Sunday, April 13, 2014


arvix |  We examine the hypothesis that consciousness can be understood as a state of matter, "perceptronium", with distinctive information processing abilities. We explore ve basic principles that maydistinguish conscious matter from other physical systems such as solids, liquids and gases: the information, integration, independence, dynamics and utility principles. If such principles can identify conscious entities, then they can help solve the quantum factorization problem : why do conscious observers like us perceive the particular Hilbert space factorization corresponding to classical space (rather than Fourier space, say), and more generally, why do we perceive the world around us as a dynamic hierarchy of objects that are strongly integrated and relatively independent? Tensor factorization of matrices is found to play a central role, and our technical results include a theorem about Hamiltonian separability (de ned using Hilbert-Schmidt superoperators) being maximized in the energy eigenbasis. Our approach generalizes Giulio Tononi's integrated information framework for neural-network-based consciousness to arbitrary qtuanum systems, and we nd interesting links to error-correcting codes, condensed matter criticality, and the Quantum Darwinism program, as well as an interesting connection between the emergence of consciousness and the emergence of time.


Makheru Bradley said...

Interesting how the government handled the Nevada ranch protest vs the Occupy protests.

Fearing for their safety as armed protesters gathered in the Nevada back country, federal officials on Saturday suddenly ended a controversial effort to seize hundreds of cattle that a rancher has kept illegally on public land.,0,1159016.story#ixzz2ylqkpaeS

Constructive_Feedback said...

I think that it had something to do with that "Human Megaphone".
It sounded too much like what they do in cult temples with the brainwashed congregations.

CNu said...

Yeah..., I'm guessing it had to do with the heavy presences of firearms among the gunned-up Mormons who turned out to actively resist the bureau of land management. As soon as the bureau realized that "dying-time" was at hand, they folded up tent and kicked rocks.

umbrarchist said...

Does that sound like pseudo-intellectual bullshit or what?

CNu said...

lol, no. It sounds like intensely intellectual "what" related to this - and by extension this - and that's before we even get past the summary abstract.

But by all means, please tell us what you find specifically deficient in Tegmark's paper Umbra?

Makheru Bradley said...

The "patriots" did not hesitate to introduce armed resistance into the equation. The Feds don't appear to be ready to test the mettle of these people. Conspiracy theories aside (Harry Reid/Chinese Energy Co), I'm thinking the midterms factored heavily into the Feds decision. The Feds could probably take these people out. Although an attack would be a propaganda bonanza for the militia movement, and at what cost to the Dems, It would guarantee a white backlash against Obama--Black president attacks white rancher. There was no political fallout from attacks on Occupy and the BPP back in the day.

CNu said...

The Feds could probably take these people out.

Typical federal law enforcement activities on any scale always depend most heavily on local law enforcement to provide the overwhelming majority of force to be applied against the perpetrators. When, for example, the IRS or BATF (two comparatively well-gunned up federal agencies) go out in force, 85% of that force comes from the local gendarmarie, and in this case in rural Nevada, there's simply no way in the world that the local gendarmerie could be depended upon to shoot their kith and kin rather than turning their own firearms on Feds attempting to clampdown.

Urban negroes at any era of potential armed resistance - have never had the benefit of anybody getting their backs. Black cops would've been firing on black armed resisters with as much brio as white cops, sheriffs, feds, etc..., The same is true of armed Indian resistance during the 70's which was violently put down with no one getting the Indian's backs.

There was no political fallout from squashing Occupy, because Occupy was unarmed and helpless from the word go. A little pepper spray and unnecessary roughness was all it took to make Occupy fold.

Your political analysis of the potential fallout to Obama, whose only viable armed recourse would be to the national guard, and thence across that posse comitatus line etc..., is pretty much on point. Obama would be obliged to call up overwhelming military force to put down armed, political, civilian resistance, and calling up military force under these circumstances would be an open invitation to all manner of mayhem in the current political and economic environment. (not to mention, he very well may not be able to depend on the willingness of guardsmen to fire on kith and kin either)

BigDonOne said...

Nah. Obama put the fix in. He simply did not want a bloody Waco, Ruby Ridge, WoundedKnee type FukUp on his watch, on top of all the rest of his hopeless dysfunction....

Makheru Bradley said...

