Showing posts with label flocculation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flocculation. Show all posts

Monday, July 04, 2022

Engineered Spike Proteins Will Flocc You Up!

A Midwestern Doctor Jun 24 Author 

One of the very first things I noticed with Covid was that it had all the clinical signs of destroying zeta potential within the body, which is something you almost never see (and many other clinicians have observed the same things I have although very few of them are aware of this and a potential concept and hands do not have an explanation for what they are observing). Since that time, I have also noticed the vaccines will often do the same thing. Some of the signs are very hard to pick up on (and may make me sound a little weird once you go into fluids besides the blood), but one of the key ones is that the blood starts to clump together and becomes significantly more viscous. For example, all of you have seen the microscope slides of vaccinated blood being clamped together, and I have started hearing stories of vaccinated patients where is not possible to do blood draws on them even through their external jugular vein (because the black keeps clotting), which is something most of us had never run into. Who is one of these people, it took about six weeks of them being on proteolytic enzymes before it was actually possible to do a large vein blood draw, which is extremely concerning put it mildly.

Writes mejbcart’s Newsletter Jun 24

That is unheard of! Are you talking about living patients actually??? Do the unjabed patients with Covid have identical symptoms of that severe clamping or it is 'just' the jabbed? Thank you very much for sharing all this... Actually I wrote many posts with the genetic analysis of the Spike code, which has pieces of everything, including every single clotting factor out there, as if the Spike sequence was made for hemophiliacs, to keep their blood running properly...


Oh that's crazy, I had no idea that spike protein had clotting factors in it. Could you like me to that post? That is really interesting.

Regarding your question, I have seen patients with Covid who had a very thick blood, and blood that was very dark and look different (which I know from having done a lot of blood draws correlates with low zeta potential), and I have friends who have had Covid whose body filled with major clots (to the point they needed blood transfusions once the clots were removed).... but the blood clotting being described here has only occurred in alive and vaccinated patients

In 2021 I've send the entire list of the Spike and human proteins homologies to FDA. Parts of that letter to them I posted at:

Here the list of part of the factors for you. Descriptions are in my post:

- human coagulation factor VII (75% sc, 45% id)

- human coagulation factor VIII (94% sc, 32% id)

- human coagulation factorIX (97% sc, 31% id)

- human coagulation factorX (85% sc, 35% id)**

- human coagulation factorXI (89% sc, 22% id)

- human coagulation factorXII (82% sc, 35% id)


That is really interesting. As you probably know, one of the major issues with Covid blood clots and vaccine damage is that they don't really respond to anticoagulants. Each of the anticoagulants on the market (the main ones are heparin and Xarelto and Plavix) don't really work… Plavix is the only one that seems to stop the blood clots. This will probably make more sense if you look at it yourself, but it's very likely one of the things that's happening is that the spike protein is messing with the coagulation cascade in a way that are not designed to address. I do not have a good enough background in hematology to say anything definitive on this, but I suspect that there's some extent, the spike protein coagulation factors are able to activate sequential parts of the coagulation cascade. Would you be open to taking a deep dive on this and seeing if the structure of any of the coagulation factor like domains could cause a subsequent part of the coagulation cascade to activate? This might require some In Silico modeling or docking analysis. If that's beyond your ability to do, I might know someone who could figure this out. Overall, I do not think this is that complicated and disco potentially be a really big deal for what all the clinicians are working with in the field.

Factor IX Induced Hypercoagulable State ...

do you know that FActor IX is also called Christmas Factor? Named after the first AIDS patient who needed lot of blood transfusions and subsequently died? Guess when the biggest HIV specialist has his birthday: 24 Dec, on Christmas. I'm talking Dr. Fauci.


