true.”\
Reeves’ book received a brief burst of national attention
after David Brooks used it as a launching point for a weird and widely pilloried New York Times column,
in which he recounted a story about seeing his friend get flustered by
the selection of Italian cold cuts at a sandwich shop. (He assumed this
was because she only had a high school education, since you apparently
need a philosophy degree to be familiar with soppressata.) But this
week, the Atlantic published a long feature more or less rehashing most of Dream Hoarders’ arguments.
In “The 9.9 Percent Is the New American Aristocracy,” writer Matthew
Stewart argues that aside from a small sliver of true plutocrats who can
actually afford to buy an election or two, the top 10 percent of
wealthiest Americans are all essentially part of the same highly
educated and privileged group—the “meritocratic class”—which has
“mastered the old trick of consolidating wealth and passing privilege
along at the expense of other people’s children.”
Reeves and Stewart are both attempting to give us a new
shorthand for who is ruining the economy. Instead of the 1 percent, they
would like us to talk about the dream hoarders, or the 9.9 percent. But
in the end, both authors fail by lumping together large groups of
Americans who haven’t really benefited equally from our winner-take-all
economy. As a result, their stories about how the country has changed,
and who has gained, just don’t track.
NewYorker | Elijah Anderson, a professor of sociology and African-American
studies at Yale, has spent much of his career exploring the dynamics of
African-American life in mostly black urban environments. Three years
ago, however, he published a paper, titled “The White Space,” which
looked at the racial complexities of mostly white urban environments.
“The city’s public spaces, workplaces and neighborhoods may now be
conceptualized as a mosaic of white spaces, black spaces and
cosmopolitan spaces,” Anderson wrote. The white spaces are an
environment in which blacks are “typically absent, not expected, or
Academics are commonly dogged by questions of how
their research applies to the real world. Anderson has faced the
opposite: a scroll of headlines and social-media posts that, like a mad
data set liberated from its spreadsheet, seem intent on confirming the
validity of his argument. The most notable recent case in point occurred
on April 12th, when a white employee of a Starbucks in Philadelphia
called the police on two young black men, Rashon Nelson and Donte
Robinson, who asked to use the rest room before they had ordered
anything. They were arrested on suspicion of trespassing; it turned out
that they had been waiting for a business associate to join them.
incident was both disturbing and disturbingly common. A few days later,
an employee at a New Jersey gym called the police, on the suspicion
that two black men using the facility had not paid; they had. A couple
of weeks after that, a woman in California called the police on three
black women whom she thought were behaving suspiciously. They were
actually carrying bags out of a house they had rented on Airbnb. Earlier
this month, a white student at Yale called the police on a black
graduate student for exhibiting behavior that struck her as suspicious:
napping in a common area. Thousands of social-media users have since
shared their experiences as persons of color in a “white space.”
didn’t press charges against the men, but protests followed, along with
the requisite hashtag directive, in this case, #boycottStarbucks. The
men, though, settled with the city for a dollar apiece and a promise to
invest in a program to assist young entrepreneurs.
nakedcapitalism | The results also support our hypothesis about the Starbucks incident,
in which a now-fired manager called the cops on two men whose crime
appeared to be waiting at a Starbucks while black, and using the
restroom. The evidence below indicates this manager was a disaster
waiting to happen and had been calling the police at a vastly higher
frequency than her predecessor.
We had discussed briefly that one Malcolm Gladwell’s books included a
case study of biased policing in the Los Angeles Police Department,
which has a a terrible record in that regard. He found was that a very
few cops were responsible for virtually all the incidents. Gladwell
argued that that meant the conventional approach, of more training for
all the police, was all wet. Those rogue policemen needed to be taken
off the street.
Starbuck’s rush to hold a training program may be good optics, but it
isn’t likely to be the best approach. The coffee chain should require
managers to write an incident report any time they call the police. That
would enable them to see if any managers were making a lot of requests
and they could then look as to whether the calls were warranted or not.
News reports have pointed out that part of the problem is that
Starbucks never gave its store managers any policy on what to do about
people who stay in a Starbucks without buying anything. I’m skeptical
that promulgating rules on a national basis is the right answer. As I
mentioned when I had nearly a week of having to work in Starbucks thanks
to Verizon-induced connectivity woes, there was often one or two
homeless people in an area that was a bit removed from the cash
There were also plenty of customers back there, most working
solo like me, but also a few groups of two or three people chatting. No
one was bothered by the homeless people sitting nearby. In fact, I
thought it was a good thing that some of the money I spent at Starbucks
was helping the homeless. However, it isn’t hard to think that in an
affluent suburb, the locals would go nuts if a homeless person were to
hang out in a Starbucks, and management would almost be forced to run
them off because customers were certain to make a stink.
BostonGlobe | WHEN WYNTON MARSALIS condemns rap and hip-hop, it’s less of a surprise, and more of a “Mama, it’s that man again” moment.
On a recent episode of a Washington Post podcast,
the renowned jazz musician derided rap as a “pipeline of filth.”
Marsalis compared what he perceives as its deleterious effect on culture
to that of minstrel shows, which, more than a century ago, amplified
racist stereotypes about African-Americans.
