Saturday, May 17, 2014

maybe it's fava beans and chianti that puts rolls on your neck....,

wsws | The revelations regarding Covington, far from being an aberration, provide an insight into the outlook of those, like Covington, who seek to exploit the miserable condition of the public education system to further their own mercenary aspirations. The actual purpose of the EAA is to privatize primary and secondary education. Covington was initially offered $225,000 to take the job of EAA Chancellor, with a $175,000 signing bonus to boot, but even this lavish salary was increased to $425,000 in short order. He was appointed to this position despite the fact that the Kansas City school district, his former employer, saw half of its schools shut down and its test scores drop precipitously under his watch.

While some Democrats are using the scandal to make political hay, the EAA is itself an outcrop of legislation initiated under Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm. In 2009, Granholm, with the assistance of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), created the State School Reform/Redesign District (SSRRD) to represent the lowest-performing 5 percent of schools in Detroit. In the same year, Granholm named Robert Bobb the first statewide emergency manager to run the Detroit public schools. Under Bobb, over 100 Detroit Public Schools (DPS) have been closed—further facilitating the process of school charterization.

In 2011, under Snyder, the contract to oversee the schools in the SSRRD was awarded to the EAA. Then, in 2012, the EAA was named the only Michigan finalist in Obama’s Race to the Top competition.

Additionally, the Obama administration has thrown its full backing behind the privatization of public schools and the attacks on teachers. Last May, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan went on a public campaign with Governor Snyder to promote “education reform,” specifically choosing to “shine the spotlight of success” on the EAA. Duncan referred to Detroit as “ground zero” for Obama’s education agenda, stating that in a few years Detroit could surpass New Orleans, which currently leads the nation in percentage of children—79 percent—in charter schools. Detroit is currently second in the nation, with 51 percent of children attending charter schools.

The unions, operating as an appendage of the Democratic party, have not raised a finger to oppose the privatization of public schools or the attacks on teachers. The primary concern of the union bureaucracy is to secure a place for itself in order to maintain its privileges. In line with this, the unions have participated in the process of privatization. During Granholm’s term the AFT proudly noted its role in creating the “failing district”—the SSRRD—saying the union had worked “fast and furiously” to enact legislation “allowing more high performing charter schools.”


woodensplinter said...

So, just to be sureThe actual purpose of the EAA is to privatize primary and secondary education. Covington was initially offered $225,000 to take the job of EAA Chancellor, with a $175,000 signing bonus to boot, but even this lavish salary was increased to $425,000 in short order. He was appointed to this position despite the fact that the Kansas City school district, his former employer, saw half of its schools shut down and its test scores drop precipitously under his watch.This demonstrated administrative failure, is effectively the highest paid public education official in the U.S., and not only is he once again failing to engender student achievement, he's also now been shown to have stolen a quarter of a million dollars - and no one in authority - and no one comparatively free from personal professional risk (black public intellectuals) have the intestinal fortitude to seek to hold him accountable?

Absolutely unbelievable. Thank goodness for Pedroni at Wayne State. I'm beginning to understand why you despise the cowardice and ineptitude of these so-called public "intellectuals".

John Kurman said...

Maybe your little Darwin wannabe should look at the land where we live and the food that we eat?

CNu said...

I cannot argue with a single thing you noted and would only direct your gaze toward the .0001% - two party one ideology - disaster capitalist for whom Covington serves as an economic hitman.

These parasitic mokey jokeys ain't transforming shit besides the economic outputs of the urban school districts they're infecting. It's a national scale disaster capital botnet providing protection for each member of the network and feeding back to a central controller.

I find the fact that no purportedly conscious and well-informed critic, speaker of truth to power, or so-called public intellectual is willing or able to take this on - exceptionally disappointing. Aside from the fact that this bitch-made element exclusively traffics in "privileged rage", how weak and pathetic do you have to be to go there? - they absolutely dare not take on any mainstream corporate or economic power.

Makheru Bradley said...

"Those folk who shoulder the personal and professional risk of taking someone to court, or the court of public opinion... are the only people who put in work."

I think that is a politically naive and fragmented view of struggle. How would the struggle of those people have been known, and receive the attention (as scant as it is) it does today without people like Bomani Jones? That's like saying Glenn Greenwald is "mealy-mouthed conversation" because Edward Snowden put in the work. As if journalists who challenge power and expose truths are not taking risks.

I was merely trying to find out why Bro. Dunn brought Bomani into this discussion, and what was the basis for his accusation. Now we find out that he was flying by the seat of his pants and constructed this "who puts in work" tangent to deflect from his inability to defend his statement.

