Friday, May 22, 2015

gubmint issued outlaw motorcycle gangs far worse than simple "thugs"...,

DallasNews |  The real name for this is mindless, idiot violence. The correct term for the people involved is criminals so stupid they shot and stabbed one another in a chain-store shopping center where ordinary citizens go to eat lunch, browse sporting goods, shop for sofas.

“Thug” might be a little too smart for this bunch. And while we’re at it, “biker” and “outlaw” may be a little too romantic.

Los Angeles writer Donald Charles Davis, who blogs about the “1 percenter lifestyle” under the pseudonym “The Aging Rebel,” elegantly describes gang-affiliated bikers as “brotherhoods of men who have left themselves no choice but to stand apart from the world at large.”

Oh, those daring outlaws, the ghostly remnants of a manly frontier spirit that “stands apart” from a culture made soft by iPads and wine tastings and women who talk back. TV and Hunter S. Thompson-addled journalists have turned “MC clubs” into the last of the Marlboro men.

Except they’re not. Take away the motorcycles and the vests (“cuts”) and the hieroglyphic patches and you have your basic gang-banger. A thug. A dum-dum so besotted by his own sense of “badness” that he’ll shoot someone over some perceived act of “disrespect” — walking into the wrong bar, wearing the wrong color, sporting the wrong patch.

Sure, you can call that “bad.” You can also call it “dangerously stupid.”

“These guys become very violent to each other very quickly over nothing,” said McClennan County Sheriff Parnell McNamara. “Very quickly over nothing” is a woefully inadequate reason for a broken jaw or a knife in the gut or a gunshot to the head.

Davis (“Aging Rebel”) is a gifted writer, but if you read some of the 1 percenter comments to his blog post about the Waco shootings, you’ll find something scary but drearily familiar.

You’ll find the contemporary flavor of bunker-brained craziness that’s poisoning everyday culture: vicious hatred of government, contempt for ordinary citizens (“sheeple”), manic belief in elaborate conspiracy theories.

One online scenario that’s floating around the Waco shootings is this: Law enforcement orchestrated the Sunday killings, sending undercover cops disguised as bikers into the bar to start a fight. Once the fight spilled outside, SWAT teams opened fire, deliberately slaughtering members of the brave brotherhood who dare to stand apart.

That’s a level of paranoid delusion I find a lot more alarming than an academic debate over who we can or can’t call a “thug.”


BigDonOne said...

--Real MANhood Item:--..that clip is inaccurate. Hand grenades explode a lot quicker, after tossing, than shown in the video. Otherwise, the enemy would have too much time to toss them back. Unlike y'all wimpoids that never spent a minute in uniform, serving your country, BD has actually thrown some Real Ones.....

rohan said...

lol, Dawn acting like it was a mystery to us why he stays ready to ride bitch on a man in leather's hog.

Constructive_Feedback said...

My Dear Friend CNu:

The Motorcycle Gangs attract government undercovers to monitor their activities.

When a mass shooting took place, clearly one of the plants called in the "Popo".

SINCE it is fashionable to do a racial contrast surrounding the word "Thug" - QUESTION for you:

Do you know the extent in which police agencies are embedded into the "Street Pirate Gangs" that prove so deadly in cities like Chicago and Detroit?

Are we focusing on the right thing in debating the use of the world "Thug" which drew Confidence Men like Charles Blow away from the "34 Murders In 30 Days In Baltimore" OR should people in crime ridden, Street Pirate gang laced communities rebut their Social Justice leadership and their "Anti-Police Violence" mantra, instead demanded MORE POLICE INFILTRATORS into Street Pirate gangs?

Final Question: DO YOU THINK that a $23,000 motorcycle purchase for entry into a "Thug Motorcycle Gang" is a residue of "Racial Suppression" in that a "Street Pirate Who Is Black" can entire into the game by being a "Look Out" who rides a Schwinn and who is a equipped with a minimal cellphone with an unlimited text messaging plan as he warns that the 'PoPo' is rolling through?

BigDonOne said...

...Did you know about half of the MilitaryApplicant75z flunk the AFQT Eye-Que screening test...???
The wimpy libs raised so much hell about it that Google was sanitized to hide that very revealing fact....

