thescientist | Eusocial insects are among the most
successful living creatures on Earth. Found in terrestrial ecosystems
across the globe (on every continent except Antarctica), the world’s
ants alone weigh more than all vertebrates put together. Bees are key
pollinators of major crops as well as many other ecologically important
plants. Termites construct thermoregulating homes that can dominate the
landscape, and that are inspiring new energy-efficient skyscraper
designs. The organization and collective decision making of eusocial
insects is even yielding new insights into human behavior and what it
means to be part of a society. But one of the biggest unanswered
questions in our understanding of these complex insect groups is how a
single genome can produce such diverse and contrasting physical and
behavioral forms, from egg layers, provisioners, and caretakers to
In a eusocial colony, reproduction is dominated by one or a few
individuals adapted to egg laying,
while their offspring—colony
workers—display physical and behavioral adaptations that help them
perform their subordinate roles. These phenotypic adaptations can be
extreme. A leafcutter ant queen is 10 times larger than her smallest
workers, for example. (See photograph below.) And some carpenter ant
species have evolved a “kamikaze” caste, born with a self-destruct
button that causes the insect to explode upon colony attack, killing
itself and covering the invading animals in toxic chemicals. Remarkably,
differences in the behavior and morphology of insect castes are usually
generated through differences in the expression of identical sets of
genes. (There are a few cases of genetically determined castes, but this
is the exception, not the rule.)
We are now entering a new era of research into eusocial insects. For the
first time, scientists are investigating the molecules that underlie
eusocial behavior at a depth that was previously unimaginable. New,
affordable sequencing technologies enable scientists to examine how
genes across the entire genome are regulated to generate different caste
phenotypes, the roles of DNA methylation and microRNAs in this
differential expression, and what proteins are synthesized as a result.
This burgeoning area of research, dubbed “sociogenomics” in 2005 by Gene
E. Robinson,1
is revolutionizing our understanding of the evolution of eusociality
from a solitary wasp-like ancestor to the million-strong colonies we see
today. New work is yielding insights into how genomes interact
dynamically with the physical and social environment to produce highly
adapted, specialized castes with remarkable phenotypic innovations.
These findings are, in turn, illuminating the importance of gene
regulation and epigenetics in controlling behavioral plasticity across
the animal kingdom.
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