I agree with your analysis, but I’m wondering if Slick Willie would have backed down so quickly. After all these “patriots” have not proven themselves either organizationally or as a movement to have the mettle of Geronimo ji Jaga and his comrades at 41st and Central.

The last time they were tested they showed no fight.

However, that case resulted in embarrassment for the Obama Administration: Piatek, who was acquitted in March of charges that he six other Hutaree militia members were plotting an armed revolt against the government, will be getting back 41 guns, 100,000 rounds of ammunition and the accoutrements of combat according to his attorney.

Could you imagine Geronimo being given 41 guns and 1000,000 rounds of ammunition by the Feds? Makes me think they don’t really fear these dudes.

So these white militants walk free and are given their weapons back. Five members of the Liberty City 7 were finally convicted after their third trial, and they “had no weapons (or explosives) and did not seek weapons when they were offered.” They are in jail.

Ed Dunn said...

You expect the feds to gun fight over some *#$@ing cows?! There's other ways the government can handle this situation instead of deal with a bunch of little people with little guns and big bravado.

Who is going to stop the Feds from impounding the cows? Setting up wired fences? So why even bother with a gun fight?

CNu said...

The Hutaree militia is comprised of a bunch of putzes playing dress-up and "plotting" insurrection. The situation in Nevada involves a substantial Mormon cattle rancher who's being backed by hundreds of his serious-business kith and kin. Surely you see and acknowledge the difference between folks who are taken seriously and folks who just get took?

The first major insurrection I'm aware of, happened under the Carter administration and involved a substantial fire fight with tax protest organizers in and around the coal gasification project. (do you remember this? - likely not as it was kept very hush-hush) In any event, the riff-raff that Clinton dealt with rather harshly, was of a kind with the riff-raff that Carter dealt with rather harshly(albeit far more discretely) It's clear the Obama administration has no qualms about dealing harshly with political riff-raff - but is properly circumspect when dealing with people of substance who have a legitimate grievance and popular local political support.

Makheru Bradley said...

Samuel Adams called Crispus Attucks the first martyr of the American Revolution. This guy apparently wants to be the first martyr of what he hopes will be a new revolution.

CNu said...

This looks like the good stuff right'chere

Makheru Bradley said...

I’m not familiar with the Jimmy Carter crackdown. The differences that I see are the political ramifications which are too big a risk for $1 million in unpaid grazing fees, and the spontaneity of the Cliven Bundy protest. I agree these are not white folks on the fringe. The Feds apparently had a snitch inside the Hutaree’s and still presented a weak case for prosecution. I don’t know if there are organizations represented in the Bundy protest, but if so, have they been infiltrated. I would think that would determine whether or not the Feds believe these protesters are a serious armed threat. There is no doubt that many of them are armed services veterans, but they are unproven in action against their own government.

Makheru Bradley said...

At some point these time bombs are going off. I remember when this dude from his days in the White Patriot Party in NC.

[In 1987, Frazier Glenn Miller was the subject of a nationwide manhunt after violating a court order prohibiting him from operating a paramilitary organization. Miller and three associates were eventually arrested in 1987 in Ozark during a federal raid of a trailer where authorities found enough weapons "for a small army" after Miller declared war on the U.S. government, according to Springfield (Mo.) News-Leader archives. Authorities found guns, thousands of rounds of ammunition, grenades, crossbows, police scanning radios and $14,800 in cash. A demolition team from Fort Leonard Wood detonated a box that contained 20 pipe bombs, according to the story. An affidavit for a search warrant for the trailer at the time told agents that Miller was planning on carrying out his declaration of war against federal judges and law enforcement officials. A copy of his affidavit, mailed to the News-Leader at the time, listed a point system for killing various minorities and government officials. Judges were among those worth the most points. Miller "planned on executing them with a variety of weapons, including firearms and crossbows," the affidavit noted. In September 1987 Miller pleaded guilty to a federal charge of mailing threatening communications and possessing automatic weapons," according to a News-Leader archive story. Miller served three years in prison.]

[Miller served only three years in prison, largely because he testified against 14 leading white supremacists in a 1988 Arkansas sedition trial. Among other things, Miller told the court that the late Order founder Robert Mathews had given him $200,000 in stolen money to finance the White Patriot Party.]

This guy declares war on the US government; has enough weapons for a small army; was financed by the notorious Robert Jay Matthews, and he only serves 3 years. Five members of the Liberty City 7 (no guns or explosives) are serving 6 to 13 years.