Wednesday, May 20, 2015

why criminal threat tiers 1, 2, and 3 must be terminated with extreme prejudice

questioneverything |  One could reasonably argue that I am, after all, biased and will tend to ignore evidence against my basic hypothesis, that civilization must necessarily collapse due to the decline of net free energy (i.e. peak oil combined with declining energy return on investment — EROI — and still growing populations). I am probably not immune to such selective bias. Thus I put it to you, the readers, to let me know of any evidence of some reasonably impactful institutions or organizations that seem to be working and contributing positively to human happiness (please also include estimates of the magnitude of such impact). As I was writing this one possible example did come to mind, if I allow that some kinds of religious experiences are positive (and I do even if I do not believe in most of what religions teach about an ethereal world). The current Pope of the Catholic faith (Francis), it seems to me, has done some worthwhile things that could have a positive impact on the followers of that religion, if not on other states owing to their leaders paying deference to what the Holy See says (e.g. calls for peace). But I reserve judgment of the effectiveness of his reign on the Church. For example, will he ferret out gross behaviors like child sex abuses or financial corruption in the Vatican's dealings? 

If you have any contributions please make them in comments here. Let's see what sort of list we come up with. But please do not post examples of dysfunction. We already know so many it would be an act of waste of bandwidth.

Economists' View the “New Normal”

Meanwhile if we just examine the state and trends of the global economy we get a basic picture of the developing collapse. An article in today's New York Times Business section by Tyler Cowen, a professor of economics at George Mason University “Signs of a Shakier New Normal”, May 17, 2015, brought into focus a variety of comments made by a number of neoclassical economists of late (including, from time to time, the titular representative of ‘liberal’ economists, Paul Krugman) that we have entered a new kind of economic situation that they don't quite understand but have labeled “the new normal.” I suppose they are trying to subtly say that they expect the current set of conditions to continue indefinitely into the future. But, their reasons for saying so have nothing to do with their understanding the dynamics of the real economy and making predictions based on their bogus models. They are just tacitly admitting that something unusual is happening and it has persisted long enough now to be acknowledged as possibly permanent. 

While the US government and a variety of media talking heads are hailing the “recovery” the reality of life for the vast majority of Americans does not demonstrate recovery. They continue to grow poorer, budgets are stretched even for those who have jobs, the real cost of living is still going up even in spite of the recent relief in energy costs, in short for most people there is no recovery. And that is what these economists are referring to (academically) as the new normal.


Dale Asberry said...

Did I miss something? How are you classifying the tiers?

Dale Asberry said...

As you said, it would make more difference than simply rearranging the deck chairs, a sloughing off of the non-fruiting body so to speak.

Dale Asberry said...

What could be done about the high-functioning sociopath useless eaters?

CNu said...

Well, I'm glad you axed that kwestin. When it comes to high-functioning sociopaths, I'm a little bit more sympathetic toward the kochtopi variety as they are involved up to their eyebrows in the production of real wealth to power the food-powered make-work hierarchy.

Since the kochtopus is at war for political control with the vampire squid, and the vampire squid produces no value whatsoever, I think that pretty much sizes up the molluscan cephalopods ripe for remounting on a pike. What do you think?

DD said...

This is a funny point. Despite the Koch's overall shitty attitude, they are actually in the business of making, distributing and doing actual stuff. Much like being pro-Shiite militia wrt ISIS, I am pro Koch wrt Wall Street.

Dale Asberry said...

Sympathetic is not a word I would use. Meh. The "doing actual stuff" that DD is referring to is extractive and not actually value-building. The vampire-squid has access of the military as well. Overall, a showdown between kochtopus and vampire-squid is going to destroy value.

makheru bradley said...

“Laser-focus on the 1-1.5% of true high recidivist violent trouble-makers and their immediate social network, termination with extreme prejudice, and you could solve a huge issue with a tidy fatality rate of less than 10,000 nationwide.” Surely, you are not expecting the oligarchic psychopathocracy to direct their overseers to focus on criminals who serve their interests.

Considering the hundreds of thousands of people incarcerated for non-violent crimes in America, why are so many violent crimes unsolved? In Chicago, for example only 132 of 507 murders in 2012 were solved that year. Law enforcement is more focused on arresting specific people to meet the demands of a political imperative (power), than on arresting those who are committing violent crimes against the same specific people.

makheru bradley said...

Extreme prejudice in practice:

BigDonOne said...

...If you treated a similar group of blacks that casually, they would all get up and run for the hills (happens all the time on COPs, they even do it after being handcuffed). Whites tend to understand that fleeing and eluding is a felony and they are smart enough, sufficiently FTO'ed, to realize the best approach is to sit tight and wait for any charges to be dismissed for lack of evidence....

CNu said...

Surely, you are not expecting the oligarchic psychopathocracy to direct
their overseers to focus on criminals who serve their interests.

You will have to please unpack the assertion about "criminals who serve the interests of the oligarchic psychopathocracy", however, in response to the other statement, I am surely not expecting overseers to do a damn thing. This is precisely why I have couched the incident and the underlying issue in military terms, as a military threat, requiring a military response. This is a quite specific policy prescription I'm making which is consonant with the great state of Texas formal definition and declaration of Tier 1 and Tier 2 threats.

Tier 1 is cross-border, cartel-backed paramilitaries engaged in civil war with Mexican elites and both their military and policia. Tier 2 is our organized criminal element of all persuasions who elect to pursue an outlaw lifestyle and who do business with Tier 1 suppliers.

Dale Asberry said...

A steady stream of priceless confirmation on what we have been trying to tell y'all for years.....

