Saturday, March 08, 2014

"protect and serve" welfare recipients have no rights that the warsocialist state is bound to respect

ecowatch |  A stunning new report indicates the U.S. Navy knew that sailors from the nuclear-powered USS Ronald Reagan took major radiation hits from the Fukushima atomic power plant after its meltdowns and explosions nearly three years ago. 

If true, the revelations cast new light on the $1 billion lawsuit filed by the sailors against Tokyo Electric Power. Many of the sailors are already suffering devastating health impacts, but are being stonewalled by Tepco and the Navy.
The Reagan had joined several other U.S. ships in Operation Tomodachi (“Friendship”) to aid victims of the March 11, 2011 quake and tsunami. Photographic evidence and first-person testimony confirms that on March 12, 2011 the ship was within two miles of Fukushima Dai’ichi as the reactors there began to melt and explode. 
In the midst of a snow storm, deck hands were enveloped in a warm cloud that came with a metallic taste. Sailors testify that the Reagan’s 5,500-member crew was told over the ship’s intercom to avoid drinking or bathing in desalinized water drawn from a radioactive sea. The huge carrier quickly ceased its humanitarian efforts and sailed 100 miles out to sea, where newly published internal Navy communications confirm it was still taking serious doses of radioactive fallout.
Scores of sailors from the Reagan and other ships stationed nearby now report a wide range of ailments reminiscent of those documented downwind from atomic bomb tests in the Pacific and Nevada, and at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. A similar metallic taste was described by pilots who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, and by central Pennsylvanians downwind of Three Mile Island. Some parts of the atolls downwind from the South Pacific bomb tests remain uninhabitable six decades later.
Among the 81 plaintiffs in the federal class action are a sailor who was pregnant during the mission, and her “Baby A.G.,” born that October with multiple genetic mutations. 
Officially, Tepco and the Navy say the dose levels were safe.
But a stunning new report by an American scholar based in Tokyo confirms that Naval officers communicated about what they knew to be the serious irradiation of the Reagan. Written by Kyle Cunningham and published in Japan Focus, “Mobilizing Nuclear Bias” describes the interplay between the U.S. and Japanese governments as Fukushima devolved into disaster.
Cunningham writes that transcribed conversations obtained through the Freedom of Information Act feature naval officials who acknowledge that even while 100 miles away from Fukushima, the Reagan’s readings “compared to just normal background [are] about 30 times what you would detect just on a normal air sample out to sea.”
On the nuclear-powered carrier “all of our continuous monitors alarmed at the same level, at this value. And then we took portable air samples on the flight deck and got the same value,” the transcript says.


woodensplinter said...

Knowing this, doesn't it make you wonder what he said or did that compelled the security state to dismantle every last vestige of his status and authority? It's notable that they didn't kill him, but instead, stripped him buck-naked and made him a living object lesson for the ages.

CNu said...

lol, my man..., sho's you right. Made him an archon, a power and principality HNIC on steroids - then peeled his ass like a grape and left in intact to talk about the error of its ways.,

Ed Dunn said...

They have some magazines for this..!yYSBu

CNu said...

I think it was Ken who said last week that everybody lies every day. Do you ever wonder Ed, how is it that the unvarnished truth, the genuine "terror of the situation" - when presented plainly - functions as straight-up comedy?

CNu said...

Speaking of those under color of authority

ken said...

"Deep dysfunction where warsocialist welfare, social conservatism, and the political right-wing rule." The rest of the country appears to be catching up to the dysfunction, however, you'll only hear the right wingers say what the dysfunction is.

Also you may want to look at these two shadings of the country and apply them to yours. If you want to take the cynical side you could say the powers that be only put military installations to recruit minorities. Or if you look on the side of optimistic you might think they were stationed there to stimulate economic activity.

Vic78 said...

I guess the President sees them as some hoes until proven otherwise. Seriously, fuck those guys and their feelings. Everyone knows the CIA was torturing people back then. What are they really going to do about it? All I see is them bitching that the 51+ votes they have aren't enough. If you decide you don't want to do right, you have to accept the consequences.

Vic78 said...

These guys really need to cut it out and release it when it's ready. I'm not expecting a whole lot from people that were looking for terrorists by playing World of Warcraft.

Vic78 said...

Take away the military and the region turns into a dead zone. If you think the south's in bad shape now, you should hear what it was like before the government stepped in.

CNu said...

lol, Vic said looking for terrorists...,

ken said...

The main thrust of my argument is out of wedlock birth and single family homes is more expensive and takes more than it will contribute to society. The first link does a pretty good job of overlaying Craig's map. The other links were were presented because these were the groups that were showing the highest single parent home rates. Again if you take the last two maps together, you come pretty close to Craig's map.

It's my assumption the country will go the direction of more out of wedlock births and single parent child raising and take on more of the dysfunction and expense and lack of contribution the south now displays, until of course there isn't enough wealth to subsidize it.

CNu said...

Not a fan of supporting anybody else's little bastiches. That said, supporting the entire continents little bastiches doesn't hold a candle to the moneys squandered on supporting the warsocialist boondoggle.

ken said...