I also wonder if one of the reasons why you periodically see clotting disorders and severe hemorrhages after exposure to the spike protein is because they are having antibodies to the clotting factor form within the body (I am the most familiar with this occurring in hemophiliacs from foreign factor VIII).

if you know the part sequence of those anti-bodies just check it with the known Spike sequence. Once you chop it down, you end up with all these pieces! There is a good paper about the epitopes within the spike, every single segment of it is an epitope, wrote abut it in the last few posts all the time...

if you are performing the 'official medicine' then yes, normal drugs won't help, you need new drugs, more drugs.. Was just listening to Dr. Klinghard on acu2020 hearing:

He is using 3ple combo, of which heparin is just one component, which won't work on its own. He adds hydroxychloroquine and zinc, with antibiotic. I think they will translate his 1 hour interview so you can listen to it yourself and get the formula.

I used to do macromolecular modeling years back, but no more for the last quite few years, do not have the software for that. Just do the open source support in the bioinformatics area, but can check out if online support is available. Also I must say, people need HELP NOW, FAST. The NATURAL remedies for anticoaglation are out there, just have the guts to use it, against your board of .... Last but not least, the ANTI-venom remedy is equally worth to try out. Even I, as NON-MD, know what to use to help myself...


Sunday, July 03, 2022

DVLO Theory: Nanoparticles And Microorganisms....,

wikipedia  |  Since the 1940s, the DLVO theory has been used to explain phenomena found in colloidal science, adsorption and many other fields. Due to the more recent popularity of nanoparticle research, DLVO theory has become even more popular because it can be used to explain behavior of both material nanoparticles such as fullerene particles and microorganisms.

DLVO theory is a theory of colloidal dispersion stability in which zeta potential is used to explain that as two particles approach one another their ionic atmospheres begin to overlap and a repulsion force is developed.[1] In this theory, two forces are considered to impact on colloidal stability: Van der Waals forces and electrical double layer forces.

The total potential energy is described as the sum of the attraction potential and the repulsion potential. When two particles approach each other, electrostatic repulsion increases and the interference between their electrical double layers increases. However, the Van der Waals attraction also increases as they get closer. At each distance, the net potential energy of the smaller value is subtracted from the larger value.[2]

At very close distances, the combination of these forces results in a deep attractive well, which is referred to as the primary minimum. At larger distances, the energy profile goes through a maximum, or energy barrier, and subsequently passes through a shallow minimum, which is referred to as the secondary minimum.[3]

At the maximum of the energy barrier, repulsion is greater than attraction. Particles rebound after interparticle contact, and remain dispersed throughout the medium. The maximum energy needs to be greater than the thermal energy. Otherwise, particles will aggregate due to the attraction potential.[3] The height of the barrier indicates how stable the system is. Since particles have to overcome this barrier in order to aggregate, two particles on a collision course must have sufficient kinetic energy due to their velocity and mass.[2] If the barrier is cleared, then the net interaction is all attractive, and as a result the particles aggregate. This inner region is often referred to as an energy trap since the colloids can be considered to be trapped together by Van der Waals forces.[2]

For a colloidal system, the thermodynamic equilibrium state may be reached when the particles are in deep primary minimum. At primary minimum, attractive forces overpower the repulsive forces at low molecular distances. Particles coagulate and this process is not reversible.[4] However, when the maximum energy barrier is too high to overcome, the colloid particles may stay in the secondary minimum, where particles are held together but more weakly than in the primary minimum.[5] Particles form weak attractions but are easily redispersed. Thus, the adhesion at secondary minimum can be reversible.[6]

Zeta Potential

research.colostate  |  Zeta potential is a physical property which is exhibited by any particle in suspension, macromolecule or material surface. It can be used to optimize the formulations of suspensions, emulsions and protein solutions, predict interactions with surfaces, and optimise the formation of films and coatings. Knowledge of the zeta potential can reduce the time needed to produce trial formulations. It can also be used as an aid in predicting long-term stability.

This introduction concentrates on the zeta potential of colloidal systems, with a density low enough such that if they remain dispersed, sedimentation is negligible.

Colloid Science
Three of the fundamental states of matter are solids, liquids and gases. If one of these states is finely dispersed in another then we have a 'colloidal system'. These materials have special properties that are of great practical importance.

