Sunday, July 31, 2016
michael hudson talks about granny outflanking republicans on the right
By CNu at July 31, 2016 0 comments
Labels: Granny Goodness , professional and managerial frauds , psychopathocracy
what's wrong with kansas guy talks about granny being outflanked on the left
By CNu at July 31, 2016 0 comments
Labels: scott free , the anti-ghetto
Saturday, July 30, 2016
elite media shuns and disdains the poor, white, and pissed...,
By CNu at July 30, 2016 0 comments
Labels: as above-so below , global system of 1% supremacy , presstitution , status-seeking , What IT DO Shawty...
Friday, July 29, 2016
Valodya and The Great Game
By CNu at July 29, 2016 0 comments
Labels: The Great Game , What Now? , WW-III
is russia weaponizing drugs and drug prohibition?
By CNu at July 29, 2016 0 comments
Labels: narcoterror , necropolitics , The Great Game
why america is in the catbird's seat and will play its hand through to the end...,
By CNu at July 29, 2016 0 comments
Labels: American Original , The Great Game , What Now?
turkey has truly and profoundly changed up the game...,
“Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Russian President Vladimir Putin may meet in a face-to-face meeting in August as part of mutual efforts to normalize bilateral ties following months of tension due to the downing of a Russian warplane by the Turkish Air Forces in November…
With the normalization of ties, Russia removed some sanctions on trade and restrictions on Russian tourists, though it will continue to impose visa regime to Turkish nationals. A deeper conversation between the two countries over a number of international issues like Syria and Crimea will follow soon between the two foreign ministers before the Putin-Erdoğan meeting.” (Putin, Erdoğan to meet soon in bid to start new era in Turkey-Russia ties, Hurriyet)
MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia’s joint projects with Turkey, including the TurkStream undersea natural gas pipeline from Russia to Turkey, are still on the agenda and have a future, RIA news agency quoted Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich as saying on Monday.” (Russian Dep PM says joint projects with Turkey still on agenda, Reuters)
By CNu at July 29, 2016 0 comments
Labels: doesn't end well , The Great Game , What Now?
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Trump and the End of NATO
By CNu at July 28, 2016 0 comments
Labels: scott free , warsocialism , What Now?
NATO's War on Russia: Some One is Playing Us
By CNu at July 28, 2016 0 comments
Labels: Clintonian Imperative , predatory militarism , warsocialism , WW-III
president hillary clinton, ww-III, and the deep state...,
By CNu at July 28, 2016 0 comments
Labels: Clintonian Imperative , Granny Goodness , warsocialism , WW-III
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
conspicuous consumption > value of consumer = martial law, rationing, poverty, war
By CNu at July 27, 2016 0 comments
Labels: clampdown , common sense , contraction , Dystopian Now , killer-ape , musical chairs
know rentiers and unproductive parasites by their fear-mongering and capitulation to banksterism
By CNu at July 27, 2016 0 comments
Labels: banksterism , cognitive infiltration , corporatism , parasitic , professional and managerial frauds , What IT DO Shawty...
tards, climate-denialists, and the DNC - LIARS - all love the chewbacca defense
By CNu at July 27, 2016 0 comments
Labels: cognitive infiltration , deceiver , fraud , hypnosis , propaganda , Tard Bidnis , weather report
tards are the only ___________ still arguing about the cause of climate change...,
- Introduction
- Data on warming, rain bombs, storms and water vapour feedbacks
By CNu at July 27, 2016 0 comments
Labels: Dystopian Now , ecosystems , weather report
overly simple models give misleading answers...,
By CNu at July 27, 2016 0 comments
Labels: as above-so below , complexity , Hanson's Peak Capitalism , What IT DO Shawty...
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich
lol@lying-colluding-cheating-redirecting gangstabishes taking L's doing THE MOST!!!
2. Things aren’t really bad. I’ll continue along the path we’ve been on.
Some 73% in the new survey say things have gone off-course, with only 18% saying the nation is headed in the right direction.
