Thursday, April 24, 2014

only someone who's never gone toe-to-toe with a real racist would get his panties in a bunch over bundy's remarks...,


CNu said...

soooooo easy for cats to get caught up over awkward verbiage from a fumbling and stumbling peasant, to the point where they want to see imperial military murder and mayhem enacted against him - and all the while forget about the wizards standing behind the curtain manipulating political levers and playing the whole country for simple-minded and slack-jawed fools

CNu said...

In the late 80's and early 90's I had to make a few trips to Ogden for specialized training at the data center, and I met and worked with quite a few old order LDS elders. Stiff, arch-conservative, no-coffee, no-alcohol, straight-edged cats. Not too many black folks in their world ever. Without exception, they were gracious, welcomed me into their homes, (I had to go to church) - but I welcomed the opportunity to get better acquainted with an American original sub-culture which is exceptionally cohesive, accomplished, and about handling their business.

Is Cliven Bundy the best of or an exemplar of old order LDS culture and mentality, not even close. Is he a bad guy with ill-will and has he ever acted so as to harm anybody who is not his kith and kin? Nah...., that's never happened, wouldn't happen, and under no conceivable circumstance does it make sense for any serious minded American to demonize this man.

I'm a whole lot more concerned about the full-court presstitution rolling across the NYTimes, WaPo, Slate, Salon, and a host of other establishment media organs which didn't reproduce his comments in their entirety - and the hysterical handwringers and pearl-clutchers who see racism around every corner and who have now conspired in their typical self-promoting rabble rousing to put Bundy into the camp of domestic terrorist white supremacists.

sheeeiiiiiiiittttt......., I've traded lead, steel, knuckles and boots with real cob-web and iron-cross tatted monsters - and know beyond any shadow of a doubt that Bundy isn't even remotely like any of these.

Tom said...

I'm not defending these armed freeloaders (or nearly-freeloaders, they do pay something), but anybody who watched the MOVE compound in Philly burn to the ground on live TV is kind of glad the government is looking for another way.

It's craziness to say that lack of available force is the problem. There's no shortage of federal force. What they have is a president who would like to avoid another Waco, plus political air-cover in Washington.

CNu said...

You mean the human feces composting and vermin attracting "back to nature" nutters who nevertheless lived in the middle of a city and comprised a neverending source of aggravation for their mostly black neighbors?

Tom said...

Correct. That's what I've heard too, they were not a big hit with the neighbors. And it went beyond poor porta-potty technology, I guess they were armed and frightening everyone and eventually -- reportedly -- took pot-shots at the police. On the other hand, maybe there was no need to go burning people up along with their kids. The entire city block burned down is how I remember it, and that was mostly the long-suffering neighbors' stuff that burned.

Not a good outcome, is how it looked to those of us watching from the burbs.

Ed Dunn said...

Ok, I get it MOVE was a literally a POS collection and I also get the "No Country for Old Men" gatherers are a little nutty too. But what bothers me and annoys me is this concept that an average 80-85 year living creature is going to outlast an structural system in a standoff....hell, the government can just the damn cows die and these old farts die and let some of the other loonies just starve themselves out. Then you have the non-lethal heat ray - look at the guy smirk at the 00:46 mark...i mean, come on...techno rules in the 21st century...

CNu said...

lol, c'mon brah..., you KNOW if they roll out that microwave "crispy critter" system, and just "sunburn" some of these peasants a little bit, Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, etc.., etc..., etc..., will lose their freaking minds.

CNu said...

It's never a good idea to attempt novel tactics in a production siege or stand-off. Popo dropping an oversized flash-bang from a helicopter couldn't have had anything other than a very unhappy ending...., Battering ram, side-door, dropping ammo clips and clearing rooms, room-by-room would've been the way to go. Oh well.....,

Makheru Bradley said...

Based on a few trips to Utah 24 years ago, and what you've read, you know Bundy. LOL. Whatever you assume that you know about Bundy, you sure as hell don't know that there are not "domestic terrorist white supremacists" among the various armed people supporting him. What we do know, based on his statements is that Bundy and raw-elements of the White Supremacy Dynamic hold similar views on race.[Bundy initially denied the comments in an interview with radio host Alex Jones. But after video of his full comments surfaced, he doubled down on his remarks on Thursday, saying in a radio interview with Peter Schiff:

“That’s exactly what I said. I said I’m wondering if they’re better off under government subsidy, and their young women are having the abortions and their young men are in jail, and their older women and their children are standing, sitting out on the cement porch without nothing to do, you know, I’m wondering: Are they happier now under this government subsidy system than they were when they were slaves, and they was able to have their family structure together, and the chickens and garden, and the people had something to do? And so, in my mind I’m wondering, are they better off being slaves, in that sense, or better off being slaves to the United States government, in the sense of the subsidies. I’m wondering. That’s what. And the statement was right. I am wondering.”]--Yahoo News

So this neanderthal does not want colored people to go back to the conditions which produced the Watts Rebellion, but he is wondering if these Negroes would be better off under slavery. The liberal MSM suckered this fool, and he gave them the grist they wanted.

