Monday, April 07, 2014

the answers ARE knowable, but not if you consult the politically correct and intellectually constipated academy

Coates’ primary purpose is to defend lower-class black culture as one norm among others; Chait’s purpose originally was to make a pro-Obama point, but then became more ‘yes things have changed since slavery actually’ (a practical political position) Other commentators, taking their cue from Charles Murray, look to de-racialize the conversation so as to make it about the relationship between poverty and dysfunction, yet another practical political position.

What I am getting from Coates’ argument (and I don’t think Chait is picking up on) is that he believes that white middle class norms and poor black norms are different but equal cultural norms. Assuming that middle class norms are superior to black lower-class norms is therefore a value judgement. Suggesting that lower-class black people throw aside the norms that are ‘theirs’ to take up white middle class norms is therefore an act of white supremacy, an imposition of ‘foreign’ norms on the weaker party.

This is a novel argument but not really a politically practical one. Come to think of it, it's not only impractical, I’d say it was politically self destructive since whatever you think of cultural non-judgementalism in the abstract, what it has meant in reality is that the pathologies of lower-class black culture have been played out on other black folks and on non-black neighbors. In the absence of Jim Crow, America has organically resegregated itself with a vengeance - with managerial and professional class blacks spatially and socially distancing themselves from lower-class black cultural pathology.

The turd in the "can't we all just get along" punch bowl is, that, no one with common sense is able to ignore the very high rate at which lower-class blacks victimize themselves and others. It's not simply a matter of rudeness, incivility, and lack of regard for the commons. If one wanted to be generous about pathological lower class black culture, one could say that the "warrior spirit" has the ratchets "going for theirs". One might say that about the lower class ratchets. One might even romanticize the ratchets as 21st century pirates. But then, with regard to pirates and pirate culture, the answers to those questions are historically knowable. As we now know, pirates had far more common sense and practical good judgement when it came to committing acts of irrational violence and incivility within their own ranks...,


Ed Dunn said...

If Paul Ryan replaced the word "work" with "entrepreneurship" he would be 100% correct and indisputable.

Ed Dunn said...

Can't help but notice her cornball re-enactment of the MJ popcorn meme - same popcorn container..

John Kurman said...

Input/output-wise, one of the effective and efficient top-down systems ever developed. This has not escaped the notice of the ruling class, and an American gulag is now inevitable. Those in lower income brackets are the canary in the coal mine.

Makheru Bradley said...

In the mindset of the “inarticulate” Ryan, a culture of pathology which tells men not to work, surely would not tell them to become entrepreneurs.

“We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work. There is a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with." -- Ryan

In Milwaukee in 1970, 73.4 percent of the Afrikan American males aged 16-64 were employed. In 2010 only 44.7 percent of those males were employed, and it was the culture of these men which told them to stop working. If the issue was generations in a culture of pathology the 73.4 percent would not have been working in 1970. OBTW, Ryan’s Wisconsin also ranked dead last, even below Mississippi, in the Casey report.

CNu said...

What is for damn sure is that with or without any third industrial revolution brought on by nano/geno/fusion - technocracy's wet dreamToday, in the political discourse of the west, it is almost unthinkably hard to ask a very simple question: why should we work?will never grow legs..., I suspect there will be death camps before penological doubling or tripling down.

Ed Dunn said...

Guess i have to drag the ghetto welfare queen from 1970-2010 into this discussion as she is the one who took the trade-off of public social entitlement over keeping a male figure in the household to raise her kids. These fatherless men currently filling up the prison system are the byproduct of the fatherless household and equally as well, cultivated the culture that her boys can hang on the corner versus being a productive member of the community.

It is simply not fair to have this discussion about Black males without considering the impact of socially entitling poor women and alienating poor men during the 1960s to current. This same stunt is being done in Africa and India under the guise of "women empowerment" and micro-funding...

CNu said...

One of the red-bearded Muslim brothers who has spent years living in Africa tugged my sleeve about this very issue last week at the YMCA. Talking about women in the Gambia culturally being "driven crazy" by these cultural influences.

Makheru Bradley said...

Who created/expanded the welfare state and why? Who subsequently contracted the welfare state and why?

woodensplinter said...

