scientificamerican | Most scientists would readily tell you that their discipline is—and
always has been—a collaborative, communal process. Nobody can
revolutionize a scientific field without first getting the critical
appraisal and eventual validation of their peers. Today this requirement
is performed through peer review—a process Wolfram’s critics say he has
circumvented with his announcement. “Certainly there’s no reason that
Wolfram and his colleagues should be able to bypass formal peer review,”
Mack says. “And they definitely have a much better chance of getting
useful feedback from the physics community if they publish their results
in a format we actually have the tools to deal with.”
Mack is not alone in her concerns. “It’s hard to expect physicists to
comb through hundreds of pages of a new theory out of the blue, with no
buildup in the form of papers, seminars and conference presentations,”
says Sean Carroll, a physicist at Caltech. “Personally, I feel it would
be more effective to write short papers addressing specific problems
with this kind of approach rather than proclaiming a breakthrough
without much vetting.”
So why did Wolfram announce his ideas this way? Why not go the
traditional route? “I don't really believe in anonymous peer review,” he
says. “I think it’s corrupt. It’s all a giant story of somewhat corrupt
gaming, I would say. I think it’s sort of inevitable that happens with
these very large systems. It’s a pity.”
So what are Wolfram’s goals? He says he wants the attention and
feedback of the physics community. But his unconventional
approach—soliciting public comments on an exceedingly long paper—almost
ensures it shall remain obscure. Wolfram says he wants physicists’
respect. The ones consulted for this story said gaining it would require
him to recognize and engage with the prior work of others in the
scientific community.
And when provided with some of the responses from other physicists
regarding his work, Wolfram is singularly unenthused. “I’m disappointed
by the naivete of the questions that you’re communicating,” he grumbles.
“I deserve better.”
edge |We're now in this situation where people just assume that science
can compute everything, that if we have all the right input data and we
have the right models, science will figure it out. If we learn that our
universe is fundamentally computational, that throws us right into the
idea that computation is a paradigm you have to care about. The big
transition was from using equations to describe how everything works to
using programs and computation to describe how things work. And that's a
transition that has happened after 300 years of equations. The
transition time to using programs has been remarkably quick, a decade or
two. One area that was a holdout, despite the transition of many fields
of science into the computational models direction, was fundamental
If we can firmly establish this fundamental theory of physics, we
know it's computation all the way down. Once we know it's computation
all the way down, we're forced to think about it computationally. One of
the consequences of thinking about things computationally is this
phenomenon of computational irreducibility. You can't get around it.
That means we have always had the point of view that science will
eventually figure out everything, but computational irreducibility says
that can't work. It says that even if we know the rules for the system,
it may be the case that we can't work out what that system will do any
more efficiently than basically just running the system and seeing what
happens, just doing the experiment so to speak. We can't have a
predictive theoretical science of what's going to happen.
The question that I'm asking myself is how does the universe work?
What is the lowest level machine code for how our universe works? The
big surprise to me is that over the last six months or so, I think we've
figured out a path to be able to answer that question.
There's a lot of detail about how what we figured out about the path
to that question relates to what's already known in physics. Once we
know this is the low-level machine code for the universe, what can we
then ask ourselves about why we have this universe and not another? Can
we ask questions like why does this universe exist? Why does any
universe exist? Some of those are questions that people asked a couple
thousand years ago.
Lots of Greek philosophers had their theories for how the universe
fundamentally works. We've gotten many layers of physics and mathematics
sophistication since then, but what I'm doing goes back to these core
questions of how things fundamentally work underneath. For us, it's this
simple structure that involves elements and relations that build into
hypergraphs that evolve in certain ways, and then these hypergraphs
build into multiway graphs and multiway causal graphs. From pieces of
the way those work, we see what relativity is, what quantum mechanics
is, and so on.
One of the questions that comes about when you imagine that you might
hold in your hand a rule that will generate our whole universe, how do
you then think about that? What's the way of understanding what's going
on? One of the most obvious questions is why did we get this universe
and not another? In particular, if the rule that we find is a
comparatively simple rule, how did we get this simple-rule universe?
dr.brian.keating | On the philosophical front, we compared Godel to Popper and discussed
computational irreducibly which arose from Stephen’s interest in Godel
and Alan Turing’s work.
there’s even more than that. If the microscopic updatings of the
underlying network end up being random enough, then it turns out that if
the network succeeds in corresponding in the limit to a finite
dimensional space, then this space must satisfy Einstein’s Equations of
General Relativity. It’s again a little like what happens with fluids.