“My words are not that
powerful,” Marsalis said. “I started saying in 1985 I don’t think we
should have a music talking about [n-words] and bitches and hoes. It had
no impact. I’ve said it. I’ve repeated it. I still repeat it. To me
that’s more damaging than a statue of Robert E. Lee.”
A few years ago in New Orleans, Marsalis fought for the removal of Lee’s statue. He would like to do the same to some hip-hop.
“At 56, I’m pretty sure I will not be alive when our country and the
world (of all races and persuasions) no longer accepts being entertained
by the pathology of Black Americans and others who choose to publicly
humiliate themselves for the appetites of those who don’t share the same
ongoing history and challenges,” he wrote. “Over the years, I have come
to accept this, but that doesn’t mean I have to like and endorse it. So
I don’t.”
therealnews | So 64 years ago, Brown vs. Board of Education found that separate and
unequal education systems for African Americans was unconstitutional.
You argue that many Virginians initially actually accepted this
decision, but a public campaign was launched to sway public opinion
against it. Can you talk about that? You start off the first chapter of
your book with this history, talking about how students and teachers in
Virginia, led by students, weren’t organized to be part of Brown. And
then the public response against it.
NANCY MACLEAN:Yeah, in the state of Virginia
in 1951 there was an extraordinarily inspiring event that is really, in
a way, a precursor to some of what we’re seeing now with the teachers
strikes, and student and teacher mobilizations for good public
education. In that strike in 1951 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, a
young woman named Barbara Rose Johns joined with her favorite teacher,
and the two of them worked together, kind of strategized for a strike, a
student strike, to demand a better high school for the black children
of Prince Edward County. At that point many of the students were taking
classes in tar paper shacks. They did not have indoor plumbing, in many
cases, while the white school was the extraordinary state of the art
facility. And so the 200 students in this high school went out on a 100
percent solid students strike for a better high school.
It was an incredibly inspiring event with the support of over
90 percent of their parents, the local black clergy, and NAACP. And what
they wanted was a chance to learn, to grow, to have the same
opportunities as other children in their cohort and their era and their
community. And they only went back to school when the NAACP agreed to
take their course. I’m sorry, to take their case against discrimination
to the courts. And at that point the students went back to school, and
this case from Prince Edward County became one of the five eventually
folded into Brown vs. Board of Education.
Fast forward a bit, and after the Brown decision was issued by
the court, Virginia’s extremely conservative white elite began in 1955
and ’56 to do everything it could to undermine the success of that
decision, and to deny black children and communities the constitutional
rights that had just been recognized by the court. The way that they did
this was through a program called massive resistance, and they led the
program of massive resistance and goaded the wider white South onto it.
And one element of that massive resistance was state-funded tuition
grants, what we today would call vouchers, to enable white parents to
pull their children from public schools to private schools that would be
beyond the reach of the Federal Court’s ruling that segregation was
So that’s actually how I got into this story, and it was a
story that led me to the surprising discovery that essentially the
entire American right, and particularly of interest, this free market
fundamentalist right that was just beginning to get organized in those
years, supported these tax-funded school vouchers. And even, in many
cases, supported the school closures in Prince Edward County to prevent
the Brown decision from being implemented.
So that was fascinating to me. And I discovered that Milton
Friedman, the Chicago school free market economist, had issued his first
manifesto for such vouchers in 1955 in the full knowledge of how it
could be used by the white segregationists of the South. And then I also
stumbled onto a report by this James McGill Buchanan that we were
discussing earlier, who essentially tried to pull the segregationist
chestnuts out of the fire in early 1959, when a massive mobilization of
moderate white parents had come together to try to save the schools from
these school closures, and the bleeding of these tax monies out to
private schools. And after the courts had ruled against school closures
of schools that were planning to desegregate in Virginia. So that’s how
Buchanan got on my radar. But what I realized was that this was a much
deeper story about the right’s radical antipathy to public education
precisely because it was public.
And here I think it’s important to point out that when this
was happening in the late 1950s, American schools were the envy of the
developed world. We lead the world in the efficacy of our public
education system. Our schools were a model for the wider world. And yet
this right was attacking public education even then. And as important,
teachers were not organized then. There were no recognized teachers
unions. There was no collective bargaining structure for teachers in
those years. The right was attacking public education as a monopoly,
saying that it denied choice, all the kinds of things that they say now
against public education, and they were doing this at a time when
teachers had no collective power.
So the antipathy that we see on the right toward teachers
unions today, toward public education, is not really because of any
failing on their part. It is ideological. It is dogmatic. It is an
antipathy to public education precisely because it is public.
nonsite | Black political debate and action through the early 1960s focused on
concrete issues—employment, housing, wages, unionization, discrimination
in specific venues and domains— rather than an abstract “racism.” It
was only in the late 1960s and 1970s, after the legislative victories
that defeated southern apartheid and restored black Americans’ full
citizenship rights, that “racism” was advanced as the default
explanation for inequalities that appear as racial disparities. That
view emerged from Black Power politics and its commitment to a
race-first communitarian ideology that posited the standpoint of an
idealized “black community” as the standard for political judgment,
which Bayard Rustin predicted at the time would ensue only in creation
of a “new black establishment.” It was ratified as a commonsense piety
of racial liberalism by the Report of the Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders—popularly
known as the Kerner Commission, after its chair, Illinois Governor Otto
Kerner—which asserted that “white racism” was the ultimate source of
the manifold inequalities the Report catalogued as well as the pattern of civil disturbances the commission had been empaneled to investigate.