I may not agree on you with everything about this, and not knowing why every base exists, I am betting we could cut them in half and we'd still be good. Your buddies at Global Research have a pretty extensive article about this. It would be a pretty good stimulus package to America to bring half the bases home. You'll like all the hardware and personnel around energy resources. Truly we can't afford this many bases.

Vic78 said...

There're two oceans separating the US from everyone else. It's a lot easier to move troops from Italy than it is to move them from Florida. The hosting countries do benefit from the bases' presence. They are not about to shut down too many bases overseas.

Ed Dunn said...

Ken, it is not minorities the military want to recruit in these areas. The military want the poor, white rural young male who believes in American patriotism and pickup trucks and will have a small town parade and called a local hero when they ship his expendable body back home...

Nakajima Kikka said...

Out-of-wedlock births is only one part of the story.
You need statistics on the percentage of children born in wedlock, but who later become part of an effectively single-parent family due to divorce. How many children born in wedlock actually remain part of the same two-parent married family to adulthood?
You also need statistics on the percentage of children born out-of-wedlock, but who later become part of a two-parent family due to their mothers subsequently becoming married.
As with out-of-wedlock births, break out the statistics by race. Oh, and include AAPIs, for completion.

ken said...

I think this study should get you almost all of what you are asking for. If you can get past this was done by the Marriage and Religious Institute, I think you will find this study pretty extensive.

Here are the highlights the report itself trumpeted, but the highlights don't do justice to the 24 page report:

Only 45.8 percent of American children reach the age of 17 with both their biological
parents married (since before or around the time of their birth).
• The Index of Family Belonging is highest in the Northeast (49.6 percent) and lowest
in the South (41.8 percent).
• Minnesota (57 percent) and Utah (56.5 percent) have the highest Index of Family Belonging
values of all the states; Mississippi (34 percent) has the lowest.
• Family belonging is, as in 2008, strongest among Asians (65.8 percent) and weakest
among Blacks (16.7 percent).
• While the effects of government spending on high school graduation rates are curvilinear
and offer diminishing returns, family belonging is positively and significantly
associated with high school graduation rates.
• Family belonging and child poverty are significantly, inversely related: States with
high Index values have relatively low child poverty rates, and vice versa.
• There is also a significant, inverse relationship between family belonging and the incidence
of births to unmarried teenagers.

ken said...

I think you're right more people of less means will opt for the military, and we do want people loyal to the country. But I bet after the training and the money spent in hardware, there is more of a value than you are implying here.

CNu said...

Which is why this "more of a value" demographic makes up the overwhelming majority of the homeless...,

Nakajima Kikka said...

These stats add the effect of divorce to the out-of-wedlock stats. Basically, for Caucasians, 70% of kids are born in-wedlock, but 46% of that 70% subsequently lose one parent to divorce as they grow, or 32% of total Caucasian kids. Add this to the 30% born out-of-wedlock, and it means that 62% of Caucasian kids, for all practical purposes, are raised in single-parent families.

For African-Americans, 30% of kids are born in-wedlock but 83% of that 30% subsequently lose one parent to divorce as they grow, or 25% of total Af-Am kids. Add this to the 70% born out-of-wedlock, and it means that 95% of Af-Am kids, for all practical purposes, are raised in single-parent families.

For Asians, we don't how many kids are born out-of-wedlock, so we can't make this calcul, ation.
We still need the reverse stats, the percentage of kids born out-of-wedlock, but whose mothers subsequently marry.

ken said...

sorry I never did supply the link, but I think the total answer to your question is, in America 54% of 15 to 17 year olds will have had their family break up.

Nakajima Kikka said...

I found it, ken. It's where I got the data for the calculations, which gives the worst case situation. While knowing the percentage of out of wedlock children whose mothers subsequently marry would provide a more complete picture, I think it's fair to say that, as of today, the transformation of African-American families into one-parent households is all but complete, and for Caucasian families, it is substantially complete, and will most probably be all but complete within 20 years. AAPI families can go either way at this point, but the trend is in the direction of transformation, not preservation.

woodensplinter said...

Your FBI regular must have alerted some "sissies" to the manner in which you publicly disrespected them

makheru bradley said...

“Many of the sailors are already suffering devastating health impacts, but are being stonewalled by Tepco and the Navy.” At some point these stonewalls are going to be crushed.

Carlsbad, NM

Hanford, WA

A whole lot of shaking going on. An artificial San Andreas comes to middle America.

From 2010 to 2012, there were more than 300 earthquakes with a magnitude of 3 or above in the central and eastern United States. Compare that with 21 per year on average from 1967 to 2000, after which the number began to creep up. Many of those recent quakes have occurred in Oklahoma, where a fracking boom is underway. The most powerful was a 5.6-magnitude quake centered near Prague, Okla., on Nov. 5, 2011, that destroyed 14 homes, injured two people and was felt in Kansas City and in parts of at least 17 states.

Finally how could a Boeing 777 simply disappear? Were the controls of this airplane seized by external agents? And for what purpose?

Musk To Rehire Marko Elez

WaPo  |   Elon Musk, the head of the U.S. DOGE Service, announced Friday that he would rehire a staffer who resigned after he was tied to...