Friday, December 19, 2014

necropolitics: are overseers drawn from a subset of the cline prone to violence, and, utterly lacking impulse control?

slate |   The New York Daily News reports that the NYPD is investigating an incident recently caught on video in which a plainclothes police officer can be seen punching a black boy who is being held by three other officers. An onlooker can be heard yelling "He's twelve! He's twelve" and identifies herself in the video as a lawyer. The video, which was uploaded to YouTube Wednesday and is embedded above, has the following description:

This happened today on my way to the post office. The kids were 12. They had supposedly pushed one of their classmates down. However when the victim was asked, he said those weren't the guys. They were still taken away. 12. Years. Old.

The Daily News was unable to verify the age of the boy being punched in the video.


BigDonOne said...

...Haven't heard any complaints here about Knockout Game.
See the many videos--->

CNu said...

So help me out Don, your contention is that 1000 instances per year of the seemingly random knockout game, are somehow morally equivalent with 40 years of drug war, 2.2 million incarcerations, and rampant police brutality clocking ~500+ undocumented homicides per year for the past ____________# of years?

I need to know why you felt it either relevant or appropriate to put that datum on this thread? In your imagination, is there a tit-for-tat going on under color of authority in which the overseers are enacting revenge against these young savages and in the process giving you an inflated impression of evening the score?

Help me out, have I missed anything here?

BigDonOne said...

A few good faith mistakes notwithstanding, every one of your millions of abused, brutalized and "victimized" miscreants was, in fact, violating the law. If y'all don't like the laws, use The Process provided to change them, after all, that process was sufficient to get a total idiot into the White House.....

By contrast, brutalized Knockout victims are totally innocent...

Should have picked our own fkg cotton......

CNu said...

violating the law = subjectivity and the material destruction of human bodies...,

lol, thanks for playing BD. If you didn't exist I would have had to make your monkey tail up.

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?