Friday, March 21, 2014

banksters strike back

WaPo | President Obama expanded sanctions against top aides and reputed financial associates of Russian President Vladi­mir Putin on Thursday as punishment for the annexation of Crimea, and laid the groundwork for far broader measures against “key sectors of the Russian economy” if Putin further escalates his actions in Ukraine.

The broad measures potentially include Russia’s financial services, energy, mining, engineering and defense sectors, according to language in what was Obama’s third executive order in two weeks. If implemented, he acknowledged, they would not only significantly affect the Russian economy, “they could also be disruptive to the global economy.”

But “Russia must know that further escalation will only isolate it further from the international community,” Obama said in a brief statement on the White House South Lawn.

For now, the measures target Putin’s inner circle and stop well short of the kind of sanctions that have crippled Iran’s economy. Those would be triggered only by a wider military incursion, and Russian troops remain massed on Ukraine’s eastern and southern borders. And although Putin has said Russia has no further territorial designs on Ukraine, he has proved indifferent to Western threats.


Vic78 said...

How hard could this shit be? Somewhere somebody's three year old got needed treatment because of the law. Somebody had his bunions taken care of. Find these people and start making commercials. They can even use clips from that Denzel movie where he takes over the hospital. Use some of the endless clips of Republicans being assholes. This came to me without focus groups or million dollar consultants. They wonder why people aren't voting for them. It's everything except the assholes they see in the mirror.

Why are people asking Larry Summers about anything? Hasn't he done enough? Seeing him lowers my opinion of our elected officials.

CNu said...

Speaking of that nitwit, I asked my daughter on tuesday what she thought of this - and she indicated she thought it was a legitimate grievance and put Harvard on front street - to which I responded the nayno. "mommy, Chad and Britney looked at me, do something about it!!" OMG - grow up toughen up children.

I indicated to her my belief that in recent years, grown folks have torn their britches and given Harvard a worse black eye than anything unfriendly Chad and Britney might ever do, to wit - your boy;

It makes one wonder who he has pictures of and what they were caught in the act doing, that he still has a spot at the table....,

Dale Asberry said...

Why don't you, Vic? I TOTALLY would do my job pimping them to the people I feed links and videos to!

Constructive_Feedback said...

My dear brother CNu

1) Please SPECIFICALLY define who the "Banksters" are in this latest exchange?

2) IF they are who it seems that you are suggesting - Is this the one time that those who were given to support "The Occupation" are now seen SUPPORTING "The Banksters"?

3) I learned that Crimea had been apart of Russia for more than 200 years but was made a part of Ukraine for merely 25 years (since the collapse of the USSR)

DO YOU THINK that if the "occupied" regions of Israel were to return to the hands of the Palestinians, resetting the lines to the way they were prior to the short war in the late 1960's - WOULD the world act differently to this "Return To Historical Political Boundaries"?

Tom said...

That one in the yellow shirt is super hot though.

Oh, wait, what were we talking about?

Tom said...

Oh, right, I remember. So yeah somebody besides me remembers the guy who almost got the Fed is that Larry Summers.

CNu said...


What operational knowledge do you suppose the Hon.Bro.Preznit has about run of the mill retail banking? Commercial banking? Private banking? International private and commercial banking? State to state and state to central bank banking operations?

I speck he knows more about failsafes on nuclear weapons. That said, the "banksters" I have in mind are those elements of the Fed and the OCC who put together the whole detailed operational sanctions plan, hollar'd at their european counterparts and got preliminary consent and consensus around implementing a very specific and detailed clampdown and lockout, and then once they had that whole rasher in place (it took them a couple of weeks since Kerry initially sold this woof ticket) - somebody walked it into the Hon.Bro.Preznit for his symbolic John Hancock.

Further, additional economic sanctions are pending.

With regard to your supporting the Occupation now supporting the banksters comment, I have no earthly idea what you're talking about?

Obama has always been a figurehead creature of the banksters, and, the Obama administration federally orchestrated a multi-city clampdown and lockout of the Occupy movement, clearly at the behest of his Brookings bankster patrons.

Tom said...

"I don't have to use merit or accolades to defend my place here."

Wow, she too is absolutely Harvard when she talks that way. She's got the insanity and entitlement down pat. Harvard is not needing to be qualified ever again. We have people who understand things and can do things; our job is just to be awesome.

