Tuesday, April 01, 2014

global system of conehead supremacy?

theunknownmoment |  Future Money Trends: "Who is calling the shots at the Vatican. I am assuming it's not the pope."  

Karen Hudes: "Well, there is something called the black pope but that's umm... that's not the ultimate reason why we have been in the fix that we are in. What we have found out, and this sounds implausible, but it's absolutely correct, the fact that its been held in secret doesn't mean that it's not true. It is true. There is a second species on this planet. They are not extraterrestrial, they are very much with us, they made maps in the previous ice age. The remnants of their civilisations are all over the place. A lot of times along the coast its submerged because the umm... amount, the sea level has gone up by 400 meters, but this group has large brains. They are very distinct from homo sapiens.


woodensplinter said...

This is not intended as a fool's errand, is it? http://www.ancient-origins.net/unexplained-phenomena-opinion-guest-authors/world-wide-mysterious-phenomena-elongated-skulls-00939

woodensplinter said...

This is some of the very best unselfconsciously fringe material ever. From Akhenaton to ET in one breathless swoop - and it even holds together and makes sense. http://drowninginabsurdity.wordpress.com/

CNu said...

lol, glad you're edutained, we humbly aim to please....,

woodensplinter said...

Not happy C. You've set me on a rabbit-hole rampage. http://www.egyptsearch.com/forums/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=print_topic;f=8;t=007383

common_tater said...

Why is it too hard for people to just accept what the Bible says at face value? We invent a myriad of tales and fantasies in order to escape the fact that God created mankind and gave us boundaries, those boundaries are called laws, we transgress those laws and that is sin.

The Nephillim are what you really wish to describe. Their civilization was vast, covered the entire globe and the mysterious ruins and artifacts uncovered were products of their civilization. As the angels that descended from Heaven to copulate with human women produced the Nephillim they also imparted technology to their offspring which included genetic engineering.

That civilization was destroyed by the flood since it had become entirely corrupt. Remnants remain and upon discovery are immediately hidden by universities and museums since understanding that civilization would completely undermine the theory of evolution and the current paradigm projected upon humanity.

And just as it happened in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man. Luke 17:26

Dale Asberry said...

Lol check what just bored out of the woodwork... I think you hit a nerve CNu.

CNu said...

lol, he ain't scurred though. Rest a y'all quiet as church mice on the subject this fine April day...., what you think about these coneheads and the Yale-educated attorney who claims they're running things?

ken said...

I haven't seen the Noah movie.

CNu said...

Oops..., spoilers, my bad. But now that you're out - what you think about these coneheads, and humans imitating coneheads with big hats and turbans and crowns, and humans smooshing up their babies heads to look like coneheads. Kind'a strange, and stranger still the geographic and temporal dispersion of it all https://www.google.com/search?q=head+elongation&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=rJs6U9v0IrTTsASEq4GoDg&sqi=2&ved=0CDcQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=775

Uglyblackjohn said...

'Noah'... Nah... I'm more interested in the movie 'Jinn' and I am curious to know why a genie would wear a turban as well...

CNu said...

Neglect Redbox for several months, and I miss all kinds of straight-to-video trailers....,

Dale Asberry said...

I'm personally thinking entheogenic influences.

woodensplinter said...

According to Hudes, here's a picture of it http://subrealism.blogspot.com/2011/10/banking-cabal-that-runs-world.html

CNu said...


Vic78 said...

I figured this was an April 1st joke and moved on. If it's not an April thing, I'm used to weird shit and this is just one more thing I've come across.

CNu said...

I was hoping for so much more insight, individuality, and basic courage than what I've seen exhibited thus far. Very instructive for me today.

Vic78 said...

We already know the point of religion was cattle management. And the Old Testament was Hebrew nationalism. It's easy to figure out the Exodus story was made up. It doesn't take forty years to get from Egypt to Israel on foot. Somehow after forty years of walking a circle in the desert, they're able to curb stomp the tribes of Canaan.

Going after the hardcore bankers is a little difficult. Everyone that does is marginalized right away. The problem I have with talking about it is that it just reinforces the hearer's sense of powerlessness. People are walking around hopeless enough right now. No need to pile on.

ken said...