Having worked this out in your mind, are you any more Catholically-inclined toward the inherent dignity and worth of men who have been culturally disfigured by prison.

John Kurman said...

As Dr. Belsidus would say "Death camp is such an ugly word. We prefer 'Repurposing Center'". Notice how the 2nd amendment dovetails nicely into this? Pried from your cold fingers is an acceptable, even synergistic, outcome, and chips away at the eventual surplus cop problem.

Ed Dunn said...

I remember during periods of being broke in college, I would sign up for a laboratory experiment for a few bucks to buy a burger. Didn't care about the experiment or the scientist end goal, just wanted a burger.

Maybe back in the early 1970s the housing projects and social entitlements were manifested into a social experiment in urban communities using Blacks as the guinea pigs.This part is true as HUD built housing projects in affluent areas in Manhattan and Chicago for example and we had the Igoe-Pruitt over in St. Louis which is now on Netflix streaming.

Rules began to appear that men cannot be in the home of welfare recipients and did the women complained or complied? That is the decisive action of the woman we can trace this cultural poverty back to. I know Obama and other men want to sit in a room and argue "men, men, men" but we have to be truly honest about the players that created the landscape...

CNu said...

I participated in a few Quintiles studies myself, but sadly in my 40's ensuring that I could cover all my bills when the entrepreneurial hustle wasn't cutting it. I remember putting up something that featured Pruitt-Igoe within the past couple of years in the context of either radioactive or mind control experiements - and you called it out at that time.

Ed Dunn said...

The social experiment was called behavioral sink. Interestingly enough, these experiments with the rats seem to coincide with the social experiments of the high-density public housing projects - same years problems occurred in the housing project, the behavioral sink study released new findings just earlier...

CNu said...

That's a new dimension to the story. What I posted addressed itself to radiation experiments on an unwitting populace and you responded to the picture of the projects where it happened with the information that those were the Pruitt Igoe housing projects. Now that my mind is working in these channels, you know, there were a hell of a lot of experiments conducted on black folks in the wake of riots, nationalism, and most importantly (imoho) the soldiers rebellion toward the end of Vietnam. Looking at those buildings got me thinking about the Quindaro Ruins, or more specifically the Bryant/Primrose Villa ruins adjacent to the Quindaro ruins.

So much living memory history being very effectively swept into the collective memory hole.

woodensplinter said...

This is an utterly stunning comment It seems clear to me that the horrific incidence of single parent families in the inner city is a primary factor in black poverty, maybe the primary factor.

That's not clear at all. There's very little relation between the out-of-wedlock birth-rate in black communities and the poverty in black communities.

ken said...

Eugene Robinson pretty much understands the situation: The fundamental problem that poor people have, whether they live in decaying urban neighborhoods or depressed Appalachian valleys or small towns of the Deep South, is not enough money.....

Here is the great divide, one side isn't necessarily sure what Eugene says here is true: "If we had universal pre- kindergarten that fed all children into high-quality schools, if we had affordable higher education, if we incentivized industry to invest in troubled communities — if people had options for which they were prepared — culture would take care of itself."

Ed Dunn said...

I do not understand how it can be concluded that out-of-wedlock birth rates would not contribute to poverty.

Kids are pretty expensive....

ken said...

Eugene Robinson, and I think I remember a long argument with BT many years ago on this, would consider it like this:
"Is he talking about the breakdown of family structure? To me, that’s looking suspiciously more like effect than cause."

woodensplinter said...

Mr. Robinson is as clueless and as helpless a victim of never having had a real job as is Paul Ryan. It appears that neither one of these half-witted meddlers knows anything about culture or organic political economies.

Is Cuba poor? Did Cuba suffer collapse of its economic inputs and supports? Did Cuba permit itself to be flushed down the toilet like Haiti or an American urban or rural ghetto?

And what is the difference between Cuba and these failed political economies? One word. CULTURE

CNu said...

The brother is truth!!! Accept no substitutes....,And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then
shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Makheru Bradley said...

