Monday, April 28, 2014

America, the media, the apologists, the enablers: "We don't know if the tape is legitimate": RIGHT!!!

WaPo | Salters asked Shelly if it was her husband’s voice on the tape released Saturday by TMZ. “I don’t know,” Shelly Sterling said. “I haven’t listened to the entire thing, but I do believe there are some parts that were cut out. I will let the experts handle that.”

Deadspin has an extended version of the recording that’s 15 minutes long.

Shelley Sterling is suing V. Stiviano, her estranged husband’s girlfriend and the woman whose voice is on the recordings released to TMZ, in a lawsuit that predates the tape. Shelly states that she believes Stiviano “engages in conduct designed to target, befriend, seduce, and then entice, cajole, borrow from, cheat, and/or receive as gifts transfers of wealth from wealthy older men whom she targets for such purpose,” according to a copy of the lawsuit posted online by
Basically, Shelly Sterling thinks her husband’s girlfriend is a gold digger, and she wants a judge to declare the same.

Stiviano is also identified by the aliases Vanessa Maria Perez, Monica Gallegos, Maria Monica Perez Gallegos, and Maria Valdez.

The lawsuit, filed in superior court for Los Angeles County on March 7, appears to be Shelley Sterling suing for the return of gifts her husband gave to Stiviano, which she’s asking be considered community property. The list includes a 2012 Ferrari, two Bentleys and a 2013 Range Rover, along with $240,000 in living expenses. Essentially, Shelly is saying Donald didn’t have the right to give the gifts, so Stiviano should return them. Stiviano has refused. Earlier reports, based on a statement by the Clippers, said that Sterling was suing Stiviano for embezzling $1.8 million from the Clippers. However, there’s no mention of this in the lawsuit, only the $1.8 million Los Angeles duplex Sterling bought for his girlfriend.

Said the Associated Press:
Clippers President Andy Roeser said in a statement that the team did not know if the tape is legitimate or has been altered. He said the woman on the tape, identified by TMZ as V. Stiviano, “is the defendant in a lawsuit brought by the Sterling family alleging that she embezzled more than $1.8 million, who told Mr. Sterling that she would ‘get even.’”