Friday, January 17, 2020
EVERY Machine is Vulnerable to Unadvertised Behaviors (I Don't Play Guitar, I Play Electricity)
By CNu at January 17, 2020 0 comments
Labels: AI , synthesis , tactical evolution , Tactics , Unadvertised Behaviors
Saturday, May 12, 2018
As Goes Blackness - The Parable
By CNu at May 12, 2018 0 comments
Labels: American Original , not-seeism , roots , rude bwoi , subliminal , synthesis , the anti-ghetto , work
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
American Attempt to Niggerize Subvert Cuba with RAP was an Epic FAIL!!!
By CNu at April 18, 2018 0 comments
Labels: Ass Clownery , FAIL , History's Mysteries , hypnosis , Living Memory , niggerization , Oy Vey , propaganda , psychopathocracy , synthesis , The Great Game , tricknology , wikileaks wednesday
British Propaganda and Disinformation
By CNu at April 18, 2018 0 comments
Labels: History's Mysteries , hypnosis , Living Memory , Oy Vey , propaganda , psychopathocracy , synthesis , The Great Game , tricknology , wikileaks wednesday
Major Bases For Nazi Propaganda And Activity In The Middle-East
By CNu at April 18, 2018 0 comments
Labels: History's Mysteries , Living Memory , Oy Vey , psychopathocracy , synthesis , The Great Game
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Why isn’t the Nazi Origin of Modern-day Terrorism Discussed in the Media?
By CNu at April 17, 2018 0 comments
Labels: History's Mysteries , Living Memory , Oy Vey , psychopathocracy , synthesis , The Great Game
National Socialism (Nazis) and Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party
By CNu at April 17, 2018 0 comments
Labels: History's Mysteries , Living Memory , Oy Vey , psychopathocracy , synthesis , The Great Game
Monday, November 27, 2017
Is This Why Poppy Bush Abruptly Commenced Playing Grab Ass?
By CNu at November 27, 2017 0 comments
Labels: #YouToo? , Deeze Heaux... , History's Mysteries , Living Memory , randomization , subliminal , synthesis
Monday, May 08, 2017
Unified, Independent, and Sovereign
By CNu at May 08, 2017 0 comments
Labels: culture of competence , hegemony , Living Memory , Naked Emperor , synthesis , The Great Game
Bún Thịt Nướng - Bún Bò Xào
By CNu at May 08, 2017 0 comments
Labels: food , priceless.... , synthesis
Nước Chấm
By CNu at May 08, 2017 0 comments
Labels: alkahest , culture of competence , food , priceless.... , synthesis
Sunday, March 12, 2017
A Higher Order Theory of Emotional Consciousness
By CNu at March 12, 2017 0 comments
Labels: scientific mystery , synthesis , work
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Elon Musk Thinks Humans Must Merge with Machines
Humans must become cyborgs and develop a direct high-bandwidth connection with machines or risk irrelevance and obsolescence, says Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk.
Musk’s latest cheery thoughts were imparted at the World Government Summit in the UAE. “Over time I think we will probably see a closer merger of biological intelligence and digital intelligence,” Musk said, according to CNBC.
The main thrust of Musk’s argument seems to hinge on the limited bandwidth and processing power of a single human being. Computers can ingest, transfer, and process gigabytes of data per second, every second, forever. Meatbags, however, are severely limited by an input/output rate—talking, typing, listening—that’s best measured in bits per second. Thus, avoid replacement by robot or artificial intelligence, we need to become machines.
By way of example, Musk spoke about self-driving cars, which will very soon start displacing jobs—lots and lots of jobs. “The most near term impact from a technology standpoint is autonomous cars … There are many people whose jobs are to drive. In fact I think it might be the single largest employer of people … We need to figure out new roles for what do those people do, but it will be very disruptive and very quick.”
Autonomous vehicles are perhaps the most visible prominence when it comes to recent developments in AI, but rest assured (or not) that we aren’t even close to AI’s capability ceiling. Current deployments of AI are quite limited in that they can only perform one or two tasks adequately—drive a car, lift a piece of steel, flip a burger—but AI research is slowly bubbling towards artificial general intelligence (AGI), which can ostensibly perform every task that a human is capable of.
