Friday, September 19, 2014

humanzee essentials: what it do...,

*Abbot:* I’m neither irritated nor upset. I’m simply surprised and a little disappointed. Somewhere along the way, you have learned or were taught that a discussion must involve anger, ranting, suspicion, and dirty tricks. You treat dialogue and discussion like some kind of sword fight or some sort of violent contest, where directness and bluntness and the disparaging of the other person are weapons to be used to win something. Don’t you find cynicism tiresome? I was taught that dialogue and discussion is the coming together of people to gain understanding, insight, sympathy, and an education or experience of a new or different perspective. It’s not a sword fight or some other violent contest. There’s no need for strategies. And, the idea of winning something is a non sequitur. It comes from a place of genuine interest in the other person or group. And, the goal isn’t division but the forming of a better understanding and hopefully, a closer bond.

*Ethologist:* Hello Abbot. I enjoy reading your posts to the group. Thank you for your vocation. There are certain advantages for a Roman Catholic religious male to be celibate. You have just demonstrated one of them: a peacemaker among other reproductive-age males. Among reproductive age non-celibate males, interactions with other reproductive age males also have a component related to one's social status in a sex-specific, male dominance hierarchy.

When two non-celibate heterosexual males interact there are always two agendas: (1) an exchange of information and (2) a sizing up of the other male's social status. Once (2) is obtained and it the status differences between the two interacting males appear to be close enough to be challenged, the agenda for each male becomes increasing the relative social status of self above the social status of the other male with whom you are interacting.

This increasing one's relative social status is done in two ways: (a) displaying linguistic symbols of one's resources, including intellectual resources, or (b) saying things that attempt to lower the status of the male with whom you are interacting. You are commenting about (b). The reason why one's rank in a male social hierarchy is important for a heterosexual male is because higher rank gives a male preferential access to high value females both as marriage partners and as extra-pair-bonded opportunistic "matings." High value human females are sexually attracted to high social status males like ducks are attracted to water. They are wired that way.

One would think that after a certain age heterosexual males would stop acting this way. However, natural selection has wired us such that this propensity lasts as long as we breath. High status older males are still "attractive" from a reproductive perspective to reproductive age women. Henry Kissinger, the now 90 some year old former Secretary of State in the Nixon administration in the USA, once captured this phenomenon well several decades ago when he said "power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." When asked, he said that this statement referred to how women found him attractive when he was Secretary of State and appeared to be "running the world."


BigDonOne said...

Assuming the above 'entangled complex interplays' are even true, and do in fact have the stated consequences, a person would not have low SES if they had smart parents who tend to be well-off because of their smarts. Low SES fundamentally flows from inherited bad genetics, not the other way around....

umbrarchist said...

Wouldn't mandatory accounting have to affect all of that?

Where does information hiding fit into our game theory?

The lower classes must be kept properly ignorant. So why aren't members of the lower classes sharing information. Is it a Culture of Information Hiding?

CNu said...

lol, One of a kind - truly exceptional - without peer or parallel. Been in school for years, and nothing to show for it yet.

Vic78 said...

You have to look at this cat. He's getting marginalized and alienated in what used to be his country. He knows he can't hack it right now. So he's lashing out the only way he knows how. He impotently posts offensive shit on your site. Others would've banned him a long time ago. He gets to let off steam here. If I had a heart, I'd pity him. Since he chooses to wallow in his filth, have fun at his expense. Damn, I guess it's fun to have a mutt to kick around.

Constructive_Feedback said...

Brother Vic78:

Your focus is on BigDonOne.
Can you authoritatively say that "The White (Right-wing) Man's" angst at "Losing His Unilateral Control Over 'His Country' as it is 'Browning' and "Progressive-fying" translates into SALVATION for Black Americans and our interests, now that more "Favorable Progressives" will take over our politics, culture and education?

You see, Brother, the knee jerk reaction to my question above is: "So are you saying that you fear anyone other than OLD WHITE RIGHT-WING MEN running this country?".