I'm not following how you are connecting the Covington story to this discussion. For example, when those people would not help you get the story out what did you do? During the 1990s I wrote social commentary in our local Afrikan American weekly newspaper--The Charlotte Post. Then in the late 1990s another brother and and I had a television program--The Black List--on the local access cable channel. We got our stories out, at least to a segment of the community. Could you have not done the same thing? Or did you?

CNu said...


Vic78 said...

You know he's not going down alone. He doesn't even know how to protect himself in a softball interview. He's singing in court. He's too selfish to not walk away gracefully. So let the other scumbags go down with him. Sterling is getting ready to make the league look bad.

CNu said...

There was an hour of whining going on about this incident on urban connections (local radio show) yesterday afternoon. Folks were losing their minds over what Sterling had said, and devising all manner of draconian consequences he should face for having ever thought those thoughts. Me being me, (and having shut this show down arguing in bad faith you know several times previously) I called in and made the following comment.

Sterling isn't going anywhere. He's lawyered up, the league doesn't have a case under its own by-laws because Sterling's leaked comments don't constitute an ethical violation.

But what about all the business the league will lose and the players who will boycott?

Not one of those $40Million slaves will miss a single game. The league's not going to lose a penny. The very tightest kufi and daishiki wearing negroe complaining on the air this afternoon will be in front of his teevee with an ice cold beer watching these games come hell or high-water. Everything else is conversation. (the two hostesses cracked up at the "tightest kufi and daishiki wearing negroe" comment - spoken out loud and on the air) - once they regained control of their gales of laughter, their whole privileged rage steez and the effort to stir up false personality in the audience was a wrap.

Vic78 said...

I want to tell the kufi cats to start kicking it with immigrants(they're cool and fun to kick it with). If American sports(football and basketball) don't want to act right there is futbol(immigrant's favorite sport). It's a bad look if cats are watching the games should the Sterling family win in court. "Take off the dashiki and pick up a banjo."

Makheru Bradley said...

"the league doesn't have a case under its own by-laws because Sterling's leaked comments don't constitute an ethical violation." The NBA obviously believes otherwise, per USA Today: The NBA has homed in on Article 13(d), which states an owner may be terminated if the owner should "fail or refuse to fulfill its contractual obligations to the Association, its Members, Players, or any third party in such a way as to affect the Association or its Members adversely." Sterling also signed moral and ethical contracts as part of being an owner, and the league thinks he violated contractual obligations in the audio recording.

Even the attorney you linked agrees with the NBA: The problem for Sterling is that the NBA is a private association and is not required to provide due process rights. Sterling, moreover, contractually assented to the NBA's system of justice through various contracts, including his franchise agreement to purchase the Clippers and the joint venture agreement, which indicates the NBA has binding authority over the teams. Any lawsuit by Sterling against the NBA would face a daunting task, as Sterling contractually agreed to follow the NBA's system of justice. Sterling's failure to pay the fine is additional evidence of his insubordination of league policies. His failure triggers other contractual provisions that can be used by the NBA under Article 13(d) to justify his ouster.

The NBA has several means of collecting the fine, e.g. withholding TV revenue due to the Clippers. "Sterling acquired the Clippers in 1981 for $12.5 million, and as of 2014, the team is valued at $575 million by Forbes magazine," Tokowitz wins, even when he loses, thanks to David Stern (blocking the CP3 trade to the Lakers), and his fellow owners who tolerated his white supremacy.

Constructive_Feedback said...

Do you see the Detroit NAACP SUING HIM or are they going after another Black man named "Kevin Orr" who opened the BOOKS that the NAACP cronies who serve in Detroit City Government have been keeping for decades and told the PUBLIC PENSION HOLDERS: "You are not going to get your money promised to you. You were ONLY told what you wanted to hear".

The NAACP has filed a lawsuit against the Emergency Manager and the bankruptcy. A judge threw out their claims.

CNu said...

Sterling's failure to pay the fine is additional evidence of his insubordination of league policies.

rotflmbao..., Bro. Makheru..., Bro. Makheru, Bro. Makheru...., you really need to get out more and make a point of going to court and reading the proceedings of civil litigation as a matter of personal/political self-development. Sterling didn't sue the NBA to win strictly on the merits. Sterling sued the NBA because now he gets to snitch under oath in his depositions and his attorneys get to extract one-on-one snitching under oath from any and all other parties they call to witness in deposition.

Sterling's lawsuit is an extortionate move which now involves a hoard of personages (remember, the ones sweating him on the phone about how his sidepiece behaves in public?) Sterling is threatening to snitch under oath as a matter of public record.

Makheru Bradley said...