CNu said...

Sorry Feed, no time for childish prattle today. Grown folk bidnis of the most serious nature being ruminated upon hereabouts - you're too far asleep and stuck in the same tiresome rut to grok what has popped out of these deliberations.

Since you like to make ppt diagrams, try this one on for size. draw a five-tiered cone. The pinnacle of the cone is Tier 0 -

Tier 0. is the level where the battling cephalopods compete for control of the state.

Tier 1. is the U.S. military.

Tier 2. is overseers

Tier 3. is ordinary criminals

Tier 4. peasants

These organized criminal gangs comprised largely of former soldiers who didn't go down the drain, but who refuse to be reintegrated into conical sociey are direct dominance hierarchy competitors with the overseer po-leece. They're only slightly removed from the military, and their economy depends on their illegal and extrajudicial partnering with foreign national Tier 1.'s.

Your street pirate prattle is all and exclusively about peasant shit and low-level criminality in, on, and among peasants.

On your own recognizance, figure out where the middle-class fits into this diagram and what their position is relative to the dominance hierarchy tiers, and with the understanding that, combined with peasant labor, their labors, consumption, and taxes power the entire construct.

Contemplate that carefully, and if it wakes you up, hollar back. Subrealism is school for you. Accept no substitutes....,

CNu said...

Dayyum magne, you tryna hurt my boy's feelings?

lol, it is funny, however, when you realize these ex-military outlaws are a literal parasitic warrior class sufficiently formidable that the state treats them with kid gloves - and - permits them to do what they do with a minimum of interference. They running around wild and loose in the countryside while old simpletons sit in front of their televisions/keyboards whoop-whooping about seeing some warrior isht decades ago and "serving their country in uniform".

The mush between the ears of old submissives and wattles is for damn sure some unintentionally priceless comedy gold....,

BigDonOne said...

Eat yer heart out, haven't *begun* to experience the feeling of Real Power until you have fired a .50 Cal. Machine Gun.....

John Kurman said...

Bummer. I'm at Tier 39. I'm a seal.

DD said...

I've spent a fair amount of time around the 81. Partied with them, had them offer to sew my head up with thread after a motorcycle mishap. I was best man at a wedding with several in attendance.

I always enjoy reading about things I have strong firsthand knowledge of; really focuses the mind on the biases and assumptions of authors.

Categorization and taxonomy are fun, but these things tend to be more watercolor than CAD drawing.

CNu said...

Please give us full benefit of your firsthand "hangaround" knowledge with particular emphasis on the blueprint disinclining you from wanting to be a prospect and full-on member of this international brotherhood of "men with guns"?

BigDonOne said...

BD would guess he drew the line when they insisted he get his "Red Wings".....

DD said...

Meh. Not particularly educated, prone to look for trouble. Doesn't overcome the affinity group and team loyalty for me, but then again I have better options. I'd say it's less Criminal Mastermind and more Hard Knock Life. But I appreciate the unapologetically male bonding and meaningful willingness to sacrifice for each other.

I just prefer my groups to be based on shared responsibility instead of hedonism. Then again, that's probably because the stuff I want is generally available to me; I'd say their unfying characteristic is probably that they were given little, have generally taken what they've got in life, and have done it in a very 'visceral' way.

CNu said...

As a teenager in the 70's, I was freely and frequently admitted into the local OMG skripper establishments in Wichita, and never had a problem. (aside from my ignorant teenage hedonism being illegally indulged by adults for profit) With the passage of time, I've never yet personally had a problem with this demographic element to the extent that as a practical matter, I'd all but forgotten they exist.

My reaction isn't to the poor, white and pissed acting out. It's about the
disparate consensus acceptance levels and narratives recounting their
acting out. It's about the generalized and pervasive harm and damage
that this element does and for which it gets not only a popular pass, but also widespread superficial emulation. Contrast this with the
consensus rejection and demonization of black street protestors and even some rioters - expressing and acting out in the wake of overseers
gone wild.