Reduction of black politics to a timeless struggle against
abstractions like racism and white supremacy or for others like freedom
and liberation obscures the extent to which black Americans’ political
activity has evolved and been shaped within broader American political
currents. That view, which oscillates between heroic and tragic,
overlooks the fact that the mundane context out of which racism became a
default explanation, or alternative to explanation, for inequality, was
a national debate over how to guide anti-poverty policy and the
struggle for fair employment practices in the early 1960s.
Left-of-center public attention to poverty and persistent unemployment
at the beginning of the 1960s divided into two camps. One, represented
most visibly by figures like Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz,
Senators Joseph Clark (D-PA) and Hubert H. Humphrey (D-MN), United Auto
Workers President Walter Reuther, and black labor and civil rights
leader A. Philip Randolph, argued that both phenomena stemmed from
structural inadequacies in the postwar economy, largely the consequence
of technological reorganization, especially in manufacturing. From that
perspective, effectively addressing those conditions would require
direct and large scale federal intervention in labor markets, including
substantial investment in public works employment and skills-based,
targeted job-training.
The other camp saw poverty and persistent unemployment as residual
problems resulting from deficiencies of values, attitudes, and human
capital (a notion then only recently popularized) in individuals and
groups that hindered them from participating fully in a dynamic labor
market rather than from inadequacies in overall economic performance. In
that view, addressing poverty and persistent unemployment did not
require major intervention in labor markets. A large tax cut intended to
stimulate aggregate demand would eliminate unacceptably high rates of
unemployment, and anti-poverty policy would center on fixing the
deficiencies within residual populations. Job training would focus on
teaching “job readiness”—attitudes and values—more than specific skills.
Liberals connected to the Ford Foundation and the Kennedy and Johnson
administrations saw chronic poverty as bound up with inadequate senses
of individual and group efficacy rather than economic performance. That
interpretation supported a policy response directed to enhancing the
sense of efficacy among impoverished individuals and communities, partly
through mobilization for civic action. The War on Poverty’s Community
Action program gave that approach a militant or populist patina through
its commitment to “grassroots” mobilization of poor people on their own
behalf. In addition, Community Action Agencies and Model Cities projects
facilitated insurgent black and Latino political mobilization in cities
around the country, which reinforced a general sense of their
radicalism. At the same time, however, those programs reinforced
liberals’ tendencies to separate race from class and inequality from
political economy and to substitute participation or representation for
Both camps assumed that black economic inequality stemmed
significantly from current and past discrimination. A consequential
difference between them, though, was that those who emphasized the need
for robust employment policies contended that much black unemployment
resulted from structural economic factors that were beyond the reach of
anti- discrimination efforts. To that extent, improving black Americans’
circumstances would require broader social-democratic intervention in
the political economy, including significantly expanded social wage
policy. As Randolph observed at the 1963 March on Washington, “Yes, we
want a Fair Employment Practices Act, but what good will it do if
profit-geared automation destroys the jobs of millions of workers, black
and white? We want integrated public schools, but that means we also
want federal aid to education—all forms of education.” The other camp,
in line with then Assistant Secretary of Labor Moynihan’s Negro Family jeremiad,
construed black unemployment and poverty as deriving from an ambiguous
confluence of current discrimination and cultural pathologies produced
by historical racism. For a variety of reasons having to do with both
large politics and small, the latter vision won.
therealnews | Years before he became president, Barack Obama got his start as a
community organizer on the south side of Chicago. Now out of the White
House, Obama is coming back to the south side to build his $500 million
presidential center. But Obama now faces a pushback from the same
community he once organized with. For months, south side residents have
been holding protests. They don’t oppose the center, but they want to
make sure it doesn’t cause gentrification and displacement.
SPEAKER:So we’re here to make this stand, to
say that we don’t want displacement to happen in this community. We
don’t want to see the jobs come from outside, be filled by people from
the outside, the people living here don’t get a chance to work.
AARON MATE:South side residents have formed a
coalition, calling on Obama to sign a community benefits agreement
which, among other things, would help protect low income residents from
eviction and higher rents. Coalition Member Paru Brown outlined their
PARU BROWN:We are pushing for a city
ordinance that would, one, set aside 30 percent of new and rehab housing
for low-income and working families; two, freeze property taxes for
longtime residents; three, require large developers like the University
of Chicago to invest in new affordable housing; and four, independently
monitor local hiring.
AARON MATE:But Obama and his foundation are refusing to sign a CBA. The former president recently told Chicago residents why.
BARACK OBAMA:And the danger here is that if
we sign an agreement with any one organization, or two organizations, or
five organizations-. I’ve lived on the south side and in Chicago long
enough to know that they’re not representing everybody on the south
side. So now suddenly I’ve got five other organizations to say, hey, how
come, how come you signed with them? What about us? And then you got
10, oh, I just formed an organization. You know what I’m talking about.
