Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Universe As A Holographic Quasicrystalline Tensor Network

ncatlab |  The AdS-CFT correspondence at its heart is the observation (Witten 98, Section 2.4) that the classical action functionals for various fields coupled to Einstein gravity on anti de Sitter spacetime are, when expressed as functions of the asymptotic boundary-values of the fields, of the form of generating functions for correlators/n-point functions of a conformal field theory on that asymptotic boundary, in a large N limit.

This is traditionally interpreted as a concrete realization of a vague “holographic principle” according to which quantum gravity in bulk spacetimes is controlled, in one way or other, by “boundary field theories” on effective spacetime boundaries, such as event horizons. The original and main motivation for the holographic principle itself was the fact that the apparent black hole entropy in Einstein gravity scales with the area of the event horizon instead of the black hole’s bulk volume (which is not even well-defined), suggesting that gravity encodes or is encoded by some boundary field theory associated with horizons; an idea that, in turn, seems to find a concrete realization in open/closed string duality in the vicinity of, more generally, black branes. The original intuition about holographic black hole entropy has meanwhile found remarkably detailed reflection in (mathematically fairly rigorous) analysis of holographic entanglement entropy, specifically via holographic tensor networks, which turn out to embody key principles of the AdS/CFT correspondence in the guise of quantum information theory, with concrete applications such as to quantum error correcting codes.

quantumgravityresearch |  Recent advances in AdS/CFT holography have found an analogue in discrete tensor networks of qubits. The {5,4} hyperbolic tiling allows for topological error correction. We review a simple 32 x 32 Hamiltonian from five maximally entangled physical qubits on the boundary edges of a pentagon, whose two-fold degenerate ground state leads to an emergent logical qubit in the bulk. The inflation rule of a holographic conformal quasicrystal is found to encode the holographic code rate that determines the ratio of logical qubits to physical qubits. Generalizing SU(2) qubits to twistors as conformal spinors of SU(2,2), an H3-symmetric 5-compound of cuboctahedral A3 = D3 root polytopes is outlined. Motivated by error correction in the Hamming code, the E8 lattice is projected to the H4-symmetric quasicrystal. The 4-dimensional 600-cell is found to contain five 24-cells associated with the D4 root polytope associated with Spin(4,4). Intersection with Sp(8,R) phase space identifies three generations of conformal symmetry with an axial U(1) symmetry. A lightning review of E8(-24) phenomenology with Spin(12,4) is pursued for gravity and the standard model with a notion of CDT-inspired discretized membranes in mind. Warm dark matter beyond the standard model is briefly articulated to stem from intersecting worldvolumes related to the Leech lattice associated with the Golay code, hinting at a monstrously supersymmetric M-theory in D=26+1. A new D=27+3 superalgebra is shown to contain membranes that can give a worldvolume description of M-theory and F-theory.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

VAERS Is Supposedly Used By Public Health Officials To Detect Signals

The signals began ringing loudly in December 2020, when first covid shots were administered, and quickly became deafening. They were that loud, and the extraordinary magnitude of them has been and continues to be ignored by our government at all levels in Washington DC, all levels!

Senators this week demonstrated that they could put the heat on, witness AG Merrick Garland — when they want to take something seriously.

However, despite the Loudon rape fiascos, which senators used to slap Garland around with, Garland the Magnificent remains in office. And his order to FBI to treat parents complaining about public school corruption remain “domestic terrorists” remains in place far as I know.

Save for Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, none of them have lifted a finger, while thousands and tens of thousands dead, permanently disabled, maimed, injured, blinded, cancers that were in remission came back, ditto herpes, thousands of miscarriages and who knows how many thousands of women now permanently sterilized? from these poisons sold as preventive medicine. Among many, many other injuries. And hospitals across the land fire skilled medical staff for saying anything about this grotesque bestiality. These are not hospitals; they are charnel houses!

What are these shots actually preventing, —- if 85% of those dead after covid shot got the disease anyways?