Coates’ primary purpose is to defend lower-class black culture as one norm among others.” Coates is an island of holistic thinking within a sea of Yurugus, that is, a sea of fragmented, politically-expedient propaganda espoused by Obama, Ryan, Chait, et al. One can always determine the degree to which they’ve upset the power structure narrative by the amount of opposition they’ve generated. As a holistic and critical thinker Coates stands firmly on documented history. Thus he says within the context of self-criticism and self-correction:

“Either Booker T. Washington was correct when he urged black people to forgo politics in favor eliminating ‘the criminal and loafing element of our people’ or he wasn't. Either W.E.B. Du Bois was correct when he claimed that correcting ‘the immorality, crime and laziness among the Negroes’ should be the ‘first and primary’ goal or he was not. The track record of progressive moral reform in the black community is knowable.”

Fragmented analysts stop there, but Coates continues:

“The president of the United States is not just an enactor of policy for today, he is the titular representative of his country's heritage and legacy. In regards to black people, America's heritage is kleptocracy—the stealing and selling of other people's children, the robbery of the fruits of black labor, the pillaging of black property, the taxing of black citizens for schools they can not attend, for pools in which they can not swim, for libraries that bar them, for universities that exclude them, for police who do not protect them, for the marking of whole communities as beyond the protection of the state and thus subject to the purview of outlaws and predators.

I view white supremacy as one of the central organizing forces in American life, whose vestiges and practices afflicted black people in the past, continue to afflict black people today, and will likely afflict black people until this country passes into the dust.”

Of course the Yurugus (fragmented beings perpetually in conflict) are upset when critical thinkers (rational and emotional engagement of issues), use sia (exceptional intellectual clarity) and hu (articulate command) to bring forth balance and destroy their narratives of deception.

woodensplinter said...

How do you think kids are viewed in the Cuban culture?

Vic78 said...

Ass clownery is the proper tag for this one. It's panty waisted fuckery. The video starts with a Black congresswoman saying Paul Ryan said some racist shit. First she is a congresswoman from a safe district in an election year. Ryan's an empty suit that was exposed when he was trying to be Vice President. He represents a district that Obama won against the Romney/Ryan team. Why is she not helping the guy running against Ryan? Why is Ryan walking the streets with that fucked up ass haircut? It's an election year and without the majority much of Obama's time in office(6 years) would have been wasted. Coates comes in and wants to cry about Obama chiding Black folks. Then Chait wants to jump in. The thing to do would be to tell that cat to stop his goddamn crying. Instead we get another fruitless argument about racism. People really need to stop pretending that they give a fuck about poor Black folks. All they care about is their own status as important people. They are a gang of incompetent fuckups. Black folks need them about as much I need my dead foreskin.

The Black folks on MSNBC are a big ass joke. Black folks vote democratic at a >90% clip. They don't need convincing to vote for democrats. So Paul Ryan's bullshit was really nothing to get worked up over. He's just a conservative nuisance. The real question is why are these punk ass liberals showing so much contempt for Obama? Why are elected Democrats trying to sabotage the first Black President? Why are they trying to prop up Hillary? Why are the Black folks on MSNBC silent about all of this?

Now, is something wrong with Black culture? If I say yes I'm blaming the victim, but there is power in being responsible for a given situation. Why should you listen to anyone that portrays you as a victim? They want you to stay at the bottom so they can at least feel special.

CNu said...

Black folks need them about as much I need my dead foreskin.

rotflmbao.......whew!!! coffee through the nostrils on the keyboard..., thank gawd I don't use cream or sugar - and thanks for the laugh out loud Vic.

Yesterday my man Spence doubled down with this droopy draws shit White supremacy is not inspirational. It literally aspires to nothing.
But the fight against white supremacy? For those of us approaching
middle age looking at our children on one side and the abyss on the
other? I couldn’t think of any battle more heroic and more worth
fighting.Thank God Ed had already dispensed the antidote I’m always forward facing and future planning – that is all you need to
know about me that is accurate. What matters right now and every day is
survival and preservation and that is what a man is and what a man is
about. Our job as men is to maintain the survivability of the tribe and
nation and create the infrastructure to sustain the nation and leave
behind for our future generation to build upon to have a life better
than ours after we pass away.

Makheru Bradley said...