There are various examples of colloidal systems that include aerosols, emulsions, colloidal suspensions and association colloids. In certain circumstances, the particles in a dispersion may adhere to one another and form aggregates of successively increasing size, which may settle out under the influence of gravity. An initially formed aggregate is called a floc and the process of its formation flocculation. The floc may or may not sediment or phase separate. If the aggregate changes to a much denser form, it is said to undergo coagulation. An aggregate usually separates out either by sedimentation (if it is more dense than the medium) or by creaming (if it less dense than the medium). The terms flocculation and coagulation have often been used interchangeably. Usually coagulation is irreversible whereas flocculation can be reversed by the process of deflocculation. 

Colloidal Stability and DVLO Theory

The scientists Derjaguin, Verwey, Landau and Overbeek developed a theory in the 1940s which dealt with the stability of colloidal systems. DVLO theory suggests that the stability of a particle in solution is dependent upon its total potential energy function VT.

This theory recognizes that VT is the balance of several competing contributions:

VT = VA + VR + VS

VS is the potential energy due to the solvent, it usually only makes a marginal contribution to the total potential energy over the last few nanometers of separation.

Much more important is the balance between VA and VR, these are the attractive and repulsive contributions. They potentially are much larger and operate over a much larger distance.

VA = -A/(12 π D2)

where A is the Hamaker constant and D is the particle separation.

The repulsive potential VR is a far more complex function.

VR = 2 π ε a ζ2 exp(-κD)

where a is the particle radius, π is the solvent permeability, κ is a function of the ionic composition and ζ is the zeta potential.

DVLO theory suggests that the stability of a colloidal system is determined by the sum of these van der Waals attractive (VA) and electrical double layer repulsive (VR) forces that exist between particles as they approach each other due to the Brownian motion they are undergoing. Figure 2a shows the separate forces as a dotted line, and the sum of these forces as the solid line. This sum has a peak, and the theory proposes that particles that are initially separated are prevented from approaching each other because of the repulsive force. However if the particles are forced with sufficient energy to overcome that barrier, for example by increasing the temperature, the attractive force will pull them into contact where they adhere strongly and irreversibly together. Therefore if the particles have a sufficiently high repulsion, the dispersion will resist flocculation and the colloidal system will be stable.

However if a repulsion mechanism does not exist then flocculation or coagulation will eventually take place. If the zeta potential is reduced (e.g. in high salt concentrations), there is a possibility of a "secondary minimum" being created, where a much weaker and potentially reversible adhesion between particles exists (figure 2 (b)). These weak flocs are sufficiently stable not to be broken up by Brownian motion, but may disperse under an externally applied force such as vigorous agitation.

Therefore to maintain the stability of the colloidal system, the repulsive forces must be dominant. How can colloidal stability be achieved? There are two fundamental mechanisms that affect dispersion stability.

Steric repulsion - this involves polymers added to the system adsorbing onto the particle surface and preventing the particle surfaces coming into close contact. If enough polymer adsorbs, the thickness of the coating will be sufficient to keep particles separated by steric repulsions between the polymer layers, and at those separations the van der Waals forces are too weak to cause the particles to adhere.

Electrostatic or charge stabilization - this is the effect on particle interaction due to the distribution of charged species in the system.

Each mechanism has its benefits for particular systems. Steric stabilization is simple, requiring just the addition of a suitable polymer. However it can be difficult to subsequently flocculate the system if this is required, the polymer can be expensive and in some cases the polymer is undesirable e.g. when a ceramic slip is cast and sintered, the polymer has to be 'burnt out'. This causes shrinkage and can lead to defects.

Electrostatic or charge stabilization has the benefits of stabilizing or flocculating a system by simply altering the concentration of ions in the system. This is a reversible process and is potentially inexpensive.

It has long been recognized that the zeta potential is a very good index of the magnitude of the interaction between colloidal particles and measurements of zeta potential are commonly used to assess the stability of colloidal system.

Have You Ever Heard Of An Innocent Person Getting A Pre-emptive Pardon?

December, 2020. Joy Reid: Have you ever heard of somebody getting a preemptive pardon who is an innocent person? Adam Schiff: No. Today Adam...