Anyone supporting this nut (“They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”) is missing a frontal lobe themselves.

CNu said...

Your kufi's on too tight and it's cutting off the circulation to your brain again Bro. Makheru. I know that unlike yourself and the pearl-clutching youngsters who see "wacism" around every nook and cranny, and who desperately cling to that perception and sensibility as the organizing meaning and value in their life, nothing that he said excites me.

I realize you're too old and it's too late for you to be or do anything beyond the hyper-racialized caricature you've distorted yourself into. But that nonsense and polarization has less utility, value, and appeal to me than a used prophylactic drying up on the hot asphalt.

Show time was two weeks ago when AFP astroturfed an armed stand-off with federal agents. Anything this coot has to say now - and what he specifically said and doubled down on - is of absolutely no consequence.

The parts of the web where support for Bundy is most pronounced will be ripe with racists. The parts of the web where denunciations of Bundy are most pronounced will be ripe with useless slackjawed imbeciles itching for somebody else to "man-up" and fight over their faux hurty feelings.

Makheru Bradley said...

“kufi's on too tight.” LOL. Redundancy is a clear manifestation of desperation. Your extrapolation was busted and you had no defense, except “kufi’s on too tight.” Because you don’t know Bundy. And you don’t know the ideologies of the various armed protesters supporting him.

“Anything this coot has to say now - and what he specifically said and doubled down on - is of absolutely no consequence.” If Bundy’s statement is of no consequence, why did you post it? It must have excited you.

Buffoons like Bundy are a dime a dozen. Nothing that he says would excite me, because he has no real power to impact the spiritual, psychological, and material conditions of masses of people. One thing that I learned from my teachers, Kwame Ture, Amos Wilson, Asa Hilliard, etc. is that if white supremacy disappeared tomorrow, i.e., if the elite elements of the White Supremacy Dynamic--Wall Street oligarchs, the Military-Industrial Complex, the Deep State, and their representatives like Barack Obama leave for Mars today, people of Afrikan descent would still be faced with the enormous challenges of sankofa. We simply maintain awareness of the opposition and their cronies (like you who attempt to rationalize imbecilic incantations), while focusing on building sia, and hu, to achieve heka.

CNu said...

If Bundy’s statement is of no consequence, why did you post it? It must have excited you.I posted it in its entirety because I didn't like the way it had been redacted and then erroneously peddled by the entire amen chorus of establishment presstitutes. I posted it because I'm oppositional defiant and have deep-seated problems with "authority".Buffoons like Bundy are a dime a dozen. Nothing that he says would
excite me, because he has no real power to impact the spiritual,
psychological, and material conditions of masses of people. and yet here we are...., with you flapping gums about what he said and what that means - all liberally seasoned with some afro-trekkie gibberish that is of no more consequence than fakking Klingon to loser Star Trek nerds....,

CNu said...

Bro. Makheru, I don't know you, but I know every single member of the local chapter of national afro-trekkie establishment and have had long years of disappointing association with them. As for Bundy, I don't need to know him personally to know what he is and where he falls on the spectrum of oppositional defiant dissent. I went to a Birch Society school for chrissakes and have had lengthier association with these elements through school, politics, guns and gun shows, etc..., my best friend, ex-military current aircraft industry and a crazy brother to the marrow of his bones, (whose wife btw is the person who persuaded me that gluten is a terrible thing) was active in many militias.

This brother made a point of first hand investigating, confronting, joining, and changing the mentalities of many nucking futters all through the glory years of militia formation in the 90's under Clinton. He would absolutely crack me up with his confrontational audacity. He took my arms-length intellectual and theoretical interest in these folk and their doings and helped extend and convert that into direct action, involvement and engagement. Always had the biggest and most ridiculous firepower. Made a point of deeply impressing Cletus and Cooter with the absurdity of his weapons and the exceptional skill with which he could use them.

We never had occasion to be intimidated, shook, or otherwise dissuaded from involvement with these groups - and instead ran off a great many genuine racists who involved themselves with these groups for political reasons.

Your notion about many of these people as "opposition" is flatly ridiculous. The day these clowns flip over to the dark side and decide you're the opposition, is the beginning of the end for you and what you believe in. They outnumber and outgun you many, many to one. They outnumber and outgun law enforcement many, many to one.

The challenge is not enjoined by keeping these people as opponents, the challenge is enjoined by finding political and economic common ground and keeping the genuinely virulent and intractable racists on the fringe of the gunned-up conservative mainstream.

Ed Dunn said...

They used water on us, why can't we use heat on them?

CNu said...


Dale Asberry said...

nuq vIghel SoH, willis?

CNu said...

Did you mean nuq vEghel SoH erkel?

Makheru Bradley said...

