nakedcapitalism | The Wall Street produced an intriguing piece the other day, “The Secret Group of Scientists and Billionaires Pushing a Manhattan Project for Covid-19,” which while picked up and signal-boosted by other venues — Business Insider, Daily Mail, Newsweek, Beckers Hospital Review
(the best) — doesn’t seem to have generated any additional reporting.
The scientists, billing themselves as “Scientists to Stop COVID-19,”
have produced an oddly untitled deliverable[1] (PDF, seventeen pages) dated March and April 2020. It’s worth a read. (Two hours ago, news came that the administration has initiated “Project Warp Speed,”
which seems inspired by this project, but there’s no reporting on
personnel, and it’s not clear thei y adopted the recommendations of the
scientists. I’m guessing that the issues I am about to raise for the
deliverable of the “Secret Group” will also apply to Project Warp
Given that “personnel is policy,” I’ll first reduce people mentioned
in the Wall Street Journal story, and the scientists who signed the
March-April deliverable to tabular form. After that, I will take a quick
look at the scientists’ deliverable, focusing especially on issues of
governance and restoring our economy.
As a sidebar, I must protest at the PR-driven use of “Manhattan
Project. The Manhattan Project cost $23 billion in US dollars and
employed 130,000 people. I don’t think anything of that scale is being
proposed, unfortunately. End sidebar.
Now let’s look at the billionaire and multimillionaire backers of…
well, whatever the project is really called; I’ll call it, following the
Wall Street Journal, the Secret Group. In addition to backers, there
are also fixers, who connect the backers and the scientists to the
administration, agencies, and other firms, primarily in Big Pharma. I
have ordered the backers and fixers not alphabetically but by net worth.
Having looked at personnel, I’m going to look at two policy
recommendations. (I’m skipping over the Committee prioritizing
remdesivir[2]; my layperson’s sense is that there are a lot of potentia
treatments out there, and it makes more sense to accelerate many rather
than one. I also note that the stock market just had a massive pop based
on a preliminary remdesivir result from Gilead, and I certainly hope
that none of the backers were front-running it.)
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