Saturday, May 10, 2014

congress learns an EMP could kill 90% of americans...,

activistpost |  Yesterday Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee held a hearing about the potential impact of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) bomb over America.

An EMP is caused by the detonation of a high-altitude nuclear bomb which sends a massive surge that fries anything electrical. It destroys anything with a microchip, the entire electric grid, and all vehicles built after the mid-1980s.

McCaul opened the hearing entitled, "Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP): Threat to Critical Infrastructure," saying an EMP would be far more catastrophic than even ground-level nuclear bombs. (watch video below)

"Some would say it’s low probability, but the damage that could be caused in the event of an EMP attack, both by the sun, a solar event, or a man-made attack, would be catastrophic," said McCaul. "We talk a lot about a nuclear bomb in Manhattan, and cybersecurity threat to the power grid in the Northeast, and all of these things would actually probably pale in comparison to the devastation that an EMP attack could perpetrate on Americans."


ken said...

Have you been noting this angle?

Constructive_Feedback said...

The article focused upon energy, immigration and sprawl.
The most significant threat to America's long term operations is the underlying financial system which requires that the dollar remain as a trusted "fiat" currency thanks to the magic of the Federal Reserve and the banking system behind it.

The main thing keeping the game goings is the fact that nearly all of the alternative investment destinations are more volatile so this nation continues to receive an influx of investment dollars necessary to keep the smoke & mirrors going.

The bottom line is - environment (temp. and access to water), food and economy serve as the "population ceiling". Once any of these go out of balance and these population extremes can no longer be supported - "the human animal" will see a decrease in its population.

CNu said...

lol, this "article" is the intro to a book. The link to each is at the upper left hand corner of the article. What praytell qualifies you to assert to me or anyone else hereabouts, a "bottomline" interpretation of our present situation and trajectory? Here-to-date, 95% or more of what we've seen from you consists of an energetic, but extremely vague and often indecipherable call to governance by local dixiecrats.

Vic78 said...

The old school philosopher said that kind of peace only worked for liberal democracies. Russia wasn't quite what he had in mind. He also didn't see companies like Exxon dictating policy for a country that calls itself the greatest.

CNu said...

Do you know what Boko Haram means?

umbrarchist said...

270 million? That was 1996.

John Kurman said...

BTW, I dig that picture. Some kind of Deucalion's Flood theme I'm getting off it. Giants rescuing white people. Why not?

CNu said...

Not quite, it's one of the original covers in Piers Anthony's Battle Circle trilogy about a post apocalyptic society founded on the principle of individual sovereignty.

Constructive_Feedback said...

[quote]call to governance by local dixiecrats.[/quote]

It is quite interesting (and telling) that you interpret my call for STRONG BLACK COMMUNITY "GOVERNANCE CULTURE" - to prevent the present fraud of perpetual "FORWARD SELLING of HOPE" (disarmament) as a WHITE SUPREMACY-laced historical reference.

TELL ME, CNu - when you look at the situation in Nigeria where a SOVEREIGN PEOPLE are prepared to yield their LAND-based and personal SOVEREIGNTY at the time of crisis to the same "World Powers" that many say are the historical colonialist oppressors..................JUST THINK of the divergent outcome that would have been had today IF each of the cities and villages in the portions of Nigeria that are far away from the stronghold of the central government (Lagos & Abuja) where both "INDIVIDUALLY COMPETENT AT DEFENDING THEMSELVES" - and had an inter-city communications network which lent SUPPORT to their neighboring village as the "Bastion Host" made note of the troop movements of the enemy - Boko Haram as it headed their way?

I suspect that after the American scheme collapses and the group of people that remain continue to cleave to their "AMERICANIZED CONSCIOUSNESS" - that YOU will be among the voices who attempt to relate to the PRESENT DANGER in terms of "Confederates", "Klansmen" and "Right-Wing Republicans". This EVEN THOUGH their continued existence is a greater function of the foraging skills that they FAILED TO ACQUIRE during their "Struggle". This present attempt at "riling up the masses" into UNITY by standing up an enemy - is the means by which their demise will be accelerated.

CNu said...

Feed, Bill O'Reilly said everything you've spent years struggling to say in five minutes last year.

Constructive_Feedback said...

No Sir!

Bill O'Reilly would MENTION the role of "Slavery" and "Injustice Motivated By 'White Supremacy". He would be unapologetic in his analysis that the larger GOOD was created in the form of the "America" that we have today.

MY POSITION, sir, is expressed in my research on Chekwe Lumuba - just as one example.
The Black Radical Revolutionary who called for an independent "Nation State" called "The Republic Of New Afrika" - to be carved out of SC, GA, AL, MS and LA - as he said in a speech 40 years ago that "We Must Not Compromise With Our Oppressor. There Is No Such Thing As HALFWAY FREEDOM".

Yet as the "wifey" got tired of his radical ways and demanded that the Americanized Negro GO GET A JOB - we saw Lumbua 2010 version telling a reporter: "We No Longer Need The Republic Of New Afrika. Everything That The Negro Had Longed For In THe RoNA can now be achieved through VOTING IN AMERICA".

We both know that there were no COMPETENCIES developed as the Negro took too CONSUMERISM IN AMERICA. He has not developed the skills to RUN HIS OWN DAMNED NATION without the US Capitalistic/Political/Wholesale Distribution/Health Care System- let alone his own cities where he receives SUPER MAJORITY vote over the KEY INSTITUTIONS - yet always seems to damn HISTORY and his EXTERNAL WHITE RIGHT WING ENEMY for his condition. Thus justifying his BASE OF INVESTORS to yield even more of their money during the next "Open Enrollment" season.

Vic78 said...

