Sunday, September 07, 2014

ferguson is not gaza yet?

aljazeera |  the roots of the police violence seen in Ferguson go well beyond the Israel-Palestinian conflict. They lie in Vietnam, inner-cities and the farmlands of California's Central Valley. The militarization of police and the concomitant view that treats minority communities as enemies needing to be pacified rather than citizens to be served professionally began in the 1960s with the confluence of four factors.

First, the assertiveness of the civil rights movement, particularly the shift toward black militancy after urban riots in several black neighborhoods such as Watts, led major urban police departments to search for more powerful tools to control and pacify potentially insurgent populations. Second, the U.S. military’s counterinsurgency tactics employed in Vietnam were brought to bear on the “urban jungles” and the growing anti-war movement, which was considered a major threat to the ongoing prosecution of the war. Third, the government felt the need to police the growing movement for labor rights, as epitomized by the response to the United Farm Workers Union (UFW) strikes in Delano, California, in 1965.

In fact, a special weapons and tactics (SWAT) team was used for the very first time against the Cesar Chavez–led UFW strike of 1965. The deployment inspired Darryl Gates, then an inspector at the Los Angeles Police Department, to push for making SWAT a major part of his unit. It laid a solid foundation for the rise of militarized policing in the United States.

Fourth, the war on drugs, which was launched in 1971 by president Richard Nixon and focused on communities that were already targeted by SWAT teams; the law and order ethos of the Reagan era, which led to the (increasingly privatized) prison industrial complex; and the militarization of the U.S. southern border with the rise of anti-immigrant hysteria exacerbated militarized policing, with truly damaging results for American society. The concept gained even more momentum after 9/11. In 1985 only one quarter of cities with more than 25,000 inhabitants had SWAT teams. By 2005 this number had grown to more than 80 percent, conducting more than 50,000 annual raids, in part because the federal government requires the military equipment given to municipal police departments be used within one year or returned. 


BigDonOne said...

"the concomitant view that treats minority communities as enemies needing to be pacified"
Q. Why aren't Asian-American communities viewed as minorities 'needing to be pacified'...??
A. They are genetically civilized to White (or better) standards.......

Why are there no Asian-Americans playing 'knockout game' or raiding convenience stores with flash mobs...??
Think:-- IQ, education, FTO, crime, dependency, personal responsibility

BigDonOne said...

If you examine Asian-American heritage you will find many original immigrants were kidnapped/hoodwinked into coming to America in the 1800's as labor to build the railroads - oppressed indentured servants trapped by debt to the Company Store and mistreated similar to southeastern slaves. In the 20th century, their descendants bootstrapped into the middle class by related families doing menial work and pooling their resources to get one promising kid thru college to a good job. Said kid then bankrolling others education to elevate the whole family. Genetically endowed FTO, baby..!!

Same deal with West Coast Japanese Americans imprisoned during WW2, losing properties and businesses, and rebuilding later via similar process....

You must know we have been thru all this history before....

Vic78 said...

This guy doesn't see them as honorary whites:

Peep what he says about the Chinese. All I can say is marry one and/or encourage friends and family to do likewise.

CNu said...

I have no idea what you mean by "we" kimosabe. Japanese internees received reparations, where are my 40 acres and a mule? I'm only the second college graduate in my family, and I've vastly exceeded your "accomplishments" and I'm at least 20 years from being done. Nah BD, you can save all your revisionist gas and FTO fantasies for somebody less well versed in reality mechanics in America. Hereabouts, that mythological shyte don't fly, no matter how diligently and obsessively you fling it.

CNu said...

This here is a priceless moment of ethnic self-doubt and unintended self-disclosure"And how do you put a price tag on a family, let’s say that’s been in the United States for 300 years, and four or five different members of that family have gone off to World War II and Korea and maybe World War I to fight for the American way of life, and then finally they get to their grandson that’s alive in the year 2020 who doesn’t get to go to the college of their choice because invaders have been brought in the
country and put in those seats ahead of him," Gheen said.

"That child’s life, that negatively impacts that child’s ability to self-actualize, to be all they can be, impacted because the future has
been stolen by this usurpation, this treason, this treachery from the highest levels of our own government right here in the United States of America," he continued.

Gheen concluded by arguing that undocumented immigrants are an incredibly dangerous "weapon."

BigDonOne said...