And next thing you know you’ve got 40 organizations or 50 organizations,
everybody has their own organization, saying we should get, we should
have say, control, decision-making over who gets the contract, et
cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
AARON MATE:Well, Obama’s plans have now
taken a big step forward. The Obama center has just won approval from
two city commissions and the full City Council, moving the project to
federal review. South side activists are not giving up their fight.
Jawanza Malone is executive director of the Kenwood Oakland Community
Organization, and a member of the Obama library South Side CBA
coalition. Jawanza, welcome. Talk to us first just about the struggle
that you’ve been involved in for many months now, and the state of it
now, and the aftermath of these city votes moving the project forward.
JAWANZA MALONE:Thanks for having me on,
Aaron. For the last two and a half years, actually, the CBA coalition
has been working to craft a community benefits agreement that involves
not just the Obama Foundation but also the University of Chicago and the
City of Chicago. In all the turmoil and excitement around President
Obama himself, people forget that the University of Chicago is actually
the entity that wrote the bill that was awarded to get the Presidential
Center on the south side of Chicago in Jackson Park. And Mayor Rahm
Emanuel had, you know, said two years ago that he was willing to move
heaven and earth to make sure that it happened. And that’s what we’re,
we’re seeing it happen over concerns raised with the city councilmen,
over concerns raised by the community, particularly about where the
money is going to come from for the infrastructure changes that the
foundation has called for.
As you said in your intro, the city council and a
quasi-governmental appointed body has voted to approve the plan moving
forward. What we’ve been asking for is very simple. We’re asking for a
legally binding agreement to ensure that residents are not, do not
continue to get displaced from the area, because we’ve already seen
displacement taking place. And so without a clear community benefits
agreement that protects low-income and working families, who is the
predominant population in that part of town, we’re going to see mass
displacement of people, unfortunately.
medium | Polite
White Supremacy is the notion that whites should remain the ruling class
while denying that they are the ruling class, politely. Affectionately,
it’s called #PWS for short. It has been referred to as the Casual
American Caste System, Delicate Apartheid, Gentle Oppression, or what I
like to call it after a few drinks: Chad Crow, the super chill grandson
of Jim Crow.
but seriously, Polite White Supremacy is very real. So why is it that
we must specifically say ‘Polite White Supremacy’ rather than Racism? We
must say Polite White Supremacy for three reasons. First, saying #PWS
puts the responsibility solely on the creators of a systemic problem.
Second, this phrase addresses the subtlety and casualness with which
oppression is administered. Thirdly, it eradicates the all-too-common
confusion between racism and prejudice. It’s important to eradicate this confusion so it can be clear that racism is tied to a power structure and access to resources.
and prejudice are NOT interchangeable. Racism is the systemic
oppression of one group of people who can be categorized within certain
phenotypical traits over multiple generations that has been, at one
point, sanctioned by a country, the majority and/or ruling class. Racism
is committed only by the ruling class and agents of the ruling class
because they have the power that comes with racism. Racism, in America,
is absolutely the attack dog of the white ruling class. However,
sometimes it’s also a slow poison in that it causes its victims to die
of exhaustion or grief. Again, racism is a kind of prejudice that comes
with power. Racism is the systematic and intentional oppression of group
of people from the ruling class and its agents. In America, the ruling
class is white people…of all classes.
America has been playing a centuries-long game of ‘stop hitting yourself’ while holding the arms of Black America.
though harmful, is not necessarily systemic and can be committed by
anyone. It simply requires one to pre-judge. It does not require its
user to have any access to the ruling class or status of whiteness.
However, you have to be part of or support the ruling class to wield the
power of racism. Those who are not part of the white ruling class, yet
support white supremacy of any form, are called agents of white
supremacy. They are not white, but benefit in some direct way from
empowering and enforcing white supremacy often times on their own
people. Historically black overseers and house slaves were bestowed more
rights, and ultimately more power during slavery. These were employed
agents of white supremacy who oppressed their fellow blacks. This
employment was a status. It was a form of racist power that white slave
owners gave to black overseers as a way to also instill mistrust within
the black community. Prejudice alone, has no real power without the
system of control and power to support it.
WaPo | Ontario has been hit hard by the ravages of global economic policy and
should be a prime location for emerging, radical action. Instead,
Canada’s most populous province has produced the English-speaking
world’s most controversial, right-wing surrogate dad: Jordan Peterson.
Peterson cloaks his anti-progressive opinions in
folksy, common-sense advice. He is a master at inventing an enemy and
offering young men a solution to various straw men. Peterson has
perfectly tailored his self-help style to the individual, no doubt a
holdover from his days as a clinical psychologist, which he mentions a
lot when he talks.
Self-help alone isn’t
dangerous, but it becomes dangerous in the way that Peterson uses it as
the solution to the myriad problems that young people face. He argues
that the left is dangerous and destructive because of the emphasis it
places on “group identity.” In a trailer for a video called “No Safe Space,”
to be released in 2018, Peterson argues that “group identity” is really
what killed tens of millions of people under Stalin’s Communism and
Hitler’s Nazism and then, remarkably, concludes, “and I’m concerned
because the universities are so overwhelmed by this, that I can’t see
how they can extract themselves from it.”
