Monday, June 30, 2014
neurohermeneutics: why does the brain toy with the puzzlebox in the first place?
By CNu at June 30, 2014 11 comments
Labels: as above-so below , neuromancy , tactical evolution , What Now?
neurotheology: what happens to the brain during "spiritual" experiences?
By CNu at June 30, 2014 0 comments
Labels: ethology , neuromancy , What IT DO Shawty...
what "god" does to your brain...,
When people speak in tongues, they’re gone, they’re in a completely altered state. But most of the time they’re normal people like us
By CNu at June 30, 2014 5 comments
Labels: ethology , neuromancy , What IT DO Shawty...
how the brain "reboots" itself to consciousness after anaesthesia
By CNu at June 30, 2014 0 comments
Labels: What IT DO Shawty...
Sunday, June 29, 2014
the dopamine hypothesis...,
By CNu at June 29, 2014 0 comments
Labels: cognitive infiltration , dopamine , psychopathocracy , What IT DO Shawty...
the ukraine crisis as told through hip-hop
By CNu at June 29, 2014 5 comments
Labels: cognitive infiltration
Saturday, June 28, 2014
the rise of the nipster
By CNu at June 28, 2014 12 comments
Labels: ethology , killer-ape , monkey see - monkey do , music?
chimps prefer african and indian music
"Chimpanzees may perceive the strong, predictable rhythmic patterns as threatening, as chimpanzee dominance displays commonly incorporate repeated rhythmic sounds such as stomping, clapping and banging objects," said de Waal.
The different types of music were at the same volume but played in random order. Each day, researchers observed the chimps and recorded their location every two minutes with handwritten notes. They also videotaped the activity in the enclosure. The chimps' behavior when the music was played was compared to their behavior with no music.
By CNu at June 28, 2014 0 comments
Labels: essence , ethology , music? , What IT DO Shawty...
musical and spatial representation
By CNu at June 28, 2014 0 comments
Labels: cognitive infiltration , music?
about that practice making perfect....,
- Accomplished musicians practiced much more than those who weren't accomplished.
- That propensity to practice was fueled partly by genetics, which the researchers were able to establish by comparing identical twins, who share 100 percent of their genes, with fraternal twins, who share 50 percent of their genes. The finding suggests genetics influence the sorts of activities we pursue.
- When it came to music accomplishment, genes had a bigger influence on those who practiced than those who didn't.
By CNu at June 28, 2014 0 comments
Labels: Genetic Omni Determinism GOD , music? , work
Friday, June 27, 2014
mandatory sentencing for medical marijuana...,
By CNu at June 27, 2014 1 comments
Labels: Ass Clownery , governance
the catch-22 of medical marijuana science
By CNu at June 27, 2014 0 comments
Labels: Ass Clownery , governance
Thursday, June 26, 2014
purportedly progressive massachusetts has a "private" SWAT network...,
By CNu at June 26, 2014 0 comments
Labels: clampdown , institutional deconstruction , neofeudalism , What Now?
self-powered flow-induction on the event horizon...,
A flexible single crystalline PMN-PT piezoelectric energy harvester is demonstrated to achieve a self-powered artificial cardiac pacemaker. The energy harvesting device generates a short-circuit current of 0.223 mA and an open-circuit voltage of 8.2 V, which are enough to meet the standard for not only charging commercial batteries but also stimulating heart without an external power source.
By CNu at June 26, 2014 0 comments
Labels: neuromancy , What Now?
the importance of feelings
By CNu at June 26, 2014 0 comments
Labels: essence , subrealist oeuvre... , work
a nugget obscured by a muddled puddle of shyte...,
The fight-or-flight response—a.k.a. the adrenaline rush—cocktails adrenaline, cortisol (the stress hormone), and norepinephrine. It’s an extreme stress response. The brain switches to reactive survival autopilot. Options are limited to three: fight, flee, or freeze. Flow is the opposite: a creative problem-solving state, options wide open.
Yet there are reasons for the confusion. The two highs are linked. Risk heightens focus and flow follows focus. This means that the fight-or-flight response primes the body—chemically and psychologically—for the flow state. Athletes report moving through one to get to the other. [Skateboard legend] Danny Way, for example, has a phrase he uses to remind himself of the importance of this transition. “Never a glitch on takeoff,” he says. He means that when you’re teetering between flow and fight-or-flight, all it takes is one errant thought to send you in the wrong direction. When Way pushes off onto the megaramp, he has seconds to flip this switch. If he can follow his focus into flow he lives to ride another day. But if panic swamps the circuitry? “The greatest slams of my life took place when that happened,” he says. “Almost every time, I’ve ended up in the hospital.”
