Thursday, May 01, 2014

black voices employed in media, higher-ed, not-for-profit, and politics only promote race victimization and intellectual pacification

dream&hustle | What incentives are there for Black men not to work? What incentives are there for Black men to be lazy? Or even any inner city / urban male? We brothas can’t get food stamps, we can get free housing, we don’t even get child tax credits so what incentives is Paul Ryan talking about? But Paul Ryan is not who I have a problem with. The problem I’m having with this discussion is the Black politicians and everybody who is claiming how they so offended. Paul Ryan is holding up a “Path to Prosperity” document – do you see any Black politicians holding up any document on this subject matter? 

I have not heard one urban economic policy proposed by any Black politician or so-called pundit on how to find jobs and revenue for Black men in the inner city. All I’m hearing is these same Black people are so “offended” by Paul Ryan comments. This is the problem we see over and over in the African-American community where our people spend too much damn time trying to be “offended” than be offensive about solving problems in our community. Why one of these Black politicians or pundits couldn’t step up and proposed a real solution to Black male unemployment in the inner city and took over the conversation? You know why? Because we Black folks are too interested in whining about being “victims” and whining about how offended we are when someone says something.


BigDonOne said...

" the most likely way [to] make a fortune is to marry an heiress. ... So it may be very soon in America."
Only problem with this strategy is that folks are tending not to get married anymore, a life-style popularized, implemented and blessed by wimpy liberal lefties who wanted [you guessed which minority group] to feel less disrespected by their dysfunctional and irresponsible behavior....

Tom said...

If they're not getting married then they'll be available when they meet the heiresses.

BD you are badly pot-kettled here. If there's a biggest single real downside to Liberals and Conservatives and their ridiculous groupthink it's that you folks (Ls and Cs) don't think before you open your mouths and take a stand. You're all unable to even imagine what thinking is, on any subject that's remotely political. Thinking would take you off-message.

CNu said...

Ed conducted a symposium on this three weeks ago right here - but to Tom's point - BD has demonstrated himself utterly ineducable, and he really only comes here to show his ass, ring the doorbell, and light his little bag of poo poo du jour...,

BigDonOne said...

@Tom -- Don't think you understand this simple basic principle: to legally acquire a slice of the fortune you generally have to be *married* to the rich person - heir/hieress. If heir/heiress can have a "respectable" relatiionship without being married then rich-aspiring po' folk are likely out of luck. In the 50's, before family values were destroyed by gov't-supported black folks, it was called 'shacking up," a most disrespected life-style now recently glamorized e.g., in Essence Magazine

Tom said...

But in reality affluent people are still getting married at very high rates.

I know reality can't hold a candle to "on message," but there's the reality.

Tom said...

Well, I keep falling for it

Vic78 said...

Don't bother explaining to him that people usually want to get married when their money's right.

CNu said...

In the 50's, before family values were destroyed by gov't-supported black folks, it was called 'shacking up,", nekkid as a jaybird and cuh-learly out his mu-huggin mind!!!

a most disrespected life-style now recently glamorized e.g., in Essence Magazinebooboo the fool spends his every spare waking moment obsessing over, studying propaganda about, and fetishizing stereotypes of black folks - so much so - he has no idea that Essence is owned by Time Inc.

So Time Inc. is busily waging memetic war on black marriage by glamorizing celebrity single motherhood.

Tom said...

BD have you seen the movie Idiocracy? Premise, it's the future and everybody's really dumb. For dyseugenic reasons that you'd probably love.

Anyway, to the future idiots everything intelligent sounds idiotic. Anybody who actually thinks before speaking comes across as completely retarded. Because thinking makes the impression that they don't know what "everybody knows."

Sound familiar?

Tom said...

Essence is black. Everybody knows that! Look at the cover. Black!

If you start a magazine for Irish Catholics, "Breed!", and you put pictures of rosy-cheeked kids in thick sweaters, then that magazine is IRISH. End of discussion, unless you want to sound like an idiot.

Tom said...

Right? Right?

Jesus Freaking Christ.