Below is data indicating how out of control the covid shot injuries are, which also indicates the moral turpitude of Congress, Biden, and his men [and Trump’s advocacy of “warp speed” vax], et al.

Note what happens in Dec. 2020.

all adverse events reported to VAERS
Dec., 2019 3,455
Jan., 2020 3,082
Feb., 2020 2,986
Mar., 2020 2,232
Apr., 2020 2,022
May, 2020 1,946
Jun., 2020 1,844
Jul., 2020 2,186
Aug., 2020 2,961
Sep., 2020 4,576
Oct., 2020 6,265
Nov., 2020 4,510
Dec., 2020 15,594
Jan., 2021 70,266
Feb., 2021 57,719
Mar., 2021 78,168
Apr., 2021 105,689
May, 2021 63,606
Jun., 2021 44,649
Jul., 2021 36,000
Aug., 2021 103,533
Sep., 2021 49,428

after covid shot-only reports to VAERS
Dec., 2020 10,891
Jan., 2021 66,581
Feb., 2021 54,550
Mar., 2021 74,461
Apr., 2021 102,189
May, 2021 61,113
Jun., 2021 42,374
Jul., 2021 33,564
Aug., 2021 100,718
Sep., 2021 47,158
Oct., 2021 29,144
Total 622,743

In the 11 months preceding covid shot rollout, Jan — Nov 2020,
34,701 adverse events reported to VAERS — for ALL vaccines combined.

In the 11 months since, Dec 2020 to Oct 2021,
622,743 adverse events for covid-only shots

Nearly 17 times more, or 1,685% more.

This is what vaccine failure looks like.

This is what government failure looks like.

Had the CDC and US Food and Drug Administration been serious about adverse events and in particular, the percentage of those either having covid or not, they would have done something to ensure that there would be data on this, for each and every VAERS report submitted.

In particular, regarding VAERS reports in which death occurs after covid shots.

While 100% data on this may seem like pie in the sky, the least we should expect is what Pfizer and Moderna claimed was 95% Vaccine Effectiveness VE. Which as we now know was base, rank, propaganda and deception, at best.

Irrespective of the fact that the actual VE of these poisons tends toward zero, one can at the very least expect that the percentage of VAERS reports on who did and did not test positive for this disease should have at a minimum been ~ 43%.

43% is the CDC estimated VE, from average of previous decade’s [through 2019/2020 flu season], of influenza shots.

Instead, only 16.42% is actually reported in VAERS data bank. That’s bad, that’s really unconscionably bad.

VAERS data shows that of all the after covid shot deaths,
2.54 % reported “SARS-COV-2 TEST NEGATIVE”
13.88% reported “SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE”

Where are the other 83.58% ???

Thus, only 16.42% of this essential data is actually, as of Oct. 29 data, known via VAERS.

Assuming these proportions are at least in the ball park, this means
~85% of after covid shot deaths tested positive
~15% tested negative.
[13.88/16.42 = 84.531, or 85% rounding; 100-84.531 = ~15%]

8,086 deaths after covid shot reported to VAERS x 21X = ~165,000 actual deaths.

165,000 x 0.85 = ~144,211 died with positive test
165,000 x 0.15 = 21,631 died with negative test.

Total = ~ 165,842

Rose says that these deaths are caused by covid shots.

Monday, September 06, 2021

This Has Happened Previously Before Settling Down To Become A Common Cold...,

I have been doing a great deal of research about a past pandemic which I have never spent much time investigating – the Great Russian Flu of the 1890s. This has always been thought to be an actual influenza – but recent genetic and virologic studies are showing us that this was very likely the introduction of Coronavirus OC43 to the world.

Many physicians at the time were chronicling that the symptoms of this “flu” were different than any other influenza had ever been. Even Sir William Osler, in written statements in his textbooks of Internal Medicine, was of the notion that the symptoms exhibited by patients during that pandemic of the 1890s were really not like the normal flu. His books were written in the decades immediately leading up to the “real” influenza pandemic of 1918. And the one symptom that over and over described by numerous physicians that were writing at the time, including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, was depression. This just does not happen to any degree in true INFLUENZA and many remarked on the difference.