Therefore, supremacy of the individual is the only way to stop global war and mass murder.
Peterson’s message fits perfectly with the prevailing ideology that has
driven public-policy debates in North America since the 1980s: People
should be able to succeed on their own, without help from the state.
This message intentionally erases systemic barriers that perniciously
remain and instead demonizes anyone who understands that collective
advancement is the key to improvement.
quillette | There’s no reason to think that the definition of racism will stop
expanding any time soon. And there’s no reason to think that
progressives will ever stop demanding institutional reforms to fix
racism—up to and including attempts to reform our subconscious minds
with such things as mandatory implicit bias trainings. In a BBC feature on racism, the acclaimed poet Benjamin Zephaniah
remarked, “laws can control people’s actions, but they can’t control
people’s thoughts. As racism becomes more subtle, we need to keep
pressuring our institutions to change.”
Black political debate and action through the early 1960s
focused on concrete issues—employment, housing, wages, unionization,
discrimination in specific venues and domains—rather than an abstract
“racism.” It was only in the late 1960s and 1970s, after the legislative
victories that defeated southern apartheid and restored black
Americans’ full citizenship rights, that “racism” was advanced as the
default explanation for inequalities that appear as racial disparities.
If the early 1960s were about reaching the mountaintop, then the
modern era is about running on the Treadmill. Coates’s refrain,
“resistance must be its own reward,” has become the watchword of the
The War on Racism, though intended to be won by those prosecuting it,
will, in practice, continue indefinitely. This is because the stated
goals of progressives, however sincerely held, are so apocalyptic, so
vague, and so total as to guarantee that they will never be met. One
often hears calls to “end white supremacy,” for instance. But what
“ending white supremacy” would look like in a country where whites are already out-earned by several dark-skinned ethnic groups (Indian-Americans top the list by a large margin) is never explained. I would not be the first to point out the parallels between progressive goals and religious eschatology. Coates, for instance, professes to be an atheist, but tweak a few details and the Rapture becomes Reparations––which he has said will lead to a “spiritual renewal” and a “revolution of the American consciousness.”14
Staying on the Racism Treadmill means denying progress and stoking
ethnic tensions. It means, as Thomas Sowell once warned, moving towards a
society in which “a new born baby enters the world supplied with
prepackaged grievances against other babies born the same day.”[15]
Worse still, it means shutting down the one conversation that stands
the greatest chance of improving outcomes for blacks: the conversation
about culture.
By contrast, getting off the Treadmill means recognizing that group
outcomes will differ even in the absence of systemic bias; it means
treating people as individuals rather than as members of a collective;
it means restoring the naive conception of equal treatment over the
skin-color morality of the far Left; and it means rejecting calls to
burn this or that system to the ground in order to combat forms of
racial oppression that grow ever more abstract by the day. At bottom, it
means acknowledging the fact that racism has declined precipitously,
and perhaps even being grateful that it has.
resilience |It’s time to reclaim the mantle of “Progress” for progressives.
By falsely tethering the concept of progress to free market economics
and centrist values, Steven Pinker has tried to appropriate a great idea
for which he has no rightful claim.
In Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress,
published earlier this year, Steven Pinker argues that the human race
has never had it so good as a result of values he attributes to the
European Enlightenment of the 18th century. He berates those
who focus on what is wrong with the world’s current condition as
pessimists who only help to incite regressive reactionaries. Instead, he
glorifies the dominant neoliberal, technocratic approach to solving the
world’s problems as the only one that has worked in the past and will
continue to lead humanity on its current triumphant path.
His book has incited strong reactions, both positive and negative. On
one hand, Bill Gates has, for example, effervesced that “It’s my new
favorite book of all time.” On the other hand, Pinker has been fiercely
excoriated by a wide range of leading thinkers for writing a simplistic,
incoherent paean to the dominant world order. John Gray, in the New Statesman, calls it “embarrassing” and “feeble”; David Bell, writing in The Nation,
sees it as “a dogmatic book that offers an oversimplified, excessively
optimistic vision of human history”; and George Monbiot, in The Guardian,
laments the “poor scholarship” and “motivated reasoning” that “insults
the Enlightenment principles he claims to defend.” (Full disclosure:
Monbiot recommends my book, The Patterning Instinct, instead.)
In light of all this, you might ask, what is left to add? Having read
his book carefully, I believe it’s crucially important to take Pinker
to task for some dangerously erroneous arguments he makes.
Pinker is,
after all, an intellectual darling of the most powerful echelons of
global society. He spoke to the world’s elite this
year at the World’s Economic Forum in Davos on the perils of what he
calls “political correctness,” and has been named one of Time magazine’s
“100 Most Influential People in the World Today.” Since his work offers
an intellectual rationale for many in the elite to continue practices
that imperil humanity, it needs to be met with a detailed and rigorous
Besides, I agree with much of what Pinker has to say. His book is
stocked with seventy-five charts and graphs that provide
incontrovertible evidence for centuries of progress on many fronts that
should matter to all of us: an inexorable decline in violence of all
sorts along with equally impressive increases in health, longevity,
education, and human rights. It’s precisely because of the validity of
much of Pinker’s narrative that the flaws in his argument are so
dangerous. They’re concealed under such a smooth layer of data and
eloquence that they need to be carefully unraveled. That’s why my
response to Pinker is to meet him on his own turf: in each section, like
him, I rest my case on hard data exemplified in a graph.
