Monday, December 16, 2013

one of WW-II's darkest secrets...,

Japan's Dirty Secret: The truth about Japan's secret facility at Harbin, used to manufacture germs that infected and killed thousands of Chinese during World War II.

Memories of Japanese war crimes continue to poison Japan's relations with its neighbours. Many Chinese are still suffering the effects of a vicious campaign of germ warfare.

"Our unit did things no human being should ever do," confesses Unit 731 member Yoshio Shinozuka. His unit developed the deadly pathogens which were used to infect 250,000 Chinese. Japan's refusal to apologise for its actions, or to acknowledge Unit 731's existence, has further upset its victims.

A film by ABC Australia - Ref. 1654


Nakajima Kikka said...

More info:

The money shot:

"According to historical accounts, male and female prisoners, named "logs" by their torturers, were subjected to vivisection without anaesthesia after they had been deliberately infected with diseases such as typhus and cholera. Some had limbs amputated or organs removed.

Leading members of the unit were secretly granted immunity from prosecution in return for giving US occupation forces access to years of biological warfare research. Some went on to occupy prestigious positions in the pharmaceutical industry, health ministry and academia."
The history of post-war U.S. collaboration with Japan's war-time militarists rivals that of Operation Paperclip.

Nakajima Kikka said...

"Scientific" racism may be on the ropes in the high schools, but neo-eugenics is in the midst of a renaissance within the genetics and biomedical scientific communities. Your image closely matches current thinking on eugenics, er, "self-directed human evolution" within those communities. While this thinking currently is not what I would call "racist", specifically, a gradual, but nonetheless clear, drift in a racialist direction is underway.

CNu said...

Been thinking about those infrasexual males, the fascist gestalt, and the extraordinary pressures currently bearing on the national psyche. Coupled with the male surplus in China, and I'm astonished that a shooting war hasn't already jumped off in earnest

CNu said...

It's fascinating to watch how the killer-ape imperative coalesces into various and sundry narratives contingent on the status and psychological development of the simian experiencing it. I'm closely following my wife's cues to make regular and repeated appearances at Mass. She works that show assiduously, and I've crossed the threshold of now being almost as widely and warmly greeted. As it turned out, she was already friendly with at least 30 or so important women in the parish before we converted and joined. Really looking forward to attending Advent and Christmas masses with the Mrs. and both of our tall, attractive, athletic children next week - and I'm giving serious thought to joining the Knights of Columbus.

Constructive_Feedback said...

The notion of EVOLUTION (autonomous Speciation as a sapient being adopts new physical and mental features as a competitive advantage in its physical ecology) is more "hooey" than is the notion of "Scientific Racism".

Despite the incremental advancement of the tools around us (computers, cars, and even hybrid plant species through bio-engineering) the "Learned" among us believe that evolution is happenstance, without the influence of intelligence to guide it along.

One need not believe the religious mythology of the creation of the Earth and its flora and fauna to logically believe that INDEED there was INTELLIGENCE behind our present form and interactions with other plant and animal substances that we eat, medicate and perfume ourselves with.

Nakajima Kikka said...

Japan has not suddenly become a "fascist state" because of the passage of the State Secrets Act. Still, the video is helpful, as it does accurately point out the increasingly suspicious, fearful nature of current thinking within the Japanese government, esp as it relates to China. People are right to be concerned.

The ecowatch piece, though, is a classic example of the "paranoid style" operating within American political thinking. Paranoid, but with an agenda. In this case, the agenda is right there in plain sight:

"The town of Fairfax, CA, has now called for a global takeover at Fukushima. More than 150,000 signees have asked the UN for such intervention."

"Harvey Wasserman edits, where petitions calling for the repeal of Japan’s State Secrets Act and a global takeover at Fukushima are linked."

Political affiliations notwithstanding, old habits die very hard in how Westerners relate to non-Westerners, it would seem. Even so, Mr. Wasserman should remember that Japan is not Libya.

Though, it would not surprise me if we soon begin hearing "detailed" reports in the U.S. media about how "horribly oppressed" women are in Japan, how government ministers are attending "gang rape" parties in Ginza, etc. This IS how the case for military intervention is typically pitched to the American people these days after all...

Nakajima Kikka said...

Related, some info about Taro Yamamoto, the politician referred to in the video and ecowatch piece:

CNu said...

The notion of EVOLUTION (autonomous Speciation as a sapient being adopts new physical and mental features as a competitive advantage in its physical ecology) is more "hooey" than is the notion of "Scientific Racism".

lol, why exactly is that? is it the "happenstance" or "random mutation" aspect of the theory you find objectionable?

I concur that random mutation does not suffice as an explanatory mechanims, but the preposterous tautology of an intelligent designer is magical-thinking and unfit even for the birds...,

There are other ways of accounting for it which warrant careful consideration

CNu said...

lol, come now nk-san..., we're itching for an old-fashioned fight alright, but not with Japan

Nakajima Kikka said...

Take on CHINA? Sheer MADNESS, I tell you! MADNESS!!!

CNu said...

When the last time China whooped anybody in a stand-up fight?

CNu said...

Fascinating..., The sender claimed to be the head of an organization bearing a Japanese
name that can be translated as “The Japanese Race Independence and
Liberation Front.” Investigative sources said there is no organization
registered under the name.

One wonders how much we'd be hearing from the Nordic Knights of North America in the political sphere absent the incessant clucking and tut-tutting of the Cathedral...,

umbrarchist said...

I recently learned that Japan had planned a fleet of supersubmarines that could launch 3 airplanes each but only two subs were built. They were considering dropping biological weapons over west coast cities from planes launched from the subs.

But they were losing in the Pacific too fast and our "assassination" of Admiral Yamamot delayed the project.

John Kurman said...

When they do the traffic stop thing, I contribute to KoC. Hell, if I found out the Satanists were doing good works, I'd contribute to them too. I don't really care much about the trappings of an org, it's their behavior that counts.

Nakajima Kikka said...'ongch'on_River

Ed Dunn said...

Korea, Vietnam.......

Vic78 said...

It keeps getting better...