Saturday, April 26, 2014

oooooo.., it's a cold day in babylon: who all donald sterling telling on?!?!?!?

Clippers Owner Donald Sterling to GF - Don't Bring Black People to My Games, Including Magic Johnson Fist tap Ed.


woodensplinter said...

I'm fairly certain no one else watched that debate. Had they done so, I believe there would have been significant controversy regarding the claim - in hindsight - that Baldwin in fact won. Buckley's pronouncements seem almost prophetic. (Big Don would have you believe of course that Baldwin's pronouncements were prophetic)

Ed Dunn said...

In my opinion - she is Black woman of the year. I'm willing to bet she had a Catholic upbringing also. The decades of Black people selling out for Jewish money being told who to associate with and not to associate with - aka the Boule and NBC pundits. The Black people I encountered who were adopted by Jewish families and told not to associate with other Blacks as they grew up by these same Jewish families. It's all over TV, all over music, all over entertainment. While we had Black women play the whore to this whole setup, this one Black/Latina lady decided to record this man antics about her associating with Black people.

New York Times and the rest of these Jewish-owned media will not address this form of racism and the plantation characters at the Grio, the Root and others will not address this form of racism..but I will dammit...damn, they tried to go after Bundy and now this interesting are times...

Ed Dunn said...

Snoop Lion comments:

Vic78 said...

It'd be cool if Chris Paul or Blake Griffin said something like that. I'd salute 'em.

CNu said...

still early in the weekend. let's see if MHP opens her mouth tomorrow.

CNu said...

need to see more nodes on this social network that sterling was whining about. time to air some collective babylonian laundry

sakredkow said...
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sakredkow said...

Cliven Bundy: "Now that guy's a racist!"

Ed Dunn said...

I have full confidence our Black organizations like the NAACP will be on top of this...uh..wait...:

In 2009, the Los Angeles chapter of the NAACP honored Donald Sterling with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Soon after the announcement was made, much of the world learned of Sterling's unrepentant racism thanks to Elgin Baylor's employment discrimination lawsuit.
On May 15, 2014, Donald Sterling is set to receive another Lifetime Achievement Award. Sterling also won the 2008 NAACP Presidents Award.

CNu said...

Between Bayard Rustin and James Baldwin - very specific dice were cast for the public face of black dissent acceptable to the WASP elites in charge. As Buckley stated, committed black cynicism and questioning of the inherent goodness of WASP elites would result in the type of existential response directed at the Germans, for the good of the Germans, in WW-II.

CNu said...

Shifting gears only ever so slightly - the old heads said it's time for the slack-jawed to hush their mouths wide open, and gun-up this afternoon. - said to tell Bro.Makheru to doff his t00-tight rainbow colored kufi and bring the young black youths to Greenville Technical College for its next man up conference

Vic78 said...

Looks like she ain't playing...

Clippers President Andy Roeser said in a statement: “We have heard the tape on TMZ. We do not know if it is legitimate or it has been altered. We do know that the woman on the tape — who we believe released it to TMZ — is the defendant in a lawsuit brought by the Sterling family alleging that she embezzled more than $1.8 million, who told Mr. Sterling that she would ‘get even.’ Mr. Sterling is emphatic that what is reflected on that recording is not consistent with, nor does it reflect his views, beliefs or feelings. It is the antithesis of who he is, what he believes and how he has lived his life. He feels terrible that such sentiments are being attributed to him and apologizes to anyone who might have been hurt by them. He is also upset and apologizes for sentiments attributed to him about Earvin Johnson. He has long considered Magic a friend and has only the utmost respect and admiration for him–both in terms of who he is and what he has achieved. We are investigating this matter.”

woodensplinter said...

Buckley calling Baldwin's delivery "affected" is a breathtaking pot/kettle moment.

CNu said...

lol, dood, did you call this one or did you call it?!?! - but what's ironic to me is the timing and the part of the political spectrum from which this brouhaha emanates, given the increasingly embarrassing charges wrongfully leveled by the NYTimes and Media Matters against Cliven Bundy.

Sure, there's such a thing as coincidence, and then, there's such a thing as active and intentional manipulation of mass attention via the media. So Commissioner "Silver" is going to swiftly santion Owner "Sterling" for ill-intentions and causing psychic malaise? Really?!?!?!? How does that work? What policy or regulation has Owner "Sterling" violated, unless it's a policy which prohibits doing or saying anything that will depict the NBA in a less than positive light.

Vic78 said...

The NBA likes the money it makes outside of the US. So they have to bring the hammer down on Sterling. Stateside people will attack the Clippers any way they can.

Vic78 said...

I've been looking and can't find anything from MSNBC pundits. Did Dr Harris-Perry say anything?

CNu said...

lol, she had little pookie sitting in for her this morning and he touched it as fast as possible and then passed it on with a lot of disclaimers like it was the politically awkward hot potato it is.

Vic78 said...

Hell, if they can take shots at the GOP and Fox, why not take shots at some old ass weirdo? Sterling is easy money to me. It's an easy 2 hour episode: What the fuck is going on with Mr Sterling? He didn't want it out there that he's paying top dollar for some poosie. This Sterling guy's straight out of a James Baldwin or Donald Goines story. He could have a little gimp in him. He might be one of them dudes. You know the type. Want to see his lady getting banged out in the bedroom.

Okay it would be a little awkward for lil Pookie to speak on. He may have reached the same conclusions and it might be a little too real for tv. I doubt he wants to put anyone on front street.

CNu said...

lol, stop playing...., pookie cain't handle all-a-that!

Ed Dunn said...

wow, he is pretty dapper...he can represent the voice of Black people anyday....

CNu said...

lol, you need to stop. lil'Pookie squires Karen Finney all around DC.

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