Monday, December 22, 2014

necropolitics vs. non-violent negroe-politics only killers and killing shape the field of political power

newsmax |  "What happened yesterday was an assassination, which we haven't had since 1988 with Officer [Edward] Byrne," Giuliani said on Fox and Friends Sunday, speaking of a young police officer who was murdered while on duty. "We have not had an assassination murder like this in a long, long time."

There no question from the words of killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley that the killings were connected to the deaths of Eric Garner in New York and Michael Brown in Missouri, said Giuliani. The two officers were shot at about 3 p.m. while sitting in their marked car in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn after Brinsley posted messages on Instagram saying he was going to kill police officers.

Brinsley also wounded his girlfriend in a shooting in Baltimore before driving to New York and ambushing the officers.

"It could be connected in an insane way, but it's not unfair to create a connection between these two things," said Giuliani. "And it's certainly true that we have been treated to about three to four months of propaganda about how the police are the enemy. [About how] the police are the problem. [About how] they are the major problem between the police and the black community."

Giuliani said such statements and protests are propaganda because the police departments interactions with communities are a "reaction, it's not the cause."

And the "cause" was why officers Liu and Ramos were in Brooklyn on Saturday, where they were murdered.

"They were moved from one precinct to another because there was more crime in that precinct," said Giuliani. "They were there to protect the lives in this particular case of black people in that neighborhood. And the reality is that the problem here is citizen crime."

In inner cities, the problem is black crime, and in other places, "it can be white crime," said the former mayor. "The problem here is not police interaction. The police shooting a young black man, if that happens one to two percent of the time, that's a lot."

But, Giuliani said, "a black man shooting another black man is 92 percent of the time."


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