By CNu at June 26, 2014 0 comments
Labels: bushido , essence , objective strength , What IT DO Shawty...
hegemony recklessly eyeballing weed, genes, the spectrum....,
By CNu at June 26, 2014 0 comments
Labels: agenda , dopamine , governance
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
uptight chickenshits playing soldier the most dangerous drug of all...,
Just look at that face - any more puckered and he'd burst a vein! |
- 62 percent of the SWAT raids surveyed were to conduct searches for drugs.
- Just under 80 percent were to serve a search warrant, meaning eight in 10 SWAT raids were not initiated to apprehend a school shooter, hostage taker, or escaped felon (the common justification for these tactics), but to investigate someone still only suspected of committing a crime.
- In fact, just 7 percent of SWAT raids were “for hostage, barricade, or active shooter scenarios.”
- In at least 36 percent of the SWAT raids studies, no contraband of any kind was found. The report notes that due to incomplete police reports on these raids this figure could be as high as 65 percent.
- SWAT tactics are disproportionately used on people of color.
- 65 percent of SWAT deployments resulted in some sort of forced entry into a private home, by way of a battering ram, boot, or some sort of explosive device. In over half those raids, the police failed to find any sort of weapon, the presence of which was cited as the reason for the violent tactics.
- Ironically (or perhaps not), searches to serve warrants on people suspected of drug crimes were more likely to result in forced entry than raids conducted for other purposes.
- Though often justified for rare incidents like school shootings or terrorist situations, the armored personnel vehicles police departments are getting from the Pentagon and through grants from the Department of Homeland Security are commonly used on drug raids.
. . . incident reports for search warrant executions, especially in drug investigations, often contained no information about why the SWAT team was being sent in, other than to note that the warrant was “high risk,” or else provided otherwise unsubstantiated information such as “suspect is believed to be armed.” In case after case that the ACLU examined, when a SWAT team was deployed to search a person’s home for drugs, officers determined that a person was “likely to be armed” on the basis of suspected but unfounded gang affiliations, past weapons convictions, or some other factor that did not truly indicate a basis for believing that the person in question was likely to be armed at the moment of the SWAT deployment. Of course, a reasonable belief that weapons are present should not by itself justify a SWAT deployment. Given that almost half of American households have guns, use of a SWAT team could almost always be justified if this were the sole factor.But we’ve already seen cases in which the mere factor that the resident of a home was a legal gun owner — in some cases by virtue of the fact that the owner had obtained some sort of state license — was used as an excuse to execute a full-on SWAT raid to serve a warrant for an otherwise nonviolent crime.
By CNu at June 25, 2014 5 comments
Labels: Ass Clownery , clampdown , Collapse Crime , you used to be the man
the secret plan to close social security's offices and outsource its work
By CNu at June 25, 2014 0 comments
Labels: clampdown , Collapse Casualties , contraction , What Now?
the mysterious history of marijuana (raises more kwestins than it answers)
"The political upheaval in Mexico that culminated in the Revolution of 1910 led to a wave of Mexican immigration to states throughout the American Southwest. The prejudices and fears that greeted these peasant immigrants also extended to their traditional means of intoxication: smoking marijuana. Police officers in Texas claimed that marijuana incited violent crimes, aroused a "lust for blood," and gave its users "superhuman strength." Rumors spread that Mexicans were distributing this "killer weed" to unsuspecting American schoolchildren. Sailors and West Indian immigrants brought the practice of smoking marijuana to port cities along the Gulf of Mexico. In New Orleans newspaper articles associated the drug with African-Americans, jazz musicians, prostitutes, and underworld whites. "The Marijuana Menace," as sketched by anti-drug campaigners, was personified by inferior races and social deviants."
By CNu at June 25, 2014 0 comments
Labels: high strangeness , History's Mysteries , individual sovereignty , legalization , Living Memory
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
the elkhorn manifesto: what do hemp and hitler have in common?
The expected rebirth of cannabis hemp as a less expensive source of pulp
for paper meant his millions of acres of prime timberland, and
investment in wood pulp papermaking equipment, would soon be worth much
less. In the 1920s, about the same time as the equipment was developed
to economically mass-produce raw hemp into pulp and fiber for paper, he
began the "Reefer Madness" hoax in his newspaper and magazine
He knew that cannabis hemp was an alternative industrial raw material
for the production of thousands of products, including fuel and
plastics, which, if allowed to compete in the free-market, would
threaten the future profits of the oil companies. As Secretary of the
Treasury he created the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, and appointed his
own future nephew-in-law, Harry Anslinger, as director. Anslinger would
later use the sensational, and totally fabricated, articles published by
Hearst, to push the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 through Congress, which
successfully destroyed the rebirth of the cannabis hemp industry.