Most people would be compelled into compliant silence.

Here is the deal Vic78:

1) I just heard the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT use "Two Nations Of Color" as their reference to successful "Terrorism Suppression" while I DIDN'T HEAR A SINGLE NEGRO POLITICAL ANALYST make note of the fact that:

* The US Government did not mention "Due Process" or Sovereignty that was molested in the process
* The US Government didn't mention the coup in Libya that has a festering civil war that is destabilizing a once wealthy nation in Africa
* The US government said that it reserved the right to attack forces that threaten US interests ANYWHERE in the world
****Nations Of Color get bombed, destroying their infrastructure
****The Nations that can transact EQUAL AND OPPOSITE VIOLENCE upon the American homeland get sanctions.
*****The US industry is happy to supply munitions for the bombing campaign - as they know that they'll get some of the reconstruction contracts
****The US industry is unhappy about the Russian sanctions because this cuts into their export revenues

*West African Ebola is raging - yet the same "Americanized Negro' - who 2 years ago were prompted to do a "DNA Cheek Swab Ancestry Test" for $39.95 because they watched "Prof Henry "Skip Gates" on TV - are today left in an INCOMPETENT state to seen medical professionals INTO WEST AFTER - as other foreign nationals PULL OUT because of the risk - THUS SHOWING that after 50 years of POLITICAL OPPORTUNISTIC STRUGGLE inside of the UNITED STATES - we now see that NONE OF THIS is aligned with CONSCIOUSNESS AND COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT for the "Americanized Negro".

I beg and plead with you as I ask you this, brother: WHY ARE YOU SO WORRIED ABOUT BigDonOne and his PSYCHOLOGY as he perceives the "loss of his country' BUT NOT the LARGER flock of AMERICANIZED NEGROES who have LOST THEIR CONSCIOUSNESS thanks to the Malcolm X Political Opportunism Football Game?

Vic78 said...

Really, dude? Was all of that called for?

CNu said...

lol, conspicuously obvious to the casual observer that MUCH of the ConFeed contribution is contrived...,

CNu said...

When he drops a sack'o'crap and rings the doorbell we call him on it. But many days we raise a toast cause he's keeping it one hunnit and we'd be VERY hard-pressed to make that isht up!

John Kurman said...

Sword is.LOT scarier than gun

BigDonOne said...

@Ken - "Memory training does not appear to be helpful for children suffering from dyslexia or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders."
Did you even read that article you linked...?? Any benefits are only short term for specific tasks. It has been further shown that IQ benefits that appear to result from children's certain pre-schooling are only temporary and disappear in adulthood. By contrast, the IQ 'damage' from bad genes is permanent and is never erased....

CNu said...

lol, a tennis racquet is a scary weapon. You've got grips (continental, eastern, western), racquet head placement and speed, footwork, body position and movement, stroke mechanics, all of the same stuff you do with one of these stylized and edged cudgels.

The fluid, angular momentum emphasis in chinese sword styles is almost like magic when it comes to learning how to serve with a lot of speed and power. Learning how to throw a perfect spiral is also a good way to develop that special speed and power in the serve. If you ever watch Serena play/serve - everybody knows about her high velocity and accuracy - but not many people pay attention to that highly consistent and sometimes even more devastating kick serve with huge top spin. A lot of players have more trouble with that powerful top spin than they do with simply reflecting back the flat high velocity serve.

Still living as we do in the era of industrial scale manufacture, swords are still somewhat disposable, i.e., you can get them cheaply and test different styles, weights, etc.., break them and not think twice about it. People have some odd ideas (gleaned from the movies I think) about how edged weapons hold up under actual service and use.

ken said...

