Sunday, December 07, 2014

are overseers killing folks like hotcakes and lying about it?

pbs |  HARI SREENIVASAN: The nation’s been focused on Staten Island, Ferguson, and Cleveland in the last few weeks as citizens and law enforcement assess how they have and how they should deal with one another.

This as a new investigation by the The Wall Street Journal reveals that accounting for killings by police might be grossly underestimated.

Wall Street Journal reporter Rob Barry joins us now. So, how did you do your reporting, and what did you find?

ROB BARRY: Thanks for having me. What we did was we asked about 105 departments to give us the number of people who have been killed over a five or six year period.

And we compared those numbers to what had reported to the FBI. And we found that there was a lot of stuff that wasn’t in the FBI’s information.

HARI SREENIVASAN: You said that at least 550 police killings between 2007 and 2012 never made it onto the books?

ROB BARRY: Yeah, and that’s only among the top 105, 110 largest agencies in the country.
So there’s 18,000 jurisdictions. So you know, that’s just a small estimate of the total.

HARI SREENIVASAN: OK, so for example, some jurisdictions could call something a justifiable homicide versus an unjustifiable homicide? Discrepancies in definitions? What do you mean?

ROB BARRY: Yes, it was a wide range of things. That was certainly one of the issues there, that what we’re dealing with here are essentially crime reports.

And agencies who are forced to report information about unfortunate events where officers take someone’s life. They don’t really want to include that in a crime report.

It’s not a crime in their eyes. It was a justifiable event. 


BigDonOne said...

...Most of these "killed by overseer" folks were low-life street scum up to no good that society was better off without anyway. Consider it a form of "due process."

OK, BD knows what yer thinkin'...what about those few honest upstanding pillars of the community that were also inadvertently killed by cops? putting that in perspective -- during WW2, ~400,000 red-blooded *innocent* All-American men were killed defending our way of life. Draftees, wrong place at wrong time, but certainly not deserving to die. It's a price paid in order that polite society can remain civilized.....ditto for the few really innocent accidentally killed by cops....

InfoWars had a good one about East St. Louis where iq75 is so bad the police have virtually given up. It's what happens when there are *NO* folks left willing to do the ugly job of policing low-life street scum......American Mogadishu.

Then there was another one about NYC cops unwilling to look for a lost kid because they were too busy dealing with misguided demonstrators. Could have been *your* kid or *your* spouse that was missing......

PC Lefty Liberalism run amok....

makheru bradley said...

Rhetorical ethic: "It’s important to recognize, as painful as these incidents are, we can’t equate what is happening now to what was happening 50 years ago. And if you talk to your parents, grandparents, uncles, they’ll tell you that things are better. Not good, in some cases, but better." — President Barack Obama,speaking on racism in America, in an interview with BET News set to air Monday night.


CNu said...

Re Berkeley - "protesters turn violent", "violent protests" - blah, blah, blah, blah, blah in the MSM. Whaddaya bet the overseers instigated confrontations through their troop movements, hemming people in and provoking physical altercations?

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?