Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Dutroux X Dossier

reddit |  "Marc Dutroux (born 6 November 1956) is a Belgian serial killer and child molester, convicted of having kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused six girls from 1995 to 1996, ranging in age from 8 to 19, four of whom he murdered. He was also convicted of having killed a suspected former accomplice, Bernard Weinstein, later proved insane. He was arrested in 1996, four years after the disappearance of his victims had begun, and has been in prison ever since, though he briefly escaped in April 1998.

Dutroux's widely publicised trial took place in 2004. A number of shortcomings in the Dutroux investigation caused widespread discontent in Belgium with the country's criminal justice system, and the ensuing scandal was one of the reasons for the reorganisation of Belgium's law enforcement agencies."

There were many many extremely disturbing things about his trial;

"On the witness stand, Jean-Marc Connerotte (fr), the original judge of the case, broke down in tears when he described "the bullet-proof vehicles and armed guards needed to protect him against the shadowy figures determined to stop the full truth coming out. Never before in Belgium has an investigating judge at the service of the king been subjected to such pressure. We were told by police that [murder] contracts had been taken out against the magistrates." Connerotte testified that the investigation was seriously hampered by protection of suspects by people in the government. "Rarely has so much energy been spent opposing an inquiry," he said. He believed that the Mafia had taken control of the case."

Dutroux himself claimed that;

"There is a well-grounded [paedophile] ring," he said. "I maintained regular contact with people in this ring. However, the law does not want to investigate this lead."
Recently in my home country(The United Kingdom) there has been a lot of news surrounding underground paedophile rings.;
Quite a few MPs(conveniently deceased) as well as one MI5 agent have been indicated as involved.

wikileaks forum |  WikiLeaks in 2009 published a File called "Dutroux dossier summary, written down in 1235 pages, from the year 2005"


We started to translate this File into english (it is written down in French),
to get the most possible impact into this children trafficing ring and the people behind the case.

You will find soon here the first sites that hass been tanslated and we will release every page, one by one, until this document is fully public.

Available to everyone in the world and every one visits the Wikileaks Forum.