This discussion is particularly needed because progress is, in my
view, one of the most important concepts of our time. I see myself, in
common parlance, as a progressive. Progress is what I, and others I’m
close to, care about passionately. Rather than ceding this idea to the
coterie of neoliberal technocrats who constitute Pinker’s primary
audience, I believe we should hold it in our steady gaze, celebrate it
where it exists, understand its true causes, and most importantly,
ensure that it continues in a form that future generations on this earth
can enjoy. I hope this piece helps to do just that.
NewYorker | Locke relished every
titillating contradiction but shrank, still, from political extremes.
Hoping to avoid the charge of radicalism, he changed the title of
McKay’s protest poem from “White House” to “White Houses”—an act of
censorship that severed the two men’s alliance. “No wonder Garvey
remains strong despite his glaring defects,” the affronted poet wrote to
Locke. “When the Negro intellectuals like you take such a weak line!”
Mason was rich, and Locke had
sought her backing for a proposed Harlem Museum of African Art.
Although the project failed (as did his plans for a Harlem Community
Arts Center), Mason remained a meddling, confused presence in his life
until her death, in 1946. During their association, he passed through a
gantlet of prickling degradations. Her vision of Negro culture obviously
didn’t align with his; she demanded to be called Godmother; and she was
prone to angry suspicion, demanding a fastidious accounting of how her
funds were spent. But those funds were indispensable, finally, to the
work of Hughes and, especially, Hurston. Locke, as the erstwhile
“mid-wife” of black modernism, was dispatched to handle the writers—much
to their dismay. He welcomed the authority, swelling into a
supercilious manager (and, to Hughes, a bullying admirer) who handed
down edicts from Godmother while enforcing a few of his own.
nakedcapitalism | According to David Harvey, neoliberal globalization is comprised of
four processes: accumulation by dispossession; de-regulation;
privatization; and an upward re-distribution of wealth. Taken together
they have increased both economic insecurity and cultural anxiety via
three features in particular: the creation of surplus peoples, rising
global inequality, and threats to identity.
The anxiety wrought by neoliberal globalization has created a rich
and fertile ground for populist politics of both right and left. Neither
Norris and Inglehart nor Laclau adequately account for such insecurity
in their theorization of populism. As we have seen, populism can be
understood as a mobilizing discourse that conceives of political
subjectivity as comprised of “the people.” Yet this figure of “the
people,” as Agamben has indicatedin What is a people? (2000)
is deeply ambivalent insofar as it can be understood both in terms of
the body politic as a whole (as in the US Constitution’s “We the
People”), or in terms of what Ranciere calls the “part that has no
part,” or the dispossessed and the displaced; as in “The people united
shall never be defeated,” or in the Black Panthers’ famous slogan: “All
Power to the People.”
In this dichotomy, the figure of “the people” can be understood in
terms of its differential deployments by right and left, which
themselves must be understood in terms of the respective enemies through which “the people” is constructed. And this is the decisive dimension of populism.
Right populism conflates “the people” with an embattled nation
confronting its external enemies: Islamic terrorism, refugees, the
European Commission, the International Jewish conspiracy, and so on. The
left, in marked contrast, defines “the people” in relation to the
social structures and institutions – for example, state and capital –
that thwart its aspirations for self-determination; a construction which
does not necessarily, however, preclude hospitality towards the Other.
In other words, right-wing or authoritarian populism defines the
enemy in personalized terms, whereas, while this is not always true,
left-wing populism tends to define the enemy in terms of bearers of
socio-economic structures and rarely as particular groups. The right, in
a tradition stemming back to Hobbes,
takes insecurity and anxiety as the necessary, unavoidable, and indeed
perhaps even favourable product of capitalist social relations. It
transforms such insecurity and anxiety into the fear of the stranger and
an argument for a punitive state. In contrast, the left seeks to
provide an account of the sources of such insecurity in the processes
that have led to the dismantling of the welfare state, and corresponding
phenomena such as “zero-hours” contracts, the casualization of labour,
and generalized precarity. It then proposes transformative and
egalitarian solutions to these problems. Of course, left populism can
also turn authoritarian – largely though not exclusively due to the
interference and threatened military intervention of the global hegemon
and its allies – with an increasing vilification of the opposition, as
we saw in Venezuela and Ecuador with Rafael Correa.
thenextweb | The Guardian reports Berlin-bound artist and independent researcher Adam Harvey is developing a new technology which aims to overwhelm and confuse computer vision systems by feeding them false information.
The Hyperface Project,
as Harvey calls it, revolves around printing deceitful patterns onto
attire and textiles with the purpose of rendering your face illegible to
surveillance systems.
The method essentially dodges facial recognition by presenting
computer vision devices with an overload of patterns closely resembling
facial features like eyes and mouths.
As Harvey explains, the Hyperface technology ultimately prevents
computers from scanning your face by inundating “an algorithm with what
it wants, oversaturating an area with faces to divert the gaze of the
computer vision algorithm.”