Out of the blue, having a bunch of visceral outlaws erupt out of the fabric of Texas with an act of mass mayhem in public, in the context of Texas' documented narrative about all its many organized criminal threat levels, etc..., . and witnessing the measured and tightly controlled guardian response of law enforcement demonstrates the minimal fair and uniform application of law enforcement, use of force, and criminal justice.

White and predominantly white organized criminal networks are an accepted wholesale background to much of the retail crime and criminality in the U.S.. They're not only not featured on the 10:00pm news for reasons having to do with media location and coverage, but when they do figure in media, they figure in iconographic ways which a majority viewers don't harshly judge, but instead go the great pains and expense to emulate.

DD said...

I get what you are doing and on about. I'll just say this.

Most biker gangs aren't murderous drug running kingpins; but some are. Most inner city gangbangers aren't murderous drug running kingpins; but some are.

...the disparate consensus acceptance levels and narratives recounting their acting out. It's about the generalized and pervasive harm and damage that this element does and for which it gets not only a popular pass, but also widespread superficial emulation. Contrast this with the consensus rejection and demonization of black street protestors and even some rioters - expressing and acting out in the wake of overseers gone wild.
As you'd say, c'mon magne-Not your best stuff! Coverage has been fairly nuanced and the pervasive damage/style of street gangs is widely emulated as well--much more so in fact. Black youth culture is kicking old biker culture's ass in the coolness/emulation market.

I'm reading all the jokes. The reason the "white gangs out of control" thing isn't taking off is that it's stupid. The black gangs out of control narrative is equally stupid; it's just that there's whole TEAMS of people ready to swoop in and fill all that narrative space with some well worn lines. There is a whole media/academia/government industry devoted to black issues. It kills all meaningful discussion, like that octogenarian Yale professor. Dude sounded like my great-grandfather when he was trying to be inclusive and the whole circus flew in for a day or two to beat him back from talking anymore, which he has so far hilariously declined.

CNu said...

Most biker gangs aren't murderous drug running kingpins; but some are. Most inner city gangbangers aren't murderous drug running kingpins; but some are.

I made a very simple proposal. Declare all confirmed Tier 2 gang members enemy combatants and under the authority of the NDAA commence their termination with extreme prejudice under military rather than criminal rules of engagement - that's prison gangs, street gangs, and outlaw motorcycle gangs. Start with the ones who are locked up.

Of the three types of gangs, OMG's punch so far above their numeric weight in terms of sheer violence and mayhem, and, volume of narcotics, weapons, explosives distributed as to make the poor street gangs and prison gangs look like pikers.

As you'd say, c'mon magne-Not your best stuff!

I can see where anecdotally you find grounds for disagreement. However, from the perspective of actual data - everything I'm saying is absolutely on point. The mere fact that you would put forth the anecdotal without fact-checking suggests you're in urgent need of a thorough Kahneman.

Kahneman in general has been linked repeatedly hereabouts
Thinking Fast and Slow is linked here

Coverage has been fairly nuanced and the pervasive damage/style of street gangs is widely emulated as well--much more so in fact. Black youth culture is kicking old biker culture's ass in the coolness/emulation market.

Well, I'ma go with "not requiring a $25K Harley Davidson motorcycle makes it a whole lot more fungible across the impoverished worlds it has infected.

The reason the "white gangs out of control" thing isn't taking off is that it's stupid.

No. Not stupid at all. That Robert Wayne Cartwright omuerta (three names good ol'boy isht always tickles me) ain't no joke. They're not snitching on each other and they're not snitching on each other for a reason. The media has been filling in the blanks around those furniture store ads because hardly anybody is talking much less snitching. (cept for that one cooter who's been talking to the WaPo)

There is a whole media/academia/government industry devoted to black issues. It kills all meaningful discussion

Yes. Thank goodness Bro.ConFeed has made it his life's mission to ceaselessly and relentlessly skewer those poverty pimps and feminized phukwits.

It kills all meaningful discussion, like that octogenarian Yale professor. Dude sounded like my great-grandfather when he was trying to be inclusive and the whole circus flew in for a day or two to beat him back from talking anymore, which he has so far hilariously declined.

Hearing the useless and doddering drool some racist shit about black living memory refusal to assimilate to a culture which ostracizes blackness is meaningful discussion if you're an old doddering racist telling yourself that your personal shit had nothing whatsoever to do with the shape of the world you have a couple more minutes to live in.