Tom said...

Nono, not that one! The one in the yellow shirt. & I'm not a grandpa just yet .... gimme 10 15 years.

CNu said...

Humbert Humbert....,

Tom said...

OMG that's so unfair.

CNu said...

rotflmbao......, dood - having a 19 year old daughter, I've heard every possible description in the book (none favorable or positive) of mature men who do not suppress their natural and perfectly understandable delight at the myriad nubile wonders in leggings and tights artfully arranged to elicit precisely that delight, but not from any male over the age of 25 at which point some mysterious rot and disgustingness must surely set in....,

Vic78 said...

Writing my notes now...

Tom said...

Yeah. But it's harmless art appreciation. They'll get old too.

Vic78 said...

I believe Summers must've looked out for people. He gets quite a bit of goodwill for someone that miscalculated as badly as he has.

CNu said...

Which one were you talking about though?

Tom said...

The leggings are a little much. Daughter was 3 or 4 y/o when leggings really took off, and I couldn't help seeing those butts & being reminded of a baby with a diaper on. That picture never completely wore off, and it's kind of off-putting. I'm ready for skirts to make a comeback over the tights.

Tom said...

?? Ms. 0:35, of course. Were there other young women in the video? I must have missed them.

CNu said...

Not likely given they're selling Depends for leggings and tights now...,

Tom said...

OH, no. ... it's true ... gaaaah

Tom said...

It's the book that stopped me reading Nabokov, even before I had a daughter of my own. He had great talent but I couldn't stomach it.

CNu said...

y'all be LOVING some Kerry Washington though....,

CNu said...

Y'all be loving some Kerry Washington though....,

Vic78 said...

Tom said...

Sure, she's a heart stopper. One of the celebs I actually understand these days. It's weird, I see prettier black women on the street, even out where I live, than I see on the TV or in magazines. Something's not right. Maybe photo technology needs an invention or something?

I liked the film too. The crazed ending made me wish Dude would go back and get whoever helped him edit Reservoir Dogs, and listen to them, but it's still one of his best. I mean compare with that interminable Bill thing.

Tom said...

Seriously something must be either wrong with the cameras, or else it is teh White Supremacy after all. You know I do believe in the world system of etc., but I wonder if it isn't time for someone to make a different gamma curve or something, and just deploy that stuff.

CNu said...

The girl in the yellow in the video instantly reminded me of Mme. Washington...,

CNu said...

In light of that commercial, some enterprising creeper is doubtless already slaving away at a loving literary homage to gilfs and squirters...,

Vic78 said...


Vic78 said...

CNu said...

Double-0 put the hit on these dubs

Constructive_Feedback said...

Brother CNu: Highest regards to the clarity of your second paragraph.
I say this without reservation.

The point that I am attempting to draw out of you is that:

* While the figure head whose name appears on the signature line changes

* The CAREER government employees STAY BEHIND doing the "Deeds Of The Empire" despite the transition

* While the gallery of SUPPORTERS and HATRES make note of who is in this CHAIR and then alter their reactions of PROTEST, PROMOTION or SUSPICIOUS SILENCE once they see their FRIEND IN POWER summarily violating that which they USED TO promote as their "Core Principles"....

**** As they are shown compromising themselves because such a protest against this area of violation would force them to YIELD in the area of POLITICAL OPPORTUNISM that "their friend in power" was "good for" moving the ball against the enemy


THUS MY IMPLICIT STATEMENT about "The Occupation" and "BANKSTERS" is: They are so wrapped up in PERSONALITY and ultimately IDEOLOGICAL BRINKMANSHIP that their movement ultimately functions as a CHANNEL FOR THEIR PROTEST ENERGY during a time when A FAVORABLE PERSON WAS IN POWER and they felt like "Speaking Truth" to another undesirable figure that the troops could rally behind.

Credit to the "Machine Unattached" people at "Democracy Now". For example - today in commenting on the foreclosure crisis they reminded the audience that Attorney General Eric Holder and the firm he was working @ between being Assistant AG and now AG - had several big banks as clients - defending their interests.

YOU ARE NOT going to hear this news from the "Machine Operatives"

makheru bradley said...