Once that happens, it’s fairly safe to assume that AGI will continue to improve until, in the words of Elon Musk, it is “smarter than the smartest human on earth.”
As for how humans might achieve silicon symbiosis, the jury’s still out. Musk, according to CNBC, proposed a brain-attached high-bandwidth computer link, perhaps via neural lace. Low-speed and low-resolution EEG-based brain-computer interfaces already exist, of course, but I doubt that’s what Musk has in mind. In all likelihood, we will need to massively improve our understanding of the human brain before any such interface can be created.Musk has been one of the individuals at the forefront of warning about the threats of artificial intelligence (AI) for a very long time, but it appears the thrust of his most recent comments center around concerns that a rapid increase in technology applied to the economy will result in a massive wave of job losses. This seems plausible to me, and I’ve called attention to it in the past. For example, in the 2015 post, Chinese Company Moves to Replace 90% of its Workforce with Robots,
By CNu at February 18, 2017 0 comments
Labels: AI , symbiosis , synthesis , tactical evolution , transbiological
Monday, November 21, 2016
Language Shapes Reality
By CNu at November 21, 2016 0 comments
Labels: ethology , information anarchy , synthesis
Monday, September 28, 2015
eigenvalues: influence of hyparchic folding via the backward arrow of time...,
By CNu at September 28, 2015 0 comments
Labels: synthesis , the fourth , visitors?
Saturday, July 11, 2015
transhumans about the bidnis of enginnering biomes, as well...,
By CNu at July 11, 2015 13 comments
Labels: microcosmos , symbiosis , synthesis , tactical evolution
Monday, November 17, 2014
the ineffable lucidity of school in a matinee..., accept no substitutes!
By CNu at November 17, 2014 6 comments
Labels: synthesis , tactical evolution , the fourth
Monday, June 16, 2014
eight years ago I told Cobb exactly what would happen in iraq after the u.s. pullout...,
How destabilized could Iraq become after an American pullout?
The ultimate objective of Islam is to abolish the lordship of man over man and bring him under the rule of Allah (One God). To stake everything Muslims have - including their lives - to achieve this purpose is called Jihad. The Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving and Pilgrimage, all prepare the Believers for military Jihad. But as they have long since forgotten this objective as well as the mission entrusted to them, and because all acts of worship have been reduced to their spiritual contents – they have gone from ‘the top to the bottom’ of world’s leadership.
In the end, which will be in about 10 or 15 years, the Muslim world and the rest of the world will iinevitably face the fact that the islamic fascists are for the most part, illiterate and incapable of marshalling the military force required for their vision of dominance. Their ambition is, by definition, that of a political play against the center, which will hold. The Arab states won't stand for it, nor will any other. They will be mercilessly crushed for the good of Islam and the region.
I say that it is impossible for nationalism to be toppled by these groups. Your boy is trippin hard when he says:
Once and for all we better face it. Arabs are far from being at their very best if they are operating in the format of a ‘national state’. The Arab soldier may lack the necessary will to die for an idiotic flag. Both in the case of Saddam’s Iraq or Nasser’s Egypt, once within a conflict, a growing gap reveals itself between the charismatic, assertive, far over the top demagogue leader and some serious malfunctioning performance in the battlefield. Unlike the American, British, French, and Israeli soldiers who have proved throughout history to have some real tendency towards collective suicide for some empty promises shaped as ‘ideology’, the Arab platoon is slightly behind in exhibiting this kind of idiotic national patriotic militant zeal. He may as well be just too clever for those kind of deadly games.
There is no precedent in Africa, Asia or the Americas for a non-national military force to ultimately perservere. The Arab platoon is a myth on the same level as the 'politics' of the 'Arab street'.