Numbers such as those are usually seen in times of national crisis, such as during the government shutdown of 2013, when only 14% said the nation was on-course, or during the 2008 financial crisis, when 11% said things were headed in the right direction.
By CNu at July 26, 2016 0 comments
Labels: Apokolips , Ass Clownery , FAIL
what difference does it make who exposes the criminality of the DNC and the Clintons?
Julian Assange has made an incredible statement in an interview with ITV. Assange says that Wikileaks, the infamous whistle-blowing website, will soon be publishing documents that contain “enough evidence” for the Department of Justice to indict Hillary Clinton, the expected Democratic nominee.
By CNu at July 26, 2016 0 comments
Monday, July 25, 2016
granny goodness' gangstabishes stay thuggin'n'bout that life
By CNu at July 25, 2016 0 comments
Labels: Granny Goodness , professional and managerial frauds , psychopathocracy
Granny Goes All-In - AND THEN SOME - for the Vampire Squid
- Destroyed Glass-Steagall (the New Deal reform that separated commercial and investment banks)
- Created a massive regulatory “black hole” in financial derivatives that Enron and later the world’s largest banks exploited to run their fraud schemes that led to the Enron-era scandals and the Great Recession
- Drove Brooksley Born from government because she warned about these derivatives and sought to protect us from the coming disaster
- Cut the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) staff by over three-quarters, destroying effective supervision of banks
- Cut the Office of Thrift Supervision’s (OTS) staff by over half, destroying effective supervision of savings and loans such as Countrywide, Washington Mutual (known as WaMu, the largest “bank” failure in U.S. history), and IndyMac. OTS was also supposed to regulate aspects of AIG and Lehman, but had no capacity to do so given the massive staff cuts and its deliberately useless regulatory leaders chosen by Bill Clinton and George W. Bush
By CNu at July 25, 2016 0 comments
Labels: agenda , banksterism , Clintonian Imperative , corporatism , deceiver , elite , Granny Goodness , professional and managerial frauds , psychopathocracy , The Hardline , Vampire Squid
DNC Talking Points
By CNu at July 25, 2016 0 comments
Labels: Granny Goodness , presstitution , propaganda
Sunday, July 24, 2016
anyone opposing granny goodness plans for WW-III MUST be a russian stooge...,
By CNu at July 24, 2016 0 comments
Labels: Clintonian Imperative , Granny Goodness , necropolitics , professional and managerial frauds , WW-III
policy overseer exceptionalism leading america toward second civil war
By CNu at July 24, 2016 0 comments
Labels: as above-so below , doesn't end well , Rule of Law
Saturday, July 23, 2016
sexual dominance in politics
By CNu at July 23, 2016 0 comments
Labels: ethology , killer-ape , Pimphand Strong , What IT DO Shawty...
jizzmodo feebly lashes wikileaks for outing dnc little eichmanns...,
By CNu at July 23, 2016 0 comments
Labels: Clintonian Imperative , establishment , presstitution
Friday, July 22, 2016
what will these egregores use you humans for when you no longer work?
By CNu at July 22, 2016 0 comments
Labels: Childhood's End , contraction , Livestock Management , What Now?
What do you do with simulations, provided they are not entertainment? You use them for work.
By CNu at July 22, 2016 0 comments
Bill Joy quoting Ted Kaczynski in Why the Future Doesn't Need Us...,
By CNu at July 22, 2016 0 comments
Labels: Breakaway Civilization , corporatism , egregores , Left Behind
Have You Ever Heard Of An Innocent Person Getting A Pre-emptive Pardon?
December, 2020. Joy Reid: Have you ever heard of somebody getting a preemptive pardon who is an innocent person? Adam Schiff: No. Today Adam...
theatlantic | The Ku Klux Klan, Ronald Reagan, and, for most of its history, the NRA all worked to control guns. The Founding Fathers...
Video - John Marco Allegro in an interview with Van Kooten & De Bie. TSMATC | Describing the growth of the mushroom ( boletos), P...
dailybeast | Of all the problems in America today, none is both as obvious and as overlooked as the colossal human catastrophe that is our...