CNu said...

lol, this past week has been pretty rough on BD - so he's a little pent-up about now - and feels the need to release. So, faster than a poor misunderstood Cliven Bundy, more distorted than a wizened Donald Tokavitz, high on a morning WND buzz - he comes streaking across the porch in his shiny little banana hammock, trying to get away with a little malicious mischief!

Vic78 said...

Financial stability.

CNu said...

Dood, no kidding, Idiocracy is a pop-cultural touchstone for BD. He's sent me at least half-a-dozen Idiocracy referencing messages over the years - blithely unaware of his very own poster-child status. You.just.can't.make.this.shit.up...,

Tom said...

Right! And ... and, people WAIT to get married -- it's a traditional family value, to wait to get married -- if they lack ...

F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y.

BD you must watch lots of Wheel of Fortune, what's the answer to our puzzle?

Vic78 said...

If you want to lead Irish Catholics in a destructive direction you'll have to come up with suitable propaganda. As for Essence, it's geared to Black women to advertise whatever they feel like selling in a given month. "Look at Nia Long's crazy ass. If she can do it, I can too." To the women that are already single mom's, the message is that you're fine just the way you are. You don't need a man. Nevermind that Nia Long can afford to have a bunch of kids while the average woman isn't as established.

Vic78 said...

So Mr 'the fuzlims are going to get us' sounds like he might be a little slow. Was it mean of me to send that link to handle his ailment?

Tom said...

Makes sense. Of course the mainstream middle-class magazines & entertainment are full of destructive messages too. Spend-and-pretend, and the constant meme that kids are 10x as smart as their parents.

Hm. Somebody sure is poisoning us.

Tom said...

Shit, so he knows all about it? Then ...

Tom said...

It's funny, when his arguments fall apart he gets real busy with something else real quick. Maybe it is time for him to get the Treatment.

CNu said...

arguments? lol...,

He just now got a stem-to-stern subreal special - he rang the doorbell, streaked across the yard, peeped out from behind the hedgerow, waiting for one of us to stomp out the little flaming sack of shit he put on the porch, and instead, got his silly ass lit up from three directions with a dozen or more 800 fps paintballs (that's gonna leave a mark) - and now he's yipping and yelping all the way back to WND/TheBlaze with nothing to show for his efforts but a sore ass...,

Tom said...

Not saying that it's necessarily the same. More like maybe Somebody has no use for the whole middle class anymore.

BigDonOne said...

If BD wasn't such a nice guy, he would have sent you *THIS* example, below....

Tom said...

What do I care about anecdotes? I supplied data that vaporized your point; you respond with a sob story about 1 woman out of 160 million in the USA?

umbrarchist said...

One of the curious things about Ayn Rand and Libertarians is that they talk this stuff about it being improper to take other people's possessions. But Rand came to this country in the 1920s, decades after the Indian wars.

I don't recall ever hearing her say anything about Whites taking land from the Indians. What have Libertarians said. It is like her philosophy is for White folks.

Tom said...

I was a Randoid for a while in my teen years. I seem to remember her saying that the Native folks should get down on their knees and thank us for ... I forget what. Capitalism maybe.

Vic78 said...

At this point the two state is a fantasy. It's past time to deal with the problems as if the Palestinians aren't going to have their own country. Looking at the Israeli leadership carry on makes my head hurt. John Kerry can't even talk sensibly to them. Dislodging the psychos from government is going to be a long uphill battle. There won't be any Sun City songs from stateside.

CNu said...

lol, it's the same story he converted this thread into a "spank BD special" with in the first place...., still tryna get somebody to stomp that same little flaming sack'o'shyte!

CNu said...

rotflmbao...., whew!!!! I just now got it BD. Gary Cooper laying that mack down on Patricia Neal is what's got you all hot, bothered, projecting and freely disclosing your own special tastes. As always, thanks for sharing. If you didn't exist it wouldn't even be possible for me to make you up.

BigDonOne said...