It must be noted that the word “depression” is a rather modern word and a modern construct. This construct is from our very reductionist, form-filling out, check the boxes modern medicine. “Depression” today is a drop bucket of multiple different diagnoses of the past. FYI, there are many things like this in medicine, not just depression.

Conan Doyle and Osler would have used more prominently the diagnosis “melancholia” to describe what we commonly use as “depression” today. But interestingly enough, contemporaneous medical writers of the 1890s often used a completely different word with a completely different diagnostic meaning to describe what they were seeing in patients of that pandemic. That word is ACEDIA. I have seen it used repeatedly in my research of the pandemic of the 1890s.

The difference is completely lost on us today – but it is actually a very important distinction. ACEDIA is an old medieval concept which is very difficult to describe. Basically it means a depression of the soul. A SPIRITUAL depression. While melancholia was more of a behavioral depression. Mainly having to do with living with consequences of behavior or reaction to events in a patient’s life.

Interestingly, when I am really talking to these POST COVID patients today – it is indeed more consistent with the spiritual and soul exhaustion of ACEDIA – and not behavioral or reactive like most depressions are. I have occasionally seen this ACEDIA type of depression before, but it is now just one patient after the other. I am also seeing ACEDIA like depression repeatedly in patients who have never had COVID. It is a sign of the times. In the days of Osler and Conan Doyle, they had no way to test patients for the presence of the virus and just assumed everyone had been infected by the miasma. I think today I am seeing this in POST COVID patients and non-infected as well.

The writers of that era in the 1890s were unequivocal in what they were seeing in their coronavirus pandemic – an epidemic of ACEDIA in those who had had the illness. I find it profoundly fascinating that the exact same type of thing is happening in our coronavirus patients and our COVID world today.

If indeed it was OC43 the infection rate is now 100%.

It sweeps over the earth and we all get it every other year or so.

That is what the concept of endemic status is.

Endemicity isn’t necessarily a good thing. Many endemic infections still kill millions yearly malaria and AIDS being the ones that come to my mind instantly. There are many others.

We should obviously try as hard as we can to limit casualities. But at some point, we as humans will need to come to grips with the fact that these pandemic introductions are one of the costs of the privilege of living here. It is part of life.

There is possibly nothing we can do about it. We have repeatedly tried in both human and animal outbreaks and have never been successful even once. I have my doubts we will succeed this time. It will however eventually calm down and behave like its cousins like OC43.

Unlike the mantra of modern neoliberalism, we as humans are not in charge.

When you read contemporaneous writing from politicians and medical people both in the 1890s and 1918 flu you instantly realize that they were doing their best to make citizens understand this simple concept. The hubris approach of modern times that we are in charge would have been unthinkable then. We will see how it all plays out. I have my opinion that they were much more wise during those earlier pandemics.

Speaking Of Science And The Necessity Of Large Randomized Sample Data

The CDC stopped tracking breakthrough infections that didn’t cause hospitalization or death after April 30, then pointed to low figures for earlier pre-Delta breakthrough cases to justify their position that these were so rare and mild they needn’t be tracked. 

They made that decision before they knew if those vaccinated could transmit the virus, suggesting this was unlikely. It wasn’t. Weeks later, they knew and announced the Delta variant was proliferating, yet did not change their guidance on breakthroughs.

In July strong evidence accumulated that breakthrough cases were easily spread, found in clusters, and growing in number, as in Provincetown. Unlike the US, Israel studied waning immunity early and began widely administering 3rd doses. 

The CDC said there wasn’t yet evidence to support 3rd jabs (evidence they’d declined to collect), then abruptly changed guidance for the immune-compromised—before submitting the evidence they’d said they were waiting for. 

Meanwhile, data from states tracking breakthroughs told a different story: cases were rising, occurred in clusters, most were symptomatic, and for the most vulnerable, could require hospitalization and cause death.