You mean like this:

Chait previously wrote, with a note of disappointment, “I have never previously detected this level of pessimism in Coates’s thinking before.” He isn’t alone. Andrew Sullivan and quite a few of his readers detect a “profound gloom” in Coates’s writing as of late, a change, they say, from just a few years ago. Where they see pessimism and gloom, I see anger, an anger I wish we saw more of. Anger helps build movements. Of course, anger alone isn't sufficient, but it has a galvanizing effect. There's an anger unique to experiencing America through blackness that has pushed this country to react. Chait, Sullivan and some anonymous emailers appear to want Coates to feel happier about the progress America has made in eliminating racism. Sure, there are still a few things left to hammer out, but c’mon, you’ve got to admit we’ve gotten better, right? Right? ... What some call depression or pessimism, I would call impatience and rage. Our impatience and rage is what has produced progress. That we are still impatient and angry reflects not black people’s failing but how far America still has to go.

The Function of Black Rage

CNu said...

I hear anger in Tahnussy' voice - bout to be a fierce slap fight up in here!

M'chele Denzall, jes dayyum....., where do they even find these wet behind the ears, no bass in their voice, no life experience having alterboys for the Cathedral?

CNu said...

Cutting the fathers/men loose in Brazil too

Ed Dunn said...

This concept was taught in my MIT free online course about micro-lending regarding women over men. I wanted a refund from MIT after reading that.

CNu said...

lol, sounds like you got what you paid for....,

Makheru Bradley said...

The person who excoriates "lower-class black culture" is resorting to the World Star mentality for defense. That's pretty sad. Must be battle fatigue. They coming at Brah Man, from all angles.

CNu said...

The real problem is the way both black and white ingroups are constructed. While I'm quite certain that this tedious 10.5 minute othering of white folks makes some week-minded buffoon feel better about himself, it's not forward-looking and doesn't do a moments useful work toward achieving any tangible common goals in/for the political economy.

The racialized politicization of public institutions did the same thing and helped bring about the collapse of a great many urban public institutions. People still stuck on this shit are oxygen-thieves.

Makheru Bradley said...

"it's not forward-looking and doesn't do a moments useful work toward achieving any tangible common goals in/for the political economy." And posting world star assclownery is? Labtekwon could inspire someone to study history. What does world star inspire? People like you to post ignorance?

If anything, much to your chagrin, there is a rebirth taking place, as witnesses by our good brother, Dr. Spence:

"White supremacy is not inspirational. It literally aspires to nothing. But the fight against white supremacy? For those of us approaching middle age looking at our children on one side and the abyss on the other? I couldn’t think of any battle more heroic and more worth fighting."

CNu said...

lol, defense? rotflmbao...., esta loco?!?!?!

I'm not defending a dayyum thing Bro.Makheru. I'm publicly mocking, deriding, disdaining, and condemning weak, and muddle-headed gasbags who are patronized and paid to play useless, worn-out, and obstructive political mindgames in the public sphere because they don't know how to do anything else worthwhile.

Just like it's now common knowledge that Revrun Al has been macking the civil rights business for generations - it will soon become perfectly and abundantly clear that the Cathedral is the 21st century variation on that same sketchy business that George Schuyler wrote so clearly and well about over 80 years ago.

As for the afro-trekkies, now that y'all are at odds among yourselves about who is in charge of federation star ship Black Dot on a national scale - it won't be long now before "to the east blackwards" just dies of silliness, impotence, incompetence and obsolescence..., (natural causes associated with advanced years)

Vic78 said...

A thousand words...

CNu said...

Tahnussy, MHP, Toure, an'em are the new face of the civil rights business - pure self-promoters with no constituency and no accountability to anybody except whoever pays their salary. Oh, and no significant, sordid baggage in their carefully vetted backgrounds.

Near the conclusion of the 12-minute piece, correspondent Lesley Stahl introduced investigative reporter Wayne Barrett, who began covering Sharpton’s exploits more than 30 years earlier, when the activist was involved in Brooklyn political campaigns. Sharpton, Barrett said, was “in the civil rights business. I don’t think he’s a civil rights leader.”

