Thursday, September 18, 2014

sistah girl say "whoop them bad chirrens", predictable Cathedral whinery ensues...., REDUX (originally posted 2/19/14)

kctv5 |  A Kansas lawmaker wants to give school teachers and caregivers more power to spank children.

Representative Gail Finney
Kansas House member Gail Finney, D-Wichita, said the bill is designed to restore parental rights. It would expand the current law, which allows spanking without leaving marks. If Finney's bill passes, it would allow up to 10 strikes of the hand and smacks hard enough to leave redness and bruising.

The proposal has its detractors, who say it is antiquated. 

"Twenty, 30 years ago, we didn't sit in car seats, and we do now. So maybe they did spank or were spanked as a child, but now we have research that shows it is less effective than time out. It tends to lead to more aggressive behavior with a child," pediatric nurse practitioner Amy Terreros said. She is a child abuse expert at Children's Mercy Hospital. 

McPherson Deputy County Attorney Britt Colle introduced the idea to Finney.

The proposed bill suggests lightening the spanking laws, allowing parents or anyone given permission by a parent to spank hard enough to leave redness or bruising.

"This bill basically defines a spanking along with necessary reasonable physical restraint that goes with discipline, all of which has always been legal," Colle said. "This bill clarifies what parents can and cannot do. By defining what is legal, it also defines what is not."

Colle said the bill makes it clear that hitting a child with fists, hitting a child in the head or body or hitting a child with a belt or switch is not legal discipline and may be considered battery or abuse.
Deidre Sexton said she would never spank her granddaughter. She enjoys being "Nana" with the
responsibilities of a guardian by day.

But Sexton said she has limits with how she disciplines her 2-year-old granddaughter, and she draws the line at spanking. "Even if the parent tells you. Even if my own children told me you can discipline the grandkids, I wouldn't do it. I would find other ways of doing it," Sexton said.

Kansas proponents of the bill say children are losing respect for authority and that parents need to be able to discipline without fear. But 30 other states disagree, and they've banned corporal punishment altogether.


CNu said...

The procession of black nationalist luminaries through our home in the late 60's and early 70's would've warmed your heart. They all came through, without exception, to "converse" with my father. I got my first gun (a .410/22 over-under varmint gun) when I was 7 years old. My father's youngest sister's husband, my uncle Jim, would take me hunting and fishing all the time. We roamed from one end of Kansas to another stalking, killing, cleaning, cooking, and eating small animals.

My father was not a big hunter. Instead, he collected Lugars, Mausers, and 19th century Colt revolvers. His personal tastes ran to Berettas, Walther PPK's and hammerless Smith and Wesson revolvers - and in retrospect - I must confess that the attitude displayed toward firearms in my home was shockingly casual by contemporary standards.

The late 80's and the 90's were a crazy time. Blue helmets, black helicopters, and the proliferation of really large gun shows and the gun show loophole - were immense game changers for a broad swath of the popular culture out here in flyover. I sincerely believe that in other regions and in large cities, only a modest fraction of the specific change in the climate of consciousness has ever truly been felt. You know of course that Missouri has here-to-date been the bullet manufacture capital of the world, and that the last lead bullet foundry has just shuttered it operations down in the boot heel? So there's a kind of weird and intense center of gravity around these parts unlike anywhere else in the country.

One of my best friends and his wife came through over the holidays. (she's the one that has me and my people now living the gluten-free dietary lifestyle) Anyway, homeboy is ex-military and more country and more rambunctious than I am. He and I fully embraced and were immersed in the very thick of the Kansas gun culture renaissance during that period during our late 20's and early 30's - before either one of us had kids or had settled down to the responsibilities of mature, married adulthood. Homeboy was poliltically keenly interested in the militia movement - and would go wherever and to see whoever his interest led him. Everybody needs a hobby - and one of mine was being Easy Rollins to my buddy's Mouse on these adventures in culturally awkward high-strangeness. (not many brothers at these gatherings)

One of these days, we ought to sit down and write out a reminiscence of the foolishness we entertained - and lived to tell about - during that period.

John Kurman said...

I think the NYTimes gets a subsidy for employing otherwise unemployable douchebags like Brooks.

CNu said...

Gentlemen, gentlemen...., he's going through a rough divorce after 27 years of marriage and the recent installation of his wife and kids in a new $4 Million crib. Let's try and be sensitive to a man feasting on a veritable buffet of personal humble pie and anxiously awaiting the potential professional fallout of an entire cemetary of young redefining reality skeleton bones from his materially ample walk-in closet.

CNu said...

Unfailing politeness is the best possible preventative for permanently arrested development, period.

Vic78 said...

So Brooks is saying he's the prodigal son?

BigDonOne said...

BD is sorry The Truth offends you. How can you call it "crap" when it is fully supported with extensive video from all over the country clearly documenting rampant uncivilized IQ-75 thuggery..?? Fortunately, WND, Alex Jones, GailyKenn, SBPDL,, etc, have the stones to air it out. Anyway, CNu, we would think you'd love WND...they are real big on God and Creation...

What goes around, comes around. The Dunn-Davis thing gets all this press and dozens of "Knockout Game" murders and critical injuries get ignored. The score is nowhere near evened.......

makheru bradley said...

Based on its selective application and trail of blood, Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law has to be one of the worst laws ever. Here are two other cases from Florida.

