theintercept | Shortly after the 2016 election, Columbia University historian Mark Lilla published an op-ed
in The New York Times lamenting that “American liberalism has slipped
into a kind of moral panic about racial, gender, and sexual identity
that has distorted liberalism’s message and prevented it from becoming a
unifying force capable of governing.”
Lilla attacked “identity politics” as atomizing the American public
and losing elections, contrasting it with a holistic variation of
liberalism that powered the New Deal Coalition — Franklin Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms,
which focused not so much on who individual Americans were, but what
rights they all needed. The column went viral, sparking countless hot
takes, and he quickly padded out the argument into enough words to call
it a book, “The Once and Future Liberal: After Identity Politics.” Let the hot takes resume.
The reaction to Lilla’s original piece from left and liberal writers
was harsh. In the Los Angeles Review of Books, Lilla’s Columbia
University colleague Katherine Franke compared
his ideology to that of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke’s,
arguing that “Duke is happy to own the white supremacy of his
statements, while Lilla’s op-ed does the more nefarious background work
of making white supremacy respectable.”
But while Lilla may be a white male professor in New York City, his
concerns are hardly uncommon among those in left-liberal politics. For
instance, former Democratic state representative LaDawn Jones — an
African-American woman who chaired Bernie Sanders’s presidential
campaign in Georgia — lamented earlier this year
that her party’s Atlanta convention seemed to offer caucuses and
councils for every racial and affinity group except white people. In the
state of Georgia, less than 25 percent
of white voters choose Democrats at the ballot box, meaning that white
Democrats are indeed a minority group. Would the logic of identity
liberalism then dictate that the party design messaging aimed directly
at them? Traditionally, identity liberalism justifies itself by
organizing around groups that have been historically oppressed, but when
traditional majority in-groups become out-groups in certain
organizations and societies, is there a need for special categorization
and organizing for their inclusion as well?
These are the sort of questions Lilla tries to wrestle with in the
short book released this month. “The Once and Future Liberal: After
Identity Politics” is a breezy 165 pages that he uses as a
short overview of contemporary American political history and what he
believes are the shortcomings of modern American liberalism.
The book is at its best when it is reviewing the strengths of modern
conservative thought and liberal shortcomings — when Lilla reviews the
towering political rhetoric of Ronald Reagan, who reset American
politics, to his laments of over-reaching identity sectarianism on
American campuses — but comes up much weaker when suggesting an
alternative way forward.
TheNewYorker | Now into the arena comes a distinctly more conservative brand of
liberal and Trump opponent, Mark Lilla, a professor of the humanities at
Columbia, who, on November 18th, published an Op-Ed in the Times
declaring, “One of the many lessons of the recent presidential election
and its repugnant outcome is that the age of identity liberalism must
brought to an end.” His article, written while Clinton voters were still
in a kind of disbelieving haze, outraged not a few readers of the paper
with its blasts at “the fixation on diversity in our schools” and the
“moral panic about racial, gender, and sexual identity that has
distorted liberalism’s message and prevented it from becoming a unifying
force.” Lilla is hardly indifferent to injustices against women, the
L.G.B.T.Q. community, and people of color, but he claims that too many
liberals and leftists, indulging in a politics of “narcissism,” are
“indifferent to the task of reaching out to Americans in every walk of
Lilla, who has expanded that article into his new, brief book, “The Once
and Future Liberal: After Identity Politics,” insists that his is the pragmatic view: that in
order to secure progress for overlooked and oppressed peoples—in order
to advance a liberal economic, environmental, and social
agenda—political power must be won, which means that elections must be won. At the
moment, the Democratic Party—from elections for the White House to state
legislatures—is failing. The Democrats, he says, were once the party of
the working class; now the Democrats are largely a loose coalition of
educated coastal élites and minorities. Why is it now possible to drive
across the country for thousands of miles without hitting a blue state
or county? How did the Democrats lose a decisive number of Obama voters
to someone like Donald Trump? Lilla believes that identity politics is a
central part of the answer.
When I read Lilla’s book and then talked with him for The New Yorker
Radio Hour, I found much to disagree with, not least his cutting
dismissals of “social-justice warriors” or movements like Black Lives
Matter, which he sees as a “textbook example of how not to build
solidarity.” Lilla was once an editor at The Public Interest and a
neoconservative on domestic issues, though not on foreign policy; Daniel
Bell, Nathan Glazer, and Daniel Patrick Moynihan were his elders and
allies. He still writes with marked ambivalence and irritation about the
contemporary left, particularly as he sees it on university campuses. Beverly Gage,
Adam Gopnik, Michelle Goldberg, and others have already delivered
serious critiques of Lilla’s argument about identity politics.
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