Looking at the following site I calculate about 4% of breakthrough infections go into the hospital compared to 5% of unvaccinated infections...lower but not by all that much.

Why don't we have this data for other states? Going further, why do we lack so much data on breakthrough cases?

What percentage of breakthrough infections are going into the hospital and how does that compare to infections among un vaccinated people?  

How do we know that the issue we are seeing with breakthrough infections is not waning immunity but the Delta variant getting by the vaccine?

Where is data on reinfection rates with Delta? Are those who had COVID already better protected? If breakthrough infections are milder (not convinced based on the Wisconsin data), do they convey better protection than a booster?

We will never know what percentage of breakthrough infections are going into the hospital, because the public health officials, including the CDC, are only tracking breakthrough infections that result in hospitalization or death.

While I'm not an epidemiologist, I would *really* prefer that the public health officials track *all* breakthrough infections. And, that they track *all* cases among unvaccinated individuals.

How else will they, or we, know which vaccines are most efficacious, and for how long? Are we just to wait for data from much smaller countries like Israel?

Israel did not have randomized studies of the third dose.  They did not wait for Pfizer studies. Pfizer just submitted its randomized study data, which should trump observational data from Israel.  It is important to know which groups actually obtain benefit from the neo-vaccinoid booster. 

Sunday, September 05, 2021

Why Hasn't This Research Been Converted Into A Prophylactic Nasal Spray?

yale |  Exposure to the rhinovirus, the most frequent cause of the common cold, can protect against infection by the virus which causes COVID-19, Yale researchers have found.

In a new study, the researchers found that the common respiratory virus jump-starts the activity of interferon-stimulated genes, early-response molecules in the immune system which can halt replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus within airway tissues infected with the cold. 

Triggering these defenses early in the course of COVID-19 infection holds promise to prevent or treat the infection, said Ellen Foxman, assistant professor of laboratory medicine and immunobiology at the Yale School of Medicine and senior author of the study. One way to do this is by treating patients with interferons, an immune system protein which is also available as a drug.

But it all depends upon the timing,” Foxman said.

The results were published June 15 in the Journal of Experimental Medicine.

Previous work showed that at the later stages of COVID-19, high interferon levels correlate with worse disease and may fuel overactive immune responses. But recent genetic studies show that interferon-stimulated genes can also be protective in cases of COVID-19 infection.

Foxman’s lab wanted to study this defense system early in the course of COVID-19 infection.

Since earlier studies by Foxman’s lab showed that common cold viruses may protect against influenza, they decided to study whether rhinoviruses would have the same beneficial impact against the COVID-19 virus. For the study, her team infected lab-grown human airway tissue with SARS-CoV-2 and found that for the first three days, viral load in the tissue doubled about every six hours. However, replication of the COVID-19 virus was completely stopped in tissue which had been exposed to rhinovirus. If antiviral defenses were blocked, the SARS-CoV-2 could replicate in airway tissue previously exposed to rhinovirus.

The same defenses slowed down SARS-CoV-2 infection even without rhinovirus, but only if the infectious dose was low, suggesting that the viral load at the time of exposure makes a difference in whether the body can effectively fight the infection.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Dr. Christina Parks And Virginia Stoner Swing The Scientific SledgeHammer On The mRNA Neo-Vaccinoids

virginiastoner | Vaccine dangers hiding in plain sight FACT: There has been a massive increase in deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) this year. That’s not a ‘conspiracy theory’, that’s an indisputable fact. You can try to explain it or justify it, or even argue it doesn’t matter, but you can’t deny it.