I'll say Mayor Lumumba adapted to his current circumstances. There was no way in hell that the New Republic was ever going to happen. He wanted to stay relevant. And he saw that moderating his stances was the way to achieve the most good. He wanted Jackson to be a model for what cities should be doing.

Constructive_Feedback said...


Here are some FACTS that you don't appear to factor into your analysis:

1) When a "Black Mobilization / Development Movement" becomes THE POLITICAL ESTABLISHMENT at some point the rank & file will be forced (if they are honest) to treat this machine just like the previous machine when it failed to DEVELOP THEM.

2) Since Lumumba had tangible followers who were on "The Outside" as protesters and he brought them into the system as voters when he chose to become an "Insider" - YOU MUST - if YOU are honest inspect the question: "Was his RHETORIC which his congregation ingested and yielded their CONSCIOUS HOPES (which they own and control) and then their VOTE (which is a currency of the US Government) affirm-able by reality"? Whereas the government can regulate the claims of health food makers and financial services firms - the Black community is mandated to regulate this type of speech. Unfortunately the Americanized Negro wants to be pleased with what he is told more than he cares to be DEVELOPED through good governance

3) Mayor Lumuba WANTED TO improve Jackson Mississippi - just like President Bush WANTED TO spread freedom around the world. It is important to go beyond INTENTIONS and compel a CONGREGATION OF PEOPLE to do a better job at obtaining a "Performance Bond" before they fuse their "HOPE" into a mission - and then when it fails to deliver as promised - they are left standing having failed to develop the Organic Competencies that they should have amassed during the time that they spent "Struggling" that they have no choice but to go along with the EXPANDED MISSION TO TAKE OVER MISSISSIPPI via coalition politics because BY STRENGTH IN NUMBERS can the right-wing enemy be defeated.

AFTER GOING ALL AROUND THE BLOCK - THEY STILL FIND THAT THEY ARE POOR AND UNDERDEVELOPED - but the ride was FULL OF EXCITEMENT!!!! As they felt like they had a PURPOSE - when they heard the man speak.

Vic78 said...

He didn't even get to finish his first year. So it's difficult to go after him for failures. He was working on something and it looked like he got his constituents to go along with it.

Ed Dunn said...

Seriously? We talking about some yokel slack-jawed Jackson, Mississippi? Is there an international airport? No. Is there major shipping trade lines? No. Is there natural resources besides catfish and watermelons? No.

So what the hell can possibly be done in Jackson, Mississippi except windbag talk? The only thing we can compare Jackson, Mississippi to is Manila or Hanoi and the wages are cheaper and cheaper to extract the same resources found in Jackson...they down there in jackson have nothing worth talking about worthy of a discussion...

Vic78 said...

The Mississippi watermelons are on point.

Ed Dunn said...

This book is pretty old from the turn of the century 1999-2000. While last century concerns were race and natural resources this century we realized the main factors are zero sum corporate greed (outsourcing), technological obsolesce of manual labor and emergence of BRICS economies to do middle class work.America can survive but a lot of people are not going to be relevant and this is happening very fast as we speak. I'm working on a book and mentioned this before - African-Americans are going to have a lot to worry about once Barack Obama leaves office.

Ed Dunn said...

So the men got big and the ladies got little? How that happen?

Vic78 said...

You know they have another round of BRAC closings in 2017 and a lot of Black folks work for the government. I've seen what happens when the government stops propping a city up.

Constructive_Feedback said...

(The day that I learned that Lumumba had died - [while watching 'Democracy Now' ] is the day that I felt sorry BECAUSE now his legacy will have achieved martyrdom - [50 years from now] "Imagine what JACKSON MISSISSIPPI would be today had Lumumba had lived!! We could travel on the golden highway between Mississippi and Chicago - If Harold Washington had lived to lay the final gold brick in the road")


Just as I tell people that I REFUSE to start my appraisal "With Obama" (January 20, 2009) but instead I go back to when the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT became a POLITICAL OPPORTUNISM movement (from the early 1960's - if not before).................

I too refuse to appraise the "Lumumba Machine" from the day that he took over as mayor.

1) He was councilman over the poorest district in Jackson before he was mayor

2) He was a resident and lawyer in Mississippi before this

3) He was a civil rights attorney in Michigan before this

4) He was a "Radical Revolutionary" prior to this.

TO BE FAIR - I GIVE CREDIT to Lumumba for watching how William Kuntsler worked and then he went on to get his own law degree.

With that said - My problem is that these STRUGGLE MOVEMENTS are great at MOBILIZING THE PEOPLE TO FIGHT THE SYSTEM - but they are corrupt as they practice "Establishment Power Repudiation" - UNABLE to accept that now that they have the SEATS OF POWER OF THE OPPRESSOR that their failure to develop THE LEAST OF THESE - should cause them to be regulated just as such.

Ed Dunn said...

the problem is Chinese watermelon as well as Latin American watermelons can easily stay fresh on container ships...Wal-Mart already figured this Jackson, Mississippi is more likely to grow Hispanic power in the next 10 years versus African-American..the status quo there will not will change faster than Compton...

Vic78 said...

Folks already got conspiracy theories. "Yeah, man. They did something to him 'cause he was cleaning up the city."

CNu said...

lol, Var the stick IS a mutant, but the person he's carrying is a child. (kind of an oddly developed picture of a child)

CNu said...

Natural resources continues to be the dominant driver and there's nothing particularly special about American labor/intellect/innovation. Divestiture in America qua America began a looooong time ago and continues to proceed apace

Musk To Rehire Marko Elez

WaPo  |   Elon Musk, the head of the U.S. DOGE Service, announced Friday that he would rehire a staffer who resigned after he was tied to...