Sunday, September 28, 2014

rule of law: AG Eat's departure has the Hon.Bro.Preznit Sleep pretending to awake for half a hot second....,

detroitnews |  President Barack Obama says the widespread mistrust of law enforcement that was exposed after the fatal police shooting of an unarmed black man in Ferguson, Missouri, is corroding America, not just its black communities, and that the wariness flows from significant racial disparities in the administration of justice.

Speaking Saturday night at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's annual awards dinner, Obama said these suspicions only harm communities that need law enforcement the most.

"It makes folks who are victimized by crime and need strong policing reluctant to go to the police because they may not trust them," he said. "And the worst part of it is it scars the hearts of our children," leading some youngsters to unnecessarily fear people who do not look like them while leading others to constantly feel under suspicion no matter what they do.

"That is not the society we want," Obama said. "That is not the society that our children deserve."
The fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in August sparked days of violent protests and racial unrest in predominantly black Ferguson. The police officer who shot Brown was white.

Obama addressed the matter carefully but firmly, saying the young man's death and the raw emotion that sprang from it had reawakened the country to the fact that "a gulf of mistrust" exists between local residents and law enforcement in too many communities.

"Too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement — guilty of walking while black, driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness," he said.


Vic78 said...

The Star Bellied Sneetches want to maintain the belief that having a star means something. It's difficult when the ones without stars don't stay in their place. What will happen if the prelates have to be regular people? What about our Sundays? More non believers should get on the offensive.

Dale Asberry said...

What's hilarious about this comment Big Dawn is that is almost exactly what I would say .

CNu said...

lol, blog murder is neverending...,

Constructive_Feedback said...

Bigot Dono Ne:

What in your line of thinking provoked you to "Seek Revenge" on CNu by posting the Oklahoma Beheader based on the story about the Orthodox News On A Plane?

BigDonOne said...

When it comes to groups causing problems for Americans, it is important to stay focused on the worst....

rohan said...

Translation: The Haredi are white, high-IQ, EBT-swiping, IDF draft-dodging, woman-hating, foul-smelling, full-time work avoiding losers.

BigDonOne said...

...diamond-cutting/polishing/trading shrewd value-adding business folks....??

Vic78 said...

Those Jewish cats could've pushed you out of your seat and broke your hip.

makheru bradley said...

What's the difference between people with sharp knives and people with thick ropes? One group captures their heinous crimes with a video camera and posts the gruesome scene on the internet. The other poses for pictures with the victims of a lynching and produces postcards. Same pathological mentality is at work in both cases. The sharp knives directed towards specific people are a product of blowback. Lynching directed towards specific people is a product of white supremacy.!laura-nelsons-story/c1ygo

BigDonOne said...

I think Ken you got it all wrong. Here is some real CONTEXT from Oklahoma
Dude was a F-U-Z-Z-lim and his Fuzzybuddies just loved it....

ken said...

I thought you would catch my sarcasm when I noted Melissa called this man a ""gentleman" who beheaded a woman...He stabs several people. One of the women, her head is severed...(no biggie) "But then this gets said at the conference. Let's listen for a moment."