My only interest in the Tokowitz Sterling affair, is that thanks to Bomani Jones, followed by Jason Whitlock and others, it exposes institutionalized white supremacy. I referenced the comments of two attorneys because you said "the league doesn't have a case under its own by-laws because Sterling's leaked comments don't constitute an ethical violation." Interestingly, you chose not to refute the lawyers opinions, and focused your attention on what you perceive to be Tokowitz’s motives for a potential lawsuit. If Tokowitz has some dirt on other NBA owners, beyond the trash he tossed out of the gutter towards Earvin Johnson, fine with me. If he is able to sully his fellow owners, fantastic! After all these are the people who protected Tokowitz for years. It’s laughable that they would find his sensationalized comments in violation of their ethics, while they ignored his unethical conduct in housing discrimination.

CNu said...

I've been to court, civil and criminal, more times than you've been to mosque. I know exactly, from first hand experience what our boy the Donald is up to, and I commend him for keeping his 80 year old powder dry and putting his foot dead up in the NBA's reactionary monkey ass.

I don't give half of a nano-phuk about what he said about Mr. "I attained the HIV virus". Phuk that silly jiggaboo. Magic Johnson doesn't care about black people.

Not only is it laughable that they would find his private comments actionable, time and the courts will prove that the league doesn't have a leg to stand on, and, that the tight-ass kufi's and daishiki's are only good for up-front emotional reactions, but don't mean shit in the clinch, in court, where sausage gets made and outside of which, everything else is merely conversation.

Makheru Bradley said...

"I commend him for keeping his 80 year old powder dry." Instead of being labeled an "oxygen-thief" you're commending Tokowitz. Whew!

"MagicJohnson doesn't care about black people." That statement is absolutely asinine. Certainly Magic Johnson gives his money to causes which help Afrikan Americans, as well as others. [To date, the Magic Johnson Foundation has raised more than $20 million for charity, including $8 million raised solely by the Foundation for grants awarded to non-profit organizations and $12 million for other charities raised through partnerships and special events. Community HIV/AIDS grants range from $5,000-$25,000. Each year, MJF hosts a series of free HIV/AIDS testing events to generate increased awareness and health education. The Foundation’s HIV/AIDS initiative strives to make HIV testing a routine that will ultimately reduce the number of new HIV infections. Participants receive free testing, information, prevention tips, supplies, counseling, and referrals for treatment for those who test positive. Since inception, the Foundation has tested nearly 40,000 individuals. In the past year, over 3,000 individuals were tested, and of those, more than 1,000 tested positive for the disease.]

"The courts will prove that the league doesn't have a leg to stand on." Time will tell. The NBA hypocrites apparently are not worried about Tokowitz snitching.

CNu said...

Instead of being labeled an "oxygen-thief" you're commending Tokowitz. Whew!

lol, there are definitely lessons to be learned from 80 year olds feeling a certain type of way about their pet sex workers..., outside of that weakness and failing, it amuses me no end that he's flipped himself up off his back and determined how to snitch with chilling WMD effect. Smart and clever always amuse me.

Bro. Makheru, I absolutely despise basketball, and have no sympathy, empathy, or affinity for anyone or anything associated with this idiot game. I don't watch it, and consider those who do, morons on a par with the morons who watch golf or nascar. Leon Jenkins is sympathetic to the Donald, like his curl activator, that's his cross to bear.

Makheru Bradley said...

So much for the snitching threat. Tokowitz is tapping out. It's really very simple. He can drag the NBA through the mud he created, and David Stern, et al. facilitated. But, why lose millions of dollars in legal fees, even if he wins the case, and still lose money as the value of the Clippers sinks. That would surely happen as sponsors defect. Snitching vs losing hundreds of millions--no contest.

Vic78 said...

Someone could've talked to him. He might have not wanted a jogging accident. "Take the money and go home."

CNu said...

The value of the Clippers was never at risk, and all the rest is huff and puff and wishful thinking. What happened here is perfectly obvious. Mrs. Sterling tried to distance her stake and herself from the Donald a week in advance of the collapse of his proposed lawsuit. Without her "ride or die" commitment, which was not about to happen given his blatant disrespect for her and for their marriage, his position was untenable. Mrs. Sterling tapped his ass out.

CNu said...

I don't believe it got that serious, given the now obvious to hindsight spousal vulnerability..,

CNu said...

Shelly Sterling sitting on the root prompt and calling all shots as indicated Shelly is prepared to sue the NBA and she will file legal docs (not the
suit itself but papers laying out her case) on Tuesday if the NBA orders
an INVOLUNTARY sale. She's down with a sale but only a voluntary one
that puts her in control.

CNu said...

Far from tapping out, instead, extending his middle finger.

Vic78 said...

That is good news right there. He can't help himself. I take my hat off to Stiviano and whoever her man may be. That was player.

arnach said...

If You Want to Know the Truth About Charter Schools, Follow the Money to the Hedge Funds

Musk To Rehire Marko Elez

WaPo  |   Elon Musk, the head of the U.S. DOGE Service, announced Friday that he would rehire a staffer who resigned after he was tied to...