Sunday, July 06, 2014

shrooms provide lucid access to liminal qualia

wiley |  The study of rapid changes in brain dynamics and functional connectivity (FC) is of increasing interest in neuroimaging. Brain states departing from normal waking consciousness are expected to be accompanied by alterations in the aforementioned dynamics. In particular, the psychedelic experience produced by psilocybin (a substance found in “magic mushrooms”) is characterized by unconstrained cognition and profound alterations in the perception of time, space and selfhood. Considering the spontaneous and subjective manifestation of these effects, we hypothesize that neural correlates of the psychedelic experience can be found in the dynamics and variability of spontaneous brain activity fluctuations and connectivity, measurable with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Fifteen healthy subjects were scanned before, during and after intravenous infusion of psilocybin and an inert placebo. Blood-Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) temporal variability was assessed computing the variance and total spectral power, resulting in increased signal variability bilaterally in the hippocampi and anterior cingulate cortex. Changes in BOLD signal spectral behavior (including spectral scaling exponents) affected exclusively higher brain systems such as the default mode, executive control, and dorsal attention networks. A novel framework enabled us to track different connectivity states explored by the brain during rest. This approach revealed a wider repertoire of connectivity states post-psilocybin than during control conditions. Together, the present results provide a comprehensive account of the effects of psilocybin on dynamical behavior in the human brain at a macroscopic level and may have implications for our understanding of the unconstrained, hyper-associative quality of consciousness in the psychedelic state.


CNu said...

No, I'm saying that the basic ability to write in plain, comprehensible English, at an 8th-grade level of proficiency - is the difference between being considered, and being ignored and/or dismissed.

CNu said... - GOTTA GO, GOTTA GO, GOTTA GO!!!!

BigDonOne said...

Reflects more on genetically-inclined promiscuity and weak Future Time Orientation.....

CNu said...

Reflects more on centuries of Catholic conditioning of peasants who ignorantly respect and revere the authority of the church.

CNu said...

No, if I'd catered to their pretend sensitivities and myself pretended to forget the difference between men who have guns and those who don't..., but as it stands, I have access to a far superior class of reproductive liberties than any of those useless peasants will ever enjoy...,

CNu said...

lol, so much imaginal gum-flapping, so little practical implementation - if you want to exert parental governance over a generation/community, at a minimum, you're obligated to keep those children safe, ensure that they have fun, are well fed, and like the food they're getting, and then everything else is a cakewalk. If you're incapable of holding down those basic parental obligations, then you really need to stop and reconsider the legitimacy of your role in the overarching conversation.

Ed Dunn said...

I'm surprised you didn't include David Koresh or Jim Jones or Malachi York or Warren Jeffs in your example. What you provide are cults or borderline cults just to be politically correct. None of these groups are self-governing and if they did, they would be running casinos and online payday loans.

True governance requires enforcement such as Sharia law and cutting off hands and whipping shopkeepers who do business during Friday prayer:

Vic78 said...

Everything makes sense when you throw the Cathedral in.

Vic78 said...

I'm talking about the Democratic Party's failure to govern effectively and the possible situation in 2016.

Vic78 said...

Development is a part of governing. My perceived preferences for public policy does bring Black people into consideration. I just didn't say much about it this time. I'm not going to spell everything out. You have to read between the lines sometimes. I've posted things pertaining to the "development of Black people" on this site. I'm not going to do that with every posting. Sometimes I'm going to talk about other shit.

The article was about Democratic Party sorry assedness that they refuse to walk away from. I explained some of what's wrong and what can be done differently. You come around with some FUCK THAT IT'S ALL ABOUT THE DEVELOPMENT OF BLACK PEOPLE!!!! When I brought up Black folks always falling in line with the establishment choice during primary season, I was bringing up the fearful loyalty that Black folks have for the party. It means the establishment candidate doesn't have to earn Black support. Not falling in line with the Clinton machine will be a proud and intelligent step forward for Black folks. It will also force the party to be more people centric.

Constructive_Feedback said...

You just don't get it - DO YOU?

The National Urban League "State Of Black America 2014" report said:

* Black People are FIRST in "Civil Participation" (Voting)
* LAST In Academics
* LAST In Economic Development
* LAST In Health Care Outcomes
* LAST In Relationship Measures (Marriage, etc)

Your 2 dimensional view of Black people have us as VOTERS INSIDE OF AMERICA - always fighting at the NATIONAL POLITICAL LEVEL.

Yet when one does a basic TIME and SPACE shift:
* (Space) WITHIN the Black Household
* (Space) WITHIN The Black Diaspora
* (Time) WHO Now holds the SEATS OF POWER that USED TO train fire hoses upon us
* (Time) The RESPONSE of the Americanized Negro as "COINTELPRO Libya/ YEMEN" is being run but this time by a FAVORABLE PRESIDENT......................

............THE FRAUD AND DIVERSION is exposed.



The truth is - YOU DON'T HAVE ANY "CONSCIOUSNESS" outside of AMERICAN POLITICS - do you?

Tom said...

Just my opinion, C.F. -- and I know I'm uniquely unqualified to have an opinion in this discussion -- minority groups in the US have either "sold out" and improved the measures you're referring to ... or else they've refused to sell out and languished.

Name a group that has maintained proud moral detachment from the Empire, but that is also doing well economically. The Amish, maybe, but they inherit a system. Who the heck knows how to build that from scratch?

Vic78 said...

You don't do nuance too well. The last thing I have is a two dimensional view of around 40 million people dispersed throughout the world. You want a one size fits all solution to get that large of a group under the same platform. Whatever solution proposed would be a political solution. How do you mobilize a group which the members are: 1. Scared to lose their jobs. 2. Class hostilities. 3. Skin tone conflicts. 4. High unemployment. 5. Too religious. 6. Unhealthy egos. 7. Accept being mistreated?????? You have to deal with the situation that's presented to you. There are resource constraints as well. That 1 trillion a year in spending power averages about 25 grand a person. We have outliers like Oprah and Michael Jordan. There's also a low workforce participation. And then you have the wealthy that don't give a shit about the people they left behind unless there's a fundraiser for disadvantaged youth. All they're interested in is donations. If you can fix all of that I'm open to suggestions.

Any solution I propose factors in everything I said in the last paragraph.

Vic78 said...

How do you contend with people's limitations?

Tom said...

(I don't know how many Black Americans even have the option to sell out and cash in. I wasn't suggesting that the system is fair. )

Ed Dunn said...

Bro CFeed - what is wrong with proposing an economic solution which is tried and true in establishing governance? Did we had Texas oil towns ruled by oil barons who laid down governance? If you were going to get a job in that town, you know not to mess with the rules the boss made. Couldn't we argue that was the same culture in a coal mining town, you don't mess with the company and do your job, no job, no reason to stay in the coal mining town. So we have plenty of example of civic governorship through tycoons and barons who use economics and jobs to wield influence and control over an area.

We can even use the prison complex with carrots and sticks by offering privileges and taking away privileges to establish governance. How about taking away privileges and establishing privileges in the black community? I'm not 100% ethical on the means to the ends of giving and taking away, including DoS vectors.

What it going to take are capitalists who know how to run the local people as well as the local business and hang jobs and kickbacks and charity over the local yokel heads to keep a form of governance in place.

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...