DD said...

I assumed you were making a tongue in cheek, contextual criticism with your "kill them all using government employees" argument. I took it as a send up of stereotyping and specific government agent's authority over the lives of the citizenry, seeing as you've had the topic interspersed with all the police justice stories.

If you intend for a law enforcement confab to determine who's tactically removed from the planet, I'm going to need to think about it!

Have a nice Memorial Day.

CNu said...

lol, the game of musical chairs MUST pick up pace going into the 2016 GOTUS selection. I'm tired of around the block bullies with badges picking on least of these baby boys slinging modest quantities of dope. It's time for highly evolved, tax payer funded, and voter approved FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE be brought to bear on clearly defined national security threats within our borders.

Dale Asberry said...

I'm not at all buying the whole of this argument. Yes, Musical Chairs must pick up. Yes, the OMGs have guns. Yes, the ones with guns are going to be the most dangerous come SHTF. But really, are you sure you want cops/govt to be the men with guns? I think Dmitry put out pretty clearly that won't matter as things fall apart. What makes you think that the government would be worthwhile supporting? I'm thinking if you want a target rich environment, take out the useless eaters...

CNu said...

lol, I called for a purge of Pookie an'em and you didn't make a peep. Now that my net is cast wider to incorporate measurement, evaluation, and formal threat assessment specifying Cletus, Darrel Wayne, and Chuy as Tier 2 threats in urgent need of termination, all of a sudden you commence to squealing like a pig under a gate?

So, I'm seeing three modes of hierarchical organization.
1. Dominance Networks
2. Prestige Networks
3. Science Networks (new term I'm going to substitute for "culture of competence"

Criminal threat tiers 1 and 2 are predatory dominance networks that support themselves via large-scale, white-powder drug trade (heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine), arms trafficking, and strong-arm coercion and assassination (the marijuana concession is being taken away from them). Their core cultural values are violence and hedonism.

I'm a middle-class "nerd for hire" with a couple of young adult children I need to usher into the deep-science'y remnants of the next generation middle-class. wtf do I have in common with any of these organized criminal networks that they should continue getting taxpayer-funded three hots and a cot, getting yoked and swole as hell and controlling their rackets from the security of the big house? Phukkem.


Tom said...

“…Once, I remember, we came upon a man-of-war anchored off the coast. There wasn’t even a shed there, and she was shelling the bush. It appears the French had one of their wars going on thereabouts. Her ensign dropped limp like a rag; the muzzles of the long eight-inch guns stuck out all over the low hull; the greasy, slimy swell swung her up lazily and let her down, swaying her thin masts. In the empty immensity of earth, sky, and water, there she was, incomprehensible, firing into a continent. Pop, would go one of the eight-inch guns; a small flame would dart and vanish, a little white smoke would disappear, a tiny projectile would give a feeble screech – and nothing happened. Nothing could happen. There was a touch of insanity in the proceeding, a sense of lugubrious drollery in the sight; and it was not dissipated by somebody on board assuring me earnestly there was a camp of natives – he called them enemies! – hidden out of sight somewhere…”

Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

Dale Asberry said...

Lol, no squealing hereabouts. 1 and 2 won't go away and 3 doesn't/won't exist. There's no bonding in 3 of the sort that will overcome 1 and 2. Plus they don't have the stomach or recognition to take care of the "men with guns" problem. Putting your cards in with "protect and serve" seems reasonable until they turn on you. I'm thinking 3 with guns and a touch of ruthlessness is necessary but not-gonna-happen.

CNu said...

I would never put my cards in with the overseers. They're just another Tier 1/2 gang operating with state sanction. I called for a specific, transactional military exercise in which the military liqjuidates Tier 1/2 threats to National Security. As presently constituted, the military is about as fairly representative as any American institution at this time.

Dale Asberry said...

I've been actively investigating how to get a CoC network going. I'm keeping with CoC term because skilled craftsmen of all sorts will be needed, especially those competent at disrupting dominance networks and science nerds too-often act like sissy-ass little beeyotches. Too few have any bass in their voice...

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