townhall | The Democrat Party is in chaos after WikiLeaks exposed DNC Chairwoman
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz for anti-Bernie Sanders bias during the
primary. Wasserman-Schultz announced yesterday she will resign from her
post as the head of the DNC when the convention ends Thursday and will
promptly join the Clinton campaign.
But the damage WikiLeaks has done to Democrats so far isn't over. According to
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the website will publish more hacked
emails and this time, they'll be about Hillary Clinton and her ongoing
private email server scandal.
Julian Assange has made an incredible statement in an interview with ITV. Assange says that Wikileaks, the infamous whistle-blowing website, will soon be publishing documents that contain “enough evidence” for the Department of Justice to indict Hillary Clinton, the expected Democratic nominee.
Clinton and the DNC have been in damage control for more than 24 hours
now and are blaming the WikiLeaks hack on the Russians, saying it was an
attack from President Vladimer Putin on Hillary Clinton in an effort to
sabotage her campaign.
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