BD is all for *merit* (not a White Supremacist). The man's basic complaint was Chinese are "too smart." Time we stopped subsidizing [non-WINNerz], regardless of skin color.

BigDonOne said...

@CNu...Don't see why you always have to get personal - but since you desire, we can go there. BD has never questioned your success and accomplishments, which obviously exceed BD's, but then BD would have to ask why haven't all your ethnic brethren done equally well...?? BD would suggest it is because there might have been an infusion of high-quality slave-owner genes somewhere in your ancestry, perhaps some George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or James Madison...??

And none of BD's ancestors we know of, including mother and father, even graduated from high school, let alone college...BD got no help whatsoever......

Naive Tom said...

It just won't go in. Reality is a square peg and your brain only has a round hole.

Constructive_Feedback said...

Brother CNu:

Absent the benefit of HTLM Table codes - please bear with my analysis of your (faulty) comparison:


1) Soverign-ness A semi-autonomous plot of land that is lobbying for 'nation status' ......a city in a state, in an nation

2) Provocation Outside view: Missiles fired into Israel, Inside view: The Israeli............Local - 1 Black man got shot
(2nd line) Borders block is suffocating the people Nationally - Emblematic of Police oppression

3) The US Government: Support Israel, Supply it with weapons.....................................Supply the police weapons, sue the local police for civil rights violations to make "the Blacks happy"

4) The (Leftist) Activist response: Condemn Israeli as an "Apartheid State".................Condemn the local government, follow the
Withhold the intellectually logical extension that says "If............lead of Civil Rights Activists who are
Ronald Reagan opposed South African sanctions during .......... acolytes for the Obama Administration
Apartheid then he is anti-Black" THEN since Obama Supports....who were silent about Obama's military
Israel "The Apartheid State" then he too stands against the........incursions into "Nations Of Color" by men
will of "The Little People" via government Military uniform

CNu said...

Don't see why you always have to get personal

lol, dood!!! you come through here daily casting racial aspersions which I gather you expect me to overlook and just treat you like my melanin-deprived uncle ruckus?

Instead of mincing around here like an HBD neo-nazi, consider repositioning yourself as a meritocratic minimal regret population realist. All the hard cats are going through these changes right about now - folks pulling on them from every which a way to co-sign tribal affiliations they've spent decades rejecting. A few of my intellectual lights have slipped and fallen. Some have kept it 100% without any regard for political correctness or the easy popular tribal argument.

BigDonOne said...

@CNu...PERSONAL - is myself specifically, and yourself specifically, rather than speaking of groups we identify with. Does not appear you understand that concept.

Very important people are obviously reading BD's comments below Subrealism posts. Did you see this on Drudge today ??---> The banks are obviously concerned that well-connected Foozlimz in America are laundering Foozlimistan money into campaigns of Foozlim candidates running for American political offices (as BD alleged here a few days ago)......

Vic78 said...

Why does he feel so entitled? Isn't this what he wanted? They said we should all compete based on merit. They cut back on quotas and now he wants to cry? The future's going to be rough for this guy and his people.

Vic78 said...

There're only two years left...

ken said...

"Despite the conflicting nature of these left and right analyses, there is a strong case to be made that they are, in fact, complementary and that they reinforce each other. What if we put it together this way? Automation, foreign competition and outsourcing lead to a decline in well-paying manufacturing jobs, which, in turn, leads to higher levels of unemployment and diminished upward mobility, which then leads to fewer marriages, a rise in the proportion of nonmarital births, increased withdrawal from the labor force, impermanent cohabitation and a consequent increase in dependence on government support. The major roadblock to synthesizing competing explanations has been — and continues to be — political polarization."

The author of course coming at this right down the middle without any political bias, looking at only the facts, doesn't consider in his synthesizing the explanation that in 1959 the poverty rate was over 22% and today it hovers from 11 to 15%. How does the synthesizing change when its clear people were poorer in the 50's and 60's but still kept the marriages together and lower nonmarital births?

The author talks of well-paying manufacturing jobs being outsourced to foreigners, but doesn't seem to consider if the influx of illegal immigrant workers have any impact on unemployment and unskilled workers wages in this country.

CNu said...

lol, stop pretending you don't grasp the concept of race-baiting as intentionally personally offensive behavior. Drudge is on my radar about like WND or Amren.

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...