Barrett then wondered, considering Sharpton’s tawdry history, “Would anybody else be able to transcend that and be this larger than life figure?”

“He has,” Stahl chirped.

“Only because we let him,” replied Barrett.

Makheru Bradley said...

Since I don’t know what this nebulous entity is you’re calling the Cathedral, I have no idea how it relates to what you refer to as the “sketchy business that George Schuyler wrote so clearly and well about over 80 years ago.”

The people with worldviews similar to mine have regarded Sharpton as a fraud from day one. Credible sources, 30 years ago, said he attempted to finger Assata Shakur for the FBI. If you are comparing anyone to Sharpton you’re calling them traitors. Who are these people? Coates? Spence?

This weekend the person you call Hon.Bro.Prez will travel to New York to raise funds for this criminal. Frauds of a feather stick together.

“y'all are at odds among yourselves about who is in charge.” I’m not sure who you’re referring to. We’ve learned painful lessons about the pitfalls of centralized, charismatic leadership, so we’re thoroughly decentralized. On one on my end operates from the perspective of Eurocentric individualism. You’re more hung up on individuals who you disagree with. We’re focused on consciousness, because it is consciousness which move us forward.

CNu said...

Since I don’t know what this nebulous entity is you’re calling the Cathedral

lol, lucky for you these miraculous interwebs are searchable - here - I'll help you out

No one on my end operates from the perspective of Eurocentric individualism. You’re more hung up on individuals who you disagree with. We’re focused on consciousness, because it is consciousness which move us forward.

lol, seems to me that before the afro-trekkie consciousness coterie collectively "transitions" - that y'all better figure out how to focus on sustainably setting up and running a school before pernicious individual personalities completely obliviate what little fruit stands to be harvested from the last 30 years of your collective efforts in african-centered education. Competence and a plan is what moves people forward. Everything else is foolish conversation...,

Dale Asberry said...

Bro. Makheru, do you understand what CNu is communicating when he says, "everything else is conversation"? What I mean, is that oftentimes when I interact with people that aren't engineers (and sometimes entrepreneurs), I see a gaping hole in the mindset that engineers use to communicate versus the way that others communicate. Namely, engineers communicate with a focus on actions and results while others focus on feelings and ideas. Now, feelings and ideas sometimes do provide the useful purpose of conveying information, however, when it comes to getting something done they need to be coupled with action. Which leads me to the following bible verse: "14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good[a] is that? 17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead."

Ed Dunn said...

Everybody knows what CNu is saying - it is a matter of how long can some of us pull this BS upon others until the fizz run out. It is like what Cobb said on this blogs a while ago that woke me up where he stated that the underlying problem with Black nationalists/identity chasers is that they are fundamentally full of sh*t.

The Black religious and historian revisionists actions are nothing but consumption - consume a book, consume rhetoric and rehash that rhetoric but no action items as a result. Then you have the organizations like the Black Panthers or National Action Network where they do low-level stuff like offer poor kids a free breakfast but they don't do math tutoring for those poor kids after school. They find some poster child and say they paying for their school but have no plan to increase the overall graduation rate and establish employable opportunities in their own communities as adults.

But here is what bothers me the most - how damn hard is it for a group of grown Black men to get together and make something? If they were in jail, brothas will get together to use the STEM machinery equipment to make shanks but they cannot get together in the outside world to learn how to create sustainable energy or micro-manufacturing? The same ones who scream teach a man how to fish but has yet to teach themselves urban aquaponics.

As CNu indicated - most of them are just waiting for the kinte-cloth laden casket at the street corner funereal store and their relatives arguing over their social security benefits at the wake serving Uncle Jo's fish and chicken but these identity theologians/nationalists just clinging on and wanting to see how long they can keep the fizz fizzling.

Dale Asberry said...

I actually don't think people do get it, Ed. One of the common themes in your blog posts and comments is due to these people wasting your cycles with lip-flapping.

As for the rest of your comment, you're right on.

Makheru Bradley said...

Bro. Dale, I view your comments as coming from someone who has no awareness of the fundamentals of our thought and practice. What is this blog other than mere conversation? Communications are the hinge on which this world turns.