That Big Dawn is susceptible to confirmation bias?

CNu said...

Twice now Arnach has bent down to ease him.

and I even did my little part here lately to make it free

I think we may just have to accept the fact that this material is out of his cognitive reach...,

Dale Asberry said...

@Dale...Actually, WRT confirmation, a Subrealism post a few days ago apparently went by totally unnoticed, zero comments.
That's not confirmation bias, dumbass. You can't even keep your logical fallacies straight.

CNu said...

Poo Poo..., what do you have to say about my sage proposal that Tier 1 and 2 threats require a military response?

Try and focus.

I realize you're still shocked and discombobulated by the spectacle of your kith and kin gone wild in public. Of course, as a dedicated race man you feel reflexively obliged to go through the struggle motions of making this vocationally dedicated 1% trash seem more intelligent and civilized than it could ever possibly be in the immediate wake of an utterly senseless self-massacre and shoot out with overseers just enacted at a Texas strip mall.

Do want this element dealt with, or just leave them be, because they're warrior militiamen in the dystopian Turner Diary fantasy so near and dear to your heart?

Vic78 said...

The President has the green light whenever he gets ready thanks to the NDAA.

"A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces."

I believe everyone in the 3 tiers qualify.

BigDonOne said...

@CNu..." what do you have to say about my sage proposal that Tier 1 and 2 threats require a military response?"

If BD was running the show we would cancel all visas, re-screen the populace and boot out all non-citizens, if ur married non-cit, take the spouse and kids with you or bye-bye. Any that don't go, or found after the fact, immediate termination when found. Then have A-10 Warthogs continuously strafing anything that moves on the borders.....

Ratchet down "unemployment" and other parasite benefits, make those *CITIZENS* take the "jobs that nobody wants, " if they desire to eat....

Lethal force authorized for cops coping with any perps that flee or resist, with impunity.
Any felon found with gun, immediate termination. Complete authority to delete anyone who looks like a gang member, motorcycles, crips, bloods, MS-13, etc. This is war on the American people, deal with it like that.

All N-1 activities restricted to *INSIDE* houses of "worship" and private residences.

Write in "BD" on your ballot for president, Nov 2016.

For openers....

CNu said...

lol, after that needlessly rambling and unrelated walkabout, you finally answered the question specifically directed to youComplete authority to delete anyone who looks like a gang member,
motorcycles, crips, bloods, MS-13, etc. This is war on the American
people, deal with it like that.The challenge with an explicitly eliminationist policy is that you have to be crystal clear about the terms of engagement. Confirmed Tier 1 and 2 paramilitary militia members are the primary subjects of this use of force proposal. Members of their deep social network who give evidence of aiding and abetting the criminal enterprise comprise Tier 3 and are subject to possible termination with extreme prejudice.

Based on what Vic has added below, that seems imminently doable under standing statutory authority. Which begs the kwestin, why then haven't any of the many political opportunists gotten on the bandwagon for getting this job done?

makheru bradley said...

"criminals who serve the interests of the oligarchic psychopathocracy" That would be anyone who is helping, either directly or indirectly, to eliminate those deemed unwanted/unneeded. I assume the "Dark Alliance" would be tier zero. At any rate the oligarchic psychopathocracy is not about to engage in military action against any of those tiers, because they pose no threat to their hegemony. Daesh, OTOH, whose possibilities where enhanced exponentially by the stoopid “symbolic head of the American empire” is a real threat.

CNu said...

Daesh, OTOH, whose possibilities where enhanced exponentially by the stoopid “symbolic head of the American empire”

Either that's a bit of pure satire, or, your disdain for Obamamandius has compromised your command of the facts. No fair assessment of the "Baathists Strike Back in Iraq" can reasonably be laid at the feet of the preznit.

As much heat and light as has been dedicated to those clowns, you'd imagine they were right here among us like say.., the heavily armed outlaw criminal militias which showed their asses in Waco this past weekend. The problems in Iraq will work themselves out as Iran absorbs Iraq more overtly into its sphere and in the process wars with and neutralizes the Baathists who are striking back under mimetic cover of wahabist Islam.

makheru bradley said...

" your disdain for Obamamandius has compromised your command of the facts." This is a fact. Obama said, "I am not opposed to all wars. I'm opposed to dumb wars.” Libya was a dumb war. In fact it was super dumb, with a potentially devastating impact on Afrika for years.

"It's not fully clear to me that Obama has been particularly good at ending 'dumb wars,' though he was certainly willing to join in one super-dumb action in Libya as well faux-saber-rattle over Syria in a way that arguably made everything worse in the region."

Obama inherited the Bush/Cheney/neocon cluster-kcuf in Iraq, but he sat quietly by and watched the Awakening betrayal which gave the defeated jihadists a new lease on life in Anbar. Not to mention his support for the insurgency in Syria. You can play Pilate and try to wash his hands, but that dog will not hunt in a fact-based world. Neither will your hope for war on the tiers.

CNu said...

lol, you must have me confused with the elderly trekkies Bro. Makheru. I don't "hope", I've issued a straightforward, succinct, well-reasoned, and legally sound political policy challenge that you have not heard and will not hear anywhere else.

DOJ/FBI here almost as often as my HBD poster-child. As far as the rescinded Double-0 goes, he's still letting Persia off its leash and I have every confidence that these most serious and capable people will handle the various and sundry chaotic semitic tribes adroitly and with satisfactory dispatch.

Musk To Rehire Marko Elez

WaPo  |   Elon Musk, the head of the U.S. DOGE Service, announced Friday that he would rehire a staffer who resigned after he was tied to...