“I posted it in its entirety because I didn't like the way it had been redacted…” The fact of the matter is this dummy Bundy got played like a drum by the MSM, which has forced his conservative supporters, Rand Paul, and other Republicans, Sean Hannity, and even Glenn Beck, (Bundy is “unhinged from reality”), to denounce his views on race. The discussion has shifted from Bundy’s cause to his racial views, and the damage it has done to Paul, and other Republicans. Apparently, no one can reel this fruitcake in, thus increasing his isolation and the likelihood that his only supporters will be fringe elements of the patriotic militia movement.

So what have you accomplished Bro. Nulan? Do you think you can engage these people in constructive dialogue?

CNu said...

Calmate Brah, free.your.mind.....,

What we examine here is the course and content of the mainstream discussion. We examine the gatekeeping, thought-policing Babylon-system that defines the "mainstream" discussion. Unlike the "republican" politicians caught up in the maelstrom of Babylon(the twopartyoneideology system), we're entirely free and sovereign in the scope and depth of our interrogation.So what have you accomplished Bro. Nu?Eventually. God-willing. I'll wake your deeply entranced old ayse up. Everything else is, as they say - merely conversation....,

Makheru Bradley said...

"God-willing. I'll wake your deeply entranced old ayse up." Better to stay focused on constructive dialogue with those patriots, Brah.

CNu said...

Should they begin spending more time here than I do, then I'll engage them too. Meanwhile, I'll content myself with the unintended irony of your tirades in which - on the one hand - you excoriate the two party/one ideology babylon system as your enemy and the imperialist assassin blah, blah, blah..., and on the other, you quickly tow the party line in regards to the "fruitcake fringe elements of the militia" blah, blah, blah..., who stand up in bold defiance of the babylon system toward which you're very selectively inimical.

I understand Bro. Makheru, it's hard out there for an armchair radical....,

Makheru Bradley said...

“Should they begin spending more time here than I do, then I'll engage them too.” In other words there is no real outreach by Bro. Nulan to “find political and economic common ground and keep the genuinely virulent and intractable racists on the fringe of the gunned-up conservative mainstream.” There’s just rhetoric, as was expected.

“In the other, you quickly tow the party line in regards to the ‘fruitcake fringe elements of the militia.’" I said, “We simply maintain awareness of the opposition and their cronies,” which, given their history of death and destruction, we would be foolish to ignore. That’s no party line. That’s the history of Afrikans in America.

CNu said...

lol, you obviously didn't read the showmeinstitute information very carefully Bro.Makheru. I gainfully and productively engage in the real world with folks who are the cognitive and financial heart of libertarian conservatism If I still lived in Wichita, that'd be one of the Koch brothers and/or his designees. As it is, I live in Kansas City and in consequence of that fact, I engage with the movement's local grey matter.

When I was in my 20's and 30's and was itching to demonstrate my audacity, I'd venture with my home boy into the heart of the knuckledragging and guntoting parts of that polity. Now that I'm older and busier, have kids of my own that I have to raise and attend to, I try to make the most of my time and efforts and ensure that these yield results that are useful to others.

The fact that you have no interpersonal communion with your counterparts in the 21st century's Bacon's Rebellion, just goes to show how developmentally arrested your psychological and political development have become. The afro-trekkie movement represents a fringe precursor to the feminized, cowardly, deeply offensive and utterly useless race-studies formation that has eclipsed it and become the public face of useless negroe resentments and hurt feelings.

Makheru Bradley said...

“you obviously didn't read the showmeinstitute information very carefully.” I did a search for Craig Nulan and came up empty.

“The fact that you have no interpersonal communion with your counterparts in the 21st century's Bacon's Rebellion…” There is no “21st century's Bacon's Rebellion.” Most historians state that about a quarter of Bacon’s followers were Afrikans because he promised them freedom. Your imaginary rebellion has nothing to offer the people you despise the most--poor Afrikan Americans. It’s basically you and Jason Bullock and you’ve alienated him with defamatory rhetoric. Wouldn’t surprise me if Bullock doesn’t show up at your front door. DeVega will probably give him your address. LOL

As regards the real Bacon’s Rebellion, one wonders if it would have remained a true alliance of labor and landowners without race being a factor. After all Bacon himself was wealthy and his initial grievance was that the government was not killing enough Indigenous People.

"[We must defend ourselves] against all Indians in general, for that they were all Enemies."

Bacon attracted a large following who, like him, wanted to kill or drive out every Indian in Virginia. In 1675, when Berkeley denied Bacon a commission (the authority to lead soldiers), Bacon took it upon himself to lead his followers in a crusade against the "enemy." They marched to a fort held by a friendly tribe, the Occaneechees, and convinced them to capture warriors from an unfriendly tribe. The Occaneechees returned with captives. Bacon's men killed the captives They then turned to their "allies" and opened fire.

Once Bacon had used Afrikans to achieve his goals would he have turned on them also? Make sure you don’t become cannon-fodder Bro. Nulan.

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