As opposed to that left-brain dominance you’re articulating, which, OBTW, has the whole world ‘effed up,’ we are philosophically grounded in critical thinking/cerebral balance--rational and emotional engagement of issues. As a young activist I learned from Kwame Nkrumah that: “thought without practice is empty; practice without thought is blind.”

You’re talking about food. I’ve taught young people how to feed themselves. I helped to develop and sustain an urban garden, which is designed to teach young Afrikan American males to plant and harvest vegetables so that they can help feed their families. 2014 will be the fifth year for that project.

Recently I’ve started working with a group of young men who have started a school, which will initially operate as a Saturday academy, with a daily schedule for summer school. That school has four focus areas: history, spirituality, self-defense/martial arts, and technical skills. For example, at our open house a young brother who is a certified instructor of non-destructive testing introduced prospective students to that skill. Another brother who is an electrical contractor introduced his trade.

I’m an activist, so you can direct that “mere conversation” b/s to the real jaw-jackers on board.

CNu said...

Bro. Dale, I view your comments as coming from someone who has no awareness of the fundamentals of our thought and practice.

lol, I'm guessing Dale has forgotten more about your practice (and given scant practical value in much of the thought you rehearse, no great loss there) - but instead of communicating with him about what's important, you've commenced to squawking about some left-brained bullshit, rather than focusing on the practices you have in common.

I’m an activist, so you can direct that “mere conversation” b/s to the real jaw-jackers on board.

You've made your first communicative step in his direction an antagonistic one. That "radical masculinity" is one helluva drug...,

Makheru Bradley said...

“You've made your first communicative step in his direction an antagonistic one.” Lawd have mercy. The most antagonistic man on the internet, who literally wishes death upon people, is feigning moralism and attempting to lecture someone about antagonisms. LOL.

“Yesterday my man Spence doubled down with this droopy draws shit.”

You have no moral authority to lecture anyone about being antagonistic.

John Kurman said...

Step in the right direction:

"This study is an outstanding example of the power of interdisciplinary systems biology approaches, which treat our cells like integrated pathways and networks instead of a collection of individual components"

CNu said...

lol, Bro. Makheru, our lengthy online acquaintance should leave
you with no illusions concerning the merciless and irreversible resolve of The most
antagonistic man on the internet, who literally wishes death upon
to put on a personal blindfold, pick up a rhetorical stick, and swing on you until your innards are scattered all over the back yard.

As vast as these interwebs are, as many options as are available to you for online discourse, you've specifically chosen to be here because of the opportunity to maximize your return on discursive investment. If, on the other hand, you want to wear droopy draws and wallow in slave morality, there are plenty of folks who will happily and eagerly indulge you.

Be smart or be a digital pinata, choice is all yours....,

Makheru Bradley said...

You know me well enough to know that I'm always going to drive a nail through hypocrisy. That bit of moralizing was so out of character for the Internet Assassin. Then again, I remember being in liquor houses at 4 am on many Sunday mornings, when all of the drunks suddenly became holy--so out of character.

CNu said...

You’re talking about food. I’ve taught young people how to feed
themselves. I helped to develop and sustain an urban garden, which is
designed to teach young Afrikan American males to plant and harvest
vegetables so that they can help feed their families. 2014 will be the
fifth year for that project.

Dale has accumulated extensive firsthand competence as a permaculturist and documented some fraction of that knowledge online.

Recently I’ve started working with a group of young men who have started
a school, which will initially operate as a Saturday academy, with a
daily schedule for summer school. That school has four focus areas:
history, spirituality, self-defense/martial arts, and technical skills.

Educated as a physicist, he has many years of experience as a software developer with particular up to the minute scope and depth in mobile applications..

By all means, call me a proud moralizing hypocrite for suggesting circumspection as the better part of intelligence in how you role with that.

Dale Asberry said...

Bro. Dale, I view your comments as coming from someone who has no awareness of the fundamentals of our thought and practice.