I concede that. You are right with regard to the efficiencies of the cellular and networked. But those things work because the individual participants are modern - they must buy into the concept of interchangeability. Essentialists cannot make networks work, and it is the fundamental illiteracy of Jihadists and their audience that will cause them to fail to exploit such capabilities.
The educated, modern Arab and Muslim world is under no threat from neocons or 'zionists'. When islamic bombs start exploding in Dubai the way they do in Palestine, then we'll see the world do, once again, what they did for Kuwait. Jihadis will be routed like Chechens.
Now, with hundreds of Lebanese dead and Hezbollah holding out against the vaunted Israeli military for more than two weeks, the tide of public opinion across the Arab world is surging behind the organization, transforming the Shiite group's leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, into a folk hero and forcing a change in official statements.
Cobb said...
I am but I'm not paying attention to official statements two weeks into a war. That's not telling me anything but the opinions of third parties. If Iran is sending fighters, that's something I care to know about. If the Syrian army is on high mobilization, that's news I can use. But the tide of public opinion across the Arab world is not. Who is showing up with rifles and orders, that's what I'm talking about.
Today there is no consensus about the sentiments of the Lebanese. When are we going to see a poll that breaks down Druze, Christian and Muslim opinion in Lebanon? Nasrallah is acting like Lebanon belongs to him and all his apologists say so too. I doubt it.
Furthermore, there are no reliable accounts of Hezbollah troop strength or casualties. As one person noted at Drezner, there hasn't been a rocket sent Haifa in two days. Does that mean they're out of rockets or shifting tactics. Israel is calling up 30k troops for training, does that mean they are escalating or losing too many on the front?
Bottom line - this war is far from over or decisive and all the opinion about it means nothing until some decisive battles are fought. That has yet to occur.
Hezbollah holds out for two weeks and that's a victory? Only for fluff journalists at CNN and Al Jazeera, but not in the real world.
Additionally, we both know this isn't about Amindinijad vs Bush. Even so, what's more crazy, snorting coke or taking hostages? This is about the willingness of an educated populace to support the direction of its government. And if you count Crazy A. as a jihadist, then we'll see how much tax and oil revenue he can collect from a repressed Iranian middle class.
As for the long term effects of hackers.. the black hats know little more than the white hats. When we're living in an age where people prefer the chaos of anarchy over the stupidity of conformity, all of the Jihadi dreams will come true. And then they'll enact Sharia and try to be the powers that be. I think it's un-bloody likely that smart people will stick with the Taliban template - they'd rather have Bush, Citibank and Walmart.
After political civil rights were obtained, brand "Black" was at its moral zenith. MLK began aggressively wedding the moral qualities the core social capital of American Blackness to the cause of uplifting the poor and opposing American interventionism in Vietnam. This was clearly an archetypal Christian imperative - and one which I've come to believe not only signed his death warrant, but also shaped the way in which subsequent political and media propaganda have been directed at and influenced both perceptions of Blackness and the behaviour of lots of Black folks.
A concerted political and media effort has been underway for decades to undercut the superlative moral value with which Blackness was once imbued. It's obvious in the code words used by the post Southern Strategy GOP. While the authors of the Southern Strategy - such as Pat Buchanan - claim that "morality" not "race" was the chief selling point of the GOP in the south, I am convinced that that question of morality had as much to do with wresting control of the moral high-ground away from Blackness and reasserting it in the authoritarian and moralizing terms that have been established within the Evangelical base.
It's not even debateable whether MLK's Christianity had any semblance or relationship to the kind of insane garbage preached and practiced by John Hagee and others of his ilk.
Cobb said...
That's a lot of dimensions to chew on at once so I'm only going to spit back a little bit.
1) Your global hornet's nest is a bunch of arrogant rock throwers who don't have the decency to fight as men but instead hide behind women and children. They haven't developed enough to form a nation and seek to hijack the one they're in without the least of consent of the people they would govern, were they capable of that. But even so have demonstrated they are determined to be more bringers of destruction to Israel than protectors of their 'own'.
By CNu at June 16, 2014 10 comments
Labels: synthesis , the fourth , What IT DO Shawty...
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