Glad you brought up the issue of social dysfunction glamorized in movies. MrsB and I were just recently discussing that very thing. Perhaps your memory is better than ours, but the first bigtime modern fictional movie, where the bad guy actually got away with serious immoral behavior, and not trashed in the end by some sort of bad karma (e.g., killed, arrested), was "The Thomas Crown Affair" (Steve McQueen, 1968), just about the time acceptability of social dysfunction in America was ramping up (correlated with you-know-what). McQueen's character jets off at the end with the megabux he stole. Up until then, while watching movies, you always knew the bad guy was going to Get His before it was over......

Vic78 said...

The elite WASPs were never challenged. They allowed themselves to get soft and stupid. If people on the ground were a little more focused and a little less selfish, they'll beat the elites easily.

BigDonOne said...

Latest Fatwa Fun item --->

CNu said...

WASP elites in the U.S. have been serially, systematically, and continuously challenged on multiple fronts and by multiple adversaries since the civil war. I find it very interesting that the public paradigm of WASP-ishness - William F. Buckley - was Roman Catholic.

Vic78 said...

You're right about the challenges they had to deal with. The 60s was different. They had to give up during the 60s. There wasn't much of a choice. Their giving up did lead to some fucked up consequences. The government is weaker than it was back then. Weaker being more democratic than the past. Allowing more people the possibility of empowerment changed things between the WASP elite and everyone else. It allowed Jimmy Carter to laugh at Ted Kennedy. It also opened the door for Obama. The downside is that a more democratic government only works for the engaged. The people that started AIPAC figured out how congress handled business and took full advantage. It's funny seeing Malcolm X clips today. In that doctored autobiography he suggested starting a group like AIPAC. Now AIPAC is strong to the point where Israel's nutty ass PM can talk crazy to the President and the media acts like it's cool.

Vic78 said...

So you're telling me that we should be afraid of them? Come on now. Be serious.

CNu said...

Vic, what specifically do you mean when you assert that "the government is weaker than it was back then"? How do you mean "weaker"?

Buckley was also a bonesman, did a brief stint in the CIA, and then went on to become the point of the spear of ethical conservatism - by which I mean "a conservatism which evolves." Having written in favor of Joe McCarthy, having written in favor of southern white supremacy, during the 1950's, Buckley had a very long way to go. But "go" he did and essentially stayed true to a specific moral compass, which compass we see in effect and explicitly - albeit grudgingly - pronounced in his Oxford debate with James Baldwin.

Kerry is also a Roman Catholic, Yale-educated bonesman, but clearly no William F. Buckley. Buckley would not have stood for Netanyahu or AIPAC's horseshit and I suspect he would have called them on it the way he called Bush and the neocons on the epic failure of the Invasion of Iraq.

Vic78 said...

They allowed themselves to be corrupted by lobbyists instead of working in the citizens' interest. When the country became more democratic office holders had to appeal to more people and they needed to compromise themselves to deal with the increased competition from the newly empowered. AIPAC was one of the groups they decided to lay up with. I doubt a government official is going to expose the real setup. That's a lot of money and influence to turn one's nose at. So most of our congresspeople aren't leaders and they work to keep strong leaders' numbers low. So Secretary Kerry is going to do his buck dance because there is too much to lose.

CNu said...

Working and middle-class riff-raff are subject to the corruption of lobbyists, not the members of the WASP aristocracy. Kerry comes from substantial money and he married into substantially more. He has never needed a plugged nickel from any of this riff-raff and could toe the hardline in a heartbeat if he felt so inclined. Buckley came from substantial money - the essence of WASP/WASC elitism was its freedom from the concerns of petty bureaucratic money and influence that may turn the head of a penniless neer-do-well like Slick Willie or the Hon.Bro.Preznit, but fundamentally doesn't mean a damn to the inner corridors of the circles of power.

Vic78 said...

There was him throwing the medals as a younger man. He also investigated Reagan in the 80s. So he has a little courage. Is he tired of fighting?

Musk To Rehire Marko Elez

WaPo  |   Elon Musk, the head of the U.S. DOGE Service, announced Friday that he would rehire a staffer who resigned after he was tied to...