Strictly speaking, I'm sure that's true. The fundamentals of my thought and practice come from the "right-brained dominance" of my psychologist mother - what people say with words is not nearly important as observing their behavior. This practice is the basis for both her empathy and her ability to discern "bullshit" stories her patients would tell her. It's the mismatch between actions and words that led her to frequently state that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". So, if the communication doesn't lead to understanding, empathy, or action then it has no good purpose. I would go so far as to then say that it's purpose is to deceive. CNu is actually being quite generous when he simply says, "everything else is merely conversation." I would personally call them "lies" but that serves no actionable purpose.

As opposed to that left-brain dominance you’re articulating, which, OBTW, has the whole world ‘effed up,’

What a bunch of nonsensical hogwash. That's the sort of ridiculousness that my ex-wife would spout when she didn't want to work through the serious emotional issues that prevented our relationship from continuing.

No. The world is F'ed up because of large-scale manipulation of the general population by the sociopaths in power.

Makheru Bradley said...

Bro. Dale, the people who hold power in this world are clearly left-brain dominant. There is no doubt that most of them are sociopathic/psychopathic. They have the whole world “effed up.” You said: “I see a gaping hole in the mindset that engineers use to communicate versus the way that others communicate. Namely, engineers communicate with a focus on actions and results while others focus on feelings and ideas. Now, feelings and ideas sometimes do provide the useful purpose of conveying information, however, when it comes to getting something done they need to be coupled with action.” Actions/results always; feeling/ideas sometimes = left-brain dominance. That’s “effed-up.” What’s needed to move this world from barbarism to civilization is a synthesis of intellectual skills and human sensitivity/moral sensitivity, the dominance of what they called the ib in Ancient KMT--mind and heart--thought and emotion

You concluded, based on anecdotal evidence I assume, that Makheru was a mere conversationalist. That was dubious support of a claim indeed.

Dale Asberry said...

The people who hold power in this world are sociopathic. It has nothing to do with right-left brain dominance (or whatever that nonsense means). They have "white matter, hemispheric disconnect" disorder: less white matter throughout the brain and fewer hemispheric connections in the prefrontal cortex leading to an inability to empathize at all. Left-brain -- right-brain dominance is a dangerously simplistic description of where awareness and actions originate: either the "feeling" center or the "logical" center. What I think you're really getting on about is neurotypicality. How socially easy or abrasive is someone? Can that person present and move a social agenda forward. Neuro-atypicals care not for social agendas hence their abrasive directness.

Notwithstanding, actions leading to noticeable/measurable results is the bottom line. Once again, my mother an incredibly empathic individual with considerable listening skills used her abilities to create results. Why...? because the people she counseled (mostly children) were burdened with such unimaginable shit that they came to her for relief and she was deeply dedicated to helping them heal. Deep dedication always means actions leading to results.

As for my conclusions, I based them on "how you talk". You talk more like a bullshitter - pointing fingers and laying blame, rather than a do-er - who has no time for those dangerously distracting activities. And I am feeling dangerously distracted enough with this line of discussion...

Dale Asberry said...

with particular up to the minute scope and depth in mobile applications..

Lol, actually my mobile skills are not much more than dabbling. My up to the minute scope and depth is in the development of big-data solutions running on a cloud environment. I'm currently writing code that determines if any the million or so claim lines coming in for the current day correlate in some way with any of the tens of billions of historical claim lines. If any single correlation is true, the incoming line is not paid.

I've also spent a good deal of time to become something of a lay expert in behavioral economics with particular emphasis on male-female interactions and human cognitive errors (behavioral economists prefer the term "biases" that's why I'm only a lay expert ;-) )

Makheru Bradley said...

What I'm getting on about is the necessity for cerebral balance, a synthesis of intellectual skills and human sensitivity/moral sensitivity. Ausar + Auset = Heru. Sia + Hu = Heka. Obviously like everyone else here you're entitled to your opinion, which is as the saying goes, "mere conversation."

Dale Asberry said...

As I stated at the start, "opinion" is not what "mere conversation" is all about.

CNu said...

I've also spent a good deal of time to become something of a lay expert
in behavioral economics with particular emphasis on male-female

Strictly dabbling....,

Dale Asberry said...

Only when they ask me to spank them.

Musk To Rehire Marko Elez

WaPo  |   Elon Musk, the head of the U.S. DOGE Service, announced Friday that he would rehire a staffer who resigned after he was tied to...