We’re not talking about a modest increase in death reports, something we might chat about in concerned voices over Chai tea and bagels at a company mixer. We’re talking about a huge and unprecedented increase—so massive that in the last 4 months alone, VAERS has received over 40% of all death reports it has ever received in its entire 30+year history. So massive it’s literally “off the chart.” The first chart in the pair below shows VAERS death reports from 2014 thru 2020. If you tried to add the 2021 data to it, it would be way, way off the chart. The second chart shows how much detail was lost when the 2021 data was squeezed in.
The pair of charts below are another illustration. Notice all age groups had an increase in death reports from the COVID-19 vaccines—with both the 18-64 and 65+ age groups experiencing a dramatic “off the chart” increase.
The increase in VAERS death reports is not due to more vaccination Even with the COVID-19 shots, the estimated total vaccines administered so far this year is less than the yearly average–because we are only a quarter of the way through this year. No doubt the vaccine count will climb much higher by the end of this year, but it’s not the reason for the massive increase in VAERS death reports over the last 4 months. The following chart compares estimates of vaccines administered with deaths reported to VAERS, separating COVID-19 vaccines from other vaccines. The rate of reported deaths for other vaccines looks fairly normal; the massive increase is mainly from the COVID-19 vaccines.
There are many notes at the end of this paper about how the vaccine data was estimated, and where the data for these charts was obtained, along with the data table.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Petition To The FDA To Refrain From Premature Final Approval Of mRNA Neo-Vaccinoids

britishmedicaljournal |  We are part of a group of clinicians, scientists, and patient advocates who have lodged a formal “Citizen Petition” with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), asking the agency to delay any consideration of a “full approval” of a covid-19 vaccine. The message of our petition is “slow down and get the science right—there is no legitimate reason to hurry to grant a license to a coronavirus vaccine.” We believe the existing evidence base—both pre- and post-authorization—is simply not mature enough at this point to adequately judge whether clinical benefits outweigh the risks in all populations.

The covid-19 vaccines in widespread use have emergency authorizations (EUA), not actual approvals, a crucial regulatory distinction that reflects major differences in the level of regulatory scrutiny and certainty about the risk-benefit balance.

Our petition doesn’t argue that risks outweigh benefits—or that benefits outweigh risks. Rather, we focus on methods and processes, outlining the many remaining unknowns about safety and effectiveness—and suggest the kinds of studies needed to address the open questions.

If the FDA listens to us, they won’t give serious consideration to approving a covid-19 vaccine until 2022. Our first request is that the FDA require manufacturers to submit data from completed Phase III trials—not interim results. Trials by vaccine manufacturers were designed to follow participants for two years, and should be completed before they are evaluated for full approval, even if they are now unblinded and lack placebo groups. These Phase III trials are not simply efficacy studies; they also are necessary and important safety studies (as the study titles say), and all collected data remain invaluable.

We also call on FDA to require a more thorough assessment of spike proteins produced in-situ by the body following vaccination—including studies on their full biodistribution, pharmacokinetics, and tissue-specific toxicities. We ask the FDA to demand manufacturers complete proper biodistribution studies that would be expected of any new drug and request additional studies to better understand the implications of mRNA translation in distant tissues. We call on data demonstrating a thorough investigation of all serious adverse events reported to pharmacovigilance systems, carried out by independent, impartial individuals, and for safety data from individuals receiving more than two vaccine doses, in consideration of plans for future booster shots. We ask the FDA to request necessary studies in specific populations, including those previously infected with SARS-CoV-2, pediatric subjects, and those with immunological or other underlying medical complexities. Given the nature of the novel vaccine platforms, our petition asks for experts in gene therapy to be included among the external committee advising the FDA.

These are several of our major requests. The petition has been signed by a group of 27 clinicians, researchers, and consumer advocates with diverse experiences and thoughts about the pandemic. We all agree that there remain many open, unanswered questions surrounding the efficacy and safety of covid-19 vaccines that must be answered before the FDA gives serious consideration to granting full approval.

Monday, August 02, 2021

"Vaccine" Mandates In The Face Of Unprecedented Death And Adverse Events...,

freedomalliance |  Dear Dr. Raine,  

RE: Urgent preliminary report of Yellow Card data up to 26th May 2021

As the Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd and EbMC Squared CiC, I am writing to share with you this urgent preliminary report on the Yellow Card data up to 26th May 2021. Please note that EbMC Squared CiC is a Community Interest Company that conducts research mandated by the public and funded by public donations. We have no conflicts of interest and do not engage in industry-funded work.