Airman Giles obviously made a bad decision. He was out of harms way, and decided to arm himself and walk into a melee. He was assaulted, returned fire, and was sentenced to 25-years, per another horrible Florida law “10-20-Life.” The state says Giles, even though he was assaulted and he had a concealed carry permit, had no grounds for self-defense. The jury sided with the state. Numerous police officers are never even charged by district attorney’s, after they kill unarmed citizens, because they claim that they feared for their lives. The law is screwed up.

CNu said...

Long overdue time for universal open-carry. What, with all the women running around in tights and boots anyway - pretending that they're swashbucklers wearing pants. Even the fashion world is crying out for a return to the old ways

It can't come soon enough to suit me

Constructive_Feedback said...

[quote]As in, their parents were contacted to come and retrieve their drunk, belligerant and nasty brats.[/quote]

Brother CNu:

1) The parents who collectively looked the other way as their young miscreants got drunk are contributing to the delinquency of a minor. When their snot nosed kid gets in trouble for DUI or worse - killing one of their friends in an alcohol related crash - we should point back to this event as a "wink"

2) I ultimately support a community wrapping themselves around their teen so the PoPo is not called in as the "First line of Defense" and thus "Rosenthall II" is not locked up for public intoxication, putting a blemish on his criminal record. The other communities that claim about INJUSTICE in the legal system also largely abdicate their role as parents in orchestrating the "commanding heights" of their own community - setting up interventions BEFORE it comes a Police/Court Matter.

Again - They can acknowledge that ILLEGAL/HARMFUL activities are conducted by wayward teens and insert themselves as an injunctive force BEFORE this person's behavior becomes a police matter. We often hear of how MONETARY WEALTH is the key discriminator, allowing them to do this while "June Bug and Big Nate" get sent to "County".

The truth is - that this basic level of adult governance and basic counselling can be done by just about any church or community group that feels "ownership" of their community.

Of course that foolish case in Texas with "Affluenza" in which the parents PURCHASED JUSTICE by sending the kid to an out of state treatment facility is a perverted exception.

The fact that these elite kids in your story would beat up an adult - thus crossing a line and then not suffer any serious ramifications speaks of a greater problem in that community that MONEY CAN'T FIX.

Constructive_Feedback said...

Brother CNu:

What of the multi-racial Americanized people who watched "Captain Phillips" and cheered as the 3 Somalians got their heads blown off like cantaloupes by the US Navy off of the coast of East Africa?

Did THEY make a race-invective filled CHEER in support of American Imperialism and White Supremacy?

Here is my beef, dude - SINCE both "Travyon Martin" and "Jordan Davis" are the byproduct of ENGINEERED PROPAGANDA - all that flows from it is "Fruit From A Poisoned Tree".

There are a number of "Ninjas Who Get Themselves Kilt" every damned day that neither this OLD WHITE MAN AT THE GYM or you, or I - get to see promoted into the national media spotlight. THEIR KILLERS often act with more spite toward their young Negro target than either of the two "White Male Killers In Florida" had sufficient ammo to match.

In Philly just this month I read of 5 murdered Black males SHOT IN THE HEAD MULTIPLE TIMES (3 killed together and then two additional independent murder cases).

These cases were PLANTED to stir up the pot.
I choose to watch those forces with Soup Ladles.

CNu said...

Then name some names Steve Cokely. Who specifically is holding a ladle? Why are they stirring? What is their endgame objective?

Hell, Chauncey deVega's off on some hysterical pearl clutching, Who pays him to put on a dress and vamp and vogue as counterpoint to the knights of nordica? As for the rest, the cannon fodder you're on about, that's par for the course in the spectacle of rapidly devalued human life. Expect much, much more of that to come. I certainly do.

CNu said...

1) The parents who collectively looked the other way as their young
miscreants got drunk are contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
When their snot nosed kid gets in trouble for DUI or worse - killing one
of their friends in an alcohol related crash - we should point back to
this event as a "wink"No silly rabbit. Conrad and Ashley were making quite certain that little Connor and Beckie got safely to and from the soiree, could get their full drunk, high, and degenerate on in complete safety, and, ensured that no one parent or parents could be held to accounts for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, which delinquency is otherwise a given, but typically frought with much greater risk. The other communities that claim about INJUSTICE in the legal system
also largely abdicate their role as parents in orchestrating the
"commanding heights" of their own community Sharkeisha and Dravonte get sent out into the big white world all on their own, with no safety net, no buffer, and no direct supervision except by the off-duty and on-duty police enforcing curfew, and, any aggravated older citizen packing concealed heat, and, ignant-assed Pookie an'em whose 10% prejail crew makes it hard for every single other one of them to have a good time in peace.The truth is - that this basic level of adult governance and basic
counselling can be done by just about any church or community group that
feels "ownership" of their community.Quite right. It begs the question of where exactly are the "community" and the "program" men when it comes to the wheel actually meeting the road, providing a safe haven and a buffer for the kids they call themselves mentoring and providing the same shield of shelter for the adolescents exploratory adulterations.The fact that these elite kids in your story would beat up an adult -
thus crossing a line and then not suffer any serious ramifications
speaks of a greater problem in that community that MONEY CAN'T FIX.It speaks volumes to a lot of things, but so long as the issue never crosses that legal line, as long as nobody files charges, no foul, no harm.

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...