WaPo | IT’S OFFICIAL, according to a preliminary ruling of the National Labor Relations Board:
The college sports industry’s claim that it exists to serve
student-athletes doesn’t hold, er, Gatorade. Teams are composed of
full-time athletes who labor under highly restrictive, sometimes
dangerous conditions, and they deserve a stronger voice in how colleges
and universities treat and compensate them.
The hard truth for those who love watching college sports
is that major-conference basketball and football teams, billion-dollar
businesses, exploit many of their players. By pretending the system is
designed to help them, the teams add insult to sometimes literal injury.
The labor relations board’s ruling
cuts through the hypocrisy. Examining Northwestern University’s
football program, NLRB Regional Director Peter Sung Ohr found that
players spend far more time competing and preparing for games than they
do studying. They are under the supervision of well-compensated sports
professionals — in most states, the highest-paid public employee is a college football or men’s basketball coach
— rather than faculty members. In return, Mr. Ohr noted, the players
get scholarships holding economic value. That can’t reasonably be
construed to be an academic relationship.
In fact, the rot is
more extensive than Mr. Ohr describes. The problem is not simply that
some college athletes are treated more like employees than students. It
is that too many of them are shortchanged. Most athletes on highly
competitive teams aren’t superstars who will make millions after
spending some time in collegiate servitude. Their compensation is in
their scholarships — the education they are supposedly getting while
putting in full-time hours on the field. But, according to the NCAA’s
own numbers, this year’s top-seeded Division I men’s basketball teams have graduation rates that hover around 60 percent. There are ugly racial divides: The University of Central Florida reports that
89 percent of white players on all NCAA Tournament teams graduate, but
only 65 percent of their African American teammates do. And those
numbers follow an NCAA drive to graduate more players.
Those who
do get a diploma, meanwhile, haven’t necessarily gained much. HBO’s
“Real Sports” recently dug up example after example of college players
who got degrees in “general studies” or “multidisciplinary studies” from
respectable universities and now work menial jobs. One could barely
read. A University of Oklahoma professor admitted that he helped push
players through to keep the football program running. “There’s one like
me at every big-time university in the country,” he said.
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