The MHRA describes the purpose of its Yellow Card system as providing “an early warning that the safety of a medicine or a medical device may require further investigation. It is important for people to report problems experienced with medicines or medical devices as these are used to identify issues which might not have been previously known about.”1

Furthermore, the MHRA recognises that the conditions under which medicines are studied in clinical trials do not reflect how the medicines will be used in hospitals or clinical practice once they are rolled out. This means that some adverse drug reactions “may not be seen until a very large number of people
have received the medicine.”

The Covid-19 vaccines were rolled out in the UK on the 8th of December 2020. As of the 6th May 2021 nearly 39 million people have received their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, and 24 million both doses. Sufficient data have now accumulated to get a good overview of adverse drug reactions (ADRs). I would, therefore, like to draw your attention to the high number of covid-19 vaccine-attributed deaths and ADRs that have been reported via the Yellow Card system between the 4th January 2021 and the 26th May 2021. In total, 1,253 deaths and 888,196 ADRs (256,224 individual reports) were reported during this period.

To facilitate a better clinical understanding of the nature of the adverse events occurring, primarily to inform doctors at the frontline, we have searched the Yellow Card reports using pathology-specific key words to group the data according to the following five broad, clinically relevant categories:

A. Bleeding, Clotting and Ischaemic ADRs
B. Immune System ADRs
C. ‘Pain’ ADRs
D. Neurological ADRs
E. ADRs involving loss of Sight, Hearing, Speech or Smell
F. Pregnancy ADRs

After running each search, we entered the results into an Excel spreadsheet, excluding ADRs that were clearly irrelevant or appeared in duplicate. These spreadsheets will be used going forward to facilitate the weekly monitoring of Yellow Card data. We recognise that keywords may need expanding to capture category relevant ADRs that may have been missed in this preliminary ADR scope and analysis.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

People Who've Had SARS-Cov2 Do Not Benefit From mRNA Therapeutic Jabs

medrxiv | Background The purpose of this study was to evaluate the necessity of COVID-19 vaccination in persons previously infected with SARS-CoV-2.

Methods Employees of the Cleveland Clinic Health System working in Ohio on Dec 16, 2020, the day COVID-19 vaccination was started, were included. Any subject who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 at least 42 days earlier was considered previously infected. One was considered vaccinated 14 days after receipt of the second dose of a SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine. The cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection over the next five months, among previously infected subjects who received the vaccine, was compared with those of previously infected subjects who remained unvaccinated, previously uninfected subjects who received the vaccine, and previously uninfected subjects who remained unvaccinated.

Results Among the 52238 included employees, 1359 (53%) of 2579 previously infected subjects remained unvaccinated, compared with 22777 (41%) of 49659 not previously infected. The cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection remained almost zero among previously infected unvaccinated subjects, previously infected subjects who were vaccinated, and previously uninfected subjects who were vaccinated, compared with a steady increase in cumulative incidence among previously uninfected subjects who remained unvaccinated. Not one of the 1359 previously infected subjects who remained unvaccinated had a SARS-CoV-2 infection over the duration of the study. In a Cox proportional hazards regression model, after adjusting for the phase of the epidemic, vaccination was associated with a significantly lower risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection among those not previously infected (HR 0.031, 95% CI 0.015 to 0.061) but not among those previously infected (HR 0.313, 95% CI 0 to Infinity).

Conclusions Individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination, and vaccines can be safely prioritized to those who have not been infected before.

Summary Cumulative incidence of COVID-19 was examined among 52238 employees in an American healthcare system. COVID-19 did not occur in anyone over the five months of the study among 2579 individuals previously infected with COVID-19, including 1359 who did not take the vaccine.

Have You Ever Heard Of An Innocent Person Getting A Pre-emptive Pardon?

December, 2020. Joy Reid: Have you ever heard of somebody getting a preemptive pardon who is an innocent person? Adam Schiff: No. Today Adam...