Yes, but your point was, hey look if you take someone with downs no matter what support you give them you aren't going to end up with a genius and so therefore universally like the downs that can't improve to a functional level neither can others with lower IQ's expect notable improvement. Where you error in your assessment of my comment to you is the first article where you quoted from also said, those with clearly diagnosed mental symptoms like dyslexia or attention deficit don't appear to get help from mental memory exercise. We could call these the extreme cases you cited. And it appears in "extreme" cases memory exercise doesn't help.

However in the next article, which is the thrust of my comment, we find IQ's can be raised by doing memory exercises. and to your citing just above it claims: "I recently found a paper revealing lasting improvements in brain function were produced in healthy adults by only five weeks of practice on three working-memory tasks involving the location of objects in space, using a training program called CogMed. Similar results have been reported by other investigators."

And even further it says: After training, researchers tested the children on another working memory task. Scores on this test indicated in all children that working memory correlated with IQ test scores. When first graders were tested for intelligence, the data showed that intelligence scores increased during the year by 6% in controls, but increased by 9% in the group that had been given the memory training. The memory training effect was even more evident in the second graders, with a 12% gain in intelligence score in the memory trained group, compared with a 6% gain in controls. As might be expected, the lower IQ children showed the greatest gain from memory training.

So your, "lets look at extreme cases and make a universal statement" isn't helpful in discussing intelligence.

Vic78 said...

You're proving what I just said.

Vic78 said...

If you could make it up, you could pitch to Hollywood and call it All in the Family 2.0. It'll be a hit. People will get to laugh at bigots, MHP can do a show about it, Tim Wise can talk about the dangers of laughing at bigots while racism is still a force, Fox News can tell their audience that the show's a Hollywood Obama conspiracy, and you get generous paychecks for your vision. It'll be some old guy in Seattle embarrassing his grown kids with his ranting. "My daughter'd better not date no Hadji!!!" You can probably get four good seasons out of it. Seeing people find bullshit like Mad Men amusing, All in the Family 2.0 could be classic like The Wire.

BigDonOne said...

Guns are more than sufficient...

Naive Tom said...

Zooming out, BD, and looking at the overall fitness landscape, a different picture comes to mind.

You're completely fixated in individual fitness. Like a rugged individualist bee in the hive, dancing out his story of individual Darwinism to an audience of thousands of your fellow Lone Bees. (Retired and living on honey collected by younger bees, like most libertarians of the bee world.)

But ... wait ... others? Why always so many other bee around? Could that possibly be relevant? Naaah. Fitness is individual, or me and my kids at most.

On the other hand, you do work tirelessly ... against the rest of the hive. You don't collect pollen, you don't lay eggs, you don't defend the hive, all you do is attack other bees from your own hive. Is that fitness? Or is that a trait that's going to be weeded out as hives that avoid civil strife outcompete your hive?

Naive Tom said...

Some day you'll all be gone, and it won't be because liberals like to sing John Lennon songs. It'll be because you're stinging people in our hive.

BigDonOne said...

Mr & Mrs BD pay massive taxes to fund all those parasitic non-working EeBeTee-Swiping LOOOOZer bees menacing the hive and doing kinockout-stings on on the productive class of Worker Bees....

Naive Tom said...

Long story short, I don't believe that for a minute. You probably pay minimal income tax, and a bunch of that is on payments you receive from the government in the first place.

Taking public honey and giving 15% of it back in "tax" is not "paying taxes."

Naive Tom said...

And most of the tax you do pay is spent on ridiculous levels of armament to repel teh nonexistent Muslim Superpowers. A boondoggle that is 100% your fault.

CNu said...

lol, don't forget waging war without end on low-level, non-violent drug users - the scum of the earth scourge of i.q.seventy.five l00z3rs - without whom all these valiant "men-in-uniforms with big tactical belts" would have hardly any reason to exist. Those race-traitorous pathetic excuses for overseers in Seattle must make him sick, not out there brutalizing and terminating lives devoid of value.

Naive Tom said...

Yeah, and the simple cash cost of incarcerating 25% of the world's total prison population, eating up that massive 15% BD pays on capital gains.

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...