Tuesday, September 09, 2014

turns out overseer wilson murdered michael brown straight up, simple, and plain...,

stltoday |  Among the claims that ignited the fury over the fatal shooting of Michael Brown were that Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson chased the unarmed teen on foot, shot at him as he ran away, then fired a barrage of fatal shots after Brown had turned around with his hands up.

Almost all of the witnesses who shared these accounts with media either knew Brown; lived at or near the Canfield Green apartments, where the shooting occurred; or were visiting friends or relatives there.

But there were two outsiders who happened to be working outside at the apartment complex on Aug. 9 — two men from a company in Jefferson County — who heard a single gunshot, looked up from their work and witnessed the shooting.

Both have given their statements to the St. Louis County police and the FBI. One of the men agreed to share his account with a Post-Dispatch reporter on the condition that his name and employer not be used.

The worker, who has not previously spoken with reporters, said he did not see what happened at the officer’s car — where Wilson and Brown engaged in an initial struggle and a shot was fired from Wilson’s gun.

His account largely matches those who reported that Wilson chased Brown on foot away from the car after the initial gunshot and fired at least one more shot in the direction of Brown as he was fleeing; that Brown stopped, turned around and put his hands up; and that the officer killed Brown in a barrage of gunfire.


Vic78 said...

How did this guy know who to pull over? What about the people that were pulled over that didn't have anything on them?

CNu said...

lol, I'ma go with same way Alonzo knew Roger so well...., http://youtu.be/oQkiPKqnvUU - thus this desertsnow forum, informal information sharing, and private "rule of law" surveillance..., that false forfeiture is one helluva corrupter.

Vic78 said...

Roger's snitching ass got what he deserved. They took full advantage of 9/11.

CNu said...

lol, yeah they did. I peeped a few minutes of Chopped on the cooking channel last night, and they had a pros, joes, and heroes competition featuring cops, firemen, and soldiers. Whatever became of the good old days of Barney Miller, when cops weren't lionized as pretend heroes, but instead just thankless civil servants doing a job at at least an 8th grade level of moral and intellectual competence?

BigDonOne said...

Driving While Black item ---> http://dailycaller.com/2014/09/03/speed-kills-racial-profiling-study/