If the microscopic interactions between molecules are random enough, but
satisfy number and momentum conservation, then it follows that the
overall continuum fluid must satisfy the standard Navier–Stokes
equations. But now we’re deriving something like that for the universe:
we’re saying that these networks with almost nothing “built in” somehow
generate behavior that corresponds to gravitation in physics. This is
all spelled out in the NEW KIND OF SCIENCE
book. And many physicists have certainly read that part of the book.
But somehow every time I actually describe this (as I did a few days
ago), there’s a certain amazement. Special and General Relativity are
things that physicists normally assume are built into theories right
from the beginning, almost as axioms (or at least, in the case of string
theory, as consistency conditions). The idea that they could emerge
from something more fundamental is pretty alien. The alien feeling
doesn’t stop there. Another thing that seems alien is the idea that our
whole universe and its complete history could be generated just by
starting with some particular small network, then applying definite
rules. For the past 75+ years, quantum mechanics has been the pride of
physics, and it seems to suggest that this kind of deterministic
thinking just can’t be correct. It’s a slightly long story (often still
misunderstood by physicists), but between the arbitrariness of updating
orders that produce a given causal network, and the fact that in a
network one doesn’t just have something like local 3D space, it looks as
if one automatically starts to get a lot of the core phenomena of
quantum mechanics — even from what’s in effect a deterministic
underlying model. OK, but what is the rule for our universe? I don’t
know yet. Searching for it isn’t easy. One tries a sequence of different
possibilities. Then one runs each one. Then the question is: has one
found our universe?”
My question: that was then, what do you think now?
On the implications of finding a simple rule that matches existing laws of physics:
certainly think it’ll be an interesting — almost metaphysical — moment
if we finally have a simple rule which we can tell is our universe. And
we’ll be able to know that our particular universe is number
such-and-such in the enumeration of all possible universes. It’s a sort
of Copernican moment: we’ll get to know just how special or not our
universe is. Something I wonder is just how to think about whatever the
answer turns out to be. It somehow reminds me of situations from earlier
in the history of science. Newton figured out about motion of the
planets, but couldn’t imagine anything but a supernatural being first
setting them in motion. Darwin figured out about biological evolution,
but couldn’t imagine how the first living cell came to be. We may have
the rule for the universe, but it’s something quite different to
understand why it’s that rule and not another. Universe hunting is a
very technology-intensive business. Over the years, I’ve gradually been
building up the technology I think is needed — and quite a bit of it is
showing up in strange corners of Mathematica. But I think it’s going to
be a while longer before there are more results. And before we can put
“Our Universe” as a Demonstration in the Wolfram Demonstrations Project.
And before we can take our new ParticleData computable data collection
and derive every number in it. But universe hunting is a good hobby.”
awfully easy to fall into implicitly assuming a lot of human context.
Pioneer 10 — the human artifact that’s gone further into interstellar
space than any other (currently about 11 billion miles, which is about
0.05% of the distance to α Centauri) — provides one of my favorite
examples. There’s a plaque on that spacecraft that includes a
representation of the wavelength of the 21-centimeter spectral line of
hydrogen. Now the most obvious way to represent that would probably just
be a line 21 cm long. But back in 1972 Carl Sagan and others decided to
do something “more scientific”, and instead made a schematic diagram of
the quantum mechanical process leading to the spectral line. The
problem is that this diagram relies on conventions from human textbooks —
like using arrows to represent quantum spins — that really have nothing
to do with the underlying concepts and are incredibly specific to the
details of how science happened to develop for us humans.”
the audience he responded to some questions including “what does he
believe a scientific theory should be?” and “Does mathematical beauty
matter at all, or is it just falsifiability?”
arvix |Stephen Wolfram A class of models intended to be as minimal and structureless as possible is
introduced. Even in cases with simple rules, rich and complex behavior is found
to emerge, and striking correspondences to some important core known features
of fundamental physics are seen, suggesting the possibility that the models may
provide a new approach to finding a fundamental theory of physics.
Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM); General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc); High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th); Mathematical Physics (math-ph)
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