The two most significant statements in that story: Rowe said this would affect not only individuals who do their banking at Bank Rossiya, but perhaps more importantly, the oil and gas companies that arrange their trade financing through the bank. “There’s no question these sanctions are an appropriate and effective national security tool, but this is a country that can fight back.”

It's warm in Europe today and that Russian gas is still flowing. But I bet O's comrades in Europe are wondering how will Vlad fight back?

CNu said...

"O"'s comrades..., priceless.
I view the story slightly differently Bro.Makheru. Would you agree that the "short hard man" and his patrons are fairly conspicuous, and, that they do constitute a more uniform circle of peers. i.e., the former KGB colonel teamed up with a crew, they got backers, put in work, took over, and now it's their show. In fact, their modus operandi of running Russia is so conspicuous to the American deep state, that a single institution can be targetted as a chock point to cut them off from playing ball in the global big boys club. (cause that's really what these sanctions boil down to, right?)

Upon entry into the VIP, Sergei, Piotr, Georgei, et al are cautioned, your chips are no longer valid in the House and your line of credit has been discontinued

Aside from saying some bureacratic functionaries at the OCC and the Fed putting together these "sanctions" - we're no nearer to specifically isolating and identifying who comprises the House - that called this shot - that maitre'd Obamamandius implemented with the stroke of a pen. I would hesitate to imagine that Slick Willie, Hellury, G-Dub, or any of the other living maitre'd's or pending hostesses are any more wired into the Deep State than that.

The Russian Deep State is conspicuous. The global vampiric squid, mad about not getting to insert its blood funnel, not so much..., can he strike back at that beast - is the kwestin.

makheru bradley said...

For example: Russia sanctions would be 'catastrophe' for many firms: German trade body.

"I learned that Crimea had been apart of Russia for more than 200 years but was made a part of Ukraine for merely 25 years (since the collapse of the USSR)." Bro. Feed, you need to double check your history. It was Nikita Khrushchev who transferred Crimea to Ukraine in 1954.

CNu said...

It's complicated

makheru bradley said...

"can he strike back at that beast - is the kwestin." You mean like this?

As one U.S. official told Reuters, Bank Rossiya will be “frozen out of the dollar.” All the more reason to stop all trading in dollars.

The assholes of all of the maitre'd's and deep state shot callers will tighten up if that happens.

Dale Asberry said...

And don't think for a second that China and it's chess-not-checkers approach to foreign policy isn't gonna laugh the dollar all the way to the ruble/renminbi bank!

Dale Asberry said...

Maybe. The all-seeing Eye of Sauron isn't actually seeing-all.

CNu said...

Maybe it sees - and for its own reasons - doesn't tell?

makheru bradley said...

"And as for the financial institution (Bank Rossiya): as I understand, it is a medium-sized bank (15th largest in Russia). I personally don't have an account there, but I certainly will open one on Monday." -- Putin

Now if the bungling Team Obama hits Gazprom, things will get more serious.

That just might bring the Northern Distribution Network into play despite the reported $1 billion a year this supply route brings to Russia.

"Today, roughly 40 percent of the supplies for US troops in Afghanistan move through the NDN, including food, water, and building materials."

Quite amazing that for all the clamoring about Putin from Obama, Kerry, McCain, and Hellury, none of them have said a word about the NDN.

woodensplinter said...

The studious and vigilant eye sees what the credulous eye is too eager to believe

makheru bradley said...

[We also know that the 777/200 is a “fly by wire” aircraft with controls in place that allow the CIA to remotely pilot the plan “in case of emergency.” We were able to verify the design and implementation of this system through Boeing, Raytheon and commercial pilots.]

CNu said...

NOOOOOO!!!!!! Bro. Makheru...., you've got to believe!!!

umbrarchist said...

Sometimes reality is just too weird to be believed.

makheru bradley said...

Believe what Bro. Nulan?

makheru bradley said...

What is it that I got to believe Bro. Nulan?

makheru bradley said...

Bro. Makheru...., you've got to believe!!! Believe what?

CNu said... of course....,

Into The Microsoft Cloud Equals Into The Maws Of Palantir...,

CTH  |   Yes, the Govt is in crisis, and just as sure as you are reading this, the administrators within the IC already have the solution...