The patterns, which Harvey developed in collaboration with interaction studio Hyphen-Labs, can then be worn to shield off the areas facial recognition systems seek to interpret.
MIT | Sue Ding interviewed the creators of NeuroSpeculative AfroFeminism,
an ambitious and richly imagined project at this year’s Sundance New
Frontier. Artists Carmen Aguilar y Wedge, Ashley Baccus Clark, Nitzan
Bartov, and Ece Tankal are part of of Hyphen-Labs,
a global team of women of color who are doing pioneering work at the
intersection of art, technology, and science. Together they draw on a
formidable range of expertise, including engineering, molecular biology,
game design, and architecture.
NeuroSpeculative AfroFeminism consists of three components.
The first is an installation that transports visitors to a futuristic
and stylish beauty salon. Speculative products designed for women of
color are displayed around the space. They include sunscreen for dark
skin, a scarf whose pattern overwhelms facial recognition software,
earrings that can record video and audio in hostile situations, and a
reflective visor that lets wearers see out while hiding their faces.
The second part of the project is a VR experience that takes place at
a “neurocosmetology lab” in the future. Participants see themselves in
the mirror as a young black girl, as the lab owner explains that they
are about to receive Octavia Electrodes—cutting edge technology
involving both hair extensions and brain-stimulating electrical
currents. In the VR narrative, the electrodes then prompt a
hallucination that carries viewers through a psychedelic Afrofuturist
space landscape.
The final component of the project is Hyphen-Labs’ ongoing research
about how VR can affect viewers, potentially reducing bias and fear by
immersing participants in positive, engaging portrayals of black women.
The team would eventually like to use functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) technology to study how participants respond to the
WaPo | Amazon has been essentially giving away facial
recognition tools to law enforcement agencies in Oregon and Orlando,
according to documents obtained by American Civil Liberties Union of
Northern California, paving the way for a rollout of technology that is
causing concern among civil rights groups.
is providing the technology, known as Rekognition, as well as
consulting services, according to the documents, which the ACLU obtained
through a Freedom of Information Act request.
A coalition of civil rights groups, in a letter released Tuesday,
called on Amazon to stop selling the program to law enforcement because
it could lead to the expansion of surveillance of vulnerable
“We demand that Amazon stop
powering a government surveillance infrastructure that poses a grave
threat to customers and communities across the country,” the groups
wrote in the letter.
Amazon spokeswoman Nina
Lindsey did not directly address the concerns of civil rights
groups. “Amazon requires that customers comply with the law and be
responsible when they use AWS services,” she said, referring to Amazon
Web Services, the company’s cloud software division that houses the
facial recognition program. “When we find that AWS services are being
abused by a customer, we suspend that customer’s right to use our
said that the technology has many useful purposes, including finding
abducted people. Amusement parks have used it to locate lost children.
During the royal wedding this past weekend, clients used Rekognition to
identify wedding attendees, she said. (Amazon founder Jeffrey P. Bezos
is the owner of The Washington Post.)
details about Amazon’s program illustrate the proliferation of
cutting-edge technologies deep into American society — often without
public vetting or debate. Axon, the maker of Taser electroshock weapons
and the wearable body cameras for police, has voiced interest in pursuing face recognition
for its body-worn cameras, prompting a similar backlash from civil
rights groups. Hundreds of Google employees protested last month to
demand that the company stop providing artificial intelligence to the
Pentagon to help analyze drone footage.
DARPA | DARPA’s Tactical Technology Office is hosting a Proposers Day to
provide information to potential applicants on the structure and
objectives of the new Urban Reconnaissance through Supervised Autonomy
(URSA) program. URSA aims to develop technology to enable autonomous
systems operated and supervised by U.S. ground forces to detect hostile
forces and establish positive identification of combatants before U.S.
troops encounter them. The URSA program seeks to overcome the inherent
complexity of the urban environment by combining new knowledge about
human behaviors, autonomy algorithms, integrated sensors, multiple
sensor modalities, and measurable human responses to discriminate the
subtle differences between hostile individuals and noncombatants.
Additional details are available at
Please address administrative questions to, and refer to the URSA Proposers Day (DARPA-SN-18-48) in all correspondence.
DARPA hosts Proposers Days to provide potential performers with
information on whether and how they might respond to the Government’s
research and development solicitations and to increase efficiency in
proposal preparation and evaluation. Therefore, the URSA Proposers Day
is open only to registered potential applicants, and not to the media or
general public.
Full URSA program details will be made available in a forthcoming
Broad Agency Announcement posted to the Federal Business Opportunities
NYTimes | Most
Americans assume that democracy and free markets go hand in hand,
naturally working together to generate prosperity and freedom. For the
United States, this has largely been true. But by their very nature,
markets and democracy coexist in deep tension.
creates a small number of very wealthy people, while democracy
potentially empowers a poor majority resentful of that wealth. In the
wrong conditions, that tension can set in motion intensely destructive
politics. All over the world, one circumstance in particular has
invariably had this effect: the presence of a market-dominant minority — a
minority group, perceived by the rest of the population as outsiders,
who control vastly disproportionate amounts of a nation’s wealth.
