Friday, May 01, 2015

sistah.soldya ducking questions on how influence peddling made clinton richest ex-preznit OF ALL TIME!!!

BostonGlobe |  An unprecedented ethics promise that played a pivotal role in helping Hillary Rodham Clinton win confirmation as secretary of state, soothing senators’ concerns about conflicts of interests with Clinton family charities, was uniformly bypassed by the biggest of the philanthropies involved.

The Clinton Health Access Initiative never submitted information on any foreign donations to State Department lawyers for review during Clinton’s tenure from 2009 to 2013, Maura Daley, the organization’s spokeswoman, acknowledged to the Globe this week. She said the charity deemed it unnecessary, except in one case that she described as an “oversight.”

During that time, grants from foreign governments increased by tens of millions of dollars to the Boston-based organization.

Daley’s acknowledgement was the first by the charity of the broad scope of its apparent failures to fulfill the spirit of a crucial political pledge made by the Clinton family and their charities. The health initiative has previously acknowledged failing only to disclose the identity of its contributors, another requirement under the agreement.

The failures make the Clinton Health Access Initiative, which is headquartered on Dorchester Avenue in South Boston, and goes by the acronym CHAI, a prominent symbol of the broken political promise and subsequent lack of accountability underlying the charity-related controversies that are dogging Clinton as she embarks on her campaign for president.

The charity defended the lack of some disclosures on the grounds that the donations in question were simply passed through the charity to fund an existing project. Previously, it has acknowledged that mistakes were made. But loopoholes and legalistic explanations about what new foreign donations should be excluded from disclosure were not publicly discussed in the initial deal. In 2009, the incoming Obama administration, Clinton, and then-Senator John F. Kerry all publicly touted the Clinton charities’ “memorandum of understanding’’ as a guarantee that transparency and public scrutiny would be brought to bear on activities that posed any potential conflicts of interest with State Department business.

“Transparency is critically important here, obviously, because it allows the American people, the media, and those of us here in Congress . . . to be able to judge for ourselves that no conflicts — real or apparent — exist,’’ Kerry said during a Senate floor speech on Jan. 21, 2009.

The memorandum, which did not outline a penalty for failing to comply, was signed in December 2008 by Valerie Jarrett, co-chairwoman of the Obama transition team, and Bruce Lindsey, a longtime Clinton aide who at the time was CEO of the Clinton Foundation and sits on the board of the CHAI.
Jarrett and Lindsey declined to be interviewed about CHAI’s repeated failures to disclose major increases in foreign grants.

The White House and the State Department also declined to take a firm stand on the apparent violations of the agreement.


Constructive_Feedback said...

Brother CNu:

Please recall our previous conversation about the forces driving "Militarization and Nationalization" of American police.

I suggest that it is a "One Two Punch".

Right Punch - Promote militarization, oppose nationalization

Left Punch - Oppose Militarization, support natonalization

Put the two together and WE GET BOTH!!

They both play off of each other to justify turning up the heat upon the pot of cold water on the frogs.

CNu said...

Not taking the Alex Jones minnow-bait. The reason politics worked for Tom Pendergast to the extent that he was able to do more WPA than any other city in America, provide generations of jobs, amass a fortune, and make a president - is because Pendergast had operational control over both crime and its revenues and law enforcement and was able to harness the entire dynamic to his benefit and the benefit of his constituents. Name a black mayor in living memory history running isht unopposed like that? The segregated black community in Kansas City was the mafia and the city boss's red light district. Bebop was born and flourished in that specific lush oasis of profound corruption.

I suspect that in many other cities where the mafia flourished, a similar model was deployed. Absent a clear understanding of that history, it's more than a little naive to simply condemn the failures and the failings of the 2nd/3rd line inheritors. Fail they unquestionably did, however, it's important to understand the environmental and political history as well as the competitive odds faced by the folks who tried to make it work without control of all the forces and factions that the Irish and Italian political bosses enjoyed back in their heyday.

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?