Friday, November 21, 2014

struggley looking the wrong way for the "infinitely great and "incorporeal" intelligence"...,

NYTimes |  Bloggers have noticed the religious symbols in the movie. There are those 12 apostles, and there’s a Noah’s ark. There is a fallen angel named Dr. Mann who turns satanic in an inverse Garden of Eden. The space project is named Lazarus. The heroine saves the world at age 33. There’s an infinitely greater and incorporeal intelligence offering merciful salvation.

But this isn’t an explicitly religious movie. “Interstellar” is important because amid all the culture wars between science and faith and science and the humanities, the movie illustrates the real symbiosis between these realms.

More, it shows how modern science is influencing culture. People have always bent their worldviews around the latest scientific advances. After Newton, philosophers conceived a clockwork universe. Individuals were seen as cogs in a big machine and could be slotted into vast bureaucratic systems.

But in the era of quantum entanglement and relativity, everything looks emergent and interconnected. Life looks less like a machine and more like endlessly complex patterns of waves and particles. Vast social engineering projects look less promising, because of the complexity, but webs of loving and meaningful relationships can do amazing good.

As the poet Christian Wiman wrote in his masterpiece, “My Bright Abyss,” “If quantum entanglement is true, if related particles react in similar or opposite ways even when separated by tremendous distances, then it is obvious that the whole world is alive and communicating in ways we do not fully understand. And we are part of that life, part of that communication. ...”

I suspect “Interstellar” will leave many people with a radical openness to strange truth just below and above the realm of the everyday. That makes it something of a cultural event.


BigDonOne said...

" knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.!!.."

John Kurman said...

Reading Brooks' column was like watching the Creature From The Black Lagoon try to calm and caress a fussy baby...

umbrarchist said...

How do you have an information war over people who can't think?

How much of the so called information is just crap to cause confusion?

CNu said...

The Aggregate Intelligence (AI) war against sheeple has already been won. Now the human capitalists, (caput=latin cattle) will vie with one another over who has the biggest and most lucrative herds.

There are of course wild bovines with guns and keyboards who don't belong to any of the capitalist herds and who look with disdain on the whole human livestock management enterprise....,

CNu said...

The increasingly unpardonable misdirection consists in looking for the infinitely great in the incorporeal, instead of simply acknowledging the infinitely great in the embodied infinitesimal.

BigDonOne said...

@ Interstellar...
It appears that N just incremented up by one more unit....

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?