A prominent member of one Congressional subcommittee who voted in
favor of this bill was Joseph Guffey of Pennsylvania, an oil tycoon and
former business partner of Andrew Mellon in the Spindletop oil fields in
- which owned the
patents on synthetic petrochemicals and industrial processes that
promised billions of dollars in future profits from the sale of wood
pulp paper, lead additives for gasoline, synthetic fibers and plastics,
if hemp could be suppressed. At the time, du Pont family influence in
both government and the private sector was unmatched, according to
historians and journalists.
- R. William Davis
July 4, 1996
Louisville, Kentucky
By CNu at June 24, 2014 3 comments
Labels: global system of 1% supremacy , History's Mysteries , Living Memory
the fascinating endocannabinoidal system
By CNu at June 24, 2014 0 comments
Labels: high strangeness , legalization
Monday, June 23, 2014
mysteries of morality
By CNu at June 23, 2014 2 comments
Labels: ethology , History's Mysteries , killer-ape , What IT DO Shawty...
the game theory of life
By CNu at June 23, 2014 0 comments
Labels: Genetic Omni Determinism GOD
Sunday, June 22, 2014
the maximum power principle traps you humans in an evolutionary loop...,
Eventually, members of the weakest group (high or low rank) are forced to “disperse.”[4] Those members of the weak group who do not disperse are killed,[5] enslaved, or in modern times imprisoned. By most estimates, 10 to 20 percent of Stone-Age people died at the hands of other humans. The process of overshoot, followed by forced dispersal, may be seen as a sort of repetitive pumping action—a collective behavioral loop—that drove humans into every inhabitable niche.
Here is a synopsis of the behavioral loop described above:
Step 1. Individual and group behaviors are biased by the MPP to generate maximum power, which requires over-reproduction and/or over-consumption of natural resources (overshoot), whenever systemic constraints allow it. Individuals and families will form social groups to generate more power by degrading more energy. Differential power generation and accumulation result in a hierarchical group structure.Step 2. Energy is always limited, so overshoot eventually leads to decreasing power available to the group, with lower-ranking members suffering first.Step 3. Diminishing power availability creates divisive subgroups within the original group. Low-rank members will form subgroups and coalitions to demand a greater share of power from higher-ranking individuals, who will resist by forming their own coalitions to maintain power.Step 4. Violent social strife eventually occurs among subgroups who demand a greater share of the remaining power.Step 5. The weakest subgroups (high or low rank) are either forced to disperse to a new territory, are killed, enslaved, or imprisoned.Step 6. Go back to step 1.
The above loop was repeated countless thousands of times during the millions of years that we were evolving[6]. This behavior is entrained in our genetic material and will be repeated until we go extinct. Carrying capacity will decline [7] with each future iteration of the overshoot loop, and this will cause human numbers to decline until they reach levels not seen since the Pleistocene.
Current models used to predict the end of the biosphere suggest that sometime between 0.5 billion to 1.5 billion years from now, land life as we know it will end on Earth due to the combination of CO2 starvation and increasing heat. It is this decisive end that biologists and planetary geologists have targeted for attention. However, all of their graphs reveal an equally disturbing finding: that global productivity will plummet from our time onward, and indeed, it already has been doing so for the last 300 million years.[8]
It’s impossible to know the details of how our rush to extinction will play itself out, but we do know that it is going to be hell for those who are unlucky to be alive at the time.
By CNu at June 22, 2014 4 comments
Labels: global system of 1% supremacy , What Now?
the principal of hierarchical coincidence is conspicuously obvious to the casual observer...,
By CNu at June 22, 2014 0 comments
Labels: agenda , elite , global system of 1% supremacy , neofeudalism , partisan
Saturday, June 21, 2014
world refugees top 50 million in 2013 - worse than in WW-II
By CNu at June 21, 2014 13 comments
Labels: Collapse Casualties
TISA vs Public Services
By CNu at June 21, 2014 0 comments
Labels: banksterism , global system of 1% supremacy , neofeudalism , niggerization
When English Is Not Your First Language Or You Just Forget How To Speak English...,
axios | As devastating wildfires raged across Los Angeles County this week, firefighters battling the blazes encountered fire hydrants t...
theatlantic | The Ku Klux Klan, Ronald Reagan, and, for most of its history, the NRA all worked to control guns. The Founding Fathers...
Video - John Marco Allegro in an interview with Van Kooten & De Bie. TSMATC | Describing the growth of the mushroom ( boletos), P...
dailybeast | Of all the problems in America today, none is both as obvious and as overlooked as the colossal human catastrophe that is our...