Monday, November 17, 2014

the ineffable lucidity of school in a matinee..., accept no substitutes!

guardian | “I’ve always loved films that approach sound in an impressionistic way and that is an unusual approach for a mainstream blockbuster, but I feel it’s the right approach for this experiential film,” said Nolan. “Many of the film-makers I’ve admired over the years have used sound in bold and adventurous ways. I don’t agree with the idea that you can only achieve clarity through dialogue. Clarity of story, clarity of emotions — I try to achieve that in a very layered way using all the different things at my disposal — picture and sound.”
One scene in which some viewers struggled to hear dialogue featured Michael Caine’s character revealing key information to Jessica Chastain’s from his hospital bed. “We are following the emotional state of Jessica’s character as she starts to understand what he’s been saying,” said Nolan. “Information is communicated in various different ways over the next few scenes. That’s the way I like to work; I don’t like to hang everything on one particular line.”


Dale Asberry said...

Favorite. Books. Of. All. Time. Picked it up at the tender age of 8 and have been corrupted since...

CNu said...

lol, I don't have a scheme. I have a growing collection of observations tracing the accelerating process by which corporations are supplanting nation-states as the primary systems of human control and governance. This is all....,

Constructive_Feedback said...

Brother CNu - Please hear me out.

Today as I listened to WVON Chicago I heard black folks still smarting over the Democrat's election loss.

Caller 1: Did your hear that Republican Mitch McConnell's father in law has a shipping company that was stopped in Columbia with 90 pounds of cocaine? Why is this not getting exposed on the news?

Caller 2: Matt black people need to start investing our money into funding political candidates that represent out interests.

The point here is that while you are focused on Citizens United and (white) billionaires, these Embedded Confidence Men' are plotting on taking money out of the Black community and investing it into political capitalism, the hope being that these investments will return state/federal money to help the black community.

I contend that this theft of the Black community upward thrust will have a far more delitarious impact upon the black community than citizens United.

We have corruption and molestation of black community institutions as the embedded confidence men run their Intelectual STD (space/time distortion), disarming our people from imposing regulation upon this fraud.

If Occupy Wall Street found out that a corporation as a person could advance their agenda they'd sign into Leagal Zoom tonight to form a person as such

Ed Dunn said...

Artificial Intelligence is an impossible reality as we approach the intelligence process as linear series of bits while our thought process is based on chemical balance. However Augmented Intelligence should be the proper term from this point out.

The Amazon Echo is something you can put in your house and one of the cool features is if you and your wife has an argument, it listens and suggest couple counseling books the next time you log into Amazon. If you talk about ISIS and say they fighting for the cause this thing can anonymous contact the FBI. If you pass gas, it can listen and tell if there are medical symptoms by the sound.

CNu said...

Nice. That's what I'll be meaning when I say AI from now on out. The myriad little voluntary and involuntary nodes ceaselessly and unobtrusively gathering actionable data to be fed into the increasingly massive and centralized computing clouds, themselves increasingly centralized and controlled by a smaller and smaller big-data aggregating and controlling elite.

Dale Asberry said...

I'm completely with Ed on this. Your characterization of it is EXACTLY what's occurring as we speak...

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?