Such minorities are common in the developing world. They can be ethnic groups, like the tiny Chinese minority
in Indonesia, which controls roughly 70 percent of the nation’s private
economy even though it is between 2 percent and 4 percent of the
population. Or they can be distinct in other ways, culturally or
religiously, like the Sunni minority in Iraq that controlled the
country’s vast oil wealth under Saddam Hussein.
free-market democracy in these circumstances can be a recipe for
disaster. Resentful majorities who see themselves as a country’s
rightful owners demand to have “their” country back. Ethnonationalism
rears its head. Democracy becomes not a vehicle for e pluribus unum but a
zero-sum tribalist contest. This dynamic was also at play in the former
Yugoslavia, in Zimbabwe, in Venezuela and in virtually every country
where there has been a market-dominant minority.
most of our history, it seemed as though we were relatively immune to
dynamics like these. Part of the reason is we never had a
market-dominant minority. On the contrary, for 200 years, America was
economically, politically and culturally dominated by a white majority —
a politically stable, if often invidious, state of affairs.
today, something has changed. Race has split America’s poor, and class
has split America’s white majority. The former has been true for a
while; the latter is a more recent development, at least in the intense
form it has now reached. As a result, we may be seeing the emergence of
America’s own version of a market-dominant minority: the much-discussed
group often referred to as the coastal elites — misleadingly, because
its members are neither all coastal nor all elite, at least in the sense
of being wealthy.
But with some
important caveats, coastal elites do bear a resemblance to the
market-dominant minorities of the developing world. Wealth in the United
States is extraordinarily concentrated in the hands of a relatively
small number of people, many of whom live on the West or East Coast.
Although America’s coastal elites are not an ethnic or religious
minority, they are culturally distinct, often sharing similar
cosmopolitan values, and they are extremely insular, interacting and
intermarrying primarily among themselves.
dominate key sectors of the economy, including Wall Street, the media,
Hollywood and Silicon Valley. And because coastal elites are viewed by
many in the heartland as “minority-loving” and pro-immigrant, they are
seen as unconcerned with “real” Americans — indeed as threatening their
way of life.
weforum | Neuroscience has offered some evidence-based claims that can be
uncomfortable because they challenge our notions of morality or debunk
the myth about our ‘rational’ brain.
Critically, neuroscience has enlightened us about the physicality
of human emotions. Fear, an emotion we have inherited from our
ancestors, is not an abstract or intangible sense of imminent danger: it
is expressed in neurochemical terms in our amygdala, the almond-shaped
structure on the medial temporal lobe, anterior to the hippocampus.The amygdala
has been demonstrated to be critical in the acquisition, storage and
expression of conditioned fear responses. Certain regions in the
amygdala undergo plasticity – changes in response to emotional stimuli –
triggering other reactions, including endocrine responses.
Similarly, the way our brains produce moral reasoning and then
translate it in the social context can now be studied to some extent in
neuroscientific terms. For instance,the role of serotonin
in prosocial behaviour and moral judgment is now well documented, with a
demonstrably strong correlation between levels of serotonin in the
brain and moral social behaviour.
Neuroscientists have also looked at howpolitical ideologies
are represented in the brain; preliminary research indicates that an
increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex can be
correlated with inclinations towards liberalism, while increased gray
matter volume in the amygdala (which is part of the limbic system and
thus concerned with emotions) appears to be associated with conservative
values. These early findings, of course, are not meant to be
reductionist, deterministic, or politically pigeonhole one group or the
other, nor are they fixed. Rather, they can help explain the deep and
persistent divide that we see in party politics across the world. It
would very valuable to look into whether these preliminary findings
pre-date political affiliation or occur as a result of repeated exposure
to politically-inspired partisan and emotional debates.
More recently, policy analysis has turned to neuroscience too. For example, in the US2016 election cycle, some have correlated the appeal of some candidates to the so-calledhardwiring
in our brains, and to our primordial needs of group belonging, while
others have explored the insights from neuroscience on the role ofemotions in decision-making. Similarly, the attitudes surrounding “Brexit” have also been analysed with references from neuroscience.
Divisive politics – what does neuroscience tell us?
The short answer is: some useful new insights. To be sure, some
findings in neuroscience might be crude at this stage as the discipline
and its tools are evolving. The human brain – despite tremendous
scientific advances – remains to a large extent unknown. We do have,
however, some preliminary findings to draw on. Divisive politics have
taken centre stage and neuroscience may be able shed some light on how
this is expressed in our brains.
“Us” vs. “them”, cultivating fear and hatred towards
out-groups that are deemed different (ethnically, ideologically,
religiously, etc.), and vicious and virulent attacks against them, are
all part of an unsettling picture of growing ethnic and racial
hostility. Philosopher Martin Buber identified two opposed ways of being
in relation to others:I-It and I-thou. I-It means perceiving others as objects, whereas I-thou refers to empathic perceptions of others as subjects.
Cognitive neuroscientists have studied this distinction with brain
imaging techniques and the findings – unsurprisingly – tell us a lot
about our increasingly polarised world today and the ways our brains
process the distinction between us and “others”.
1/31 Again
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