theatlantic | THAT brings me to the issue of race consciousness. America in Black and White
takes a very strong line in favor of what might be called
"racelessness" for blacks (and whites). The authors castigate a black
high school student for speaking of "my people" in reference to people
of African descent. "His people" should be simply the American people,
they suggest. Would that it were so. Public expressions of racial
solidarity by blacks worry them. They call "racially divisive" a slogan
one used to see on T-shirts -- "It's a black thing, you wouldn't
understand." They go this far: The police in Boston, believing the story
of one Charles Stuart, a white man who alleged that his wife had been
killed by a black, laid down an invasive dragnet seeking the killer in a
largely black community. Later it was learned that Stuart himself had
slain his wife. The Thernstroms argue in this context that the credulity
of the police was understandable, in part because rap-music lyrics
declare all whites to be the enemy, and worthy objects of black
The Thernstroms know that race relations are not at a
happy juncture in America these days. They discuss the O. J. Simpson
trial, a source of much recent racial disharmony, at length. (All they
can find to say about that enormous expression of race consciousness,
the 1995 Million Man March, is that Minister Louis Farrakhan, who called
the march, gave a bizarre speech.) Their diagnosis of the problem
places great weight on a syllogism that may now be outmoded, proposed
originally by Shelby Steele: Blacks and whites are supposedly locked
into a relationship of mutual psychological dependence and reciprocal
cognitive dissonance. Blacks fear they may be inferior. Whites fear they
may be racist. Blacks want status achievement while avoiding true
competition, which might reveal their inferiority. Whites want to avoid a
confrontation with black claimants over the basis of black status, so
as not to appear to be racist. Blacks convey approval to whites,
certifying them as morally fit; and whites provide status to blacks,
protecting them from the reality of their competitive inadequacies.
This purported symbiosis accounts for blacks' aggressive displays of their sense of grievance. Thus
The relentless pretense that almost all whites are an enemy, that white racism remains a constant, serves a purpose. It invites whites who are nervous about their racial rectitude to remain supplicants. The result is an unending game (black anger, white guilt) in which the white score is always zero, and the illusion of power is bestowed upon a group whose members seem to live in constant fear that their hard-earned status is not quite real -- that they remain the "invisible" men and women they once so clearly were.
This was a new insight a decade ago. It has not worn well over time, however. Events like the publication of
the 1994 elections, and the passage in California of Proposition 209
raise questions about the power of white guilt to drive political
culture in this country. Is it not enough to cast an eye over the scene
unfolding in inner-city America in order to grasp that blacks have real
reasons to be angry, and that the white score in the game that counts is
positive after all?
The authors of America in Black and White
blame the existence of affirmative action -- in college admissions, in
the drawing of voting districts, in employment -- for an excess of race
consciousness among blacks. This, they say, gives blacks an incentive to
sustain their belief in "the figment of the pigment." The authors
consider recommending that official government bodies do away entirely
with the use of racial categories in economic and social statistics, but
ultimately reject the idea. They note that in 1993 a group of big-city
mayors asked the U.S. Attorney General to cease collecting crime data by
race, because this information was of no use to policy and fostered
harmful stereotypes. These officials reasoned, not without some basis in
experience, that if people are constantly told that most criminals are
black, they may come to think that most blacks are criminal. The
Thernstroms chide these mayors for inconsistency -- the mayors want the
bad racial news suppressed, but welcome the collection of employment or
education data showing that blacks are underrepresented in some
desirable pursuit.
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