I see the pictures of the cone heads, and I am not really sure what to make of them. I didn't dig further into the heads as most of the research was investigating the Biblical discussions about common_tater's ideas on the Nephillims. Does anybody discuss what the bodies of the skulls look like? Were they normal size people, or did they have neck structure and body proportional to the size of their heads? Not really sure if the skulls are any connection to Nephillims,

As for the Nephillims I have heard the theories before, but have always dismissed the idea of fallen angels mating with humans and producing some physically super but evil line of giant humans. I would consider how could spiritual beings mate with fleshly beings, although there is plenty of controversy on both sides of the Biblical argument that one can't really know Biblically what the is meant by the giants in the Genesis. Here would have been an argument I would embrace today at the start, but am intrigued by another story coming up:


The other idea to me is interesting because if puts a whole different light on why God destroyed mankind in a flood, and possibly even why Israel was instructed to kill everything when they conquered for their promise land.


Uglyblackjohn said...

@ Ken - Where the Nephilim really just Jinn? If the words 'genie' and 'genius' came from the word 'Jinn' - what does this say about their abilities? Was Iblis just a conehead covering his elongated skull with a genie turban? All the alien heads aside - it would take more than Brien Foerster's DNA announcement to get me all worked up.

CNu said...

It.all.holds.together.and.makes.sense. I missed your cue on that movie, but put this way - now bow low in your general direction.

Dale Asberry said...

That coneheads has a more mundane explanation. Namely, that alien looking creatures with coneheads have long been reported by those returning from an entheogenic episode. Suppose that those people are the spiritual leaders and consider coneheads as gods. Using superstitious logic, it would make 'sense' that these humans would then imitate such images.

CNu said...

The skeletons were not giant, there are no giants aside from the tall redheaded strangers in the Gobi desert, and those aren't "giants" - just very tall european homo sapiens geographically distributed someplace you wouldn't expect them to be. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarim_mummies

CNu said...


There is a conspicuous and unexplained anomaly here which cannot be chalked up to hallucination, delusion, myth, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...., Plain and simple, the art, the archeology, the bones and the domes show that there have been some bighead muhuggahs with and among us continuously for a very long time, and folks get all puzzled and shook by the calling out the indisputable and obvious. (how else can we account for the pharaonic incest and hyperzealous maintenance of the maternal bloodlines? - how about matrilineage- I'm thinking you gotta have a special pelvis to drop one of these melons)

makheru bradley said...

At one time many people in the scientific community believed that Piltdown Man was also real.


CNu said...

But that's just it Bro. Makheru, this phenomenon is off the scientific community's radar. One would've thought the fact of bigger brained hominids in sub-saharan Africa would've been on your radar a loooooong time ago, however. http://discovermagazine.com/2009/the-brain-2/28-what-happened-to-hominids-who-were-smarter-than-us The combination of a large cranium and immature face would look decidedly unusual to modern eyes, but not entirely unfamiliar. Such faces peer out from the covers of countless science fiction books and
are often attached to “alien abductors” in movies. The naturalist Loren Eiseley made exactly this point in a lyrical and chilling passage from
his popular book, The Immense Journey, describing a Boskop fossil:

“There’s just one thing we haven’t quite dared to mention. It’s this, and you won’t believe it. It’s all happened already. Back there in the past, ten thousand years ago. The man of the future, with the big brain, the small teeth. He lived in Africa. His brain was bigger than your brain.
His face was straight and small, almost a child’s face.”

Boskops, then, were much talked and written about, by many of the most prominent figures in the fields of paleontology and anthropology.

Yet today, although Neanderthals and Homo erectus are widely known, Boskops are almost entirely forgotten. Some of our ancestors are clearly inferior to us, with smaller brains and apelike countenances. They’re easy to make fun of and easy to accept as our precursors. In contrast, the very fact of an ancient ancestor like Boskop, who appears un-apelike and in fact in most ways seems to have had characteristics superior to ours, was destined never to be popular.I remain deeply shocked and disappointed by the stodginess and intellectual temerity of my otherwise so outspoken and bombastic regulars...., buncha slack-jawed church mice tip-toeing around the sanctuary of massa-approved information orthodoxy waiting for old CNu to say GOTCHA!!!

CNu said...

The only other "scientific" jawnt I could locate discussing the "sociopolitical history and psychophysical underpinnings" of stuff shrouded in pre-history http://thejns.org/doi/pdf/10.3171/2010.9.FOCUS10202 These neuroscientists might as well be making up stuff whole cloth about giants, demons, nephilim etc..., trying to explain the phenomenon of these big-assed heads and fit that to an orthodox and mainstream account of the world THAT DOESN'T HAVE AN EXPLANATION FOR THESE BIG-ASSED HEADS!!!
