Friday, July 08, 2016

peasant false flag distractions in Dallas vs great-ape war planning in Warsaw

Telegraph |  David Cameron 'shocked and horrified'

British Prime Minister David Cameron is "shocked and horrified" by the shootings, Downing Street has said.

The Prime Minister is expected to discuss the tragic incident with Barack Obama on the margins of the Nato summit which both are attending in the Polish capital, Warsaw.

The deaths - and injuries to six other officers - have been blamed on snipers who opened fire during a protest in the Texas city over this week's fatal police shootings of two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota.

Mr Cameron's official spokeswoman told a regular Westminster media briefing: "The Prime Minister is shocked and horrified by the terrible scenes we have seen overnight.

"He is due to be at the Warsaw summit and I think he will have the opportunity to talk to President Obama about it directly.

"I think he would echo what the President has said, which is that these attacks on police officers simply doing their job and trying to keep people safe are horrific and cannot be justified."